Building the Family

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Building the Family Page 27

by Amy DeMeritt

  Shannon smiles and turns back to the cabinet and pulls out a couple boxes and bags of stuff and we follow her to the living room. She sits down on the sofa and Madison follows, sitting very close to her, but I hesitate to sit. She looks up at me confused and I point over at her dining room table.

  “Uh, with as clean as you keep this place, you really ok with us snacking on your sofa?”

  “If you tease me one more time about my clean house, I’m going to bend you over and spank you. Now, get your ass down here.”

  I smile really big and open my mouth to say more, but she laughs and grabs my hand, pulling me over to sit down on the other side of her.

  She has a bag of some weird vegetable air popped crisps that don’t have any grains or potatoes in them, a box of some soy and sesame pretzel sticks that are gluten free, and some trail mix. I try all of them, but the only one I can actually eat more than a few of are the popped crisps. They taste pretty similar to regular potato chips, but the texture is a little weird.

  “Madison, what’s your favorite snack?” Madison smiles and looks at me in a meaningful way, making me cheese really big. She shakes her head and laughs. “Sorry, uh, I think I’m more into the junk food like Kayla, but I really like fresh fruit too.”

  “You two are going to make me have to actually exercise or something to make sure I don’t gain weight.” Madison laughs. “You don’t need to worry about that. But, we can help with the ‘something’.”

  Shannon freezes as she’s about to place a fake pretzel in her mouth and blushes. I smile and watch as she turns to face Madison. Madison smiles and pulls the snacks off her lap and sets them on the coffee table.

  Just as Madison is turning back to face her, Shannon pulls her into an intense kiss. My clit starts hammering and my insides contract. Their lips and tongues are moving in an urgent hungry tumbling. Shannon’s hands move down Madison’s back and grip her hips. Madison straddles her lap and presses into her, pushing her against the back of the sofa. Shannon moans and grips Madison’s ass, pulling her down hard against herself. They both moan and inhale deeply.

  Shannon suddenly pulls back, panting for air. She looks in Madison’s eyes and smiles. She runs her hands up Madison’s shirt, lifting it with her hands, but then stops and bites her lip nervously.

  “How many of these phone dates do I have to survive with Sam before she will allow us to be together?” Madison groans and leans into her, resting her head on her shoulder. Shannon wraps her arms around her and holds her close. “I don’t know. I guess we’ll see how tonight goes.”

  They look over at me with matching sheepish grins.

  “Hey, loves. Having fun?”

  They smile really big and they grip my arms and pull me over closer. After both of them give me a kiss, we decide to pull apart so we won’t get so worked up that we can’t stop.

  Out of respect for Sam, we’ll let her and Shannon do this phone dating thing to be able to talk and get to know each other, but I’m not allowing her to cut Shannon from the family. I know Sam loves us and won’t want to end what we have just because we bring in another girl, so I’m not going to let her jealousy issues ruin something beautiful that we can have with Shannon.

  After we sit and talk for a while, we help Shannon take the woodland creature snacks back to the kitchen and watch as she tastes and makes final adjustments to the stew. She ladles the steaming rich and thick comfort food into giant mugs and we take them to the dining room table to eat. She offers to eat on the sofa, but I refuse. Dry snacks are one thing, but I’m not eating something that could stain in her living room. I might have teased her earlier, but I really like and respect that she is so clean and tidy.

  I stir my stew and watch the thick gravy like broth stick to the spoon and coat every little bite of veggie and tender beef. I lean over the bowl into the steady soft stream of steam floating from the rich bowl and breathe in the hearty fragrant warmth. I release a small moan and smile. It smells so similar to my mom’s. I fill my spoon, and after gently blowing on it to drive out some of the heat, I slowly place the bite in my mouth. My eyes close and I’m transported to my dining room table at home surrounded by my family, devouring bowl after bowl of my mom’s amazing buffalo stew. The power of the moment causes emotion to spring into my eyes and a tear streaks down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away, hoping they didn’t see, but Shannon takes my hand.

  “Did you burn yourself?” I blush and shake my head as I look down at the bowl. “Is it no good?” I laugh and shake my head. “No, it’s amazing.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. It’s nothing bad.”

  “Well, if you have a tear leak from those ocean blue eyes after taking a bite of my stew, what am I supposed to think?” I smile and look up into her pretty green eyes. “It’s not the same, but your stew is really close to my mom’s. It just made me really miss her and my family. My mom makes an amazing buffalo stew that she serves with a sweet corn bread with a crispy bottom. It’s one of my favorite meals. My dad usually makes a batch of fresh apple cider to go with it. The cider is so delicious that we call it ‘liquid happiness’. I could see all of them for a moment. And taste and smell all of that.”

  “I think that’s the best compliment I have ever received. I’m so glad you like it.”

  “My mom can’t make soup or stew, so I’ve actually never had good homecooked stew before now. This really is amazing, Shannon. Thank you for cooking. I feel all warm and cozy inside.”

  Shannon looks so happy that I just can’t stop looking at her. It’s beautiful.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I plan on going back to classes on Monday, so I’m trying to get caught up on what I missed. It’s Friday, so I have all weekend to try to get everything done, but I wanted to get most of it done today. I have my books and laptop spread out around me, filling the coffee table and the sofa, and I’m just staring at all of it. Madison is in class and Shannon is at work, but both should be home in a little over an hour.

  Last night, we called Sam for the first time with Shannon after we stuffed ourselves with her amazing stew. Sam actually requested that we do a video chat so she could see Shannon. As soon as Shannon walked into the frame to say hello, Sam smiled really big, despite her efforts not to. Sam looked really good last night. Talking to her on video chat made me miss her so much. I wanted to be able to reach forward and touch her, as if she was just sitting on the other side of a window.

  The conversation went really well. They kept it basic with asking questions about interests, hobbies, movies, and music, but the conversation got side tracked several times telling stories and reminiscing. Part of that was my fault. Seeing her made me miss her so much that I just couldn’t stop remembering things and they always fit into the conversation and I just couldn’t keep the memory to myself.

  I could tell Sam was loving all of my distracted moments with me just dreaming and remembering the days of just the two of us. Sam has a late class tonight, so we won’t be calling her again for another one of our family phone dates till tomorrow night.

  I look at my books and give up. I pull my phone out and put some music on. I’m not due to take any for another hour, but I take my medicine to get ahead of the pain that I’m most likely about to cause myself. I haven’t tried to dance since I was hospitalized, but I really want to dance. I also need to keep my skills sharp for this dance competition Sara wants me to do with her.

  I put on a medium tempo song and start with my feet first, just working on different patterns and step sequences. I do ok with that without causing any pain, so I add my arms. Some patterns and moves hurt, but not too badly.

  After a few songs, I’m starting to get pretty hot, so pull my top off, wipe the sweat off my face on it, and toss it on my books on the sofa.

  A faster song comes on and the beats make me smile and excitement rush through my veins. I let the music flow through me and start dancing like I’m actually on stage as a backup danc
er. I wince several times as my ribs pinch or stretch, but I don’t stop. I get through a few fast songs without having to stop, but I end up getting cocky and push it too far, sending a blinding sharp pain through my ribs and making me drop to my knees. I cradle my ribs and groan in pain.

  I jump out of skin and fall over startled when two hands grab my shoulders. Shannon quickly pulls her arms back and looks concerned and amused.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I guess the music was too loud for you to hear me come in and I was frozen watching you or else I would have said something.”

  I’m lying on my back on the floor with her kneeling over me, staring down at me with a cute smile.

  “It’s ok. How bad did I look?” She shakes her head and sits down next to me. She places her hand on my stomach and traces my abs. “You looked amazing. How are your ribs?”

  “They hurt. That last move was a bad idea. I took my medicine an hour early. Is that ok?”

  “Why did you take it early? Is the pain worse today?”

  “No, I thought I’d need it sooner with trying to dance.”

  “You have to be careful with your dosage timing, Kayla. Having too much in your system at once could make you sick or other bad effects. Please don’t do that again.”

  Her hand stops tracing my abs and she rests it on the middle of my stomach. She looks around the room and laughs.

  “How was your day?” I hide my face under an arm, making her laugh. “I know, I made a big mess.”

  “Did you at least get anything accomplished, or did you just scatter everything around and dance all day?”

  “Uh, there was also a lot of staring into space.”

  “Do you have to have all of it done by Monday?”

  “No. They’ve given me a couple weeks to get caught up, but it’s just going to get harder to get caught up the longer I wait. I was just too distracted to focus today.”

  She lays down on her side facing me with her head propped on her hand and resumes gently tracing my stomach again.

  “Why were you distracted?” Even though she is intimately stroking my stomach, I don’t detect anything sexual in her tone or mood. “My mind was just everywhere today.”

  “What can we do to bring you back here so you’re not drifting off without us?”

  I smile really big and look over into her deep green eyes. I love that she said “us” and included Madison even though she’s not here and part of this conversation yet.

  As if on cue, and before I can answer, Madison comes through the front door. As she comes around the sofa and sees us lying on the floor, she quirks her eyebrows and grins.

  “Why are you on the floor?”

  Without waiting for an answer, she joins us on the other side of me. She gives me a small kiss on the lips and then leans over me to kiss Shannon.

  “Hey, I didn’t get one of those from you yet.”

  Shannon giggles and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Did you find her like this?” Shannon shakes her head. “Not exactly. I walked in on her dancing.”

  Shannon explains what happened and even mimic’s the look of horror I apparently had when she came to see if I was ok. Madison shakes her head in amusement and gently strokes the inside of my arm a few times before entwining her fingers with mine.

  “Before you got here, Kayla was telling me her mind is everywhere and I asked what we can do to bring her back into the moment with us.”

  “Where’s your mind right now, baby?”

  “It sounds stupid and pathetic, but I’m really homesick. Seeing my parents and Sara this week was really nice, but it wasn’t the same, because I was in the hospital and the visits were so broken up. I miss my crazy little sister and my baby brother. I miss Sam. I miss… my friends.”

  I almost said Awenasa’s name, but thankfully my brain was fast enough to insert ‘my friends’ instead.

  “You’ll get to see all of them in less than two months and Sam will be here in three weeks. She’s staying for four days this time.” I smile and feel a burst of excitement in my chest. “Yeah, that’s true. What are we going to do while she’s here?”

  Shannon stops tracing my abs and slowly withdrawals her hand. I look over at her confused and she looks kind of sad.

  “What are you doing?” She shrugs a shoulder, but doesn’t say anything. “I was enjoying those fingers gliding across my skin. It was helping me stay in the moment with you two.”

  She smiles and looks down a moment before lifting her hand and placing it back on my stomach. I pucker my lips at her, making her smile widen, and she bends down to peck me on the lips.

  “Thank you.”

  “Shannon, what are you worried about?” She looks up at Madison and her smile fades. “That I won’t fit in and will lose both of you. Cooking and eating with both of you last night was really nice. And then when we went to bed and snuggled all night, I felt so at peace and happy. Even laying here on the floor with you makes me happy.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that. You already fit with Kayla and I and I could tell last night that Sam likes you. She is more stubborn and it takes her more time to come around to things that weren’t her idea, but she will.”

  “I know what I want to do.” They look down at me expectantly and I smile. “I saw this place on Oliver street, but we haven’t been there yet. I think it’s called Rory’s Cupcakes. I saw in the window that they let you frost and decorate your own cupcakes.” They both smile really big. Madison bends down and hovers above my lips and whispers, “Are you going to behave and keep the frosting on the cupcakes?”

  “I can’t promise that. We still haven’t bought a bottle of chocolate fudge and I’m getting antsy for that special night.”

  Shannon releases a small sound and we look over at her with big smiles and she blushes and bends her head to hide. We laugh and grip her scrubs top and pull her over. Madison gives her a short deep kiss and slowly releases her with a smile. After Madison drops her hand, I get a grip on Shannon with both hands and pull her down to me. Our mouths tumble in a heat inducing kiss and I can feel Shannon relaxing against me with each moment that passes. After a couple minutes, she pulls back breathing hard, but she looks in my eyes and comes back in for more. The second entry of her warm soft tongue is much more urgent and arousing. I feel her body shift and she moves over to straddle me. Her hips press down into mine, making both of us release a small moan. I glide my hands from her shoulders, down her sides, and firmly grip her ass, pulling her down harder against me, making us moan again.

  My insides are on fire with need. It’s been several days since I last experienced the level of pleasure I need. I wanted to make love to Madison so badly yesterday, but I ended up sleeping the whole day. Shannon suddenly pulls back again panting for air. She looks over at Madison and then sits up and pulls Madison into another kiss.

  After a couple minutes, they pull apart again and Shannon turns to come back to me. Before she can bend down, I grip the hem of her scrubs top and lift. Shannon smiles and allows me to pull it off over her head. Madison and I release a low moan. Shannon has flawless glowing amber skin. Her breasts are delicious plump round globes peeking out of a crazy sexy dark hunter green lacy demi cut bra. Her stomach is soft, but not out of shape. She has a delicious curve and dip from her ribs to her hips.

  I carefully sit up and run my hands over her shoulders and down her chest and stomach. Shannon inhales deeply and her eyes close. I gently trace every inch of her, trying to remember every curve. Madison reaches behind Shannon and unhooks her bra and we slowly glide the straps off her shoulders and off her body. Shannon visibly swallows and sways. Madison and I look at each other and smile before we bend down and take one of her breasts in our mouths. Shannon releases a long deep moan and her back slightly arches. Shannon’s hands press into our backs, holding us close to herself.

  After a couple minutes, she breathlessly says, “I thought we were going to decorate cupcakes?” I laugh and
release her nipple with a firm bite, making her moan. “We are. These sweet cupcakes needed to be painted with kisses.” She moans and pulls me back onto her boob. I smile and roughly grip and tug her nipple with my teeth. She gasps and sways. “Oh, shit.”

  Madison and I move all over her chest, stomach, ribs, and hips for several minutes. My arousal is so high that I really need to go down on her and Madison. I slip my hands in her pants at her hips and start to push down, but Shannon clamps her hands down on mine, preventing me.


  Madison releases her breast and pulls back. Shannon has her eyes closed and looks like she is torn in her decision. Madison notices my hands in her pants and glances at me with raised eyebrows. She shakes her head and gently kisses my lips. Shannon slowly opens her eyes and pulls my hands out of her pants and holds them in front of herself.

  “I really need you between my legs right now, but I want to respect the rules. I don’t want to upset Sam by disregarding her wishes. I want us to have the best family.”

  Madison and I smile and wrap our arms around her. Shannon wraps us in her arms and releases a small content sigh.

  This is the second time in two days I’ve been made to stop when I’m right on the edge. I just can’t get up and walk away this time. I pull back and gently kiss her lips.

  “Ok, I will be strong and resist my urges with you, for now. But I need to release this energy, so I really need to devour Mommy, right now.” They smile and Shannon carefully climbs off of my lap, and Madison takes her place. “I’ll give you some privacy.” Madison smiles as she wraps her arms around my neck, staring in my eyes with so much happiness and arousal. “You can stay if you want.”

  I smile and grip her ass, pulling her down firmly against me. Shannon quickly slips back into her bra and shirt and sits on the end of the sofa closest to us. Madison and I smile and I bend into her neck, painting her slender neck with delicate feather kisses. Madison inhales and opens her neck to me more.


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