Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 45

by Sienna Parks

  “Fuck, Carter, you look worse than me. What’s up?” He laughs.

  “Ignore me, man, I’m just being a dick. Addi fucking freaked out this morning. What a surprise! Don’t sweat it. This is your day, and I’m all over the best man thing.” I think he’s trying to convince himself more than me. I need to have a chat with her when Lily and I get back from our honeymoon.

  Lily has tried to talk some sense into her, but I think she needs to realize what she’s doing to Carter every time she does this kind of thing. He needs to man up a little. It’s easy for me to say that, but I would do anything Lily asked of me, and I don’t fucking care who knows it. I’m the poster boy for pussy-whipped! She’s just so damn amazing.

  I thought sitting down to plan the wedding would be a nightmare, but as usual Lily astounded me with how easy going she was. It probably helped that she’d started writing her book, so a lot of her free time has been spent tapping away on her laptop.

  Once we had agreed on Verona as the venue, our mom’s went bat-shit crazy, warp speed, hyperdrive over the wedding plans. We just decided what we wanted and let them get on with it. That worked out great for me, because it gave me so much more time to get her naked and sweaty, screaming my name. Fuck. If I could go and get her from her suite at the hotel right now, without being decapitated by my mother, I would do just that; calm my nerves by pinning her down and fucking her so hard she forgets her own name.

  I really need to stop thinking like this right now. I’m surrounded by family and friends in the most amazing amphitheater in the world. They still perform open-air operas here at night after the sun goes down. I’m going to bring Lily back here for our first anniversary so that we can enjoy L’Arena the way it was meant to be experienced. She’ll fucking love it. She loves everything about this city.

  We arrived three days ago and the first thing I did was take her to Juliet’s balcony. I managed to get a photo of her leaning out over it, staring down at me with the most beautiful smile on her face; the picture of perfection, every bards muse, and she’s mine! That was the only time we got to explore the city just the two of us, but it was magical. I can see why Shakespeare was inspired by it; steeped in history, culture and most of all, romance.

  Addi and the rest of the women insisted that Lily and I slept apart last night, which is why I think I’m so fucking antsy - I haven’t seen her today. As much as I resent them taking my wife-to-be, I have to give credit where it’s due. My mom and Jocelyn have done a phenomenal job with the décor. The amphitheater has been sectioned into three separate, stunning areas.

  There’s the dining area – tables draped in crisp white linens with lanterns set on top of mirrors in the center. Lily picked out a deep purple for the color scheme and our mom’s didn’t disappoint. From the menus, to the place cards, to the petals scattered on the tables, everything matches and it all looks breathtakingly elegant - a perfect reflection of my bride.

  The second area is for dancing – twinkling lights cover every surface, marking out an expansive dance floor and stage for the band. I can’t wait to have Lily in my arms, with her tight body pressed hard against me, teasing me with what’s to come; making love to her for the first time as Mrs. Rhodes. Just the thought of it makes me rock-fucking-hard.

  Saving the best for last, area number three is where I’m standing right now – the place that I’m going to make Lily my wife. There are two hundred white chairs set out in rows with a white silk aisle running down the center. The chairs are all tied with purple organza, finished off with a crystal brooch.

  Everyone is seated and staring in my direction as I stand like a fucking idiot, pacing up and down, and turning my hair into a mess running my hands through it. I keep checking with Carter to make sure he has the rings. The priest keeps trying to give me a reassuring smile, but every time I look at him it makes me think about getting through the vows I wrote for Lily without breaking down like a pussy in front of two hundred friends and family members!

  The altar is a replica of the archway I commissioned for proposing in South Field. She loved it so much, she insisted that we have the exact same one to get married under. I love how sentimental she can be. It just makes me love her even more.

  The tiered steps surrounding the ancient amphitheater, are covered in thousands of lanterns, creating an otherworldly atmosphere, romantic, somehow intimate, and beyond captivating.

  Logan is standing at the other end of the aisle where screens of Monet’s water lily paintings create a partition so that Lily can stay hidden until the music starts. The water lilies were my contribution to the day. Every time I look at a water lily it makes me think of her, how stunningly beautiful she is, and how I am the luckiest bastard on the face of the planet that she let me in - let me see what’s beneath the surface. Behind her obvious beauty is something infinitely more special; the most attractive heart and soul that will ever exist.

  After asking for the hundredth time if Carter has the rings, I get him to check me over; is my tie straight, is my waistcoat sitting properly, is my fly down? I know it’s ridiculous, I’ve been dressing myself for the past twenty-seven years at least, but I just want everything to be perfect for Lily. I don’t want to disappoint her.

  I’m wearing a dark grey three-piece suit; she insisted. Apparently I do, and I quote, ‘very good, should be illegal, things to a three-piece suit.’ I think she’s crazy but I’m happy she likes it. I’m wearing a fitted white shirt and a silver silk tie. The groomsmen are wearing something similar but with a purple tie to match the bridesmaids – Addi and the twins.

  Carter pulls me to his side and gestures his head toward the back. Fuck, my heart is really hammering as I look to Logan who confirms in a single nod that I am about to see Lily. A shiver runs through my body, a thrill of excitement and anticipation, ready to see my girl walking toward me… fucking… ME.

  A string quartet starts playing Back to You by John Mayer, and everyone falls silent, turning to catch a glimpse of my gorgeous bride.

  The bridesmaids make their way down first. The look on Carter’s face as he watches Addi walk toward us tells me everything I need to know. He is head over heels in love with her. She gives me a smile and a wink before taking her place and locking eyes with Carter. I’m glad to see the feeling is mutual. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves as I shift my gaze to the top of the aisle.

  She appears in the distance, ethereal in her transcendent beauty; breathtaking, angelic, and utterly stunning. Her gown is ivory lace, delicate and intricate, just like the woman inside.

  The bodice is fitted, tight to her ample breasts and cinched in at her tiny waist before flowing out endlessly. She looks like a princess. Her flowing golden curls cascade down her back, some of her hair swept up in effortless elegance. She’s holding a small bouquet of white roses with crystals and pearls woven through the foliage. She calls that my ‘signature’ when I send her flowers.

  As she walks toward me with Addi’s dad by her side, our eyes lock and my nerves become a distant memory as I take in the vision of my bride. My heart stops beating in anticipation of her reaching my side. She is so fucking beautiful.

  It feels like an eternity by the time she’s finally standing next to me, with a smile that melts my heart. I take her hand in mine as Mr. Warner takes his seat, a jolt of electricity sparking between us as our skin comes into contact.

  Standing here, taking in the sight of her close up, she is fucking flawless, and even more beautiful, if that’s possible. Her makeup is soft and natural, highlighting her features; her eyes sparkling like emeralds.

  I notice an intricate tiara, and a few crystals holding her loose tendrils in place. She looks like a goddess. She decided not to wear a veil, which suits me, I don’t want anything covering her face.

  Before the ceremony begins I place a feather light kiss on her cheek before whispering so only she can hear. “You are a vision. I love you so much… Miss Tate.” Her sly grin tells me she knows this is the last time I
’ll ever call her that.

  I don’t hear most of what is being said during the course of the ceremony, my attention locked on Lily. Luckily, I do hear the priest announce that it’s time for us to share the vows we’ve written for each other. I thought I would be nervous, everyone waiting for me to pour my heart out, but I’m not. She is the only person in L’Arena with me as I begin to put into words what today means to me.

  “Lily. As I stand here before you today, enchanted by your beauty, inside and out, I vow to love you with all that I am, with everything that I have. I will strive to be the husband you deserve. Since the moment you came crashing into my life, I’ve wanted to be a better man. In you I’ve found the other half of my soul; you’re the better half of me. I will support you in every endeavor and help make your dreams a reality. I will always be by your side, to celebrate the good, to comfort you through the bad, and to hold your hand as we write the chapters of our life together. I’ve loved you from the moment I first looked into your eyes, and I will continue to love you through this life and the next. You will forever be my best friend, my lover, my wife, and my one true love. My beginning, my end, and everything in between - Forever yours.”

  I struggle to get the words past the massive lump in my throat. As I look into the eyes of my reason for breathing, tears streaming down her face. I place the ring on her shaking finger, my name engraved on the inside for only her to see.

  I cradle her face in my palms, wiping her tears away with before kissing her forehead. I exhale a long shaky breath, preparing myself to hear her sweet voice reciting the vows she has written for me.

  “Alexander. I was lost before I met you; walking through life, but not really living it until you found me. Every moment with you is a gift, every look, every touch, every word that comes from your lips, I cherish. My notions of love and romance only ever came from the pages of a book, an ideal that no man can live up to. Except you do live up to it; you surpass it in every way imaginable on a daily basis. You are the missing piece of my heart; the reason it beats in my chest. With every breath I will love you, honor you and strive to be worthy of your love, through the good times and the bad. When you are happy I will share your joy, when you are sad I will share your pain. I give every part of myself freely and willingly to you, because I know that you will always protect me. I love you with everything that I am, today, tomorrow, and for the rest of time - Forever yours.”

  She slays me with her eloquence – her ability to speak to something deep in my soul. As she slides the ring onto my finger, my entire body vibrates, her touch eliciting such love that it radiates from every fiber of my being.

  I don’t wait for permission to kiss my bride. I couldn’t stop myself if I tried. We’re like magnets, drawn to each other, our desperate desire to connect driving us closer until our lips meet and everything else becomes white noise in the background.

  I run my tongue along the perfectly pouty seam of her luscious lips - tasting her, begging her to open up for me; her sweet little tongue darting out to meet mine, tangling together in an outpouring of love and devotion. I vaguely hear the priest announcing that we are now man and wife, and register the roar of applause from our friends and family, but I can’t bring myself to stop kissing her… my wife.

  My hands fist in her soft hair, pulling her closer as her body melts into mine. I feel like my chest is going to explode. I pull back to catch my breath, my teeth nipping her lip before I gaze into her eyes.

  “You’re mine now, Lily. Only mine. Always.” Her shy smile is so fucking beautiful.

  “Always yours… Mr. Rhodes.” Her tone, so seductive.

  “That’s right… Mrs. Rhodes.”

  I like the way that sounds and feels on my tongue; almost as good as she’s going to feel on my tongue when I taste her for the first time as my wife… so sweet… and all mine.

  Until the end of time, I will be enchanted by her… my Lily… forever flawless.

  First and foremost, I need to say a massive thank you to my amazing husband. You’ve shown me what true love and romance is. You have supported me through the good, the bad, and the downright awful, and championed every endeavor I’ve embarked on, no questions asked. Without your constant love and encouragement, I never would have had the confidence to make my dream a reality. I love you more than words could ever express. Maybe one day I’ll be able to get you that Ferrari 458 Italia, and make your dream a reality!

  I need to give a big thank you to my betas, and proof-readers. You took a chance on me and gave your free time willingly. You helped sculpt the raw material into the polished article. Thank you Lauren and Leslie. Without you, I never would have had the courage to let anyone read my work. You’ve been a constant source of friendship and support and I love you both dearly. Leslie – Your red pen still haunts me to this day!

  Ria Alexander - You and I have taken quite the journey together with Xander. We may live thousands of miles away from each other, but you have become part of my family, and for that I will always love this book. I love you more, my dear friend.

  Sharron – Thank you for being so supportive from the very beginning. You saved me from myself more times than I can count. I feel blessed to call you family. Love you.

  I need to say a huge thank you to my editor Jaye Hart – Not only are you a kickass editor, you’re an even better friend. Your unwavering belief in my writing is the reason Flawless found a home with Prism Heart Press. I am eternally grateful! Thank you for putting up with the crazy mind of this writer – the doubts, the fears, the last minute tweaks (complete rewrite of book one). I couldn’t have turned this book into something I can be proud of without your total commitment and support of my process. I look forward to our next adventure! I love you, friend.

  Patricia Van Drunen – Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a chance. You’ve made a Scottish housewife’s dreams come true. I look forward to working with you and the team at Prism Heart Press, to bring the rest of The Manhattan Knights Series to life.

  And last but by no means least, thanks to you, the reader – for taking a chance on a new author and supporting this fabulous genre. I hope you enjoyed reading about Xander and Lily’s journey as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  The next book in the series will be Addi and Carter’s story – Relentless. I’m positive there will be more of Xander and Lily in there, too! There’s still a lot for them to do together. Thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact me via social media.

  Page ahead to read Bonus Book Two



  COVER DESIGN: Pink Ink Designs

  EDITING: Rebelle Proofing

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or, if an actual place, are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control and does not assume and responsibility for author or third-party websites or their contents.

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r />   To Simon

  Tu sei il sole, la luna e le stelle.

  Tu sei il mio amante e il mio migliore amico.

  Sei il mio tutto.

  Siamo due corpi, ma una sola anima.

  Ti amerò fino al mio ultimo respiro.

  Tutto il mio amor


  I thought I had it all figured out, love ‘em and leave ‘em has been my motto ever since the day Gavin ripped my heart out and crushed it underfoot.

  It was working well, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with the casual thing, but no matter how hard I try to keep it simple, casual, and uncomplicated with Carter de Rossi, he just won’t let it go. He won’t let me go.

  If I’m truly honest with myself, I knew the moment he kissed me that he wasn’t a one-night stand; but admitting that to myself and to him, has been one hell of a long and bumpy ride.

  I don’t think my best friend Lily and I could have expected what would transpire when we agreed to attend our friend Jason’s restaurant opening. That was the night I met Carter…

  As we step out of the cab and look up at the façade of La Cattedrale, I’m overwhelmed with pride for Jason. I’ve known him my whole life, and when Lily came into our lives, we became like the three musketeers.

  He’s been so busy getting this restaurant up and running that I feel as if I haven’t seen him in ages. It will be good to spend a couple of hours with him; although, he did tell me that there are going to be some of NY’s big dogs here tonight, and he knows I can’t resist a hot guy with money for some fun.

  As soon as we get inside, we’re handed cocktails by a handsome waiter before Jason spies us. After we say hello and congratulate him, he steers us in the direction of a group of investors he wants us to meet. Holy Shit! Even from behind, I can tell that these men are hot, rich, and completely fuckable.


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