Their Spoiled Virgin (A Twin Brothers MFM Menage Romance)

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Their Spoiled Virgin (A Twin Brothers MFM Menage Romance) Page 7

by J. L. Beck

  “We actually grew up in upstate New York.” I looked at Bailey and nodded, trying to maneuver my chopsticks to pick up rice which was never an easy feat.

  “Oh that’s nice,” Bailey perked up, showing genuine interest.

  “Yeah our father walked out on us when we were just babies.” Logan made a menacing face as to show hatred for the father we never knew.

  “Oh no! I’m so sorry, that must have been so hard for you growing up.” She put a hand on my thigh and rubbed it to my knee. I looked at her perfectly manicured nails that were painted a pink color.

  “It’s no big deal really. We had an awesome mother who played the role of both parents, and did the best she could. We grew up respecting her and loving her even more for it. We gave her some hell in the early high school days but eventually we came around and got our heads on straight. We went to business school; got a loan to build this company from the ground up and the rest is history.” I glanced at her and gave her a look that let her know that we were telling the truth and not just trying to woo her with some made up shit story that would make her feel sorry for us and want us even more.

  “Wow, so you guys are a true rags to riches story, and humble at that.” Bailey sounded so surprised.

  Logan laughed, because we were anything but humble now, but we did come from nothing and blossomed into millionaires. “It was not an overnight process, but we worked hard and paid our dues. Now we’re straight stunting.” Logan winked at her and I rolled my eyes at his lingo, trying to fit in with the cool kids.

  “You are so lame Logan. Watch out Bailey, next thing you know he’ll be asking you if you think his tie is ‘on fleek’.”

  Bailey laughed. “Hopefully not. ‘on fleek’ was so 2016 you guys.”

  We sat there for a little while longer just trying to get to know each other and our backgrounds a little better. I wanted to ask Bailey back to our house to see if she would be willing to come back with us that evening.

  Bailey looked at me a little more skeptically than I had hoped. “We live in a super luxurious part of town. Our house is huge, we can show you around.”

  “We’ve got a theatre room!” Logan shouted as if he was a kid bragging to a friend.

  “I guess I can agree to do that, but I have my doubts. I mean, you guys are going to be my bosses. Won’t it be weird?” She shrugged and looked at us.

  “Listen to me little lady,” Logan shook a finger at her playfully. “After what we just did, I think we threw the boss/secretary relationship out the window.” He lifted and eyebrow at her…

  “Hmm, I guess you are right. I suppose I could come for a little while. I love checking out fun houses anyway, but if you guys are going to be my bosses then maybe our relationship should go without sex and be strictly platonic?”

  I felt as if I had been shot through the heart with that comment. After that I spent the rest of the work day wondering if Logan and I needed to come to a decision as to whether we really wanted Bailey as our assistant after all that had just happened between us. I mean it might be nicer to have her in our home, and in our bed than in the office. There were lots of details to iron out but in my mind at least, it was a step in the right direction.

  Chapter Ten


  Given the expression Tyler had on his face, I could tell that he was feeling just as hurt as I was about Bailey’s comment. I couldn’t believe she wanted to end the sexual relationship with us just because we were going to be her bosses. There was no way I could let her end this not when I was just starting to feel a deeper connection and feelings for her. Yeah, I would be the first to admit that a sexual relationship was what I was looking for most, but I never could’ve guessed that I would crave Bailey like I did.

  I watched her and the way she had her legs crossed. She was tan, trim and perfect and she was flicking her ankle up and down as she sipped on her egg drop soup.

  “You ok dude?” Like the cock blocker buzz kill that he was famous for, Tyler brought me back down to reality in a flash.

  I rubbed my arm. “Yeah. Yeah, man I’m good.” I smiled at Bailey so she wouldn’t catch on to the fact that something really was wrong. I was good at hanging up my emotions in the deep dark closet of my sleeve. Wearing my emotions and carrying them around for everybody to view as if they were on display was not my thing. Maybe it was because I had grown up without a father, I didn’t know but what I did know was that I knew how to fend for myself, and no women, was ever going to take that away from me.

  Still the longer I stared at her the more I realized that last statement was a lie. Her hair, her beautiful doll face, it was all so intoxicating, roping me in and begging me to stay. I wanted to stare at her for the rest of my life and even then I wasn’t sure if it would be enough. She was insatiable to me.

  Time had seemed to pass in a flash the day dwindling down far sooner than I care to pay attention too. At the end of the workday, we walked out of the office together and for a moment the three of us cringed, because we were afraid we would be met with stares of judgment, but as it turned out most everybody was gone, having cut out early. I glanced down at the Rolex on my left wrist realizing how late it really was.

  “Whew,” Bailey said aloud the words that all three of us were thinking.

  “Yeah,” Tyler smiled. “We dodged an awkward bullet.”

  “Well, let’s head back to the house. I’ll call Gin now.” I slipped a hand into my pocket grabbing hold of my iPhone.

  “Who’s Gin?” Bailey’s brow wrinkled in confusion.

  “He’s our personal driver.” I responded giving her a dashing, melt your panties off smile. I hit the nine button, which sent a direct call to Gin’s phone, letting him know we were ready to go.

  “Holy shit! You guys have a driver?!” Bailey seemed shocked by that admission, but it only made me laugh. She was so naïve, and clearly not used to this life style. She was fucking adorable and I wanted to sink my nose into her hair and fall asleep, with her in my arms.

  I wanted her to be mine, to be ours.

  One step at a time, you prick, I thought to myself momentarily as we headed for the elevator across the hall. It would only be a few minutes before Bailey would have her first look at our private life, the one we hid from the media, and all the other women we had ever screwed.

  I couldn’t admit it out loud with out being looked at like a pussy, but I was a bit nervous for her to see us beyond the work place. I didn’t trust easy, and people changed once they found out all the things you did, or didn’t have.

  We got into the Tahoe, Tyler on one side and I on the other with Bailey in the middle. I couldn’t help my need to touch her so I rested my hand against the smooth skin on her knee wanting to touch her in a much deeper, intimate way than I was right now.

  Silence settled over us as we made our way through traffic and in the direction of the house. My anxiety mounted as we grew closer to the house, and when we finally pulled up the driveway I was sure I was going to explode, until I saw Bailey sweet face, and her reaction to the house. She didn’t look at Ty or I like we were made of money, or like we could pay off her student loans. If anything she looked at us with excitement and awe and I loved that since I had spent my entire life feeling like I never had enough and always had to chase the stars that seemed as if they were running away from me. I knew she had grown up having a comfortable lifestyle, but probably not to the extent that Tyler and I lived now.

  “I can see tennis courts in the back, and a basketball court. Are you guys serious? Do you really live here?” Bailey’s green eyes were filled with excitement. I rubbed a hand down the back of her head and twirled a strand of her long brown hair on the tip of my index finger.

  “We really live here, no joke.” I confessed, hoping that she believed me.

  “I just… It’s beautiful…and I cannot wait to go inside.” She declared, nibbling at her bottom lip as she spoke.

  “We have an indoor sauna, Jacuzzi and pool. You know, because
we need to unwind after a hard day’s work and all.” Tyler chuckled opening the car door on his side so that Bailey could get out.

  Once in the house it took a several mintue’s for Bailey to adjust to all that was happening around her. The word, wow, and awe was mumbled what seemed to be like a hundred times as she spun around with her head in the air, taking in the high ceilings and high end furnishings, including a full outdoor kitchen with a brick oven.

  “Holy crap, you guys actually use this to bake pizza?” Bailey exclaimed seeming to question if it was real or not.

  I couldn’t help the smirk that pulled at my lips, “Are you insinuaiting that we can’t make a pizza, or that we just buy shit to look good, because I’ll tell ya what I can make a mad pizza…”

  Bailey’s cheeks grew red as she licked her lips in uncertainity, and I couldn’t hold in the chuckle that begged to escape my lips.

  “I wasn’t… I mean…” She mumbled over her words, and I took the chance and crossed the space that separated us cupping her warm cheeks in my hand.

  “It’s a joke Princess… I’m fucking with you.” My gaze swept over her face, lingering on her lips. God, did I want to kiss her…

  “Hey, that actually sounds pretty good.” Tyler interrupted, though I admitted that pizza outside on this warm summer night sounded like a good way to end the evening, still I couldn’t help the need I had for her body and I was still hoping that Ty and I could convince her and maybe even change her mind, even if it meant offering her another position, or asking her to stay here as our little Princess in our castle.

  We made olive and pepperoni pizza, and ate it outside on the patio watching the sunset after giving our Princess the grand tour of the house. “This is an absolutely stunning view, and I love the way the sunset is fading away behind the tree line..” Bailey whispered as if she didn’t want to disturbe nature as she stared out into the distant horizon.

  And the longer I watched her the longer I felt the compelling need to say something to keep her here with us.

  “I need to confess something,” I blurted out with no warning to either of them. I was going into this completely alone, and completely blind. Both Tyler and Bailey looked over at me expectantly. I was ready to just cut to the chase and let the pieces lie where they may because I didn’t want to mince words I would say how I felt because I thought it was easier than playing mind games and wandering in circles over and over with the ones you loved and wanted to spend time with.

  “I think I’m developing very strong feelings for you Bailey and it’s something deeper that involves more than just a sexual relationship for me.” I ground my teeth together waiting for the let down that would soon follow I’m sure.

  Bailey looked at me, clearly perplexed by what I had just confessed. “Really? Because I must say I’m feeling a little shocked by this revelation. I mean I’m your secretary and we just met.”

  I exhaled a breath before speaking again, hoping like hell that I could keep my shit together, “I understand that, and you can take as much time as you need to too digest it. I just thought it was only fair that I told you my true feelings.”

  “Actually, I think I might be on the same page as Logan, Princess.” Tyler decided to chime in right then his eyes meeting mine a manner that told me we truly were on the same page when it came to how we felt about Bailey. “You’re one in a million and honestly, there’s just something about you that has completely captivated both us and neither Logan and I have been able to stop thinking about you since the moment we laid eyes on you.”

  Bailey stared at both of us as if we had just started speaking another language to her. Then she looked back out onto the yard, where we had the shimmering pool that was dancing in the moonlight.

  “I’m not just out to get your money. I really wanted a job working at Cress Industries and, not just to sleep my way to the top.” She whispered under her breath looking as defeated as we were feeling.

  “Bailey, we understand that, believe us we really do. We don’t think you are a gold-digger. We know you’ve worked hard. Georgetown University is no picnic, and it’s not for idiots either. For you to actually graduate there shows brain, real smarts, and initiative. If we didn’t really like you or like spending time with you, then believe me we would never have invited you here.” Tyler placed his hand on Bailey’s exposed knee from where her skirt had ridden up.

  “And I second everything that Ty just said. If there was no interest you wouldn’t be here with us right now.” I chirped.

  We sat in a comfortable silence letting all we had just said simmer for a few minutes as we listened to the crickets in the trees and watched as the sunset deeper into the horizon.

  “I have an suggestion if you’re willing to listen,” Tyler sat up straight and looked over of us. We always had been the one to think things through and come up with an answer before I could so this wasn’t that surprising to me.

  “What is it?” I asked gesturing with my hands for him to explain.

  Instead he rolled his eyes, and spoke directly to Bailey, “We could offer you a different job within the company. It would be easier for you to accept our sexual relationship because you wouldn’t be working directly under us, well, not in that way at least.” He caught himself on that little pun.

  “What do you mean by that exactly?” Bailey raised an eyebrow.

  “We can give you a different position. You could be a secretary to another person on our team. We have a handful of brokers we could transfer you to, and nobody would ever know the difference. If we did that though, we would still want you to be in our bed whenever we could have you, I swear to you we could give you the world, if you let us.” Tyler was in his sell it all mode, and I wasn’t sure he was going to be able to pull this one off.

  Bailey tilted her head, tapping a figure against her perfectly pink lips, “I guess I could do that…. That is if you don’t think it would be suspicious if you had just hired me and then transferred me to a different department?”

  “No, nobody pays attention anyway. They just want to do the work, get a paycheck and go home.” I admitted sadly, because I knew it was true. It was the American dream or so they said.

  “We really want you here with us Bailey, and we will do anything to make sure that happens, including accommodating you in the bedroom and the workplace to whatever ways you desire.” Tyler took her hand in his and I took the other, showing her that we were all in this together.

  “I’ve never been in love before, so I’m not sure what exactly I’m feeling right now, but I know its strong feelings of wanting to be with you guys all the time. I love the way you treat me like a Princess and if that is the start of love then count me in.” Bailey was beaming with joy and I loved the fact that she still held on to her innocent demeanor.

  “We have really been enjoying the time you’ve given us with you Bailey,” I admired her beauty, wanting to kiss her again, and again. She was a spitfire between the sheets, but she also had that shy and contained way about her that keep only for the public eye. She was a perfect balance and blend of everything I was looking for in a woman, and she was mine.

  “Both Logan and I want to make sure you are as comfortable as can be here and we never want to make you do anything you don’t want to.” Tyler spoke softly encouraging her to agree to what it was that we wanted.

  “We love spending time with you and if it means you can’t work for us then so be it. It’ll just mean that once back home we will have more time to spend with you, where it really matters” I smiled at her and she grinned back at me as if she were contemplating our offer, and really allowing herself to image the picture we were painting her.

  “I’m comfortable with you guys, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” Be both looked out into the dark yard watching the fireflies danced in the darkness.

  Then as if she were reading my mind, Bailey mentioned something about them, “Fireflies remind me of growing up back home in Baltimore. I remember chasing them in the yar
d with my older sister.” She smiled and looked out into the distance, clearly lost in a memory that I wished I could’ve been apart of.

  “I’m happy that you had great childhood memories.” I said to her, really meaning it, and not at all feeling jealous that she had a yard to grow up running around in.

  “Well if you stick with me, I promise to light up your world too.” Bailey looked at Tyler and I and the connection was instantaneous, and we needed to have her right then and there.

  “You know all the right ways to ask a guy to get you into bed,” I smirked. I scooped her up without notice and beckoned Tyler to follow us.

  “Where are we going exactly?” Bailey looked up at me with a submissiveness in her eyes.

  “We are taking you up to our favorite bedroom in the house,” I proclaimed as I lead the way up the stairs and to the most awesome room to have sex in on the face of the Earth. Though that was just my opinion.

  Tyler and I called it the panoramic room, because of the endless views it offered from the back windows looking out over the back yard and the amazing infinity pool we had put in just last summer.

  “Holy shit,” Bailey said when we finally entered the room. I dropped her feather light body down on the king sized bed fit for an actual king, and started to shuck my clothes.

  “You just sit back and relax baby girl,” I peered into her eyes and dared her to disagree with me. Relief flooded me when she fell back onto the soft mattress with her hair spilling all over the white comforter instead of arguing with me.

  Once my clothes were on the floor and I was completely naked I used my hands to open her legs spreading them as far as they would go, my eyes gliding over her perfectly clean shave pussy, “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll feel for a week Princess,” I groaned nearly pouncing on her in one swoop.

  “I’m ready for you Logan,” Bailey swooned and played with her hair, twirling it between her fingers as she smiled coyly up at me.


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