Love Country (BWWM Romance)

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Love Country (BWWM Romance) Page 6

by Destiny Lewis

  Keeara walked into the office at ten after 8. She had made sure she was late on purpose but knew at the look on his face that Craig was not happy with her. She walked into his office and set down the coffee and biscuits she had been carrying on his desk. She spun around to face him directly, making sure the skirt of her dress fluttered out to show the expanse of her legs.

  She watched as his eyes got big when she leaned over his desk to hand him his coffee. His eyes went right where she wanted them to. She had worn a dark blue dress today that had no sleeves. The front came down in a V that showed the top swell of her breasts. She had worn a good bra so that her breasts rose even higher up. The dress came in at her waist to show off how tiny it was and then flared a little down to above her knee. She had paired it with her high black stilettos knowing they made her legs look good. She had let her hair down and it hung in long curls down her back.

  She smiled at him. She had loved this dress immediately when she saw it in the store. It was the same color as her eyes so it made them stand out.

  Craig watched her walk in the room and sniffed the lavender that came with her. Damn she smelled good. He couldn't think of anything better until he looked at her. She looked gorgeous this morning and he almost swallowed his tongue when she bent over in front of him. He quickly rose from his seat and walked to the door. Shutting it firmly and then locking it, he turned to look at her.

  “What are you doing? We have work to do.”

  “If you wanted to work then you shouldn’t have worn that.” He walked to her and turned her over the desk. She was beginning to get used to this position and wiggled her ass up at him. She felt him lift her dress and smiled until she felt the sting from the slap. Again she felt the slap. It stung enough to make her eyes water.

  “That is for not calling me when I told you to.” She felt two more smacks before she heard him say. “That is for being late.”She was getting pissed and tried to get up but he pushed her back down. She sputtered and tried again, getting mad when he laughed at her. The arrogant bastard. She felt her underwear being yanked down and then his hand on her and then inside her. “Just as I thought. Wet and ready uh?” Her moan was his only answer.

  He turned her around and propped her up on the desk, raising her dress up to bunch around her waist. He slowly entered her and withdrew. She hadn’t even realized he had removed his pants. Suddenly he slammed back into her.

  “That is for prancing in here and making me hard before I have even had my coffee. Now tell me you want it.”

  “Yes. Please. Oh, I want it.”

  He smiled down at her as he gave her what she asked for. Over and over he drove into her until she was clawing at his back. He brought her to the point of release over and over and withdrew, making her growl at him. Finally he leaned over her and took her mouth in a deep kiss just as she exploded around him. She fit him so tight she felt like a glove as she squeezed him in her orgasm. She sighed as she felt him pulse inside her. He held her tight as he emptied himself and groaned her name.

  Chapter 11

  The next two days were quiet as they worked to get the paper out in time. It was the first week that her name would be in print. She was excited and they worked for hours making sure everything was just right. That was, when he kept his hands to himself, which wasn’t very often.

  She was sitting at her desk looking through the article for the fashion column when she heard a knock at her door. It couldn't be Craig, Keeara knew that. So she opened the door to reveal an older man whose long gray hair swept over his left eye.

  “Hello, can I help you?”

  “You must be Ms. Keeara.” The way he said her name made her instantly feel uneasy. He spit it at her then sucked at his teeth like the name left a bad taste in his mouth.

  Her back went straight as she prepared herself for an onslaught. “Yes I am. How can I help you?"

  Just then, to her relief, Craig walked through the door. “Uncle Stephan. What are you doing here?”

  The old man turned towards the voice and snarled. “Just seeing the girl who has you so wrapped up. You know your great great grandfather is turning over in his grave. But then again, you aren’t really a true part of the Jenkins line are you, boy?"

  Keeara watched as Craig’s back stiffened at the insult. “Well, when I look back, my great grandfather Tyler was the only sensible one out of the bunch. But that's really a given now isn't it?”

  “Look here, boy. I don’t care how rich your momma and daddy are, or how civilized you think you are. I will show you a thing or two about respect if you keep it up.”

  Craig’s face was beginning to turn red. "Oh you wanna talk about respect? How 'bout you barging in here and harassing my employee and not to mention my girlfriend!” Keeara looked up at him at that. He was about to go into a tirade when he was interrupted by a soft voice.

  “I suggest you take your leave, Stephan, before things get ugly. I don’t want to call Carter in.” Keeara turned to see her mother standing there with her hands on her hips. She was glaring at the older man. Her eyes had a sparkle to them that was defiant and challenging.

  Stephan turned around at the woman and shot daggers while grinning. “Well, look who it is. The little waif who has this whole damn town wrapped around her little finger. I wonder why that is? You can call Carter, missy. He ain’t in office no more. He has no grounds.”

  She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Well, I think one call to his son and this could get sorted out, considering he is the sheriff of this town.”

  “You high falutin' folk. Fine. I’ll leave. But know that trouble’s a comin'.”

  “Why, Stephan, is that a threat.” Her mother had walked up to him and put her face in his. Keeara had never seen her mother so pissed in her life. The tips of her ears were blood red with her rage and she looked like she was about to clock the old man in the nose. Craig saw the danger and quickly started shuffling his uncle to the door. “Time to go, Uncle Stephan.”

  “Fine.” The man turned to leave and turned around to face the trio. “You remember what I said now. Imma deal with ya later, boy.” He turned a glare towards Craig.

  The old man walked through the door and didn’t stop even as Craig yelled back at him. “No. I think we are done, Stephan.” This time, there was no family sentiment in front of the name. Keeara turned to see the anger flaring from Craig. He excused himself quickly and left the room. She turned towards her mother.

  “Hello, Mom.”

  Lynn Murray smiled at her daughter and took her by the hand. “Whoo. Some asses never die. Now I am just glad that your father didn't get here yet. That would have gotten pretty ugly. He’s bringing your grandfather and Lewis.” She smiled at her daughter again when her eyes widened.

  “Oh no, Momma. I could see Grandpa in here with Stephan Jenkins. Oh lord, he may be just as bad as Stephan. I don’t want to do this right now, Momma.”

  “Tough. It is time your grandfather met the man you have been spending all your time with and see that he is not like the rest of them.”

  Keeara groaned loudly as Craig walked back in. She heard a car door shut and then tiny footsteps running into the room.

  “Momma!” She had barely composed herself before she was almost knocked over by one big bundle of energy. She hugged her son tight and kissed him on the forehead. Looking up at her, he started talking all at once. “Grandpa's here and Great Grandpa and we went fishing and cooked the fish and we have lunch and I get to meet your boyfriend and does he like baseball and grandpa said I can have a puppy.”

  “Okay. Hold on. Slow down, little man. One thing at a time.” She looked up to see her father and grandfather walk into the room.

  “Grandpa.” She walked into the older man's arms and hugged him close.

  “Hello, princess. How’s work going? You know I thought you were on vacation and going to spend some time with this old man.”

  “I know, Grandpa. I’m sorry. It has just been so behind here that I have gotten caught up.�
�� “That's fine, dear. I'm just glad it's making you happy. I'm happy I can even get a glimpse of you. You know your siblings aren’t as pretty.” She laughed at him as she stepped back.

  “Grandpa, this is Craig, my boss.” She said it as she gave him a warning smile. He smiled at her and stepped over to the young man.

  Jack Murray looked the man over and thought gruffly about how he didn’t resemble any of the Jenkins. Then he remembered that his great grandfather had been adopted and he wasn’t any blood relation. He held out his hand deciding that he would come to his own conclusion about the young man. “Jack Murray.”

  The young man held his hand out and shook the older man’s. His eyes held a wariness as if he was waiting for something to happen. “Craig Jenkins. It’s nice to meet you, sir.” The older man nodded just as Craig felt a pulling on his jacket. Looking down he saw a little face that looked remarkably like Keeara’s looking up at him. He had a mess of dark brown hair and a smile that was missing one of his front two teeth.

  The little boy held his hand out to him. “The name’s Lewis Murray, sir.” Craig shook the little hand and was amazed as he watched his own hand almost swallow it whole.

  “Well hello, Lewis. Hey did I hear that you like baseball?”

  “Oh yes, sir. Me and my daddy used to roll the ball around the floor when I was little. Or so Momma tells me. Do you like baseball?”

  “Well, as a matter of fact, I do. Actually, I have to do a story on the baseball game this weekend. If your momma doesn’t mind, you two can join me for the game.”

  Keeara watched as Craig talked to her son. He didn’t know it yet, but he had just won her son over completely. Lewis ran to her excitedly. “Can we, Momma? Huh can we? Pleeeeease! I’ll eat all my vegetables all week. Pleeeease!”

  “Okay, okay, Lewis, but you need to calm down a little bit.”

  “How 'bout lunch? I made fried chicken, potato salad and fruit salad with biscuits to go along with 'em.” Lynn held up two baskets for everyone to see.

  “You can use the conference table in the front if you'd like.” Jack Murray grabbed Craig's arm just when he was turning to leave.

  “Now where do you think you're going?”

  “I was going to let your family eat.”

  “Now, is there some reason that we aren’t good enough to eat with?”

  “No, sir. I just… I guess I didn’t want to intrude.”

  “Oh posh. Come on boy. The things you and my granddaughter have apparently been doing? There is no intruding on family. Especially this bunch.” Craig nodded and looked over to Keeara. Her mouth had formed a big O and her face was blood red. He chuckled at her as she looked at her grandfather.

  “Grandpa…” She started but the old man just waved her off.

  “Yeah and Grandma has the best fried chicken around," Lewis piped up. “You won’t want to miss it.” Lynn chuckled down at her grandson as she ruffled his hair.

  They decided to go outside and sit on the hilltop just behind the office. They all sat and laughed as Lewis went over his day fishing and how grandpa had fallen in the water. After they ate, Craig asked Keeara if Lewis could have some ice cream when they heard the ice cream truck's bells in town. Jumping up and down excitedly, Lewis followed Craig and Josh to the street to wait for the big white van.

  Keeara watched them walk away and felt a tear slip from her eye when she saw Lewis grip first her father’s and then Craig’s hand with his own, swinging them back and forth. She felt a hand on her own and looked up at her grandfather’s face.

  “Your mother’s right. You have a glow about you. You know, honey, I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. If you ever need me, I am here for you. You are too young however, to be living a life of solitude like this old man. It doesn’t matter what people think. All that matters is what’s in here.” Her grandfather gently laid his hand over her heart. She smiled up at him as tears ran from her eyes.

  Jonathan had been a big part of her life for so long. She looked out at Craig as he held her son up on his shoulders. The little boy laughed and Craig quickly put him back down before Lewis’s ice cream dripped into his hair. What would it be like to just live in the moment again? She looked at her son. He was her whole world and she knew he needed a father. She quickly wiped the tears from her face as they made their way back to the blanket. She looked up at Craig and he smiled down at her. There was tenderness and kindness in his eyes. There was also a heat that she knew she would find out about later. She helped her mother pack up the picnic as they all stood up.

  “I am too old for some damn picnic on the ground. Remind me next time to bring a chair,” Jack laughed.

  They all looked at him and laughed with him when he arched his back backwards and groaned.

  Lewis bounded up to him. “Come on, Grandpa. You aren’t that old. I mean, did you have cars when you were growing up or did you have to ride a horse everywhere?” The boy asked the question with a straight face and they realized that he was asking the question for real.

  Everyone busted out laughing as Jack looked down at his great grandson. “No, my boy. We had cars when I grew up. Like you said, I’m not that old.”

  Chapter 12

  Keeara waved goodbye to her family after squeezing Lewis. He finally yelled and told her he was too big for kisses and pushed her away, running down the stairs after his grandfather.

  She sighed as she felt two hands travel her waist around the front. She was pulled back against a hard chest and she let herself slump backwards. His hands were caressing her stomach as he bent down and whispered into her ear. “As much as I want you right now, we have a lot of work to do, sweetheart.”

  “I know. Come on, let’s go.”

  They worked together in Craig’s office for multiple hours after lunch. Craig was at his desk on his computer while she was sitting on the couch on the side of the office. She had papers out everywhere. Craig looked over at the woman and smiled. They hadn’t been able to wait but a couple hours before they had torn each other’s clothes from their bodies and made love on the couch in his office. She sat there with her hair down around her shoulders. She was wearing one of his extra T-shirts he kept in the office and nothing else. Her legs were wrapped up underneath her and she was focusing on the paper she was reading. She had to be the most beautiful sight he had ever seen and she had never looked better.

  She looked up at him and saw him staring at her. He had only his pants on and was leaning back in his chair. Before he could say a word, she had stood up and walked to him. He realized that she had never been to his home. Gathering her in his arms he brought her to sit on his lap. He gently nuzzled her neck as he breathed in her scent from her hair. They sat there for a couple minutes and listened to the other breathe.

  “Thank you for today.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean with Lewis. He likes you.”

  “Good,‘cause I plan on being around for some time. I like him too. He has his momma’s passion and excitement for life.”

  She smiled up at him. “I think everything is ready for printing tomorrow.”

  “Yep. Come on, precious.” She smiled at him. He had so many little pet names for her. Precious, sweetheart, baby, honey. This list kept on going and going. She smiled as she stood and went to her dress to put it back on.

  “As much as I like you in nothing but my shirt, it is close to eleven at night and I am sure your mother will be worried.”

  “Yeah I should head home.” They quickly dressed and walked down the hall to the front door. They had both parked their cars out front when it had started getting late.

  Craig froze in his tracks when he looked at his car. The car was no longer a shiny red. The word traitor was written across his car in big black letters. All the headlights and tail lights had been busted out as well as the windows. He clenched his hands so hard he could feel his nails digging into them. He looked over at Keeara and where she was looking.

  Keeara’s car lo
oked the same as his, except instead of saying traitor it said slut across the front. Craig had had enough. He picked up his phone and called the police as Keeara called her mother.

  By midnight, the town had numerous cars sitting outside. The cops took fingerprints and tried the best they could to gather evidence although Craig already knew who had done the deed.

  They took the next day off and soon it was Friday. Keeara drove the rental car into town and was surprised to see a slick black limo sitting outside The Gazette. Who in the hell was in a limo in Maryville. She walked up the few steps to the front door and opened it. Craig stood there with an older man in a dark expensive looking suit. Next to him stood a woman in a dark blue dress that came to mid-thigh. She had long brown hair that laid in one long shiny sheet down her back to her waist. Keeara suddenly felt frumpy in her dress pants and shirt. Craig stepped forward and grabbed her hand as he escorted her to the people. He had a brilliant smile on his face as they walked.


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