5 Minutes to Marriage

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5 Minutes to Marriage Page 15

by Carla Cassidy

“I’ve got more beans ready to go out,” Betty said from the doorway behind Marisa. “You know the rules, I cook—but I don’t serve.”

  Marisa smiled at Betty. “Thanks, I’ll be right in to get them.” Betty had worked for the past two days fixing food for this event without a complaint. She’d even begun to allow Marisa to have her morning coffee in the kitchen, and the two women had become friends.

  Jenna Rothchild and her fiancé, FBI agent Lex Duncan, stood with Rita, and Marisa could only guess that they were hashing over the subject of Paz Marquez and his numerous crimes.

  She went into the kitchen and grabbed the large pan of baked beans that Betty had ready to go out on the food table.

  As she carried it out she saw Sam and Max standing awkwardly together a small distance from the crowd. They no longer made her nervous. She’d come to realize that they were painfully shy. She motioned them closer as she placed the bean pan on the table.

  “I hope you two plan on getting something to eat,” she said. “And maybe later you’ll show me how to two-step to this music.”

  Sam’s cheeks turned a hot pink. “I don’t dance, but I definitely eat.”

  “I might do a little two-stepping later,” Max said, his gaze going to a cute blonde named Suzie who had come as a guest of one of the others.

  A hand fell on Marisa’s shoulder, and she turned to see Rita. “Nice party,” Rita said.

  “Thanks. It’s nice to see all the Rothchilds playing nice together,” Marisa replied.

  “Did Harold tell you he got the ring back? It’s now in a warehouse waiting to be catalogued. He’s donated it to his touring collection of art.”

  “I say good riddance. That ring caused far more heartache than good,” Marisa replied.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. If you believe the Mayan legend, then anyone who comes into contact with the ring finds their true love.”

  Marisa laughed. “I think I proved the legend wrong. I was close to the ring when Patrick and I were together, but it definitely didn’t work on me where he was concerned.”

  Rita smiled. “You must have had some of the ring magic on you when you met Jack. From what you’ve told me it was love at first sight for the both of you.” Rita pulled Marisa into a hug. “I’ve never seen you look so happy.”

  “I’ve never been so happy,” Marisa said as Rita released her.

  “And I hear you’ve started interviewing for nannies for your agency.”

  Marisa nodded. “I had my first interview yesterday. Within two months I hope to have the business up and running.”

  “Good for you,” Rita exclaimed. “And now I’m going to get a plate of this delicious food.”

  As Marisa headed back to the front porch she noticed Anna’s daughter, Silver Rothchild, in one of the lawn chairs, her handsome husband, Captain Austin Dearing, at her side.

  As Marisa watched the two, Austin smiled and reached out and touched Silver’s protruding stomach. It was an intimate touch between a man and the pregnant woman he loved, and it sent just a tiny wave of pain through Marisa.

  She would never know the touch of a man on her pregnant tummy. She’d never experience morning sickness or the flutter of life inside her.

  The pain quickly vanished as she heard David’s laughter riding the hot breeze. She looked beyond the scorched ground where the barn once had stood, out to the stables in the distance.

  Jack had surprised the boys with ponies, and he was now leading them on their first pony ride. Her heart filled her chest as she gazed at the man who hadn’t rocked her feet with the rhythm of his drums but had definitely rocked her world with his love.

  “He’s become quite a man.” Harold’s deep voice spoke from just behind her.

  Marisa smiled at the dapper older man. “Yes, he has. He’s always been a good man. He just needed someone to believe in him.”

  “And you do.”

  “With all my heart,” Marisa replied.

  Harold’s gaze swept the area and came to rest on Anna. “It’s important to have somebody in your life who believes in you, somebody who loves you. I’m hoping this time I’ll get it right. Anna is a good woman.”

  He frowned as a cell phone rang from his pocket. He pulled it out and answered. His face turned ashen, and he held the phone away from his ear and stared at Marisa. “It’s June,” he said, his voice a stunned whisper.

  “June?” Marisa knew that was Harold’s first wife. “But I thought she was dead.”

  “So did I,” Harold ground out. He placed the phone back to his ear and wandered away.

  Marisa watched him go, wondering what new drama was about to hit the lives of the Rothchilds. She returned her gaze toward the stables and saw Jack motion to her.

  Her heart filled her chest as even with the distance she could feel his love reaching out to her. It would probably be rude for her to abandon their guests and run down to the stables.

  She hesitated only a moment and then took off at a quick pace toward Jack and the boys. Surely everyone would recognize that she was hurrying toward the little boys who were the sons of her heart. Surely her guests would forgive her for leaving them to run toward the man she adored and the future that shone bright with the promise of laughter and love.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-3940-5


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  *Mustang, Montana

  *Mustang, Montana

  *Mustang, Montana

  *Mustang, Montana

  †The Delaney Heirs

  †The Delaney Heirs

  †The Delaney Heirs

  †The Delaney Heirs

  ††Cherokee Corners

  ††Cherokee Corners

  ††Cherokee Corners

  ††Cherokee Corners

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  ‡Wild West Bodyguards

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