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Mortok Page 7

by C. R Corbin

  And finally, I awoke after what seemed to be an eternity in the darkness.

  "Mortok...Here. I'm here. It's alright..." she stated as I opened my eyes and gazed around the cave, or at least I would presume. The computer was off or...missing, and my head felt...better. Much better in fact. I glanced at her side and she didn't seem to be wincing with every breath that was to be had either so...that was nice.

  "What the hell happened?" I tried to ask but my throat was dry and I coughed as I tried to utter the words. She holds a hand over my lips and walked over towards a drawer to drag out this canister of water that she hands to me.

  "It's fine...It's going to be fine..." she said.

  "Where are we?" I asked her in a low voice.

  "I can answer that for you my lord." said another voice and I looked to my left, there was Otono.

  What the hell was he doing here? Where was I exactly?

  I glanced around the room and realized that I was somewhere else entirely, in what I presumed was some kind of shack. Perhaps Julie had informed my servants and they had taken me here to rest.

  "You're in Hirua my lord. There was an attack by enemy forces, a plot to undermine your rule by a group of rebels that had been plotting for quite a while. It seems like they're connected to that tip we had found earlier this year? About a group of radicals that wish to return your rule to more strict moral standards." he stated and I frowned.

  "Oh...right." I lamented. I thought that we had them taken care of earlier with the military forces that I had sent but apparently, they were now in hiding.

  "Why would they attack now?"

  "With the mating ceremony going on, they presumed that this would be an opportune time to catch you off guard. I suppose that they were trying to assassinate you and they nearly succeeded had Julie not been there. She called us up on the communicators connected to the main computer after shouting my name at it a bunch of times ...We had nearly lost you." Otono says shakily and I only tip my head slightly as thanks.

  "It's fine Otono, don't blame yourself...Did everyone else make it out?" I asked him.

  "There are over 50 dead..." he muttered and I winced as I heard the number.

  "Is ...Is Yzadel okay?" I asked and a voice called out from the outside.

  "Who do you think patched you up?" Yzadel called and poked her head in, I can only smile and wag my head.

  "Well that's a relief...Otono I really appreciate what you've done and I will return to my duties as soon as possible but I would like a few moments alone first, to grasp my bearings of course..." I said and he and Julie turned to leave but I called out to her.

  "Julie...stay. Please." I said and she quickly nodded before taking her seat next to me. The doors shut and I sighed while resting my head on the soft foam beneath me.

  "Are you hurt?" I asked her and she didn't respond for a moment, remaining very still.

  The room was rather large now that I had thought about it. There were old rustic stone walls and flooring. There were rugs at spots, drawers, a few monitors here and there but she only kept to herself in that small spot by my bed, not saying a word.

  "I thought you had died." she softly said.

  "And that would have been so bad for you? You would have had your freedom." I joked and she lashed out.

  "Don't joke! You know how troubled I was when I saw you faint? Do you know what ran through my mind when you passed out and I had to drag you here? I thought that I would never..." she didn't finish her sentence and her voice grew more and more quiet.

  "Never what? What is it?" I asked.

  "It's not important ...I was just so worried...Nearly dead and you ask me if I'm alright? Really?" she inquired and shook her head and sat next to me on the bed before I lace my arms around her body and pulled her in.

  "Only you can be that stubborn."

  I keep her in my arms for a while and I feel her head sliding against my chest as she softly sighed and shook her head. A million thoughts run their way through my mind as I think about what was occurring at this very moment. The dead would have to be buried, the rubble cleared, the perpetrators would have to be tracked and punished for their insurrection.

  But when she was in my arms it was if she was paramount. It was as if all the worry in my mind regarding anything but her simply faded into obscurity.

  "They say that they have a lead in the mountains west of here. They said that all of the troops are dead set on getting you some revenge...I never thought that such resilience and loyalty could be inspired but apparently, it can be." she states and I only nodded slowly while grinning. My people had my back, that was good to know...

  "Why are you so worried? Your three weeks are up soon. You'll get to go home. I can deal with this mess just fine so don't you get concerned about me." I reassured her in my regal tone and she bites her lip.

  "I don't want to go home....I want...I want to stay here." she uttered and it seemed that time seemed to slow as she uttered those words.

  I shiver as her words run their way through my spine and I paused. The warmth in my breath tingled when I heard her reassure me. My hands tremble as I rest my grasp around her shoulders and she smiled, the warmth in my chest was threatening to burst and I could feel both of our hearts beating in sync.

  "So...I've tricked you have I?" I asked her and she laughed.

  "As much as I hate to say it yes...Yes...All I could think about during those moments of seeing you on that bed, completely still, were..."Please don't die." and "You're much more valuable to me than I ever thought possible."." she sobbed while smiling into my chest.

  "And that thing you wanted to say to me? What was it?" I asked her and she sighed before letting the words brush off of her lips.

  "I love you..." she said.



  I could see it in his eyes. The feeling of complete warmth that I basked in when he gazes upon me. I grabbed the back of his neck and he did the same to me before pulling me into a kiss.

  Now I know the real reason he didn't want to return to work so early.

  "I realized it then and I don't want to lose another moment between the two of us. I don't want to go a second longer without telling you it." I whispered into his ear and he growled softly as he nuzzled my neck with his nose.

  "Then we should make the most of the time that we have been granted shouldn't we?" he asked and I nodded.

  I get on top of him on the bed but he quickly turns things around by pinning me down on my back on the mattress. His lips pursed around mine and I moaned as he kissed me several times. I can feel his hands running their way across my hips as he leaned into me, his lips touching me several times on the cheek while I gazed up at him. In the darkness his golden eyes made him look almost ethereal, that deep blue muscle was painted shades of black and purple in the darkness, he was in complete control.

  "Take me." I moaned softly.

  "You're my mate...You are mine for all of time and I will never let you go. I will have you for all of time for that is what I want and that is what I demand." he snarled and kissed me again.

  His hands pin mine to the side. I was slightly concerned that he might be overexerting himself given that the injuries that he had accrued had only just been healed but apparently, he was fine, a little more rest would have been nice but apparently he didn't care about that now and neither did I.

  "I just wanted this feeling of tension between the two of us to end. I wanted this passion that had been brewing between the two of us to finally burst and to feel his hands against mine, to feel his breath scratch mine, to feel his lips, his rock hard muscle, and that thickness that was slowly growing in between his legs.

  His hands dart their way from my wrists to my breasts as he massaged my curves with his fingers. I could see his claws prick my skin slightly as he grasped me, his golden eyes locked with my brown orbs and I quake underneath him as I felt the heat growing in between my legs. I was
wearing a traditional Morelen garb, that is this robe that clung to my upper body almost like a poncho with thick pants made from plant material and an undershirt of fur.

  All of that meant nothing to him, however.

  He gently sits me up and helps me out of my shirt and poncho while also guiding the pants off of me. I help him out of his robes that fall to the wayside rather easily and we are both left nude in front of one another. I rest my eyes on that rippling muscle of his, those deep blue shades of skin that glimmered in the lights around us, those strong arms that clenched me and held me down, those ebony horns that shook back and forth, that powerful torso that flexed every time he even reached out to grasp me.

  It was all mine, all mine.

  "I love these curves..." he said as he runs a finger along my breasts and my stomach. His hands rush across my body and feel every inch of me, from my ample thighs to my breasts, from my stomach to my face.

  "I always felt so inferior..." I said and averted my gaze from him but he turns my face back towards him so that he can look into my eyes.

  "You were superior." he informed me and smiled before kissing me once more.

  I can feel him kissing my neck after a few more pecks on the lips. His fangs and teeth gently probe my neck and grazed it while I moaned for him. To feel him gently bite me was incredible and I felt his lips run downwards soon after. After a trail of kisses from my lips to my breasts, I felt his lips wrapped around my mounds and my moans grew in intensity.

  I nearly screamed as I felt his tongue gently dash across my nipples several times. His teeth grind themselves against my flesh and I whimpered as I felt the heat increasing on my slick folds that were right underneath his own swelling member. His tip dashed across my thighs as his kisses continued to target my mounds before he began to simply suckle them. His lips pin against my breasts and pulled as his tongue flicked my nipples over and over again and I am left in a state of euphoria that is completely alien to me. It exceeded anything that I have ever felt before and soon I was about to learn that pleasure runs far deeper than that.

  "Please, please take me. Oh, I need you right now." I told him and he grinned before spreading my thighs and gently guiding his head in between my thighs.

  "Then let me help you with that." he stated.

  "Yes, yes, oh god I want you so badly. Please, please." I moaned.

  He leans in slowly and I felt his tongue dart across my folds once while his lips gently touched my clitoral hood. I nearly screamed as the heat dripped from my folds and runs down my thighs. His tongue stretched out and struck me once on my flesh and I could barely stand it. It felt as if my nerves were on fire, my mind was completely filled with a euphoric sensation that burned like lightning coursing through my veins. His tongue sinks in between my folds and he lifted a finger to roll over my clit as his tongue continued to roll in and out of me. Apparently, Morelen tongues were a bit rougher than human tongues in order to accommodate the rough foliage on their home planet. Not that I was complaining, it only made the experience all the more enticing.

  "Yes!" I screamed as I grasped onto the cloth off to the side while his tongue sunk deep inside of me. I cry out and arched my back while I felt his lips rubbing my clit gently. My moaning wasn't stopping, my gasps weren't ceasing and I could feel my breasts shaking as I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him deeper. His tongue squirmed and shook inside of me until the end swiftly came shortly after. All of those bumps on his tongue rolled across my walls and soon I drenched him in my heat.

  "AHHH!" I cried out as the heat gushed across his lips and his tongue, he moaned into me and smiled as his tongue continued to squirm. He slips away not long after and knelt in front of me, spreading my legs and gazing at my face to see if I was ready. I only nodded.

  "I want you and only you." I moaned and he grasped my hands to pin them off to the side before he slipped deep inside of me. I felt his tip slipping in between my folds and dashing across my walls as he slipped himself all the way inside of me.

  It burns like fire and the pleasure is akin to what I presumed heaven was like. I feel his tip sinking deeper and deeper as he grasped my wrists and held me there. I felt so helpless, powerless in his grasp and yet that was how I wanted it to be. That was how I wanted him to be as he slipped himself all the way inside of me. He continued to thrust as I gasped and bit the air in an attempt to recollect myself. I feel him grazing my mounds and pinching my nipples, I feel his hands gripping my backside and groping me there while my body continued to shake underneath him.

  "God, oh god it feels...Fuck!" I moaned.

  "Yes, yes, oh you're my mate, my mate and mine alone ...I will claim you, I will fill you and you will be the mother of my children. You will be everything to me." he said and I nodded as his tip continued to slip deeper and deeper.

  He reaches down and strokes with my clit with his finger and I can only shut my eyes as I felt the end approaching. I knew that he was drawing close to his end as well and accepted it. I wanted to feel all of him gushing through me, I moaned as his body trembled as he filled me with his ample size. My body was shaking underneath him, my curves were shaking and I could only gasp as we both approached our climax.

  "Yes! With me! Please!" I moaned.

  "I will fill you! You will be mine! My mate!" he roared as he shot his seed.

  It rushed through my insides and I gasped as I felt the heat running down my walls. I murmured to myself and whimper while he throbbed inside of me several times as the warmth makes its way through my womanhood. My own fluids gushed onto him and he gasped as the heat coated his thighs in slickness. He laid on top of me after it was all over, panting as that rock hard muscle of his glides across my curves. I could feel his abs, his strong arms, all of that muscle tensed up and hardened as it runs over my body and I can only whimper.

  "Holy shit, holy..." I trailed off.

  "I suppose that it is official after all then. You will be mine?" he asked me as his golden eyes surveyed my body lovingly.

  I never thought that I would be in bed with a man, much less one that what so readily accepted me the way he did. The fact that he was the prince and likely one of the most powerful men in this quadrant just made the entire experience all the more surreal. With this curvaceous body and my attitude, I thought that I would have gotten a man that was far beneath his status in beauty and political influence and yet here I was.

  His hands tenderly stroked my shoulders and I locked gazes with him. Again those two suns in his eyes seemed to drench me in their light, not that I was complaining of course. His body was covered in scars and muscle, a body that was made for war was on top of me, a body that was made for royal life had just made love to me and I wasn't complaining, not one bit. I loved everything about him, his demeanor, his physique, I realized that I was truly and utterly in love with this man.

  I was wrapped around his little finger and I wouldn't let go.

  "Anything...anything to be with you...I love you more than I ever thought I could love and...I would be glad to spend the rest of my life with you." I said and he smiled while rolling onto his side to give me some room. He holds me in a tender embrace and I shut my eyes before my cheeks heated up furiously.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "I think they might have heard us." I state and he laughed.



  Moments later I found myself with him in the meeting room. Laid out on the stone table in front of us was a hologram describing the damage had been done, listing out the statistics, giving him a live map of the entire area.

  I looked upon the flickering image and saw the remains of his castle, it was a pile of rubble basically although many of the foundations had held up. I suppose being nice to workers gave you a quality job and here was no exception. By Otono's estimates there would likely be 4 Feros or close to a month dedicated to clearing out the rubble. The real matter at hand was to see what could be done to increase securit
y and to track down those that had committed the crime.

  "We have various sources that have identified their main location as here ...that spot on the map. Apparently, there is a ringleader behind all of this but we don't know who. The raid earlier today has been successful, as you ordered the men have been brought back for questioning." said Otono and Mortok nodded, that serious expression of his and that furious look in his eye inspired many "heated" thoughts in my mind.

  "Have they said anything about their ringleader yet?" asked Mortok.

  "No my lord...that is still a mystery." said Otono.

  So there were no clues pointing to what the main motive behind all of this was...Great.

  Mortok's face seemed to crumble up at the thought of what had been happening over the last few days. That a terrorist cell could be taken out that easily and still be able to plot such an attack was suspicious. They surely required much more than just that right? Perhaps there was a greater force that had been plotting. We knew that this force had an interest in seeing Mortok get killed so perhaps...

  "Wait a second...How fares things on the moons?" asked Mortok, it had only been a day after the initial attack so things were still in motion. That meant that something could have happened at the moon, A possible invasion always began in the lunar sphere of control in order to ensure a close base for ships to dock and for supplies to be dropped off.

  "We haven't heard from.....oh no." Otono said and ran towards the other room.

  "Gods this day just gets worse and worse doesn't it?" asked Mortok to no one in particular as he rested his head in his hands.

  It took a while for my mind to register what had just been said. The moons were under attack which likely meant that Islani was in danger itself sisters were possibly in danger. Perhaps they had all booked tickets out of there since they hadn't been chosen but that wasn' wasn't likely that they would have left that early. And besides my mother and friends were still there! They were still in danger!


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