Battle for the Amazon (Free Trader Series Book 4)

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Battle for the Amazon (Free Trader Series Book 4) Page 1

by Craig Martelle

  Battle for the Amazon

  Free Trader Series

  Book 4

  By Craig Martelle

  Copyright © 2016 Craig Martelle

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN 10: 1535188294

  ISBN 13: 978-1535188296


  Cover Illustration © Tom Edwards


  Editing services provided by Mia Darien –

  Other Books by Craig Martelle

  Free Trader Series

   Book 1 – The Free Trader of Warren Deep (February 2016)

   Book 2 – The Free Trader of Planet Vii (March 2016)

   Book 3 – Adventures on RV Traveler (April 2016)

   Book 4 – Battle for the Amazon (July 2016)

   Book 5 – Free the North! (August 2016)

   Book 6 – Free Trader on the High Seas (September 2016)

  End Times Alaska Trilogy, a Winlock Press publication

   Book 1: Endure (June 2016)

   Book 2: Run (July 2016)

   Book 3: Return (August 2016)

  Rick Banik Thriller Series

  People Raged and the Sky Was on Fire (May 2016)

  For my friend Frank Mellott, a man who’s been to war and knows how terrible it can be for all involved

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  Humans and the Intelligent Creatures

  The Line Is Drawn

  War It Must Be

  An Old Evil Returns


  Expanding the Trade Route

  Settling the Refugees

  Snakes in the Grass

  The Road to Trent

  Hi, Mom

  There’s Nothing to Fear

  Dad’s Home and There’s Hell to Pay

  The Eastern Ocean Anchor

  Next Stop, Cornwall

  The Three Laws of Trade

  Seal the Deal

  The Aurochs

  The Great Southern Plains


  The Road to Sanctuary

  New Sanctuary



  Four Turns From Now…

  “Crap, More Androids…”

  The Wolfoid Rush

  The Clone

  Yes, It Will Hurt

  The Lizard Men of the Rainforest Level

  A Run to the Village

  The Wolfoid Games

  Home to New Sanctuary

  War Comes Closer

  What’s the Intel?

  A Plan Starts to Take Shape

  Gear Up!

  Running North

  The Villages

  Race to Bliss

  No Road Ahead

  The Army Moves

  Fighting Their Way South

  Turns Melt Into Turns

  Running of the Bulls

  The Slog Ahead

  Setting up an Ambush

  Just a Little Farther

  The Herd

  Where Have You Been?

  Prepare to Attack

  Like We Belong Here

  Attack the Weakest

  The Overlords

  A Reunion Long Overdue


  Still Wet

  The Seven

  A New Normal


  Free Trader 5 – Free the North!

  A Helping Paw

  About the Author


  Writing a book takes time, even if it’s only time spent thinking about the plot and what might make the characters interestingly realistic. Then determining the story arc and how that fits into the series. Planet Cygnus VII is a big place and there is a lot going on. It takes the Golden Warrior, Braden, and Micah to keep everything moving in one direction to the betterment of those who might not realize that there are good people and intelligent creatures fighting on their behalf. It’s the way we are on Planet Earth – freedom is not free.

  My wife has been stalwart through the entirety of my transition to full-time writing. She gets to have me home all the time now and for that, we are eternally grateful. This works because of the incredible readers out there who buy my books, even if you read them using Kindle Unlimited, I still get royalties. That is critical so I can keep doing what I do. I write full time and try to publish one book a month. Since you are supporting my work by reading, I have to do my part by keeping the story alive with regular publication of new material.

  I want to thank some readers by name as they are the ones who we look to when we’re feeling a little down. Diane Velasquez and her sister Dorene are powerhouse readers, ready for anything I throw at them. They have both been very kind with their comments. Some of the people who have taken time out of their busy days to drop me a Review – I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate that. Chris Rolfe, Cathy Cauthan Northrup, Monique Lewis Happy (also one of my editors), Joyce Stokley, RobertF, Jack Moore, Russell, Ricky Sides, JK, J.L. Hendricks, Theo Hunt, Candace Taylor and so many more. You great people help make every day that much sunnier.

  Readers had some incredible things to say about the Free Trader.

  Read the entire series! June 13, 2016

  This a really fun, simple, and heart warming tale of friendships, companions, and pure hearts. Great story, action, and the right amount of detail. I really enjoyed G-War!

  Five Stars June 12, 2016

  It is really a good story and I am looking forward to following the series

  I enjoyed this story. June 10, 2016

  This author's writing reminded me of some of Andre Norton's writing. Not quite as polished as Orton. but I think this author has the potential to be as good or better. If the rest of his stories are as good he has captured a follower and I will read anything he writes.

  No cradle for this cat! June 4, 2016

  A great adventure. Loved our hillcat.

  I loved this book June 1, 2016

  I loved this book. The author's world building skills are superb. The same holds true for his ability to create fascinating characters. I just purchased the rest of the series and am looking forward to reading the rest of the books.

  great series for all ages. May 29, 2016

  Great read Loved the book!!! This is a great series for all ages.

  A SyFy Novel of Life on a Distant Planet After War May 27, 2016

  CM has written a storyline about a young man who is mentally line with a cat, eagle and tortoise. The unlikely group is looking for a lost city. The city exist after the war and is operated by robots. The story is about the thins they encounter when looking for the lost city. This is an excellent read for the genre..... ER

  The Braden bunch May 24, 2016

  Ok, I admit it. I'm a sucker for talking animals; and how can you go wrong with a tortoise sidekick..........

  The Free Trader May 24, 2016

  This is a very well written and executed adventure, with lots of exciting and enjoyable character's. Great read and thanks to the author, please keep them coming. JK

  A fun and interesting adventure story for all ages. May 12, 2016

  Just came across this author. Truly enjoyed this adventure story and the main characters. I found the concept to be refreshing and different. The author did not leave me to guess what the story was about. Just a fun adventure read with enough interplay and humor to keep most any age group interested.

  I do not believe in giving out the story line. I leave that to others. I will mention that this story has one of "those" animal companions. This critter knows he is super
ior to his human and occasionally reminds the man of his superiority.

  Great series April 15, 2016

  Really enjoyed these books. Great characters easily identified with. Hope to see more books from this world.

  What a grand adventure! March 15, 2016

  Not only does Craig tell an entertaining tale full of rich characters and creativity, he also challenges your existing paradigm and current events. It's a lovely book and a joy to read! Thank you!

  Good characters. Very interesting idea behind the story March 15, 2016

  Good characters. Very interesting idea behind the story. Ought to be good for at least 20 more world beaters. Said hopefully.

  Really liked the character development and the story March 10, 2016

  A lovely read from a new author! Really liked the character development and the story. Quick paced read that kept me wanting more. Futuristic old tech treasure hunt - one of my fave genres. Can't wait for the rest to be published.

  Humans and the Intelligent Creatures

  The Hillcat

  The Golden Warrior – also called G, G-War, and Prince Axial De’atesh, can share his mindlink with others

  The Humans

  Braden – The Free Trader

  Micah – The Warrior, Partnered with Braden

  Axial & De’atesh – Braden and Micah’s twin children

  Bronwyn – Gifted child, able to speak with all creatures

  Dr. Johns – a clone, leader of the survivors from Cygnus VI

  Chrysalis – Dr. John’s son and budding leader

  Candela & Tanner – the first Free Traders born in the south

  Dantan – Elder from Village Coldstream

  Ditarod – Elder from Village Greentree

  Mick, Destiny, & Fen – Elders from Village Dwyer

  Ipso-Ter – Elder from Village McCullough

  The Hawkoids

  Skirill – also called Ess

  Zyena – mated with Skirill

  The Tortoid

  Aadi – First Master of the Tortoise Consortium

  The Aurochs

  Brandt Earthshaker – King of the Aurochs

  Lomen – young bull, taken by Brandt from Toromont’s Run

  Denon – young bull, taken by Brandt from Toromont’s Run

  Malo – young bull, taken by Brandt from Toromont’s Run

  The Lizard Men (Amazonians)

  Zalastar – Leader of the Amazonians

  Akhmiyar – one of Zalastar’s best warriors and leader in his own right

  Pik Ha’ar – Lizard Man from the ship RV Traveler and friend

  Tup Dal – Lizard Man from the ship RV Traveler, supporter of Pik

  The Rabbits

  Ferrer & Brigitte – a Rabbit couple moved from the ship to Vii

  Patrice & Delavigne – a Rabbit couple moved from the ship to Vii

  Hand drawn map of the southern region of Planet Vii.

  The Line Is Drawn

  “Another attack?” Braden kicked the dirt in anger. Bronwyn hung her head. She was only twelve cycles old, and they asked too much of her. Being able to speak with all creatures, she was the group’s interpreter and had just shared what the Lizard Man had told her.

  The Amazonian called Akhmiyar stood before them, showing no emotion while Braden continued his tirade.

  “How much longer will this go on?” he asked no one in particular. Micah, his life partner, let him rant. She knew that he had to get past his initial anger so they could rationally discuss what needed to happen next. What could they do about it?

  Braden was leading the Council of Elders, a new group started after the companions returned from the RV Traveler. They initially thought about calling it the Council of Leaders, but Elder was the term that the leaders themselves preferred and what their people understood best. When additional intelligent creatures joined the group, the humans needed a way for all to have a voice, to have equal say in what happened in the world they shared.

  The Wolfoids bounced, their hackles raised as they embraced the anger at an enemy they’d only seen once but despised with a special canine ferocity. The Hillcat, Golden Warrior, laid on a tree branch outside the circle, but he was in almost everyone’s head. He was one of the most critical participants. The other was Bronwyn, but he could do what she could not. He opened the minds of most creatures so they could talk with each other using their thought voices.

  G-War saw humor in the Wolfoids’ rage. He knew it would be short-lived. After the meeting, they’d run down a deer and be sated, but the war with the Lizard Men Overlords had only just begun. With each day, the attacks came, punch and run attacks to destroy a hut, kill a pig, kill a human. A little here and there, but over time, it built up. And the attacks were getting closer. The village of Bliss had long been abandoned because it was too close to the front lines. The rescue of its inhabitants was legendary, but the people were refugees, surviving on the charity of others until they could build new homes farther from the fighting.

  How far away was far enough? Would all of the villages along the northern boundary of the Amazon Rainforest have to move? Coldstream? Greentree? McCullough or Dwyer?

  Hearing Braden’s thoughts, Micah stepped forward. “Where do we draw the line?”

  The Rabbits hopped from foot to foot, anxious from the seething emotions within the group. They usually provided a calming effect, but not this day. Two people had died in the latest attack, a couple new to trading who tried to spend the night a little too close to the rainforest. The Aurochs pulling their cart was injured, but managed to run to safety and then made her way back to the Earthshaker Herd. Brandt, King of the Aurochs, along with Akhmiyar of the Amazonians, delivered the report to the Council the next day.

  The humans had yet to recover the bodies, a task no one looked forward to. Braden was torn, furious at the loss of life and afraid for their future. He turned to the Rabbits, kneeled down, and stroked Brigitte’s neck fur as he tried to calm himself. The Rabbit leaned into his hand and flicked her ears.

  Skirill and Zyena watched from a tree branch not far from G-War. They wanted to add something to the conversation but could only volunteer to fly over the attack site and try to find the victims. Braden nodded, agreeing that would be the best and quickest way to recover the bodies of the new traders.

  Besides Braden and Micah, the other humans represented the four villages on the edge of the rainforest. They didn’t want to fight a war, but they didn’t want to move either. That meant they wanted and needed someone to solve the problem for them.

  Aadi, First Master of the Tortoise Consortium and Braden’s mentor in diplomacy and negotiation, floated at the perimeter of the group. He asked politely if he could speak. Braden waved the Tortoid forward as he squeezed between two of the four Rabbits and buried his hands in their soft neck fur.

  ‘Distinguished group of the intelligent species of Planet Vii, I bid you welcome amid these turbulent times.’ Aadi paused while Bronwyn passed his thoughts directly to Akhmiyar. Aadi could talk with the Amazonians, but in a different way than the gifted young girl.

  ‘I think it’s clear what our goal must be. How we get there will take time and commitment. Our choice has been made for us, although saying the word ‘choice’ implies we had more than one. We did not. Whether we like it or not…’ Aadi stopped mid-sentence and swam in the air in a small circle so he could look everyone in the face, whether it was furred, feathered, human, snorting, or green. ‘This is a life and death struggle none of us asked for, but it is ours to finish. War has been thrust upon us, a war that we must win if we are to survive!’

  War It Must Be

  Brandt stamped and bobbed his head, slashing the air with his great horns. The other Council members moved aside to give him room. His thought voice boomed, ‘We will make them pay for destroying the peace of this world!’

  Braden went to the King of the Aurochs and put his hand in the middle of the broad forehead, hoping to calm the massive creature. “They will pay, my fr
iend. When we are ready, they’ll pay,” Braden said calmly. The Council of intelligent creatures didn’t need a fanatic leading them. They needed someone who would make the Lizard Men Overlords pay for every life they had taken.

  Braden called for quiet both aloud and in his thought voice. He signaled for Aadi to continue. The Tortoid turned around, once again looking at the assembled faces, the leaders of the free south.

  ‘Esteemed members of the Council, I think we need to formalize a declaration of war. We need everyone to agree with what we want to accomplish.’ Aadi ended his speech by swimming to a spot outside the circle and taking his place as one of the Council members.

  ‘Our goal has to be to eliminate the enemy!’ Bounder offered to get the conversation started. Many shuffled uncomfortably. The Rabbits froze in place, shocked at the direction of their future.

  “No, my fearless friend. I think we’re better than that, better than them,” Braden intoned. “Who is the enemy? I suggest that it is the Overlords and the Overlords alone. We eliminate them, and the others will lose the stomach for a fight.”

  Zalastar, leader of the Amazonians, stood in the shade of the tree, having let Akhmiyar talk for them. Until now. Bronwyn’s head turned as the Lizard Man ‘talked’ with her and her alone. She started speaking without taking her eyes from Zalastar’s. “Honorable members of the Council of Elders, I wish for peace as much as I demand to remain free. I won’t trade the freedom of my people for peace with the Overlords. On them, we must make war. The Amazonians that they use for their army don’t know they are being manipulated. I must insist that we kill as few of my fellows as possible. They are not our enemy, although they fight against us. We must find and destroy the Overlords.” The strong and thoughtful words sounded odd in the little girl’s voice, but no one gave them less weight because of how those words were shared.


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