Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 16

by Sienna Parks

  “I love you, too, darlin’.” I grab a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and head out to see my baby girl.

  “Mornin’, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, Daddy. Did you and Docor A.B. watch Moana without me?”

  “Nope. She said she wants to watch it with you.” A beautiful grin spreads across her small features.

  “Today? Please, Daddy!”

  “Come sit with Daddy for a minute.” She crawls up into my lap, her unique little sleepy smell a welcome comfort after Sam showing up last night. “You know how Aunt Lottie and Uncle Kirby are married – like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  “They’re a mommy and a daddy.”

  “Yes. But before they were a mommy and a daddy, they were still best friends, and wanted to hang out with each other a lot.” She looks at me with a quizzical look in her eyes. I’m making it too complicated. “You like spending time with A.B., don’t you?”


  “And Daddy likes spending time with her, too. So, I was thinking… would you be okay if Daddy spends more time with her, and maybe you spend more time with her, too? Would that be okay with you?”

  “Of course, silly Daddy.”

  “Well, Miss. A.B. stayed here last night because it was late and I like her being here. What do you think of that?”

  “Do I still get to sleep in your bed if I have bad dweams?” Her brow furrows in consternation.

  “Of course. I’m your daddy. Nothing and no one will ever change that. You’re my Rae of sunshine.”

  “Okay.” She smiles at me as she wriggles out of my arms and makes a break for my room.

  “Docor A.B.! Do you want to watch Moana after breakfast?” She barrels by Pops as he strolls down the hallway.

  “Mornin’, Rae!”

  “Pops! Docor A.B. is here. We’re gonna watch Moana.”

  “Oh, you are?” He looks in my direction with a smug grin. “Isn’t that nice.”

  Rae drags an embarrassed A.B. from my room. “Mornin’, Mr. Hale.”

  “Call me Pops. Please. Mr. Hale makes me feel so old!” He breaks the tension and I watch in awe as A.B. scoops Rae up into her arms.

  “What should we make these boys for breakfast? Pancakes?”

  “Can we do chocate chippies?”

  “We sure can!” They disappear into the kitchen, laughing and happy, firm friends.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll make us something.” She looks to me with a sweet smile, tucking a stray curl behind her ear.

  “I want to.” I leave them to it and head out to the back porch for a few minutes, closely followed by Pops. I take a moment to drink in the morning air. It’s not so humid today, and at this time in the morning, it’s perfect outside.

  “I’m only going to say this once and then it’s done – you sure about Annabeth?”

  “Yes, sir. I love her. Always have, always will. Life is too short not to be with someone you love, isn’t it?” He pats me on the back, looking out to the hay field.

  “It is. Well, if you’re sure, then I’m happy for you, son.”

  “Thanks, Pops.”

  “Now, are you going to explain to me what Samantha was doing here last night?”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I feel like a criminal, but I know I’m doing the right thing. Although, I thought I was doing the right thing when I left all those years ago, and look how that turned out…

  I drive to the next town over, pull into the parking lot of the local bar… and wait. I’ve wrestled with my conscience so many times in the past few weeks, but every time I look at Maddox, I see it playing on his mind. He’s not sleeping at night, always tossing and turning. He watches Rae like a hawk whenever we go into town, scanning the crowd for any sign of Samantha. He would do anything to keep his baby girl safe from harm, but it’s taking its toll.

  We’ve spoken about kidney failure, prognosis, treatments, and donors. I would never push him, or make him feel bad about his decision. I completely understand his reasons, and in the end, it would be a difficult decision for any parent, even if they were on good terms – that’s what I’ve tried to stress to him on more than one occasion. I know his heart – he would never make this choice out of malice. If he could help her, without putting Rae at risk, I honestly believe that he would. Just the idea that Sam could die, leaving Rae with no chance to meet her in years to come, weighs so heavily on his shoulders.

  I see a red Dodge Ram pull into the parking lot, and I know it’s her. I wait until she goes inside the bar, and take a few minutes to compose myself. My palms begin to sweat as I step out of the truck and make my way to the entrance. Every cell in my body is screaming at me to walk away – to run to Maddox as quick as I can, and tell him everything.

  She’s sitting at a booth in the far corner of the bar, looking just as nefarious as I know her to be. I’ve made some questionable decisions in my life, and walking out on Maddox all those years ago was the worst one. Looking at her, I can’t wrap my head around how she could leave Rae – her own flesh and blood.

  I order a drink at the bar and head over to her, unable to mask the disdain I feel for her. “Samantha?”

  “The infamous Annabeth Clark. I sure was surprised to hear from you. Does my husband know you’re here?” Her snide grin sticks in my craw.

  “Ex-husband. And let’s face it, honey, he’s always been mine.”

  “He was right… you are a bitch.” I know she’s trying to rile me, and I shouldn’t let it get to me, but I’m Southern, Goddammit!

  “And you’re a cunt. Can we just get on with this?”

  “You called me, sweetheart.”

  I reluctantly sit across from her; our mere proximity to each other making me want to puke. My phone vibrates in my hand – it’s Maddox. A picture of him and Rae lights the display, their smiling faces pushing me to speak. “I’m a doctor.”

  “Well, good for you.”

  “Can you stop being a venomous shrew for two minutes and let me talk?” She shrugs her shoulders and it takes everything I have not to reach over and slap her stupid face. “I can help you. I’ve worked with some of the best specialists in the country. I can pull some strings and get you the treatment you need until a kidney becomes available.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “You’re not as dumb as you look after all.” I take great delight in seeing her hands fist in frustration, her tacky acrylics digging into her palms. “You never contact Maddox or Rae ever again.”

  “Are you that threatened by me?”

  “No. I don’t give a shit whether you live or die. I know Maddox would never love you the way he loves me. But, unlike you, I love that little girl, and I want what’s best for her. No matter how much of a shitty mom you are, I want her to have the option to come find you when she’s older.”

  “You just said I can’t contact them again.”

  “Yes. You can’t. But if she feels that she wants to know who you are, ten or twenty years from now, that’s her decision to make. She won’t have that option if you’re dead.”

  “So, what? You swoop in and save me, and you get to be her new momma? I should just let you take my family?”

  “You threw them away a long time ago. Can you honestly say you want to be in their lives? Would you have come back if you didn’t need something from Sally Rae?”

  “That’s none of your Goddamn business.”

  “Fine.” I stand to leave, knowing she needs my help.

  “Okay – I wouldn’t have come back. I wasn’t ready to be a mother. I never wanted kids.”

  “Then why do you care if I want to be that little girl’s momma? She deserves to be loved, and if you don’t want to do it, you shouldn’t begrudge her someone that wants to be a part of her life.”

  “I don’t. I do grudge him getting everything he ever wanted.”

  “I’ll make this easy for you then. You can attempt to come between Maddox and me, and probably
die trying. Or, you can accept my help, leave us alone, and live. Your choice. Either way, I’m going to be with him, and I’m going to make damn sure you don’t harm Rae.”

  “Have it your way. If you help me, I’ll go and never come back.”

  “No. You go, and then I’ll help you. First, you talk to Maddox and tell him you’re leaving, and that you won’t bother him or Rae again.”

  “Then you’ll help me?”

  “Yes. You have my word.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “Because, whether you want to admit it or not, you know Maddox and I have always loved each other, and we always will. I would do anything for him.”

  “I’m gonna die choking on my own vomit if you keep spoutin’ that horseshit.”

  “Call me when you’ve spoken to him. Then we’ll discuss what happens next.” I don’t wait for another snarky reply; exiting the bar before I lose my nerve.

  It’s been a few days since I met with Sam, and I can barely look at Maddox without wanting to confess my plan. A part of me is relieved that I haven’t heard from her; my selfish side that wants more than anything to stay here with Maddox and Rae. I know that if I go through with this, there’s a chance he won’t forgive me. If I tell him now, he’ll stop me, but he might not give me the opportunity to explain after.

  I’ve often questioned my childish logic at the age of eighteen, and I know I made the wrong decision back then. It’s only now, I realize that I made that decision for the right reason. I believed with all my heart, that if you love someone enough, you might have to give them up in pursuit of their best interests. That wasn’t the case when I left Maddox behind all those years ago. I was wrong back then, naïve to think that a love like ours could be brushed aside and forgotten. I know he will think I’m doing the same thing now, but I have to have faith in us.

  I head over to the ranch after work, but when I arrive, there is no sign of Maddox, and Jax is busy playing with Rae. “Hey. Where’s Mad?”

  “Up at the old barn. He’ll be back soon.”

  Rae runs into my arms, her soft little hands tangling in my hair. “A.B.! Did you do wats of docor stuffs today?”

  “I sure did. What have you been doing, sweetheart?”

  “Uncle Jax and me have been brushing my dolly’s hair. And we made cookies. Do you want one?” She wriggles out of my arms before I have a chance to answer, making a run for the kitchen. Jax shouts after her.

  “Why don’t you take one to Pops? I’m sure he’s hungry.”

  “Okay!” She disappears down the hallway, singing something about chocolate chips as she goes. It’s adorable.

  “Can we talk for a minute?” Jax’s tone is sobering.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “Has Maddox mentioned anything to you about Samantha?” My heart begins to race. Does he know what I have planned?

  “We’ve spoken about his decision to keep her away from Rae. Why? What has he said to you?”

  “Nothing new. I just feel like he’s really struggling with this. Like he thinks it’s his fault if she doesn’t get a new kidney. He was saying something about getting himself tested to see if he could do it, to ensure she doesn’t come after Rae again. I don’t know. I think that’s a bad idea. The ranch needs him, Pops and Rae need him. Isn’t it a pretty tough recovery, even if you’re the donor?”

  “Yes, it is. He’s not a match, Jax. You don’t have to worry.”

  “How do you know that? Has he been tested already?” Shit. I’m not supposed to know her blood type. I stutter my way through an explanation.

  “Rae’s blood. I know her blood type from when she broke her arm. Her and Maddox are different, so it stands to reason – he and Sam can’t be the same blood type.”

  “How is that?”

  “If both parents have the same blood type, the child would also have the same type. Process of elimination.”

  “Can you tell him that? He needs to realize that there’s nothing more he can do. I don’t even know why he gives a damn.”

  “Because, he’s a good man.” He seems surprised by my curt tone, but I’m frustrated that I can’t make this easier for Mad without jeopardizing our future together. “I’ll talk to him when he gets back.”

  “Thanks. I don’t know how any of this stuff works. I just know that he hasn’t been himself since the night she turned up. He’s been through enough.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Maddox appears at the backdoor, looking disheveled and sexy as hell. I run into his arms, desperate for his touch. “I’m all sweaty, darlin’.” I push up onto my tiptoes, grabbing the scruff of his face in my palms.

  “Just the way I like you.” I move my lips to his ear, my voice low enough for only him to hear. “I want you to make me sweaty… and naked.” My body craves him, knowing that this could be the last time I see him for a while.

  Rae interrupts our kiss, wriggling in between us. “I want hugs, too. Daddy and A.B. hugs for me!” He scoops her up as if she weighs no more than a feather, and pulls me back into his arms. I let myself relax into it, savoring everything about this moment. For the first time, I feel like I’m a part of this family. That the three of us were meant to be together.

  “As much as I would love to keep hugging my girls, I really need to go for a shower.” Rae jumps out of his arms, and goes back to what she was doing. Jax raises his eyebrows at us as Mad takes my hand and leads me down the hall to his room.

  “We’ll be ready for dinner in thirty minutes… make that an hour.” My cheeks flush at his words, embarrassed at the thought of Pops and Jax knowing what we’re doing – but not enough to let Mad shower alone!

  The moment his door closes behind us, he pulls my top up and over my head, throwing it to the floor as he dips his head down, nibbling at my breasts through the lace of my bra. “You. Are. So. Fucking. Sexy.” He says between nibbles. I can’t do anything but moan in reply, my body melting at his touch. It doesn’t take him long to strip me and lead me to the bathroom. The moment he turns the water on, I drop to my knees, pulling his jeans and boxers to the ground. He steps into the shower; water cascading down over him. I want to lick every inch of his abs.

  “Get your ass in here, darlin’.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” The second I’m inside, he pulls my back to his chest, letting the hot, soothing water trickle between my breasts.

  “Mmmm. You feel so damn good.” He grabs the soap and begins to rub my skin in sensual circles – from my neck, to my nipples, and down my stomach until he reaches between my legs. “Spread.” His voice is commanding, and I comply without hesitation. As his fingers glide over my clit, teasing me with every stroke, my legs begin to buckle. He grabs me tight, pushing me against the cold tile before thrusting two fingers inside me.

  “Mad. Oh, God!”

  “You like that?”

  “Yes!” I love this side of him.

  “I’m going to fuck you from behind, and you’re going to love it.” He continues his ministrations with his fingers, while kissing down my back. He grabs my hips, pulling my ass to where he wants me. “Show me your pretty pussy, darlin’.”

  I push myself against the scruff of his chin, writhing with anticipation for the sweet sensation of his tongue. “Oh my God.” He envelops my pussy in a frantic kiss, his tongue flicking my clit. I can feel myself quickly build to a fever pitch, but just as I’m about to crash over the edge, he stops, his fingers pulling out of me. “Please, Mad. I need you. I’m so close.”

  He pulls my hips, impaling me on his cock, before pressing me back against the tile. The unforgiving marble is a delicious juxtaposition to Mad’s warm, soft skin. I brace my hands on the wall, taking as much of him as I can. With each delectable thrust, his lips caress my neck; his hands palming my breasts. “I can’t get enough of you, A.B. I could fuck you every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of watching you come.”

  I wrap my hand around
his neck, twisting back to kiss him with everything I have. It’s fierce and rough, and I never want it to end. “I love you, Mad.” He drives into me, harder and harder, riding me like a mustang. I buck, wild and free, completely lost to the sensation. “Oh fuck. I’m gonna come.” My orgasm rips from my body, his lips covering mine in an attempt to mute my screams.

  He continues his punishing rhythm as I ride out the aftershocks, chasing his own release. His fingertips bite into my thigh – a pleasurable pain that I adore. As he crashes over the edge, I’m pulled along with him, finding a second and more intense climax. The water is cold, but I don’t care. I could stay here in this moment with him, forever.

  By the time we dress and head back out to the living room, an hour has been and gone. The house is silent, dinner long finished. Jax is nowhere to be found, but I can here Pops singing out on the back porch. Rae is sound asleep in his arms, while he rocks back and forth on the swing, watching the sun set behind the trees. “Boy, you don’t remember the manners I raised you with?” My cheeks flush with embarrassment, saved only by the ring of my phone from inside the house.

  “I’m gonna go answer that.” I hear Maddox chastising Pops for making me uncomfortable as I duck into the house. I search my bag, wondering what tonight’s medical emergency will be. A lost tooth? A tag related elbow scrape? My stomach plummets to the floor when I see who’s calling – it’s her.

  It’s done. My attorney will deliver a letter to Maddox tomorrow. I just landed in New York. Now, get your ass here and help me.

  I drop the phone, before dropping to my knees. I hoped this day would never come, but I took the Hippocratic Oath. No matter how much I want to let this woman rot, I need to help her. And above all else – I want to protect Maddox and Rae. This is the only way I know how to stop Maddox from hating himself for making the right decision.

  The door swings open and Mad appears with Rae nestled in his arms. “A.B., are you okay? What’s wrong?” I wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “I’m fine. I have to go – work.”

  “Okay. Give me a minute to put her down, and I’ll walk you out.”


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