Broken Pieces (Healing Heart Book 1)

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Broken Pieces (Healing Heart Book 1) Page 6

by Maxene Novak

  Spencer stood to Clay’s right and when both Clay and Lorie looked his way he smiled at Lorie before looking Clay in the eye. “Mind if I cut in?”

  Did he mind? Hell yes! Ordinarily he would have told Spencer so, but right then he had to decide if he wanted to keep Lorie for himself and risk her possible rejection when she felt his erection pressing into her hip, or take the out that Spencer had just presented him with. When Lorie smiled at Spencer and dropped her hand from Clay’s shoulder she helped him make his decision. Clay took Lorie’s hand away from his chest and placed it in Spencer’s outstretched one. “Have fun you two,” Clay said. He attempted a smile that might look genuine but judging by the narrowing of Spencer’s eyes he assumed he hadn’t pulled it off.



  Spencer had figured out a couple things while dancing with Jemma. First, Clay’s assistant was crazy but in a good way, and second, he was going crazy watching Clay and Lorie dance while he was left out. As much as he hated that Clay had beat him to the punch when it came to asking Lorie to dance, he was also confused by the fact that he felt jealous that Lorie was the one pressed against Clay instead of him. He had no fucking clue where those thoughts, or feelings, whatever you want to call them, were coming from. He had gotten the distinct impression that Clay was hitting on him when he’d come to the station to meet Spencer earlier in the week, and he was confused then by the fact that he liked the other man’s attention. Now he was jealous that he wasn’t the one pressed against him…he ran his hand over his face and focused on Lorie. It was time to break up the love fest Lorie and Clay were engaging in on the dance floor.

  Spencer got Jemma’s attention to let her know he was going to see if he could catch a dance with Lorie. He was supposed to be dancing with Jemma and even though she didn’t seem to need him to have fun dancing, Spencer didn’t want to just walk away without saying something to her first. As he expected, Jemma just offered him a wide smile when he mentioned asking Lorie to dance. Jemma had been giving them cryptic looks all night and he had a feeling she liked to play matchmaker. When he walked up beside Clay and Lorie they were pressed so close together they could have been sharing the same skin. Spencer could practically see the desire burning between the two of them as they stared at each other with pure heat dancing in their eyes. Spencer wanted to reach out and snatch them apart, but instead he reached out and tapped Clay on his upper right arm a couple times to get the man’s attention.

  When Clay looked at him Spencer felt warmth spread through his own body as he took in the cloud of desire masking Clay’s face. Spencer swallowed before he spoke, wanting to make sure his voice was steady. “Mind if I cut in?” he asked.

  Clay’s eyes flashed and Spencer watched as Clay looked between him and Lorie, indecision flashing across his features. When Lorie smiled up at Spencer and dropped her hand from Clay’s shoulder, Spencer knew that she’d made the decision for Clay. Clay pulled her hand away from his chest and placed it in Spencer’s. “Have fun you two,” Clay said. He smiled at Spencer and Lorie, but Spencer wasn’t fooled and he knew that Clay’s smile wasn’t genuine. Spencer narrowed his eyes at the other man to let him know that Spencer wasn’t buying his nice guy routine.

  It only took a second for Jemma to grab Clay and haul him off, leaving Spencer and Lorie standing together alone and hand in hand. The song Clay and Lorie had been dancing to ended and Spencer could have hugged the DJ when another slow song came on. He wasn’t a great dancer, but he could get by with a slow dance. Trying to dance to an upbeat song wouldn’t have won him any points with Lorie. He took both of Lorie’s hands in his then wrapped them around his neck. The difference in their height meant this put her hands resting on the back of his neck at his hairline and Spencer smiled when she started running her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. He loved the feeling of her fingers caressing him in that way. It was an innocent enough thing, but still it felt intimate in a way that sent chills down his spine.

  Spencer wrapped his arms around Lorie’s waist and pulled her close so that their bodies were flush against one another. Spencer nearly groaned at the feeling of Lorie’s soft, curvy body pressed against his own. She was definitely all woman and he really liked the way they fit together. Lorie had her cheek pressed against his chest and he thought that he heard her inhale deeply just before she pulled her head back and looked up at him. “You smell amazing,” Lorie said. Her voice sounded different than normal. it was lower, more raspy, as if she was turned on.

  Spencer smiled shyly. He wasn’t used to getting compliments, especially from such a beautiful woman. He lifted his right hand from where he had it on her waist and brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. She closed her eyes at the contact and he let his hand linger against her cheek. When she leaned into his touch she opened her eyes slightly and looked up at him from under her lashes. She looked so beautiful pressed up against him and looking at him like she wanted him. Spencer stopped swaying to the music and without thinking he bent his head down and placed a soft, gentle kiss on Lorie’s lips. He pulled back slightly and let his eyes rake over her face looking for some sign that she wasn’t into him or the kiss. When Lorie raised her chin like she was trying to get closer to his mouth he lowered his head back down and kissed her again. This time the kiss was less hesitant, but still soft and sweet. He was acutely aware of the fact that they were in public at a function for their employer and that kept him from taking the kiss any further.

  Spencer pulled back and smiled at Lorie who returned the gesture. She pressed her cheek back against his chest and they began swaying to the music again. It wasn’t long before Spencer felt a hand grasp him around his arm and when he looked to see who it was he wasn’t surprised to see his new boss standing there. The fact that Clay wasn’t happy was written all over his face and in his stiff body language. “My turn,” Clay said. It wasn’t a question. He was breaking the two of them apart and if Spencer was honest with himself he expected as much. It was clear that Clay had a thing for Lorie. Spencer had seen the green monster behind Clay’s eyes when he escorted Lorie to their table earlier. Clay had seen them with their arms looped together and he hadn’t stopped shooting daggers in Spencer’s direction since.

  Lorie stepped back from Spencer and smiled at him before she looked at Clay. Spencer smirked when he saw that she wasn’t smiling when she turned her gaze to Clay. Apparently she didn’t like the way he demanded a turn with her either. Spencer expected Clay to step in and try to pick back up where he’d left off with Lorie earlier, so when Clay turned his focus onto Spencer he was surprised. Even more surprising was when Clay stood in front of Spencer and wrapped his arms around Spencer’s waist. Spencer just stared at the other man in shock. He had no idea what was happening, but even more surprising was the fact that Spencer enjoyed the feeling of having Clay’s arms around his body like that. Clay forcefully pulled Spencer against himself. Clay removed one of his arms from around Spencer’s waist and took Spencer’s hands one at a time and placed them on his shoulders before returning his hand back to Spencer’s waist.

  Spencer didn’t fight Clay. He just stood there in shocked silence. He’d thought that Clay had been jealous of him talking to Lorie, but maybe it was Spencer Clay had his eye on all along. Spencer was so confused. Clay’s behavior had him at a loss, and his own body’s response to Clay had him even more confused. Spencer was slightly taller than Clay and he looked down at the other man, his eyes immediately drawn to Clay’s mouth. He briefly wondered what it would feel like to kiss Clay like he’d kissed Lorie. It would be rougher, no doubt, but he was certain that it would still feel good. Before he could think another thought like that he looked away from Clay. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Clay?”

  “I’m not entirely sure.” Spencer looked back at Clay and he could see that Clay was telling the truth. Maybe Clay was just as confused as he was.

  “I thought you were pissed at me all night for talking to Lorie. I a
ssumed that you must have a thing for her.”

  “I do,” Clay said. Spencer noticed that Clay looked surprised when he admitted to liking Lorie. “Something about her is different. I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “I know what you mean,” Spencer agreed. He looked over Clay’s shoulder to Lorie. She hadn’t gone far. She was standing off to the side watching them. Spencer expected her to look confused or pissed off, but what he saw was closer to intrigue. She watched to two of them with their arms around each other like they were the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. He was sure that he saw her rake her eyes up and down their bodies a couple of times, and when she bit her bottom lip and held it between her teeth he groaned as his body reacted and looked away.

  Spencer felt his dick stir and when he heard Clay suck in a deep breath and felt him clutch his waist tighter he knew Clay felt it too. Suddenly Clay pulled back and Spencer thought he was going to walk away, but he grabbed Spencer’s hand and dragged him along. “Follow me. Now.” Clay was speaking through clenched teeth and his tone left no room for negotiations.

  Spencer followed him down a hallway until they came to a door. Clay shoved it open and yanked Spencer inside, then he quickly turned around and locked the door. Spencer didn’t have time to look around and see where they were because Clay forcibly pushed him up against a wall, shoved his hand into the hair at the nape of Spencer’s neck, and slammed his mouth against Spencer’s. Spencer didn’t have time to think about what was happening because his body took over and responded to Clay’s kiss immediately. Spencer gripped Clay’s hips and yanked him against his own body while leaning into the kiss. Clay nipped at his bottom lip, which made the image of Lorie biting her own lip flash through his mind, and Spencer’s dick grew hard immediately. He opened his mouth and Clay wasted no time plunging his tongue into Spencer’s mouth. Spencer moaned against Clay’s mouth and responded with his own eager kisses. He grabbed Clay by his hips and pulled their bodies as close together as was possible. Spencer didn’t think, he just starting moving his hips so that his erection was pressing into Clay’s body again and again. Spencer’s erection was straining behind his pants and the feeling of the fabric separating his body from Clay’s was almost enough to make him go mad. When Clay began imitating Spencer’s movements and rocked his hardness against Spencer’s own length Spencer yanked his head back from Clay’s mouth so fast he hit his head against the wall behind him. He gripped Clay tighter and thrust their bodies together hard. Even with all of his clothes on Spencer could feel his dick swelling and he knew that he was going to cum in his pants like a horny teenager if they didn’t stop soon.

  “Fuck,” Spencer gritted out through his teeth. Clay moved back in on him and began kissing his neck. When Clay ran his tongue up Spencer’s Adams apple and nipped at his neck just below his chin, Spencer quickly pushed him away. “You’ve got to stop,” he said between deep breaths. They were both breathing hard and Spencer couldn’t stop himself from raking his eyes down Clay’s body. The massive bulge at Clay’s waist had him groaning again and he had to reach down and squeeze his own erection to keep from exploding in his pants at the sight. What the fuck was going on with him? He had never found a man attractive before, and here he was about to cum in his pants and all they had done was kiss. He hadn’t experienced this kind of loss of control since he was thirteen years old; back then the wind blowing a certain way could set him off.

  Clay crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Spencer. “What? You trying to pretend you weren’t just as into that as I was? Ha! I hate to tell you but your dick straining against your pants kind of gives you away.”

  Spencer stared at Clay for a second. Behind his angry façade Spencer saw hurt in Clay’s eyes. He thought that Spencer was rejecting him and he was using anger to mask the fact that the rejection hurt him. Spencer was positive that Clay Hale had never been rejected; at least not as a man coming onto a woman. Maybe something when he was younger? Spencer shook that off. Now was not the time to try to figure out all of Clay’s inner workings.

  “No, you idiot,” Spencer retorted, crossing his own arms. “I pushed you away because I was liking it too much.”

  Clay just stared at him with his lips pursed like he was full of shit. When Spencer reached down and squeezed himself through his pants again, Clay’s eyebrows shot up and he saw understanding pass across Clay’s features. Then Clay’s pursed lips were replaced by a wicked smile and he took a step back towards Spencer. “You should have said something,” Clay’s voice was low and thick. “I’d be more than happy to help you take care of this, umm, situation.”

  Clay reached forward and put his hand over Spencer’s erection. Even through the fabric of his pants Spencer could feel the heat of Clay’s hand against him. Spencer shut his eyes and let his head fall back. When he felt Clay move his hand up and down the outline of his erection Spencer rocked his hips and pumped himself into Clay’s hand. Clay did his best to grip Spencer over his pants and he rubbed his thumb over the spot where Spencer’s head was pushing against the fabric. “Mm, I see what you mean, Spence. You’re already leaking and I haven’t even touched your flesh yet.”

  Clay reached for Spencer’s pants and locked his eyes with Spencer’s as he began slowly pulling down Spencer’s fly. He had Spencer’s zipper halfway down when a knock sounded at the door.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” It was Lorie.

  “Shit,” Spencer and Clay both said at the same time. They grinned at each other and Spencer groaned when Clay pulled his hand away and he reached down to pull his zipper back up. They both adjusted themselves in an attempt to make their erections less obvious before Clay opened the door.

  “Hey, everything’s fine,” Clay smiled at Lorie. Funny, Spencer thought, he hadn’t noticed how good Clay looked when he smiled before now.

  Lorie looked both of them over and Spencer noticed her eyebrows were drawn together. She was clearly trying to read them to figure out if Clay was being honest. The way Clay had drug him back here so abruptly probably looked like something bad was happening, and Spencer had no clue how long they had actually been back there. With Lorie staring them down, Spencer found himself getting a little nervous. He looked away and rubbed his hand up and down the back of his neck a few times.

  “It seemed like there might have been some tension building between you two,” Lorie said. She crossed her arms and stared at Spencer like she thought he might be the easier one to break. “You’re both breathing kind of hard, too. And Clay’s face looks a little red and irritated.”

  Spencer jerked his head in Clay’s direction. Sure enough, all around Clay’s mouth was pink, almost red. Spencer had no doubt that irritation around Clay’s mouth was from his own facial hair rubbing against Clay while they devoured each other’s mouths like they were starved for one another.

  Clay rubbed a hand over his jaw and Spencer could see that he was trying to conceal a smile, but other than that he ignored Lorie’s questions. He leisurely put his arm around Lorie’s shoulder and said, “Let’s go introduce you to some of the guests. I want to make sure we get plenty of donations for the kids tonight and I have a feeling that they are going to like you more than me.”

  Lorie cut her eyes at Clay for a second but she didn’t hold on to the annoyance and she relaxed after a minute. “You’re right. Tonight is for the kids. Let’s go get these rich guests of yours to open up their purses and wallets.”

  That made Spencer and Clay chuckle. Spencer held the door open for Clay and Lorie to exit the room. As they walked out Clay looked over Lorie’s head at Spencer and winked. Spencer grinned and ran his hand over his face trying to cover the blush he was sure was creeping up his face judging by the way he felt his cheeks warm up. It was going to be a long night waiting to get home and take care of the situation Clay had brought put him in. He just hoped that Lorie hadn’t noticed. He would hate to disappoint her and he imagined that she wouldn’t be too pleased with what he’d been doing with Cl
ay in that room right after he had kissed her out on the dance floor. He rubbed the back of his neck again, this time out of frustration. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had truly wanted to be with someone and now he found himself wanting two people more than he’d wanted anyone before. He was going to have to get his head on straight. The last thing he needed was to screw up this new career opportunity because he couldn’t keep his hands to himself around Clay and Lorie. Mixing pleasure and business was generally a bad idea when you were only interested in one person; make it two and he was sure it was a recipe for disaster. He shook his head, trying to shake off all thoughts of Clay and Lorie, and decided to walk the perimeter of the ball. He wasn’t technically on duty as security tonight, but it wouldn’t hurt for him to keep an eye out and start getting familiar with the place. After all, it was one of the Hale Inc. establishments he would be running security for. Besides, it would give him something to distract him from the two gorgeous people that were making their way around the room drumming up donations at that moment. Last thing he needed was to look like a creepy stalker when he was supposed to be in charge of security.



  When Lorie had gone to find Clay and Spencer after they hastily fled the dance floor she had expected them to be arguing. What she hadn’t expected was to find them making out like a couple of teenagers after prom, and she was sure that wouldn’t have been all they did if she hadn’t shown up when she did. They could try to feed her a line of B.S. if they wanted to, but the redness on Clay’s face from Spencer’s facial hair was like a flashing advertisement telling the world exactly what they had been up to. For just a second she had been pissed off. Both men had spent the evening clearly fighting over her affections; hell, Spencer had kissed her twice! Then Clay pulls Spencer into a body to body slow dance out of nowhere, and the next thing she knows they’ve run off to make out. Once she thought about the fact that she had definitely been flirting with both of them, Lorie decided it would be a bit hypocritical of her to expect them to devote their attentions to her only. There was also the little fact that seeing them pressed close together on that dance floor, and then finding them locked away in some room turned her on like nothing she’d never felt before. She hadn’t gotten much sleep when she went home that night. She spent the whole night with images of the two men naked in various positions running through her mind. The orgasms she’d given herself to the images of Spencer and Clay together had been fantastic, but now she was afraid of facing the two of them. Hopefully she would be able to keep herself from turning red every time she was around them.


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