Building the Family

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Building the Family Page 10

by Amy DeMeritt

  “What do you want to know?”

  She moves off of my lap and sits down cross legged next to me, so I sit up as well. She takes my hand in hers and holds it in her lap.

  “How long were you together?”

  “About seven months.” Her eyes get big and she grins. “You were together for seven months and you never said, ‘I love you’, to her, even though you thought you did?”

  “Yeah, I don’t really understand why I couldn’t say it. Maybe I just loved things about her and didn’t love her completely, but I don’t know.”

  “And you love me completely?” I smile and lean forward to kiss the tip of her small round nose. “I do.” She blushes a little and looks down a moment with a happy smile. “Do you still talk to her?”

  “Some, but not really. She broke up with me the day before we left for college and we agreed we’d try to still keep in touch and be friends, but it hasn’t worked out well.”

  “How come? I mean, not that I’m advocating you talking to your ex, because I’d prefer if you didn’t, but I’m just curious.”

  “Is that your way of asking me not to talk to her anymore?” She blushes a deeper red and her face drops and shoulders slump. “I didn’t mean it to sound that way. I’m sorry. I know I can’t tell you who you can talk to and not talk to. It’s just…” I lift her chin and press my thumb to her lips to cut her off. “Madison, remember that sexy confidence of yours that I love so much? Channel that now. Tell me what you want without any doubt and insecurity.”

  “I don’t want you to talk to her. But isn’t that just me being a jealous girlfriend?” I smile and shrug my shoulders. “So what if it is. You love me; she doesn’t. I’d rather make you happy than her.”

  She flashes me a big happy toothy grin and leans forward to wrap her arms around me. When she pulls back, she takes my hand in hers again.

  “Why isn’t being friends working?”

  “It’s just weird. One minute, she’s acting normal and we’re having a good conversation, but then she starts acting jealous about you and other girls I may talk to. But then will quickly start acting like she’s over me and goes on about all these attractive guys and girls she’s meeting. It’s just been very confusing.”

  “You told her about me?”

  “I did.”

  “What did you say about me?” I laugh and run my fingers through my hair. “I told her I met a beautiful and intriguing girl that I think I could fall in love with.” Madison smiles so big it makes me laugh. Her chest slightly puffs out in a proud way and she squeezes my hand. “When did you tell her that?”

  “The day after we met. It’s a really good thing you found me a couple days later by the tree because I was starting to think my heart was going to be broken before I had the chance to fully fall in love with you.”

  “Ok, just one more question and then I don’t want to talk about her anymore. Josh said she was the hottest girl in school. What does she look like?” Doubt and insecurity has returned to her face and eyes. “She’s beautiful, but you are breathtaking.” She smiles really big and kisses my lips. “Thank you for being honest and not trying to deny that she’s pretty just to make me feel better.”

  “No matter what you ask me, I’ll always be honest with you because I love and respect you and that is what you deserve from me.”

  She smiles really big and gets up to straddle my legs and sits in my lap. I rest my hands on her lower back and she wraps her arms around my neck.

  “I knew when our eyes locked that day you landed in my lap that you were going to steal my heart. Thank you for treating it so well so far.” I smile and kiss her lips. “Don’t worry, it’s my most precious possession now, so I will cherish it and protect it like a newborn baby. So, now it’s my turn to ask you something and its extremely important.”

  Madison slightly toys at her bottom lip with her teeth, waiting with baited breath. I smile and squeeze her closer.

  “Would you like to get breakfast with me now?” She laughs and gently kisses my lips. “Yes, I’m starving. I’d like to get a shower and put some clean clothes on first though. How about I go back to my dorm and meet you on the corner in about twenty minutes?”

  I wrap my arms around her and lean backwards, pulling her down with me. She laughs and nuzzles into my neck.

  “You feel so good against me. I really like holding you.”

  “I’ve never felt so good as I do with you.”

  After holding her for a few minutes, I loosen my grip and she sits up smiling.

  “Ok, I’m going to go get ready.” She rubs her adorable soft tummy. “I’m really hungry.” She climbs off the bed and starts putting her clothes back on. After she’s dressed, she gives me a hug and kisses my lips. “Ok, I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”

  I smack her ass as she starts to walk towards the door and she giggles. She turns to me and gives me another cute smile and kiss on the lips.

  “See you soon, beautiful.”

  After she leaves, I spin around a few times and land on my bed on my back with a huge smile on my face. The amount of happiness I feel makes me laugh and punch my fists in the air. I quickly get up, throw on my robe, and grab what I need to go get a shower and get ready for the day. I like to take long hot showers, but I’m too excited to meet up with Madison, so I take the fastest shower I’ve ever taken. I quickly towel dry and comb my long black hair and brush my teeth really well before I race back to my room to get dressed.

  I opt for a pair of my boyfriend cut dark gray underwear with a thick elastic band, a pair of dark gray jogger style sweat pants, a black sports bra, and a white loose fitting tank top with a sunset on it and with scooping arm openings. I put my black Vans on and finish my outfit with a few braided cord bracelets on my left wrist.

  When I’m done getting ready, I rush down the stairs of my dorm building and start walking down the sidewalk so fast that I’m almost running to reach the corner of the block to meet Madison. I spot her quickly approaching from the other direction and we both smile and she starts jogging towards me. I pick up my pace and she leaps in my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. I laugh and squeeze her close as I spin her around. When I stop, she grabs my face and starts kissing me deep and hard, making me moan and I squeeze her ass.

  After a couple minutes, she pulls back with a brilliant glimmer in her gorgeous green eyes and a bright white smile. She releases her legs from around me, stepping down, and grabs my hips, looking me up and down. She lifts my tank top some and her smile widens. She dips her finger below the waist of my underwear and glides it across from one hip to the other.

  “I really like this outfit. I like when you look tough. It makes me feel safe.” I smile and scan her body. She’s wearing a pair of short gray jean shorts and a black tank top with a white “Day of the Dead” skull on it. “You look really sexy.” She giggles and leans into me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her lips. “Want to find someplace on Oliver Street to eat at?” She nods and kisses my lips again. “Yeah, sounds good.”

  I take her hand and we start walking towards Oliver Street. It’s a really nice day out. The sky is clear blue without a single cloud in sight and the sun is bright and warm. There’s just a hint of a cool breeze, signaling the approaching change of summer into autumn.

  “So, you still haven’t picked a way to test my loyalty to the ‘not disappearing’ agreement we made to each other.” I laugh and release her hand to wrap an arm around her waist. “Is that still necessary?” She places a hand over mine that’s holding her side and moves closer to me. “Well, I’m not going anywhere, but I’d like to see what you can come up with to test me.”

  “Ok, I’ll surprise you with something this week.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “You should. You’re going to enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  We find an old fashion diner that looks like a shiny steel bus with metal exterior walls just to shoulder height with
solid wrapping windows capped with shiny steel and a big letter sign that reads, “The Ice Box”. We’re seated at a powder blue vinyl lined booth with a speckled laminated table. The interior of this place reminds me of something in an old TV show.

  A waitress that looks like she’s probably in her early twenties, wearing a white and powder blue dress uniform, comes to take our drink order as soon as we’re seated.

  “Mornings, ladies. What you having to drink?”

  I quickly look down at the menu. They have the usual, coffee, tea, fresh pressed orange juice, apple juice, hot cocoa, and fountain sodas.

  “Can I have an orange juice with half Sprite and a couple cherries?” She smiles and jots it down on her pad. “Sure thing, sweetheart. How about you?” She looks at Madison, who is looking at me with a curious smile, and without looking at the waitress, she says, “I’ll have the same.”

  “Ok. I’ll be back with your drinks and to take your food order in a few.” The waitress walks away and Madison leans forward with an amused smile. “Hey, sweetheart.” I laugh and lean forward to kiss her lips, making her smile widen. “I think our waitress likes you.” I laugh and shake my head. “You say that about every girl. You are the gorgeous one at this table, so if she’s looking, she’d be looking at you.” Madison smiles and blushes a little, shaking her head. “I don’t say it about every girl. Some are just very obviously into you. I think it’s that tough girl look you have. Its very sexy.” I laugh hard and shake my head. “I think you just wanted to tell me I’m sexy and you’re coming up with an excuse to say it.”

  “You are mine, remember? I can tell you that you’re sexy whenever I want. I don’t need an excuse. What do you think about her?”

  “Nothing. I have no need to look at any other girls, so I don’t have an opinion.”

  “Ok, well look for a moment and tell me what you think of her.” I look at her confused and she grins in a mischievous way. “This feels like a trap. I’ve already passed the ‘not disappearing’ test. Which test is this you’re playing now?”


  I pucker my lips in slight agitation and lean back with my arms crossed. Madison just smiles and leans back looking proud of herself. We stare at each other in silence for at least a full minute till our waitress returns. She places our drinks down and turns to me with a bright smile and her pen poised to take our orders.

  “Are you ready to order or do you have any questions about the menu?”

  Madison raises her eyebrows at me a moment in a meaningful way and her lips slightly curl into a bigger smile. I look at the waitress and allow myself to take all of her in and realize for the first time just how pretty she is. She’s a little fuller figured than Madison, with very nice curves. She looks like she’s probably of Spanish descent and has long shiny soft looking wavy dark brown hair pulled up into a ponytail with a few cute curly wisps at her temples. She has caramel eyes and full pouty lips with a perfect white smile. She has high cheekbones that have lightly blushed as I look at her in her eyes for a moment. I smile and run my fingers through my hair nervously.

  “Uh, yeah, question. What should I get? What’s the best here?”

  Her smile brightens and she leans forward to open my menu for me. I inhale and feel my heartrate quicken as her breasts come within only a few inches of my face and I almost moan from her scent. She smells really good. I feel my eyes slightly close and quickly snap them open and look at Madison. She looks very amused, which makes me blush.

  Our waitress shows me a few items and I go with the one she tells me is her favorite, which makes her face blush a little more and she smiles and slightly stutters as she turns to Madison to take her order. Before she leaves, she looks at me again and asks if the drink is made ok. I take a sip and smile.

  “Perfect. Thank you, Carmen.” She smiles and skips away. “See, told you she likes you. So…”

  She trails off with a smile and waits. I run my fingers through my hair and become interested in a dent in the side of the table. Madison laughs and I look up with blushing cheeks.

  “Babe, I’m not going to get mad at you for telling me your honest opinion of her.” I exhale and straighten up some. “Fine. She’s very pretty.” Madison smiles and tilts her head some. “And?”

  “And what?”

  “Would you?” My cheeks blush a deep red. “Are you seriously asking me if I would have sex with our waitress?”

  Of course, just as I’m saying this, Carmen is walking by to greet a group that was just seated nearby and hears me. She stops and looks at me with a smile and I feel my whole face get hot with a deep red blush. She giggles and keeps moving. Madison has her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. I fold my arms over my chest and slump in my seat.

  “You are a brat.” She laughs and stands up to lean over the table and kiss my lips. “You need a spanking.” She laughs and looks at me with a seductive grin. “A spanking, huh? That could be fun.”

  Despite my embarrassment, my face transforms into a huge smile. Madison licks her lips and takes a sip of her drink from her straw while keeping her eyes locked on mine. She releases the straw running her tongue along the underside of her top lip, making me swallow hard. She smiles and nods once.

  “Yeah, we’ll definitely be doing that.”

  I release an involuntary moan and Madison’s smile widens. I clear my throat and take a drink.

  She’s very different today. Much flirtier and bolder than she was before we had sex.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “You.” She smiles and leans forward some. “Yeah? What about?”

  “My ex would have smacked me if I looked at that girl for even a second too long. Actually, she probably would have smacked me and then cussed her out for smiling at me. You just asked me to check her out and not in an innocent way of just appreciating her beauty. But last night, you almost walked out on me when I was dancing with Candi.” Madison smiles and shrugs her shoulders. “I guess now that I know you love me, I’m not as insecure as I was before. I’ve seen other girls notice you and I guess I was worried I would lose you.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that. Even though I didn’t love Sam like I love you, I never looked at other girls like that when I was with her. I can appreciate when someone is attractive, but I don’t lust over anyone else when I’m with a girl.” She smiles and takes my hand in hers. “There’s so many girls that look at you with lust though. You don’t even consider it for a moment?” I shake my head. “No. Just because someone looks at me with interest, doesn’t me I have interest in them. Guys check you out and flirt with you all the time. Does your mind ever go there?”

  “No, of course not. I’m not into men, so my mind would never go there. I did kind of think about something last night though. When we were dancing with Candi.” She blushes and looks down at the table. “What did you think about, cutie?”

  She smiles and looks at me in a nervous way. She glances around us, probably to make sure Carmen isn’t about to walk by again and overhear something again.

  “A threesome.” My clit immediately starts ticking and I swallow hard, but then I get nervous and feel kind of like I’ve been hit in the stomach. “Do you want an open relationship?” Her eyes get really big and she vigorously shakes her head. “No. I only want a one on one with you. I just briefly thought it might be fun. But I wouldn’t be upset if I never experienced that. I only want to be with you.”

  Our waitress arrives with our food before I can answer her. “Anything else I can get for you?” I look up at Carmen and she’s grinning at me in a cute way. I smile and shake my head. “Not right now, but thank you, Carmen.”

  She smiles broadly and nods once as she turns to walk away. After she leaves, I look at Madison, who is still blushing and looks nervous. I smile at her and lick my lips.

  “So, same question to you. What do you think of our waitress?” Madison laughs and looks down a moment. “She’s really hot and I like how she looks at you
.” I laugh and pick up my fork to pierce a bite of my fruit salad. “Why do you like how she looks at me?” She blushes a deeper red and sits forward some. “It makes me feel good that someone so hot wants to be with me and only me. I like that you looked at her just to please me. I feel like you’d do anything for me if it would make me happy.”

  “You are very interesting. The things that would have pissed my ex off, actually excites you. And yes, I’d do anything for you.”

  “I like that, a lot. But I don’t want you to go against who you are just to please me. If I ever ask for something that you’re not into, I want you to know I understand if you say no. Not that I would because I’m not into it, but if I asked you to do drugs, I would hope you’d say no if you didn’t want to.” I laugh and nod once. “Yeah, you won’t get me to do that. The drugs I mean.”

  “Thank you for being so easy to talk to. I really like that I feel like I can be completely honest with you without worrying about you judging me or anything.”

  “I love you, Madison.” She smiles and kisses my hand. “I love you too.”

  We’re halfway through our meal, when Carmen comes back to check on us. “How is everything?” We nod as we try to swallow our bites so we can answer. Carmen smiles and patiently waits. I swallow and wipe my mouth. “Very good. Your pick was perfect.” She smiles broadly. “Oh good. I’m so happy you are enjoying it. Is there anything else I can get you? Maybe some tea or something?”

  “Hot tea sounds good. Anything you need?” I look at Madison and she looks up at Carmen with a smile. “Tea does sound good. One for me too, please.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll be right back.”

  Carmen is back quickly with a tray with two white steaming mugs on saucers, a bowl of lemon wedges, and a honey bear. She places the lemon and honey on the table and places Madison’s mug in front of her. As she’s placing my mug in front of me, someone bumps into her as they walk passed and some of the hot water splashes out of the mug onto my hand. I quickly pull my hand back and shake it off, wincing from the scolding hot water.

  “Oh no, are you ok?” Carmen sets the mug down and tucks her now empty tray between her legs. She takes my hand in both of hers and looks it over. “I am so sorry. Does it hurt?” I smile at her and shake my head. “At first, but I think it was more shocking than painful. I’m ok. It wasn’t your fault.”


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