Branded Captive: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Dark Romance (Wren's Song Book 1)

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Branded Captive: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Dark Romance (Wren's Song Book 1) Page 3

by Addison Cain

  A featherlight stroke on her cheek tickled enough that she slapped at the cause, groaning and pushing her face into the cushions.

  A firm grip on the shoulder gave a soft shake. “Wake up, little rat. The cat’s come to play.”

  Startled awake, Wren sucked in a quick breath, and jumped to her feet. Tugging the wrinkles from her skirt, she shook out the fabric. Her braid was grabbed next, the elastic tugged free so she might finger comb fresh waves and try to look as presentable as possible.

  They had an agreement, and she was going to keep it.

  Heart tattooing a panicked beat against her breast, she stood straight, trying to prove she’d followed directions. Clean, dressed in something appealing.

  The Alpha was not impressed. Cocking his head, he eyeballed her nicest dress. “Where did you find that monstrosity? Whoever sold that to you did a number on moth-eaten drapes.”

  Looking down at the simple sundress, Wren frowned.

  The sundress was made from old curtains… pretty ones she’d found in one of the abandoned homes sunk under the waterline. She’d rushed to grab them as water dumped in around her entry point, flooding the formerly sealed rooms. She’d chosen them over old tech she could have salvaged and sold, that was how much she liked them. She was proud of this dress, damnit!

  For goodness sake, where did he think fabric for such things came from in the Warrens?

  “Look at her cheeks getting pink. You hurt her feelings, boss.”

  With a shriek, Wren jumped and grasped Caspian’s arm, clinging as she turned to find that two other males stood in the room. Hand to her heart, truly awake now, she looked around for the next surprise, narrowing her eyes on her sealed door, completely clueless to how the three of them had gotten in.

  And then a long agitated growl escaped her when her eyes landed on the mud each of them had tracked in. Her clean floor was a wreck and an accusatory glare was leveled at the two strangers before landing upon a stone-faced Caspian.

  A Caspian she immediately set free of her grip.

  Disengaging, she spread the skirt he found so ugly, pointed at her chest, and mimed sewing it.

  The Alpha couldn’t care less.

  Before he might say anything else, Wren kneeled into a crouch and set her fingers to his boot laces. If he was going to traipse around, he was not going to bring more mud with him.

  Behind her, one of the strangers chuckled. “I’ve seen plenty of women drop to their knees before you, sir, but never to take off your shoes.”

  The taller stranger, the one dressed in khakis and sporting a rather larger firearm, he was the one who spoke. She’d seen him beside Caspian in the pipeworks, remembered the tawny hair and green eyes, but didn’t know who he was. Just as she didn’t know the other one with the shaved head and unhinged smirk.

  When she peered up at her guest, Wren saw him wink before saying, “He means they kneel to suck my cock.”

  It took her a moment to grasp his meaning. Once she had, she felt her cheeks heat, and went back to work unraveling his laces.

  A hand fell to her crown, a hand that weighed heavy against her skull as it stroked. “Sweet and raw in her ugly dress and flowing white hair. You’re not a rat at all, are you, but a little mouse all sleek and silent.”

  Already humiliated and growing more nervous with each breath, Wren kept her head down and worked a boot from a large foot. The sock was surprisingly dry underneath, but she rolled it down anyway out of habit, then went to the other shoe.

  He let her do this.

  Just as he let her lead him to her most comfortable chair. When she went to the other men, men who had failed to follow her shoe removal lead, Caspian grumbled out a firm, “No. All of your attention today belongs to me. They’re more than you can handle right now.”

  Turning to face Caspian, she looked anywhere but at his frightening coat. Stubbled jaw marked with scars, a nose broken flat, bent and broken again. Lines by his lashes gave the impression the brute must laugh as he maimed. Mud brown eyes. Cropped brown hair. Rugged and craggy and not pretty in any way.

  She mimed a cup of water, followed by tapping her lips in offering of food.

  “You would share your food and drink with me?”

  In answer, she stepped over the mud trail and padded barefoot to her cooking corner. Water was collected from all three dehumidifier units, poured into a purifier, and doled out into mismatched cups. Next was quick bread topped with sliced mushrooms harvested from the mud. Carried on a beloved tray she’d salvaged two years back, she marched to Caspian and let him choose which serving he might like.

  He eyed the brownish water and her best food with distaste.

  He hated her dress. Fine. He’d dragged mud all over her freshly cleaned floors. Okay. Her food and water were beneath a man who dressed in the skins of people…

  Her tray landed on a side table with an irritated thump.

  Snatching up a cup and a slice of mushroom topped bread, Wren set it where the boy could reach when he woke. She then took her own portion, perched on an unclaimed corner of her couch and ate.

  Caspian’s men found this hilarious.

  She found them annoying.

  And Caspian, as far as Wren was concerned, was worthy of no further hospitality.

  When she swallowed the last bit of food and drained her glass, the Alpha unfurled from the chair. “Show me your nest.”

  Chewing her lip, she put her bare feet to the ground, a worried eye running over the sleeping Mikael.

  “Kieran and Toby will keep an eye on your boy.” A hand closed around her upper arm, pulling her away as Caspian grumbled, “And they will wipe up the mud on your floor.”

  The bald one scoffed, “With what?”

  Large fingers plucked the ties at Wren’s shoulders, the dress falling down before she might catch it. “With that. Burn it when you’re done so I never have to see it again.”

  Wren tried to sign, “Wait,” while one hand covered her breasts and the other reached out to save her best article of clothing. A tug of war she would never win began between them, Wren fighting for her dress, hearing it rip, and already in tears.

  The snarling Alpha had it from her, tossing it aside and yanking her from the room just as it landed in a puddle. She was sobbing by the time he shouldered her down the short hall past the bathing area and into the domicile’s only bedroom.

  The door was slammed before he gave her a rough shake. “Stop crying.”

  With a sniff and a shaking lip, her hands flung about a diatribe that was wasted for all he cared. Rude gestures escalated into flailing arms and more tears. Had she a voice she would have been yelling down the walls. Had she a voice she wouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place.

  A slap hit her cheek.

  It was a bucket of cold water over the head.

  Wren went still.

  “Are you done?”

  His callousness made her shiver, pink-tipped breasts breaking out in gooseflesh. Crossing her arms over her nipples, she glared.

  “Take off your panties. I want to see what I bought.”

  Her hesitation encouraged Caspian’s scowl. It grew meaner by the second until Wren hooked her thumbs in her underwear and shimmied them down her legs.

  Peeling his vile coat from broad shoulders, the Alpha began to undress. He took his time about it, running his gaze over her body as he went.

  Another Alpha had looked at her that way once, appraising, measuring her worth.

  The other Alpha had not been nearly this large or dangerous.

  Anger turned to terror.

  Caspian’s nostrils flared. He took in a deep breath and snapped his eyes to hers. “Do you wish to nest first?”

  That… was unexpected.

  Wiping sweaty palms down the fronts of her thighs, Wren looked to her nest. The arrangement was pleasing for rest and safety, but not ideal for an Alpha to invade it. He would undo all her work if she didn’t make room for him, so she did. Pillows were moved
, fluffed, sorted and spread. Sheets were tucked, blankets arranged until it looked right. Until she felt comforted.

  He seemed to understand the moment she’d calmed, the lightest offering of a purr softening his demand. “Invite me into it, Omega.”

  He was fully nude when she turned, and her eyes caught on the power of all that rippling muscle. Not a single part of the beast was soft—dipping ridges and rugged bulges—between his legs a stiffened trunk.

  There had never been a gesture or signal, but Caspian lowered down and crept into the place she’d made for him. Roughened palms ran over her hips, the male moving her body until her back hit the bedding and his heft hovered over her.

  “Look what I caught.” He grinned, shifting so the coarse hair on his chest caught her nipples. “A little mouse. Hmm? And she’s going to spread her legs for me, isn’t she? Yes.” Brushing his jaw against hers, he let his tongue swipe at her drying tears. “Yes she is. My mouse is going to be a good girl.”

  His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her thighs, drawing them wide as Wren fought her aversion and reluctantly obeyed.

  The lobe of her ear was sucked into a hot mouth. Gasping at the unexpected feeling, her eyes went wide.

  This was real. An Alpha was in her nest.

  His erection lay heavy on her stomach, wafting the scent of mouthwatering sweetness to tickle her nose.

  “That’s right, pretty mouse. Relax for me.” The scratch of his unshaven beard didn’t sting as she would have imagined when Caspian ran his face over her breasts. It enlivened the skin with prickles, soothed by the warmth of his breath when he began to scent her flesh.

  The way his ribs expanded with each rich inhale, it made him grow so much larger. He truly was a beast pinning down a mouse, licking at her nipples until strange sounds caught in her throat.

  He changed technique, the rasp of that tongue bringing an itch it failed to scratch. And he, the Alpha, grew more appreciative. The rumble in his chest called her to breathe deep of him, to allow what he willed.

  To spread wider.

  And somehow her legs obeyed.

  The base of his cock slipped against her folds as if it had been coated in oil. It pried its way, balls heavy behind it, to tease and threaten all at once.

  The breathless male growled, “My pretty mouse’s tits smell of peaches and taste of cream. What, I wonder, does her cunt taste like?”

  He dropped the pitch of his purr and growled.

  A vibration, the buzz of anxious electricity, moved under Wren’s flesh, demanding she writhe to its meter.

  Hand slipping between them, Caspian replaced the pressure of his cock with that of creeping fingers.

  She stiffened when he parted her labia, practically bowing off the mattress when he answered her retreat with the deepest, most licentious growl a man could produce. It came alive inside her and pushed away what made her Wren.

  Head tossed back, distracted by the growing heartbeat between her legs, she answered his demanding call with a soft moan.

  “Show me your eyes.”

  White lashes parted.

  What he found there pleased him, and Caspian gave her a satisfied smile. “Who would have thought my pretty mouse would be so receptive? I’ve hardly touched you and your pupils are blown, slick soaking the sheets under your delicious ass.” Slipping down her body, he took the fingers away until she was left wanting, uncovered in her nest and trying to sit up as if to chase after him.

  “Ah, ah.” The flat of a palm settled between her breasts, pushing her down against her nest. “I want my taste. I’m going to lick and suck and bite at this sweet pussy until I’ve drank my fill. And you will lay there like a good little girl and bear it.”

  When his eyes tracked from her face, over her spit-shined breasts to land between her legs, the magic was lost.

  Another Alpha had pulled her pussy lips apart once, leaning close to inspect and confirm. He’d declared her a virgin before taking her off to the room with a couch.

  Caspian’s hand on her chest kept her pinned when the appeal of Alpha purr failed. Try as she might, she couldn’t close her legs no matter how her muscles trembled with effort so long as the male held them open.

  She couldn’t stop the shamed flush and panicked noises that squeaked past her throat.

  Nor could she repress the full body shudder that bent her spine when a fat tongue rasped delicate flesh from anus to mound.

  “Delicious, but naughty.” He spoke as he tongued her, as he lapped and sucked and destroyed all reason. “Bad girl! I told you not to move.” He took a nip at her clit, chuckling when she yelped. “Bad girls get fucked, good girls get played with. Are you trying to tell me you want to get fucked already?”

  How could anyone be still when nerves caught fire?

  The vibration of his laughter and another of those terrible growls set her wheeling into a place of sensation that stole all sense. He piled more on top of it, flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue until she uncontrollably bucked against his mouth.

  Something breached her, something thick and wriggling. It hooked behind her pubic bone and pulled until she screamed. In and out it pumped while flick, flick, flick, went that tongue.

  A river seeped from her pussy.

  “Mmmmmmhhrrmm.” The only sound she could make. Louder and louder it built, just as the tension curled in on itself like an imploding star.

  This was how she was going to die. Her legs spread, mashing her pussy into the face of a killer.

  Light broke inside her when the male grew rough. She shined, more slick flowed, all of it sucked up in slurps by a rampaging tongue.

  “Only. Good. Girls.” The swirl and dance of his tongue staccatoed her clit between words. “Get. To. Cum.”

  Insides locked on the writhing digit rubbing inside her pussy, they seized like a vise—sucking upward, milking Caspian’s fingers for a substance they could never provide. The resulting orgasm was indescribable. It tore away everything, left her truly raw and shaken to her hungry dissatisfied core.

  But it had pleased the fuck out of the man who had forced it on her.

  Grinning, as he licked his lips and met her eyes, Caspian climbed over her spent body and growled, “Brace yourself, kid. You’re about to get fucked like the bad, bad girl you are.”

  Chapter 6

  Virgin pussy tasted sweeter than goddamn wine.

  Another Alpha might have bought the mouse and forced in his knot, but no one else had tasted her or fucked her proper. The Beta-drunk Alphas who thought they ran this city hardly even knew where to stick it. They got their rocks off easy and often with their stables of Betas, buying Omegas only for bragging rights and to breed.

  It wasn’t the first time Caspian had heard of a girl being cast off for failing to come after a few quick thrusts and hard cuff to the face. Most Omegas squeezed in their panic, clenching hard enough around a knot for an Alpha to spurt a load. The privileged males couldn’t tell the difference in sensation and had no idea what they were missing.

  They didn’t know how to tease an Omega into bloom or know how to make a mute one sing.

  Caspian might not have been handsome like Kieran, or charismatic like Toby, but he was perceptive in a way most people couldn’t imagine. He knew what the mouse needed and gave it so he could take all he wanted and more.

  It was utterly selfish and completely delightful.

  To see her sprawled sweaty and slick-covered under him, to watch astounded lavender eyes turn black with lust—his cock ached as it pulsated in his fist.

  Her nest would be in ruins by the time he was done. He’d paint the walls of her hovel in cum and walk away smiling knowing she’d never get the smell out.

  Her pink little pussy still fluttered against him, soft rolls of her hips spreading him with all that slippery invitation. Snowy-white skin, head pillowed in soft wisps of hair, puffed pink nipples and a soft smile under lust-drunk eyes. Pretty as a picture, and he couldn’t wait to watch her face screw up i
n pleasure as he pumped her full of thick ropes of sticky Alpha sperm.

  The thought alone and he spurt just enough precum to splash her belly and startle the little thing out of her swoon. Good. He wanted her lucid when he tore into that hole, wanted to see the play of pain and pleasure ripple across her face.

  Cockhead swollen red, Caspian leaned over her and jerked off until another spurt hit her perfect tits. Fuuuuck, it looked pretty there. Sweet as honey on a strawberry.

  Dipping his head to swipe up a glob, he moved to her lips and spit it right on her tongue. Her little choke and successive following hum left him satisfied. She liked his taste as much as he liked hers, which was good, because he was going to cum down that throat until sperm leaked from her eyeballs.

  Skull fucking that mouth while Toby fucked her ass and Kieran destroyed her pussy…

  Caspian spurt again, catching the sweet stuff in his palm. Again he licked it up and brought it to her parted lips, jamming his tongue deep to coat her palate with his flavor.

  He wondered how she’d look with a woman feasting between her legs, if she’d hate it and silently beg him to stop her. He almost hoped so. She’d come so fucking flawlessly despite her disgust, eyes locked on his, cheeks flushed from pleasure and shame.

  “Fuck…” Breathless and rattling out a growl demanding submission, Caspian put a stop to the fantasies and looked reality right in her blown eyes.

  Mushroom tip notched where the mouth of her cunt suckled with each squirm, he found her resistant when his hips tilted.

  Tight and ready to be subjugated.

  An inch was gained, Caspian grinding his teeth and straining with the ferocity of his growl.

  The call set her still, but left her cunt fluttering only enough that a rough jolt forward buried merely half his length in spasming perfection.

  Shouting, he pulled out a fraction of the way and reared back until she squealed. “My little mouse is going to take all this cock and choke her cunt on it!”

  The muscles in his ass clenched tight, he drove forward again and fought his way through the last of her body’s resistance. The Omega began to shiver beneath him, somewhat in shock and somewhat in desire, but he was too far gone to notice.


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