Building the Family

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Building the Family Page 35

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Can you bite me, baby?” She smiles and nods. “Can you slap me?” Her smile drops. “Where?”

  “Everywhere. Well, except my ribs, of course.”

  “How hard?”

  I look at Madison and offer a cheek to her. She smiles and gently brushes her hand across my cheek before delivering a slightly stinging slap to my cheek. I gasp a little and my eyes slightly close. It was a good one. I open my eyes and look at Shannon.

  “You want to try?”

  She sits forward some and gently caresses my cheek a few times and then smacks me, just a little harder than Madison, but it feels good. My eyes close from the impact and I wince a little. She immediately grabs my face and kisses it.

  “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” I smile and open my eyes. “No, baby. It was good. But if you want to kiss me tenderly like that each time you smack me, I’m not going to complain.”

  “Ok, I think I can do that. Anything else?”

  I look at Sam and she grins. She stands up and steps behind me. She runs her fingers through my hair a few times, then tangles her hand in my long black hair, and yanks it backwards, making me look up at her. She smiles and bends down to kiss my lips a moment, before she sinks her teeth in hard on the spot where my shoulder and neck meet. I gasp and moan from the electricity it erupts inside me. Sam pulls back and giggles. She brushes her thumb over the spot and I watch her suck my blood off her thumb with a smile.

  She releases her grip on my hair, but bends down and lifts the back of my shirt. I gasp and fall forward between Madison’s thighs.

  “How do you like your new toy, Daddy?” I smile and wrap my arms around Madison’s waist, bracing myself. “Again.”

  “Wait, what is that?” Shannon stands up and I glance behind myself. Sam shows her a small blue wand with a small metal tip. “Don’t worry, baby. This was made specifically for sex. Here, I’ll lower the setting so you can feel.”

  She takes Shannon’s hand and presses the tip to her palm. Shannon releases a small gasp and hops in surprise, but then giggles.

  “That was weird. It’s like when I had to get electrical stimulus therapy on my knee after twisting it bad getting off my grandfather’s boat one time. But how will that be arousing?”

  Sam smiles and places a hand on her hip and brings the wand down to her center.


  Shannon bites her bottom lip a moment and then nods. Sam presses the wand between her thighs and Shannon moans and sways forward, grasping onto Sam’s shoulders for support. Sam pulls her hand back and Shannon slowly releases her.

  “That felt really good. Ok, I think I’ve made Kayla wait long enough. Time to play, Daddy.”

  I smile really big and all three of them grab onto me and lift me off of my knees.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  I don’t think I have ever felt this good before. My whole body feels like it’s in a sleeve made out of the electrodes used in that amazing little toy Sam brought with her. We’re all lying in a heap, panting for air, after so many rounds of mind-blowing love making. Shannon and Madison are laying on my chest and Sam is laying between my legs with her head on my stomach and her hand on my hip.

  I feel like everything is made more complete with Sam here. The intensity of everything with her here was so powerful that I felt like a thick pleasure fog had filled the room and was consuming all of us. I lost count of how many times we made love to each other. Before they allowed me to pleasure them, they worked together to tease and rough me up, then each of them took a turn going down on me. It was heaven.

  Sam is gently tracing her fingers over my skin, sending shivers through my body. At first, I think she’s just tracing randomly, but even through my hazy brain, I realize there’s a pattern to her touch. I try to pay attention and realize what she’s doing. She’s writing a message. She brushes her hand over the space and then picks up the pattern again. I smile really big when she gets to the end.

  “I love you too, baby. And you’re welcome.” She had spelled out, “I love you so much, Kayla. Thank you for keeping me in the family.”

  Sam lifts her head and looks up at me with a wide happy smile. Madison and Shannon look at us confused.

  “You understood my message?” I laugh and nod. “It took me a few times for me to realize what you were doing, but I got it.”

  “Secret messages are not allowed in the bed, babes.”

  Sam and I laugh and Sam tells them what she had said. They lift their arms to her and Sam climbs up higher to lay on me and wrap her arms around them.

  She’s very careful to lower herself down, and even though she’s so small, I feel her weight on my ribs. I hold my breath and bite back my pain so they can have this moment. Sam looks up at me with a big smile, but her smile quickly fades and she immediately lifts herself off my torso.

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, Kayla. I forgot. Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m ok. Come back a moment.”

  She slowly and carefully lowers herself on me again and Shannon and Madison adjust so I can have my arms to wrap around Sam. I carefully wrap my arms around her and Sam releases an adorable purring sound. It feels so good having her naked body pressed against mine. Sam is more petite than Shannon and Madison, so her bones do poke a little more than them, but I still love this. I squeeze her a little closer, but my ribs object, and I gasp and release my grip on her. Sam carefully lifts herself off of me and looks worried.

  “Ok, Daddy needs medicine now. All of this amazing activity today has my ribs aching bad.”

  “Did I make it worse?”

  “No. You are perfect. All of you are perfect. I feel drunk on how perfect all of you are.”

  They giggle and bend down the kiss my face and neck all over for a few moments. I wince a few times trying to sit up and shuffle to the edge of the bed, so Shannon bends down and wraps her arms around me, offering me support.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck, sweetie.”

  I obey, and she lifts enough that it helps relieve the pressure in my ribs and I’m able to get off the bed.

  “Thanks, beautiful.”

  After we’re all dressed in pajamas or sweat pants and tee shirts, we go out to the kitchen so I can take my medicine. Sam stands close to me and watches me take my pills with concern on her face. After I swallow my pills, she places her hands on my shoulders and looks in my eyes.

  “Kayla, I’m sorry I couldn’t be here during the worst of your recovery. I really wanted to be.”

  “I know. I wish you could have been here, but I’m not upset with you that you couldn’t be.”

  She brushes her thumb over my cheek that Darren had punched. The bruises are completely healed, but her gentle touch and the sad look in her eyes makes me feel like she can see them still.

  “Kayla, why couldn’t we say it before? Why did it take breaking up and you falling in love with Madison for us to be able to say how we feel about each other?”

  “I don’t know. Would you have come out here if I hadn’t met someone new?” She takes a step closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist, while still holding the side of my face. “Yes. I wanted you back and I knew you wouldn’t ask for me back. You are so stubborn in saying what you want. I knew I’d have to fight for you, just like I’ve always had to fight it out of you the things you want and like.”

  “Why do you love me so much, Sam?” She smiles as she kisses my lips, runs her fingers through my hair, and wraps both arms around my neck. “You’re the first person to see me for me and not just a pretty face to have on their arm. You listen to me and remember what I say. You make me feel important and loved, more than anyone has ever done before, including my family. You are constantly proving that you want to learn everything about me by asking me questions and actually listing and remembering what I tell you. I could go on forever, but I feel whole with you.” She glances over my shoulder at Madison and Shannon and smiles. “You all make me feel whole. Kayla, you know I’ve never had that beautiful happy famil
y life like you grew up with. But I feel like I have that now. I never would have thought I’d be ok with a scenario like this, but I’m really happy. I don’t feel so alone in this world anymore. You were always enough for me, even though I was too stupid to admit it before. But this family we have is really amazing. It’s nice having more than one person I feel like I can count on to love me and be there for me.”

  “I love you. I love each one of you and I love how we fit together. I love having you here with us. Even when we’re apart, you’ll have our love and we’ll be here for you, always.”

  “I have a present for you.” I smile really big and she giggles. “What do you have for me?”

  She kisses my lips and releases me. She takes my hand and pulls me out to the living room. I watch her dig through her bookbag and then she turns to me with an envelope. I take it and turn it over with confusion. It’s just a blank letter size envelope.

  “What is it?”

  She smiles affectionately at me, but doesn’t answer. I open the envelope and pull out a single sheet of paper folded in thirds. I look at her again before unfolding it, and she laughs.

  “Baby, read it.”

  I unfold the paper and it’s a letter to her from my school. I smile really big and wrap my arms around her. I pick her up and spin her around. She laughs, and as I stop, she pulls me into a kiss. After a few moments, I pull back and spin us to face Madison and Shannon.

  “Babies, look.”

  I hand Madison the letter and they read it together and smile really big. They envelop Sam with me and all of us hold onto her. Sam releases a small laugh and a sob at the same time as emotion overwhelms her.

  I’m so happy that Sam’s transfer request was approved, and it’s even better that it was approved for winter semester. She’ll be coming back with us after the holidays. It’s amazing.

  “Are you sure you all want me here? It’s not too late for me to cancel.” All of us immediately say, “Yes, we want you here,” and then laugh and squeeze her tighter.

  We hold onto each other for a couple more moments and then disentangle. Sam wipes at her eyes and then gives each of us a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Thank you. I was actually kind of scared to tell you I received the approval to transfer.” Madison takes her hand. “Sam, we love you and we all want you here.” Sam’s eyes tear up again and she wraps her arms around Madison. “I have no idea why this works, but I am so happy with all of you.”

  After she pulls back, she looks at Shannon and they smile at each other. Shannon takes her hand and pulls her into a hug. Sam gently kisses her lips and looks in her eyes.

  “I heard about the lanterns and your almost trip to Mexico. I’m really glad my babies met you and now I can call you my baby as well.” Shannon releases a small happy laugh and kisses her lips. “Thank you for putting up the fight to get to know me and accepting me into your family.”

  “So, any fear left, baby?” Sam looks at me and grins. “No, I can’t wait to move off of the video chat dates with you and start having real family nights and dates with my girls. Hey, I’m starving. Can we do something for lunch?” Shannon smiles and nods. “I’ll make something.” I smile and shake my head. “We’ll work together.”

  We head to the kitchen and Shannon opens the fridge to scan its contents. Madison and Sam lean against the opposite counter and watch and wait for their instructions on what to do. I feel my heart swell seeing all of them standing in this small space about to work together to make our first meal together as a family. Shannon turns to look over her shoulder at us and catches my eyes and smiles.

  “Hey, sweetie.”

  “Hey, baby.” Her smile widens and she reaches her hand out to me. I step forward and she pulls me over to look in the fridge with her. “You want to help me decide on what to make?” I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her cheek. “Let’s make a feast. This is a special day and we need to celebrate.”

  “I agree.”

  She kisses my lips and we start pulling vegetables, chicken, cheeses, and milk out of the fridge. With Shannon’s guidance, we work together to make salad, cheesy mashed potatoes, fried chicken, and cheddar biscuits.

  I’ve never helped my mom cook much. I liked to watch, but I’ve never really cared for cooking. But I really love cooking with my girls. We talk and laugh together. We feed each other little bites of veggies and cheese. I flour each of their cute noses with flour, making them laugh and attack me with the flour, streaking my face with their floured fingers.

  When we sit down at the four-seat round table to eat, we look at each other and smile. As I sit here, looking at each of them, I feel like I’m sitting at the dining room table at home. Being here with my girls, feels like I’m actually surrounded by family. This isn’t just some wild sex-driven lifestyle we’ve chosen. This is a serious family with love at its core. I know the traditional family is two spouses surrounded by children, but this feels right. This feels beautiful and comfortable.

  We are already controversial in the fact that we are all lesbians, but the four of us being in a relationship together is definitely going to be something very few people can wrap their heads around, let alone support. Right now, we are in a perfect state of bliss, but I know we’ll face a lot of opposition when we introduce ourselves to our loved ones, friends, and strangers.

  I hope I can always protect my girls and make them feel loved and safe. I hope that the outside world doesn’t break up our beautiful family and we can weather any storm. I want us to be able to create home within each other and always be solid, no matter the negativity we receive.

  To be continued…

  Coming Soon…

  Book 2 – Building the Home

  Transitioning from a monogamous relationship to a family of four is only the beginning for Kayla and her girls. In order to abandon their dorms to move in together, the foursome must now face the world and their families. Can Madison’s homophobic parents accept their relationship? Creating a home together may destroy them, or open up the doors of immeasurable beauty and joy.

  Amy is a lesbian romance author. Connect with Amy on Twitter @Amy_DeMeritt and find out about book updates at

  Other Works by Amy DeMeritt

  Keeper of My Heart

  Four years ago, Riley was only an intern at the zoo she is a keeper at now. She fell in love with her mentor, and after a three-year relationship, her heart was left broken. She vowed never to allow love into her heart again and she coped in ways that would only send her spiraling down the self-loathing whirlpool. A year later, the tables have turned. Riley is now the mentor and has to take on an intern. With one smile from a sweet innocent face, Riley’s resolve to never love again starts to crumble. While learning how to love again, and forgive herself for her indiscretions, Riley has to find closure with her past so she can move on and finally be happy.

  The Perfect Right Hook

  When she was a kid, Jordan’s parents enrolled her in boxing to learn how to defend herself against the bullies that picked on her because of her petite size. As a working adult, Jordan’s no longer facing bullies in the schoolyard, but still hangs onto boxing out of habit. When an enemy from her past shows up in a terrifying way, and is the only person that knows why she can’t remember the day before, Jordan has to do some deep soul searching to remember on her own, or face her enemy in the ring to be given the answers. Trying to learn the truth about her missing time, sends Jordan on a journey of self-discovery, learning she is more than just a boxer and a girl that works in IT. With the help of the beautiful and fascinating Alex, Jordan learns the many beauties and wonders in life she has been missing out on and starts to uncover clues to her missing day in her own memory. When she finally learns the truth about what happened to her, will she be able to survive it, or will it destroy her and the beautiful bond that forms between her and Alex?

  She Became My Water

  Can you fall in love with a person you’ve never met, seen a picture of, o
r know anything about that would help identify them in a crowd?

  Piper did just that three years ago, when she stumbled upon the anonymous blog of the “Controversial Lesbian”. Piper has been religiously following the woman to the point that her love and infatuation for the blogger has been the indirect cause of a few relationships failing.

  Piper is a barista in a popular coffee shop and for the past month, a beautiful woman with a shy smile has captivated her with what mysteries hide behind that small closed lip smile. Unable to resist the intrigue of a beautiful shy woman, Piper decides to be bold and try to get to know her.

  Just when Piper thinks she has found the perfect woman that she can actually be with, the anonymous blogger decides to strip her digital mask, revealing her true identity.

  The surprise unveiling is shocking and life changing.

  Love Triumphs Pain

  As if the stress of trying to decide what to major in when she starts college next year isn’t enough, Jess is surprised and embarrassed to suddenly find herself unable to stop thinking about kissing and being with her flirty science lab partner, Jaime – another girl!

  After a brief bout of depression from trying to understand her feelings, and with the help of her lifelong best friend Hayley, Jess accepts she is gay and stops judging herself. Accepting who she is makes her feel hopeful and more confident. Her new-found awareness of “self” allows Jess to humor the idea that she might actually be able to have what she wants – Jaime.

  The journey to discovering who they are is full of pain, but also deep passion. The ending may not be what they imagined, but in the end, they both discover their true selves and learn true love can heal all pains.

  Poems to Sketches – Poetry Guided Sketching Guide

  Whether you love poetry or have never really given it a chance, the poems within are bound to elicit some emotion and imagery in your mind. Use that inspiration to practice bringing to life the images you can only see in your mind – sometimes one of the hardest things for an artist to do. A poem can inspire a sketch or painting. That piece of art can inspire a song. The song inspires a dance, and a dance can inspire a poem. So, the circle goes round in the different arts, inspiring and creating masterpieces of great wonder and beauty. This journal contains 29 original poems with exercises to explore your imagination and sketching space to draw the images inspired by these poems. Also inside, are several additional unique challenges and activities. Let your imagination soar and exercise those sketching muscles with Poems to Sketches: Poetry Guided Sketching Exercises.


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