Hunter's Woman

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Hunter's Woman Page 13

by McKenna, Lindsay

  Within seconds, Catt released his hair and grasped his long, powerful torso. His flesh was damp, trembling, hard, and she met and matched his driving thrusts. Their ragged breaths joined in tumult. Their hearts slammed in unison. Their flesh gleamed and they slid wildly against one another in an out-of-control, ravenous hunger. Catt felt like the jaguar Ty had mentioned the other day. Her blood pounded hotly through her as if with a raging fever, as they breathed together with gasps of pleasure. Their moans mingled. One of his hands gripped her shoulder and he slid the other beneath her hips, lifting her at an angle. Instantly, heated pleasure exploded through her. She could do nothing but cry out, helpless beneath the power of her own surging womanhood as desire burst and moved powerfully through her. She felt him tense and continue to thrust into her, holding her in that position so that she could enjoy the explosion of pleasure now shimmering through her like hot, dappled sunlight.

  Her world collided with his. The brilliance of the heat within her body was like molten, life-giving energy. She felt him growl, a reverberation like that of a wild jungle cat, moving through her like a drum. He gripped both her hips and thrust even more deeply into her. She arched to meet him, experiencing once again the thunderstorm, the sunlight and the rainbow of pleasure and beauty that came with them. His lips pulled away from his teeth; he froze above her. Catt knew how to increase his pleasure and, smiling softly, began to move, to tease and drain that masculine power from him into herself. The moment was magical, mystical, for her. They were joined; they were together as they had been before. And now her heart sang as she moved her fingers in silent joy across the frozen planes of his face and he released his life into her.

  With a groan, Ty collapsed beside her in the aftermath. He heard Catt sigh raggedly as she moved to her side next to him. Just the small, fleeting touches of her fingers upon his spent, damp body made his heart sing. All the years, the wondering, the guilt and the grief of losing her melted away in those beautifully spun moments. Moving his arms around her, Ty drew her against him. He kissed her flushed cheek and gazed deeply into her blue eyes, now filled with golden dapples of happiness. This was the woman he loved. That woman was back. He knew he’d fulfilled her by the soft part of her glistening lips, by the flush in her cheeks and, most of all, by the tender look she shared with him.

  With a sigh, Catt rested her head on his shoulder and languidly curved her arm against his torso. How wonderful it felt to be in Ty’s arms like this. How much she had missed him all these years! If anything, he was an even better, more attentive lover now. Just the way he grazed her hair with his trembling fingers, touched her dampened cheek and outlined her lips made her feel deliciously worshiped. She couldn’t get enough of him, of his touch. They’d been one once again. Catt felt like a satiated female jaguar that had been driven by primal lust to find her mate. Well, Ty was her mate, for better or worse. Her body throbbed with heat, with his power and energy deep within her, and Catt lay weakly in his arms, spent and happy.

  Ty saw the joy and rapture in her vulnerable expression. Her eyes were closed, but he saw the soft play of her lips, the way the corners lifted, and knew that he’d given her pleasure. Catt had given him no less. His body tingled, and although he felt satisfied, what he felt more than anything else was the overpowering feelings he held for Catt alone. No woman had ever matched her fierceness during lovemaking, her boldness or her incredible ability to give all of herself to him on every level.

  Instinctively, Ty moved his hand across her abdomen, his darkly tanned fingers splayed out against the pearl-like whiteness of her flesh. Once, she’d held their child in this wonderful belly of hers. A remorseful ache moved through Ty as he saw her hand come to rest on top of his. Her eyes were still closed and he saw her expression change just a little. There was a haunting tenderness to her face now. Did she wish she was now with child—his child—once more?

  Startled at his train of thought, Hunter furrowed his brows. They had used no protection. Catt could become pregnant—again—with his baby.

  Ty had no desire to break the beauty of this moment with Catt. She needed the safe haven of his arms, and he chose to offer his healing strength rather than worry her with other concerns right now. Moving his hand from her belly, he slid his fingers upward to cup her breast. She moaned a little, and barely opening her eyes, she smiled up at him.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured, and then he leaned down and gently engaged her mouth once more.

  Just the warmth, the nurturing male tenderness he shared with her as his mouth met and captured hers, was all Catt needed. Ty was warm, strong and caring—as he always had been in the past. Catt was too satiated, too weary to think—she could only feel. She was hungry for the touch of Ty, for the feel of his lips moving commandingly across her mouth and taking her once more to that place of joy, of sunlit brightness once again. Despite her fatigue, she gloried in his gentle assault upon her lips, his tongue outlining her lower one, his teeth gently grazing her mouth. Everything he shared with her was done with such incredible tenderness. Her scarred heart absorbed all of Ty, without judgment, without prejudice, and she moaned softly as his mouth left hers and settled once more on the hardening peak of her breast.

  The suckling motion made her moan again, and she pressed herself to him and let him know how much she enjoyed it. His mouth left her nipple and he trailed a series of small, exploratory kisses down the center of her torso. When he kissed her belly and moved his hand gently across her, tears suddenly burned in her closed eyes. They had lost so much! And yet he was here with her now, loving her, taking care of her and in some way trying to atone for past mistakes. Catt felt his sorrow. Felt it eating at him. Gently, she turned and wrapped her arms around Hunter’s shoulders.

  The movement wasn’t lost on Ty. He smiled a little, sighed and brought her deeply into his arms. She was very tired. “You need to sleep, darlin’. Just close your eyes and I’ll hold you while you dream.”

  The roughness of his voice moved gently through her. “Yes…I’m so tired, Ty. So tired…”

  He heard the weariness from the depths of her fatigued soul. “I know you are,” he whispered, and pressed a kiss to her hair. “Just sleep. I’ll hold you and keep you safe….”

  She reveled in the sound of his voice, his protectiveness. Tonight, as no other, she truly needed Ty in every way. And he knew it and was responding in kind. Despite their jaded past, which was riddled with grief and pain, he was here for her now as never before.

  Hunter felt Catt relax completely against him, trusting him. How long he lay there in the darkness, with shreds of moonlight stealing silently through the cabin, he didn’t know, nor did he care. His life’s treasure was here in his arms right now, and nothing else mattered. For the moment, it wasn’t important that death was all around them—a lethal, mysterious disease they didn’t know the cause of. His brow furrowed as he lay there with the woman he loved so fiercely. His senses were still molten, like newly freed lava from an exploding volcano. There was no right or wrong in loving Catt again. Ty hadn’t believed it could ever happen. And yet a miracle had occurred.

  How many times had he lain awake at night wondering how she was? His brows dipped. His mouth compressed. Somehow, Ty wanted to create a bridge of trust with Catt. He wanted a future with her. But would she give him a chance? Just because they had lain here and made love didn’t give him any claim to her at all, and he knew it. No, this night was special. Catt was hurting so badly that her heart had finally overridden her head, and, for the moment, she’d forgotten her past experience with him. Gently dragging his fingers across the cooling flesh of her arm, he could feel Catt’s breathing change. She was sleeping now. Deeply—perhaps for the first time in years. Ty hoped Catt’s dreams were good, for she’d always been a vivid dreamer. He recalled all the times when they’d slept together, how she’d reel off three or four of her dreams the next morning to him. Hell, he never remembered his, but they always had fun talking about hers, what they migh
t mean and the symbology behind them. Ty found it interesting, and he’d learned a lot about Catt from her vivid dream world.

  Well, tonight, I wish only good dreams for you, darlin’, because no one deserves them more than you. Ty closed his eyes and released a ragged sigh. He had no idea what tomorrow would hold. Catt could wake up hating him. She could spurn him and take her rage out on him—not that he didn’t deserve it. At least this time she could not blame him, because she’d initiated it all. No, he thought. He knew Catt well enough to realize that she wouldn’t throw tonight in his face. She had integrity. She had a right to be angry and hurt by his past mistakes, but he seriously doubted she would blame him for what they’d shared hotly tonight.

  If nothing else, it was a beginning, Hunter hoped. A second chance. He knew he didn’t deserve it, but he loved Catt with a fierceness that had never died, that had transcended a decade without her. As sleep pulled at him, Ty smiled a little. Catt was in his arms, where she should be. Always…

  Chapter Nine

  Ty awoke with a jerk. Voices! Instantly, sleep fled. Gray dawn light filtered into the cabin. Reaching for Catt, he discovered she was gone. He relaxed when he realized the voices were familiar to him: Catt and Rafe talking quietly on deck. Memories of the night, of loving Catt, slammed back to him as he hurriedly got out of bed. Throwing the rumpled sheets aside, he climbed into a pair of khaki pants and a white cotton polo shirt, pulled on some socks and put on his roughout boots.

  Climbing the stairs, he raked his hair into some semblance of order. His heart was still beating hard. At first he’d thought it was Black Dawn terrorists, the threat of their presence never farther away from him than the beat of his heart. Gripping the wooden rails, Hunter lifted himself up on deck. Heads bowed, Rafe and Catt were standing near the coils of rope, looking at a set of papers Rafe held between them.

  So much rushed back to Ty in those seconds as he hesitated at the gangway. His heart became suffused with yearning the instant Catt lifted her chin and looked in his direction. Heat pooled restlessly in his lower body as he recalled being one with her and loving her wildly and without reserve. The moment their gazes met and locked, Ty knew without a doubt that he loved Catt; he’d never stopped loving her. And last night was a gift beyond any he’d ever been given.

  The look in her gaze was one of vulnerability, clearly etched with fear, desire and so much else. As he slowly walked toward them he wondered if Catt thought last night had been a mistake. His eyes raked over her as he moved closer. She was dressed in a pale pink tank top, a pair of jeans that outlined her slender form, and her red hair, recently washed, lay gleaming and damp around her face. He saw the glorious blue of her gaze, and even now, as he approached, he saw gold highlights in her eyes. He knew what that meant—that Catt was happy. About them? Was there really a chance for them? Ty felt an ache settling in his chest. Never had he wanted a second chance with Catt more than now.

  Rafe looked up. His face was set with worry. “Morning, Ty. I just got back an hour ago with the results of the testing from OID. Come take a look. You aren’t going to like what you see.”

  Scowling, Ty halted less than a foot from them. When Catt moved away, the ache in his heart intensified. Her body language spoke to him clearly and it wasn’t what he’d hoped for. Swallowing his disappointment, he took the papers Rafe handed to him.

  “Are we dealing with anthrax like Catt thought?” Ty rumbled as he perused the figures.

  Catt felt shaky. Her voice trembled slightly when she answered, “Yes and no.” She saw Ty shoot a glance at her. “The good news is it’s anthrax. The bad news is that it’s the newer, genetically engineered kind against which we have no vaccine, nor any countermeasure.”

  Catt tried to handle all her escaping feelings as she watched Ty study the report. He looked deliciously vulnerable this morning. His beard darkened his features, making the hollow of his cheeks even more pronounced. It gave him a dangerous look. His hair was disheveled, and she longed to reach over and slide her fingertips through it, taming it into place. He looked so achingly approachable, her heart urged her to move toward him and simply be near him, for he gave her the silent measure of protection, care and nurturance she found she had been starving for since they’d broken up so many years ago.

  “Damn them,” Ty rasped as he flipped over to the second and third pages of the report. “They finally did it.”

  Trying to table her own needs, Catt asked, “Who’s ‘them’?”

  Rafe grimaced and shot Ty a warning look.

  Ty saw it and rapidly perused the rest of the report, then handed it back to Catt. The moment their fingers touched, he saw her lips part and go soft—with need. Despite her wariness, Ty recorded her reaction. She tried to quickly hide it, but it was too late. She wasn’t sure of him. That gave him hope. That she wouldn’t run from him just yet. What a helluva time to discover Catt again—in the middle of a damned outbreak.

  Rubbing his eyes, he muttered, “We need to sit down and talk—just the three of us,” he said.

  Catt eased herself down against the wooden railing of the houseboat. She placed her hands on either side of her, resting them on the grainy surface of the deck. “About what?” She looked at Rafe, who stood with his hands on his hips, his gaze locked on the peeling deck. There was something they knew that she didn’t. “Ty, what haven’t you told me about this outbreak?” Catt gave him a challenging look. Her heart beat once in anxiety of the unknown. All along, she’d suspected there was some hidden reason why Ty had been sent along with her team. It was out of the ordinary for Casey to do something like that.

  Catt held her breath as he walked over and sat down on a coil of rope no more than a foot away from her. Rafe joined him and sat on another coil of rope nearby.

  “You’re going to have to inform your team once they wake up,” Ty murmured in a low tone. It was barely dawn, the gray half-light hovering over the triple canopy of the jungle and the muddy Amazon.

  “I’m all ears,” Catt said.

  He heard the derision in her tone and didn’t blame her for her anger at not being given some very important information. “I was sent down here by OID and Perseus.”

  “What’s Perseus?”

  “A supersecret government organization. It’s a part of the CIA.” He saw disbelief explode in her eyes.



  “What the hell is going on that the CIA would send you with me and my team?” Catt demanded hoarsely. She glanced toward the Juma village. “What’s going on here that we don’t know?” Her heart was racing with trepidation. She saw the apology in Ty’s eyes as he held her demanding gaze.

  “Have you ever heard of a terrorist organization known as Black Dawn?” he asked her softly.

  Catt reared back. Her lips parted, then closed. “Bioterrorists?” she asked in a choked voice.

  Ty nodded. “I got called into this particular outbreak situation because it was suspected that Black Dawn had initiated it.”

  “Oh, no…!” Catt whispered. She placed her hands momentarily against her lips. Staring at Ty, she saw the seriousness of his expression, the way his mouth compressed into a thin slash, holding back the anger he felt. “But how—when?”

  Rafe held up his hand. “A week ago, a small, single-engine airplane flew over this Juma village several times. Chief Aroka told me later, after I’d visited their village just by chance, that he saw the plane spitting on them. He’s not familiar with a plane spraying something or having the ability to spray. He said it was like rain falling from the sky, settling all over the village area. Shortly after that, within forty-eight hours, many people began to fall ill. I got here two days after the spraying occurred.”

  “Rafe called us,” Ty said, “and at the time, we had thought Black Dawn was going to try and steal some Ebola virus over in the Congo, so a team was sent there to stop them. It was a ruse,” he told her heavily. “It was designed to pull us off track.” Glancing at Rafe, whose fac
e was dark with anger, Ty said, “We think they struck here, instead.”

  Catt gasped. She studied the backwoodsman. “You know this for a fact, Rafe? Has the plane been identified? Traced? It had to have numbers on the fuselage.”

  “Chief Aroka said he only saw a blue-and-white bird with an engine. He doesn’t read English, Dr. Alborak. And he saw the plane so briefly that he couldn’t tell us more. I’m sorry.”

  “Ty? What do you think?” Her voice shook. All the beauty of their lovemaking last night was dissolving as terror for the people of the village overtook Catt. Who had carried out this murderous attack?

  Sighing heavily, Ty held her demanding gaze. He saw the fury in her eyes over the outrageous act. “With test results coming back from OID confirming the genetically altered anthrax material, I’m confident it was Black Dawn.” Looking sadly toward the Juma village, he added, “A hundred and six innocent, unsuspecting people were used as guinea pigs for this bioterrorist group to see if spraying of the material worked.”

  “It did,” Rafe concluded unhappily.

  Fingers digging into the cool, damp wood of the deck, Catt rasped, “And that’s why our antibiotic treatment didn’t work worth a damn. That’s why Mandei and her baby died.” She hung her head and felt tears surge into her eyes. Pushing them away, she looked up and gazed at Ty. “No wonder…”

  “I thought we might be working with the genetically altered anthrax, but I couldn’t be sure until the test results came back,” Ty told her apologetically.


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