Broken Pieces (Healing Heart Book 1)

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Broken Pieces (Healing Heart Book 1) Page 8

by Maxene Novak

  Thinking about Lorie put a smile on his face. He had meant what he said to her earlier about her words meaning the world to him. Most people saw him for his looks and money, but it was clear that Lorie looked deeper than that. If he wasn’t careful she might just unlock his secrets and figure out just why the children’s home means so much to him. Maybe that would be a good thing. What did he know, really? He had never been in a real relationship. The closest thing he had to family was his assistant, Jemma. She was probably his only true friend. He couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face as he made his way to his office.

  Just before the elevator doors shut a hand shot into the opening and Spencer stepped inside. Flashes of their time locked in a room at the ball a couple nights earlier flashed through Clay’s mind and he felt his body start to heat up. Fuck! How had he managed to meet not one but two people in such a short time frame who got him so worked up. Being locked inside the small elevator with Spencer only intensified his attraction. Clay felt like his skin was crawling with the urge to touch him, to kiss him, and maybe even finish what they had started the other night. Judging by the way Spencer seemed to be so antsy, Clay had a feeling Spencer was thinking about the same thing. They made it to the fifth floor before Clay couldn’t stand it anymore. In one fluid movement he turned to Spencer and shoved him against the back of the elevator. Grabbing the upper lapels of Spencer’s jacket, Clay pulled Spencer’s face to his and kissed him, hard. The kiss did nothing to tamper down his desire for the other man. How was it possible that he could want this man just as badly as he wanted Lorie?

  When he felt Spencer’s hands firmly grip his hips he thought that Spencer was about to push him away. Instead, Spencer yanked Clay forward until their bodies were flush together. Clay could feel Spencer’s erection pressing into him through their clothing and desire shot through his body and brought his own dick immediately to attention. Clay heard the ding of the elevator, which signaled that they had reached their floor, but he was nowhere near ready to let Spencer go right then. Turning around he quickly hit the button to close the doors then he pulled the red knob that would keep the elevator in place. When he turned back to face Spencer the other man was already there and this time it was Clay who found himself with his back shoved against the wall as Spencer kissed him like a starved man. Spencer fucked Clay’s mouth with his tongue and Clay imagined what it would be like for Spencer to actually fuck him the way he was kissing him. Clay groaned and he had to reach between them and squeeze the head of his erection to keep from erupting in his pants. Spencer pulled back and looked down between them. “Got a problem down there, Mr. Hale?” When Spencer looked back up at him there was a mixture of desire and humor in his eyes.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should take a look, Mr. Cole. I think the situation might need your attention.” Clay barely recognized his own voice. He was so turned on that he might burst if Spencer so much as touched him.

  “I better take a look then,” Spencer said.

  Spencer reached between them with both hands and quickly undid Clay’s pants so he could reach inside. When Clay felt Spencer’s large, calloused hand wrap around his shaft his whole body quivered. Spencer moved his hand up and down Clay’s shaft and when he grazed the tip of Clay’s head, Clay’s knees nearly buckled under the weight of the pleasure. “Fuck,” Clay groaned between gritted teeth.

  He wasn’t about to be the only one to come undone so he made quick work of getting his hand wrapped around Spencer and returning the favor. Spencer groaned and leaned in closer to Clay, holding himself up with his forearm pressed against the elevator wall by Clay’s head. Clay worked to get both of their erections free from their pants. Both of them were thick and long so he had to use two hands for what he planned. Bringing both of his hands between them Clay removed Spencer’s hand for a moment so he could press their hard lengths together. Both men moaned at the contact. The contrast of the smooth skin over their hardness pressed together was almost too much. Clay put Spencer’s hand back so that it was on both of them, then he wrapped his hands around their erections and began pumping them together. It wasn’t long before they were both thrusting against each other and Spencer took his mouth again, both of them caressing their tongues together as they fucked their hands with their hard dicks massaging each other. Clay felt pleasure shoot through his spine and his balls contracted. He pulled his mouth away from Spencer’s and moaned. “Ah, fuck. Spence, I’m gonna…” that was all he got out before jets of his hot cum shot out, covering both of their hands and their erections.

  As soon as Clay’s first jet of cum hit Spencer’s dick Spencer groaned, “Clay, oh god,” and then his own release shot out, covering the two of them as they continued moving together and milking every drop of pleasure from one another.

  Clay dropped his forehead to Spencer’s collar as Spencer buried his face in Clay’s neck, leaving small kisses against his skin. They were both breathing heavy, and Clay felt the heat of their skin as they stood there still pressed together. After a couple minutes Clay lifted his head and Spencer followed his lead. They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, then Clay smiled and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on Spencer’s lips.

  “That was amazing,” Spencer said softly.

  “Definitely,” Clay agreed. “I’m pretty sure that was the best orgasm of my life.”

  “Really?” Spencer seemed genuinely shocked. Clay laughed softly. He knew that he was kind of known for his one-night stands so he wasn’t surprised that Spencer would feel that way.


  Spencer leaned in and kissed him. It was slow but sensual and Clay almost got carried away again. Before he let his body get too worked up for a second time he pulled back from the kiss. He pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket and cleaned the two of them up, then folded it and put it back in his pocket. He didn’t miss the fact that Spencer watched him, and he also didn’t miss the heat that flashed in Spencer’s eyes when he returned the handkerchief to his jacket’s breast pocket, a little of it showing like it usually did.

  “Are you going to carry that around in your pocket all day?” Spencer asked, his eyes still locked on the pocket where Clay had just placed the used handkerchief.

  “Yes. Is that a problem?” Clay smirked. He could see that this was turning Spencer on.

  “I know that I should probably find that gross or something, but fuck if it isn’t turning me on. Knowing that you’re going to be walking around all day with our cum right there,” Spencer gestured to Clay’s chest, “I’ll be a walking hard on for the rest of the day.”

  “Good,” Clay smirked. Then he turned and pushed the red knob. Just before the doors opened he turned back to Spencer, placed a quick kiss on his lips, and smiled at the desire he could see reforming on his face. When the doors opened he walked out of the elevator. “Hope you have a pleasurable day, Spence.” He heard Spencer groan behind him and couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he walked to his office.

  He passed Jemma and when she saw the smile on his face her eyes glanced behind him at Spencer before looking back to him and he could practically see her mind spinning. He didn’t know why, but he winked at her and when her eyes went wide he knew that she was aware of what had just happened in that elevator. Even though he knew it probably should bother him, it didn’t. Clay kind of liked the idea of her knowing. He realized right then that he didn’t want it to be a secret. Spencer was too good to be someone he only admired behind closed doors. He decided right then that he was going to tell Lorie about his feelings for Spencer on their date that night. He knew that he didn’t want to give either one of them up, but he also didn’t want to keep them a secret from each other. He would need to have the same conversation with Spencer as well. Most likely Spencer knew he wanted Lorie, just like he was certain that Spencer was interested in her too.



  Spencer had to go to the restroom and splash some cold water on his face. He needed to find so
me work to do outside of his office today. There was no way he could stay here and get anything accomplished today. All he could think about was that elevator and Clay. Knowing what was on the handkerchief peeking out of Clay’s jacket was driving him crazy. He went back to his desk and checked his email to see if there was anything he needed to attend to before he went out for a visit to one of the Hale Inc. locations he hadn’t checked out yet. When Spencer opened his email he had a new message from Lorie saying that child services had given the go ahead to begin taking in children and she wanted him to do a security check at the home to make sure everything was in order. Spencer replied to her message letting her know he would head over there right away. He didn’t waste any time getting his things together and shutting down his computer. Not only would this get him out of the office and away from thoughts of Clay and that elevator, but he would also get to see Lorie and that was a win in itself.

  When he stepped out into the hallway to head for the elevator he saw Clay just outside of his office and looking in his direction. He shouldn’t have been surprised. Lorie had sent the email to them both so when he replied Clay also received his message. When he made his way down to Clay’s office, which was across from the elevator access and therefore unavoidable, Clay smiled and rubbed his hand over the exposed handkerchief at his chest. Spencer groaned and walked past Clay to the elevator. “Hope it doesn’t get too hot in there for you, Spencer,” Clay called to him from his office doorway as Spencer stepped into the elevator. “Last time I was in there I nearly overheated it got so hot.”

  Spencer glared at Clay before the elevator door closed, but when he saw how Clay’s smile reached his eyes the man looked so beautiful in that moment that he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his own face just before the doors shut and cut off his view of Clay. Being back inside of that elevator didn’t do anything to help calm Spencer’s hormones. Spencer closed his eyes trying to keep from looking around the elevator and remembering what had happened there, but that only lead to the whole thing replaying in his mind. He felt his dick begin to stir so he opened his eyes and stared at the back of the door trying to think of something else. He focused on the children’s home and the things he would need to check when he got there. Thinking about the home only made him think of Lorie, however, and thinking about her did nothing to help him keep his dick in check. He had never been happier to hear the ding of the elevator doors opening as he was right then.

  The drive to the children’s home was short. He knew that Lorie was there working alone today so he knocked twice on the door before walking in hoping she would hear him and he wouldn’t startle her if she was in the middle of working on something. Her office was right by the door and she came around the doorway in a hurry, running right into Spencer’s chest with her full body. The collision threw her off balance and he quickly wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling. He knew that he probably should have removed his arms once she had regained her balance, but holding her just felt right. Instead, he kept his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He wasn’t thinking about the possible consequences if she rejected him holding her. All Spencer could think about was how good it felt to wrap his arms around her again.

  Lorie giggled and laid her hands against his chest. When she looked up at him and smiled, Spencer did what felt natural and leaned down to give her a quick kiss. Lorie was the one to break the kiss, but she wasn’t mad like he had expected. She smiled at him and then bit her bottom lip. Spencer groaned and leaned in close to her ear, “You really can’t do that around me at work. It makes me want to suck that lip into my mouth, and if I did that I wouldn’t be able to stop there.”

  When he pulled back and looked down at her Lorie’s eyes were darker and slightly hooded and she almost seemed to be panting. Spencer smiled ear to ear. He liked that he was affecting her the same way she did him. Before he got carried away he took a step back. He dropped his arms from her waist but took one of her hands in his. “Alright, we’ve got work to do. We will have to finish this conversation later.” He saw Lorie blush and he liked what he saw. The rosy flush of her cheeks only enhanced her natural beauty. “Show me the house.” Lorie smiled brightly then, and after that she went right back into work mode.

  As she took him through the house he checked over every room. He made sure all of the windows and doors locked properly so that no unwanted guests could get in. Once the tour was over Lorie went back to her office and he ran tests on the alarm and smoke detectors. When he was done with all of the physical security checks Spencer went back to Lorie’s office. She was reading information in a folder opened on her desk in front of her and she was so engrossed in whatever it was that she didn’t notice Spencer walking into her office.

  “Hey.” When Spencer spoke Lorie jumped in her chair and squealed. When she saw it was him she held her hand over her heart, which Spencer was sure was racing.

  “Shit, Spencer. Sorry about that. I was concentrating on this,” Lorie waved her hand over the folder and its contents, “and you just startled me for a second.”

  Spencer couldn’t stop himself from laughing at her a little. “I can see that.”

  “Oh shut up,” Lorie threw a pen at him. She didn’t look too pleased when he caught it in his hand instead of letting it hit him like she had intended if her glare was anything to go by.

  “Violent much?” he asked her with a smirk. Lorie just stuck her tongue out at him and then she smiled and rolled her eyes.

  “So what were you so engrossed in that you didn’t notice me?” Spencer pointed to the open folder.

  “Oh, it’s information on one of the kids who will be staying here. He will be here tomorrow actually, that’s why I wanted you to come out and make sure we were good to go so soon. His name is Paul, and he’s only five years old. They have him staying in an overcrowded group home right now because there was nowhere else for him to go.”

  “What happened to his parents?” Spencer could hear the sadness in Lorie’s voice when she talked about the little boy. He was sure nothing good had led to a five-year old winding up in an orphanage.

  “His mom was an addict and a prostitute. They had to do a DNA test to figure out who his father was. Sadly he was her pimp and he is also the same man who beat her to death. He’s going away for life. Child services hasn’t been able to find any family for Paul and he requires special care that most foster or adoptive parents can’t or aren’t willing to provide. He is underweight from poor diet, he’s clearly traumatized, and,” Lorie’s voice cracked and her eyes filled with tears, “he was molested repeatedly.”

  Anger washed through Spencer as well as grief. He mourned the little boy’s loss of innocence. How could a child so young survive so much horror? Spencer felt the sting of tears prick his own eyes and he quickly made his way to Lorie and wrapped her in his embrace. He stood in front of her chair and she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shirt. He would have held her for the rest of the day and night if she needed it, but she pulled away and wiped the tears from her face after a couple minutes.

  “I’m sorry,” Lorie looked up at him. Spencer put his hands on her shoulders and gently kneaded them with his fingers trying to help her relax a bit. “I am usually more professional about this stuff, but I let it sneak in and overwhelm me this time. It’s just that Paul is only five and he has never known love. He’s had five years of the worst life a child could imagine and now he’s all alone.”

  “Don’t apologize. I think it’s amazing how much you care about these kids. They need someone in their life who will love them and show them how good life can be after everything they’ve been through. It’s horrible what Paul has been through. You’re right, he has only known the bad but he will be here tomorrow, and I have no doubt you are going to teach him about all of the good that is possible and he will be loved more than any child hopes to be.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot.” Lorie smiled up at him and Spencer bent and placed a kiss
on her forehead. Lorie turned to look back at the information she was reading about Paul when he walked in and ran her hands over the papers. “It is going to take a ton of work and time to teach Paul that life has good things to offer, but here,” Lorie held her hands out to the side indicating the home itself, “I know that it can be done.”

  “Yes, it can,” Spencer agreed.

  “Were you able to check everything out already?” Lorie asked.

  “Only thing left is the computer systems security, which is what I initially came in here for when I scared you half to death.” Lorie arched her eyebrow at him and Spencer winked. “Do you have a minute for me to log on your computer and check everything on there?”

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  Lorie moved to one of the chairs on the other side of her desk and Spencer got to work checking the security on her computer. They sat in comfortable silence for a bit while he worked on her computer and she continued reading through the information in the folders on her desk. When Spencer was done he propped him chin up on his palm with his elbow resting on Lorie’s desk and watched her for a minute. “How about dinner tonight?” he asked.

  Lorie looked up, “I’m sorry. I was reading. What did you need?”

  Spencer smiled and sat back in the chair. “Go to dinner with me tonight.”

  “I would but—”

  “But she already has plans with me.” Clay was suddenly standing in the doorway to Lorie’s office.

  Spencer glared at Clay and crossed his arms. “What are you doing here?”

  “I own the place,” Clay replied. His eyebrows were raised and his mouth was slightly pursed. He looked at Spencer like he was challenging him to say something else about his presence there. When Spencer didn’t say anything else he went on. “I came when I got Lorie’s email saying you have some children lined up to stay here already. I thought I could help you make arrangements.”


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