Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 50

by Sienna Parks

  “Is everything ok, sweetheart?” I hate the sound of him calling me that. I need him not to speak.

  “Everything is fine. No more talking, okay. Let’s go to your place and put that sexy mouth of yours to better use.” The grin that spreads across his face is gorgeous and sexy, and under normal circumstances it would have me weak at the knees and ready to jump him. He holds the door open for me to slide in, but I hesitate; I don’t know if I can do this – but then Carter’s words replay in my head and I force myself into the cab. I need to exorcise the hold he has over me once and for all. I steel myself, putting the shutters up - my player persona firmly back in place.

  “Are you coming, baby? I plan to… several times. It’s just a question of whether you want to come along for the ride.” He’s beside me in a flash, barking his address to the driver as he reaches for the handle, but before it clicks shut, the door swings back open and Colin is pulled from the cab; a familiar voice shouting at me from the sidewalk.

  “Get out of the cab, Addi. What the fuck do you think you’re playing at? You’re not actually going home with this guy.” I scramble across the backseat and out onto the pavement, anger and desire building inside me in equal measure for this macho asshole.

  He’s got Colin by the throat, completely emasculated and forced to submit to the alpha dog.

  “I’m doing exactly what you told me to do. I’m getting laid. So back the fuck off, Carter. I got the message loud and clear in your office.” His eyes are wild and almost feral with rage.

  “Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit? You would fuck this pathetic excuse for a man, just to spite me? That’s fucking low, sweetheart, even for you.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that? The whole goddamn world doesn’t revolve around you, you know! GET OVER YOURSELF!! I’m going home with Colin because he’s hot, we were having a great time tonight until you showed up, and because I CAN! GOD KNOWS, I COULD USE A GOOD LAY!”

  His chokehold on Colin tightens as my words enrage him further.

  “Oh, Addi. If you want a mediocre lay then by all means, take this loser home and let him ram all four inches of himself inside you. But if you want to be fucked by a real man that can make your toes curl and have you begging for more, then fucking hop on. I’m ready and waiting, baby.”

  “You’re a dick, Carter. Let him go and leave me the hell alone.”

  There’s a fleeting trace of hurt in his eyes as he releases Colin, shoving him to the ground.

  “Have it your way, Addi.”

  Colin stands up, desperate to save face and assert his strength in front of me. He fists his hands at his sides, his eyes fixed on Carter, who is too busy staring at me with a fierce intensity that has me weak at the knees. He lifts his fist and pulls back before throwing a punch that was meant for Carter’s face, but without turning to look in his direction, Carter dodges Colin’s fist before twisting to the side and slamming his own fist into Colin’s face.

  “Fuck this shit.” He turns and strides back into the club, shaking out his fist and muttering something in Italian that I don’t understand – asshole.

  I quickly divert my attention to Colin, asking if he’s ok and apologizing for Carter’s ridiculous behavior.

  “I don’t want to get in the middle of something messy, Addi. I just wanted a bit of fun.”

  “There’s no mess. There’s nothing to get in the middle of! I want the same thing you do. One night, no strings, fun.”

  “Well, alright then.” He quickly hails another cab, and this time, Carter doesn’t try to stop me; he’s done with me, which is exactly what I want… isn’t it?

  He drapes his arm around my shoulder, moving in to kiss me. He smells of cologne, and it’s hot, but it’s not doing anything for me. I hate that I’m comparing him to Carter right now. I think I just need a minute to get back in the mood with him.

  “Are you okay? Is your lip burst?”

  “Don’t you worry about my lip, sweetheart, it’s fine. Let me show you.” His lips crash down on mine and it’s good… it’s great actually, but it’s just not… him.

  When we reach Colin’s apartment building I follow him in, the silence between us deafening. As soon as the door shuts behind me, I turn the switch firmly off on all of my emotions, unzip my dress and stand naked before him. He is more than pleased with what he sees; his hard-on straining against his jeans as he makes his way over to me. He pulls his shirt off over his head, revealing a great body underneath, before dipping his head and capturing my nipple in his mouth.

  “Take me to bed… and fuck me… hard.”

  He does exactly that, and two hours later when he is sound asleep beside me, I grab my clothes and leave his building without a second thought; taking the coward’s way out yet again. I feel cheap and dirty as I hail a cab to take me home. My entire body is screaming at me, telling me I just betrayed Carter. It’s ridiculous and stupid, we’re not even together, but the harder I try to push it from my mind, the harder it fights back. By the time I reach my apartment I feel physically sick, discarding my clothes in the trash, and heading straight to the shower to wash off the scent of my own shame.

  My decision to erase Carter with a quick roll in the sack did not have the desired effect. I’ve spent the past week being even more miserable than I was before. There hasn’t been a day when my thoughts haven’t drifted to Carter de Rossi. Our nights together, the sheer ecstasy that he can wring from my body - and our fight in his club. I still don’t understand why he did what he did, why he said what he said; how he just dismissed me with such ease – as if I was nothing, and then he gets angry at me! It was reminiscent of the way Gavin used to speak to me, and I will be damned if I let any man treat me like that again. There’s a part of me that knows Carter isn’t anything like Gavin, but the way I feel when I’m around him terrifies me. He could hurt me so much more than Gavin ever did – a few intimate liaisons and Carter has me twisted in knots in a way I’ve never experienced before.

  Plan A to forget him was a complete disaster, so I’m thinking Plan B will be in force for a while – stay clear of men altogether and have some much-needed Addi alone time to get my shit worked out.


  Ten Days Later

  Rage is not the word for how I felt when Addi was in my club, grinding her tight body against that little prick. He couldn’t handle her even on his best day. It makes me feel sick to my stomach every time I remember that dick with his dirty hands all over her, and I can’t even contemplate the fact that she got in the goddamn taxi with him. She wanted me… I could see it written all over her face, in the trembling of her thighs beneath me. And then I go to stop her and she throws it back in my fucking face! It did feel fantastic to punch that little shit square in the jaw. I can’t believe she let that fucker see to her needs, fanning the flames of the desire I sparked in her. I only have myself to blame – the way I wound her up and then dismissed her. You just don’t do that to a firecracker and expect it not to blow up in your face, but I thought she’d come around when I fought for her.

  I can’t even blame her; I did the same fucking thing twenty minutes after storming back into the club and seeing her on the cameras, leaving with that dickhead. Then I pretty much wrecked my office. It was that or beat the shit out of someone. After composing myself as best I could, I made my way back into the main bar, drank some expensive Scotch and waited for the usual vultures to swarm. Girls in this club can smell money and they fucking target me like a heat-seeking missile. It pisses me off, but it’s also a really easy way to get laid. I just sit back and take my pick. I know I’m a dick for saying it, and for doing it, but I don’t give a shit.

  A pretty little blonde caught my eye; she was up for it the second I opened my mouth and used some of my Italian charm on her. She was more than willing to follow me up to the VIP lounge and into one of my private rooms. I didn’t even ask her name before bending her over the plush velvet chair and sliding my hand bet
ween her legs. She was soaked and ready for me. It took about two minutes to get her off with my hand before I rolled on a condom and plunged into her. All I could think about was Addi, how much tighter and sweeter her pussy felt wrapped around my dick. I had to shut my eyes - block out the girl I was buried inside and lose myself to the memory of Addi just to get off. That is so fucking wrong on so many levels.

  It has been ten days since the incident at Spyder and I’ve been acting like a college dickhead, fucking everything offered to me. I’ve fucked them in the bathrooms, I’ve bent them over my desk, and I’ve let them suck me off in the darkest corners of my club. I even fucked one girl up the ass while her friend ate her pussy, and then I made them switch positions. That was so fucking hot, and yet I still can’t shake the memory of Addi. I’d like to say it’s because of her mad skills in the sack, but I fear it’s more than that. I think I have actual feelings for this girl, and I am so pissed off about it. I've decided to bite the bullet and call her today, and I’m nervous as the dial tone rings out in my ear before it connects and a sultry voice is on the other end of the line.

  “Hello?” My heart is pounding in my chest with that one solitary word.

  “It’s Carter. Before you hang up on me, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted last week. It was completely out of line. I just saw red when I saw you with that… dickhead. Look… Addi… before I say anything stupid, can I take you out for dinner tonight?”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea…”

  “Please, Addi. Don’t make me fucking beg here. I just want to clear the air. Our best friends are dating and we are going to bump into each other from time to time. It doesn’t need to be so awkward. Let me make it up to you. I’ll pick you up at 8 p.m.” I need to at least sound confident, otherwise she is going to walk all over me, and I’ll let her, which is not how I operate. The silence on the other end of the line is crushing… and then like a fucking lifeline, she speaks.

  “Okay. I’ll see you then, but only for Lily and Xander’s sake. Bye.” The line goes dead and I realize I’ve been holding my breath this whole goddamn conversation. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  I get my head down and get to work organizing what needs to be done for the clubs tonight. My PA gets me a reservation at Pink - one of my favorite restaurants; so I head back to my apartment to get ready, before making my way to Addi’s to pick her up. On the drive over, I finally feel relaxed, more like myself, ready to work the de Rossi charms on this girl.

  As I wait to be buzzed in, I’m already formulating a plan of attack. I know what my proximity does to Addi, and I need to get the upper hand back if I am going to talk to her about what happened the last time I was with her. She completely shut down on me that night, and I want to help her, so if I need to be a bit of a dick to do that, then so be it.

  When I make my way up to her apartment, I’m not ready for what awaits me behind the front door… she looks… goddamn out of this world. Not her usual sex siren, but a more demure, sultry, subtle kind of gorgeous. Her body is beyond fucking perfect and tonight it’s covered in a flowing full-length maxi dress with a chunky belt around her waist, showing off just how tight her body really is. She’s wearing flats which makes me feel like I’m towering over her as I loom in the door frame, drinking in the sight of her, unashamed at my blatant appreciation.

  If I didn’t know better, I would think she looks a little shy as she gathers her clutch and makes her way back to the door, back to me. I get a hint of her perfume as she reaches me and it’s so amazing, I just want to lick her from head to toe and everywhere in between. I can’t bring myself to move out of the way to let her pass. Instead I lean in and press my lips to her cheek, lingering longer than I should, my breath growing shallow and erratic as I struggle to compose myself. It’s only made harder when I hear her breath hitch, feeling the rapid rise and fall of her chest against my own.

  “We should go… don’t want to miss our reservation.” I rip myself from her orbit and force myself over to the elevator. If I don’t put some distance between us right now I’ll be lifting her into the apartment and will have her naked and pinned to the wall in three seconds flat. Normally that would be my goal for the evening, but I need to talk to her, I need to understand how she was able to hide the broken so well. I didn’t see it coming and it was a sucker punch to the chest when she let her guard down.

  I hold the door for the elevator open and flash her my brightest smile. “After you, gorgeous.”

  She quietly steps in, graceful and stunning with every move of her body. She is a different girl tonight. I’m not sure how to handle this. I can deal with loud-mouthed, confident Addi – not always in the best way, but I can handle it. The vulnerable woman in front of me is staring at me with a look in her eyes that calls to some base desire inside me to protect her. THAT, I find harder to deal with.

  On our way to the restaurant we make small talk, ignoring the elephant in the room – my appalling behavior last week. Addi isn’t the type to be overwhelmed or impressed by a fancy restaurant or a flash car, so none of my usual tactics have any effect on her; it’s sort of liberating and quite refreshing actually. We order drinks and finally start talking while we wait for our food.

  “Thanks for letting me take you out tonight, Addi. I was such a fucking asshole last week I wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see me again.” This groveling is obviously amusing to her.

  “You’re right, Carter… you were a complete asshole, but I guess I can forgive you. I was a bit of a bitch the morning after our night together at my apartment, so let’s call it even.”

  We chat back and forth about mundane topics until I have to mention what happened between us the last time we slept together.

  “You probably don’t want to talk about it, but I genuinely want to know - what is going on with you? I know that look. The one you gave me when I accidentally touched you in the wrong place; the fear that flashed across your face when my fingers got too close – I’ve seen that look before and it fucking slayed me to see your sweet face looking so distraught. We don’t know each other that well, but we have an undeniable connection, and I want you to know that you can talk to me about it… if you want to.” I can see her shutting down as soon as the words leave my mouth.

  We’re afforded a short reprieve when the waiter brings our dinner and tops off our drinks. I can see the cogs turning; watching her decide what to say to me.

  “Look, Carter. It’s sweet that you’re worried about me, and I don’t know what you thought you saw in my eyes, or on my face, but it’s pretty simple. I don’t like ass play. It’s a one-way street and I don’t let any man go there, not even one as sexy as you.” She’s trying to distract me and I want to believe her, but I just fucking don’t. I see something of the same pain Vittoria suffered in her eyes, and she most definitely has not dealt with whatever happened.

  “I never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable; I’m just worried about you.” She cuts me off before I can say anything else.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m perfectly fine, and I don’t need your pity or your concern. We aren’t dating; we fucked a couple of times, and you know absolutely nothing about me, so whatever bullshit you think you know… just drop it.” She stands to leave, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.

  “ADDISON. Sit the fuck down. I was only trying to look out for you. Obviously, I should have known better than to attempt anything deeper. I’m sorry. You warned me when I met you. We fucked… that’s it. I was putting my own bullshit on you… sorry. Please, sit down and at least finish your dinner.” I know my tone is a little sharp, but apparently she doesn’t respond to me being nice to her. At least I know where I stand now.

  We stick to superficial topics for the rest of the evening, slipping back into our tried and tested roles as we shamelessly flirt, innuendos rife, and the sexual tension between us growing with every passing minute. This night is taking a direction I didn’t expect,
but one that I want with every fiber of my being. I want my dick buried deep inside her so badly, I can feel myself harden right here at the table in the middle of the restaurant. She makes me lose all control when I’m around her, and the look in her eyes right now is one of pure lust. It is so fucking sexy.

  “Take me home, Carter. I want you tonight.” I’m conflicted for all of two seconds.

  I try to flag down our waiter but I can’t see him, so I try to get the attention of the waitress at the next table. “Excuse me, miss. Could we have the check please?” As she turns to answer, my heart sinks. I can see the recognition on her face, and all I want to do is get the hell out of Dodge before it blows up in my face, but it’s too late!

  “Well, well, well. Onto your next willing victim, I see. At least she’s getting dinner before you bend her over, fuck her and then don’t call her.” Shit, shit, shit. One of my many conquests from the past ten days is standing in front of me looking pissed off and spiteful!

  “You can’t even remember my name, can you?” She’s right, I can’t. All I could think about when I was fucking her, was the face of the girl sitting across from me.

  “You certainly don’t waste any time, do you? Have you already slept with someone else in the two days between fucking me and lining up this poor slut?” Addi is up and making her way out of the restaurant before I can stop her.

  “Don’t you fucking dare call her a slut. You were more than willing, so don’t play wounded. If you want a guy’s respect, don’t offer up your pussy on a platter and then expect to be treated like a princess.” I throw a few hundred dollar bills on the table and make a quick exit to find Addi.


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