Douluo Dalu - Volume 09 - Golden Iron Triangle

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 09 - Golden Iron Triangle Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Right now Flender’s eyes didn’t hold a hint of deviousness, filled with sincerity. And the Shrek Six Devils behind him hearing Flender’s words got a somewhat strange feeling; they found that Flender seemed to become even older, the silhouette of his back giving off a lonely feeling.

  Yes, as a dean, having to bring disciples to another academy for cultivation, to an arrogant person like Flender, how could his heart truly be at ease?

  Even if he never showed it, how could his inner world be serene?

  Meng Shen-Ji nodded to Flender,

  “Dean Flender, be at ease. We three guarantee you that we will provide these children with the best cultivation facilities here, to the best of our ability. The best cultivation facilities, and anything else you ask for. Even if in the future they don’t want to fight on behalf of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, it still doesn’t matter. Just imagine, one day, as they stand at the summit of the Spirit Master world, if their records would hold the name Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, this is already enough to satisfy us.”

  Flender stood up, bowing courteously to the three Spirit Douluo,

  “Thank you seniors.”

  Watching this scene, Grandmaster finally showed a smile, inwardly saying, ‘Flender, oh, Flender, if I hadn’t already clearly grasped the natures of these three board members, would I have brought you here? Whatever happened in the past, in my heart, you are still my big brother, of course I hope to see you spend your later years comfortably.’

  At this moment, a long groan attracted everyone’s attention.

  Just in time to see Tang San spit out a dense white mist, no longer as faint as before, as if it had congealed. Breathing out from the mouth, again inhaling through the nose, the red tone of Tang San’s skin had already completely vanished, as had the swelling. It seemed he had entirely recovered to normal.

  As the white mist was completely inhaled, Tang San gradually opened his eyes. In this moment, to everyone in the board hall they seemed like a pair of cold stars.

  Even though that bright cold light only flickered for a moment and was gone, everyone saw that Tang San was different from before.

  Eight Spider Lances withdrew into Tang San’s back in practically the space of a breath, compared to before, this speed was several times faster.

  Unfortunately, the clothes on his back were shredded. This was perhaps the one fault of Eight Spider Lances. Someone as frugal as Tang San still regretted the loss of the clothes.

  Tang San noticed everyone’s attention on him, and first calmly bowed to the three Spirit Douluo, and without saying anything, with a guileless expression walked over behind Grandmaster.

  Right now, Tang San basically didn’t have the mental capacity to spare for any chatter, his entire mind was focused on his body. When that shattering sound appeared, he was under enormous spirit power pressure and naturally didn’t know what had changed. But right now, after sobering, he immediately recognized the difference.

  First of all, his spirit power had leapt up by one rank, and even more importantly, all his physical attributes seemed to have increased.

  That increase wasn’t something one rank of spirit power could result in.

  Basically, it was because under that tremendous pressure he had broken open an energy channel. This energy channel didn’t just let Eight Spirit Lances perfectly fuse with him, but at the same time, it caused a not insignificant change in his body.

  Spirit power at thirty fourth rank, yet his physical attributes should surpass the level of the fortieth rank.

  Regarding the breaking open of this energy channel, perhaps even Grandmaster would be unable to explain the reason why, but Tang San understood it very clearly on his own. Because, that was what was described in the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record as the eight extraordinary meridians[ (奇经八脉) I’ll just link to Wikipedia for tthis one: ].

  Explicitly stated in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record was that if the eight extraordinary meridians connected into one path, Mysterious Heaven Skill would benefit greatly, and one of Mysterious Heaven Skill’s great criteria for completion, besides reaching the eighth tier, was to break open all eight extraordinary meridians. Described in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record was that, a person who had connected the eight extraordinary meridians, whether in heaven or hell, would be omnipotent.

  Although these were just simple words, it amply proved just how enormous the effect might be from completely breaking open the eight extraordinary meridians.

  Tang San’s understanding of the eight extraordinary meridians came from the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, where it was described extremely detailed.

  The four limbs had the eight acupuncture points Broken Sequence, Back Ravine, Inner Pass, Outer Pass, Shining Sea, Extending Vessel, Yellow Emperor and Foot Overlooking Tears separately leading to the eight Conception, Governing, Yin linking, Yang linking, Yin Heel, Yang Heel, Penetrating and Girdle meridians. Meaning these acupuncture points separately could connect the head, face and torso to the eight extraordinary meridians.[ I’m not personally familiar with Chinese medicine, so all this TCM stuff is somewhat tentative. I’ve referenced all the points and meridians with whatever online resources I could find, but if you want to do further fact checking, the full paragraph is (四肢部列缺、后溪、内关、外关、照海、申脉、公孙、足临泣八穴分别通向任、督、阴维、阳维、阴跷、阳跷、冲、带八脉。意指这些穴位分别能沟通头面躯干部有关奇经八脉。)]

  Chapter 060: Title Douluo, Title: Poison

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Yellow Emperor Penetrating Meridian of stomach, heart and chest, Inner Pass Yin Link alike below the head;

  Overlooking Tears gall passes Girdling Meridian, Yang Link vision meeting Outer Pass;

  Back Ravine Governing Meridian of inner eye and neck, Extending Vessel Yang Heel also connects the channels;

  Broken Sequence Conception Meridian relates to lungs, Yin Heel Shining Sea of diaphragm and throat.[ Acupuncture points, meridians and associated functions were traditionally arranged in songs to make them easier to remember, like a mnemonic device. Just like any other poetry, it doesn’t do well in translation. This is one such, called (八脉交会八穴歌) or roughly Eight meridians converging on eight points song. While I think I got which parts go where right after some cross referencing, the whole translation is extremely tentative, and if anyone knows of a more official translation let me know.]”

  Each meridian corresponded to some significant place on the human body. Although the eight extraordinary meridians were innately connected, this connection was very minute, unable to channel internal strength. But in Tang San’s previous world, practically all internal strength experts broke open the eight extraordinary meridians to increase their capacity.

  Among the eight extraordinary meridians, the most important were the Conception meridian, Governing meridian, Penetrating meridian and Girdling meridian channels. And Tang San determined by position that what his Mysterious Heaven Skill broke through under that enormous pressure should be the Penetrating meridian.

  The Penetrating meridian parallelled the heart meridian, although its effect wasn’t as obvious as the Conception and Governing meridians, the benefits it gave to Tang San was difficult to put into words. Like how younger Spirit Masters cultivated more easily, breaking through these eight extraordinary meridians was also easier the younger one was, as one aged, the body would be influenced by the outside world, and the energy channels within the body would also become more and more rigid, and the difficulty of connecting them would naturally grow.

  Breaking through the Penetrating meridian now would no doubt be of enormous benefit to Tang San’s later cultivation. Even now he already had a somewhat reserved exuberant feeling. Of course, this was all a coincidence. Grandmaster hoped he would fuse with the external spirit bone under these conditions, but how would he have known Tang S
an would connect an energy channel, obtaining even greater benefits.

  The Tian Dou Imperial Academy party was naturally headed by Meng Shen-Ji, and on the Shrek Academy’s side was naturally Flender, as a result of the favorable terms Meng Shen-Ji offered, the two’s discussion became more and more congenial, even giving a feeling of long standing familiarity.

  Meng Shen-Ji said:

  “Then this matter is settled. Teacher Qin, we’ll trouble you to arrange it.”

  Qin Ming hastily nodded in agreement. His gaze constantly followed Tang San; besides surprise, it was even more out of envy. They were both geniuses, but his brilliance was already eclipsed by Tang San’s external spirit bone.

  Just as the Shrek Academy group was taking their leave to return to their own courtyard, footsteps suddenly echoed outside, seemingly from two people.

  “Isn’t principal Meng Shen-Ji here?”

  Before they arrived, a voice already rose from outside. This person’s voice was resonant, filled with confidence. But the voice gave a somewhat arrogant impression, although it wasn’t overbearing, it still didn’t have the intent of being polite.

  Meng Shen-Ji looked distracted a moment, he naturally heard who the owner of this voice was, and wondered in his heart, ‘why would he come?’ Hurriedly standing up, walking out to greet him, ordering the two other board members to follow behind him. The expressions of the two seemed to change slightly.

  Very quickly, three people entered from outside. The Shrek Academy group had met one of them before, it was that youth Dai Mubai had sent flying with a kick below the mountain yesterday.

  Right now that youth stood on the left with an arrogant expression, his eyes revealing an intense resentment.

  Walking in the middle was a magnificently dressed old man. This person wore a large yellow gown, crowded with embroidered brocade that didn’t seem messy in the least. Grizzled hair neatly combed back, medium height, a slightly heavy frame, and a majestic appearance.

  Only his eyes seemed a bit small, breaking the harmonious feeling of the facial features. Standing upright with his hands clasped behind his back, even though he was confronting the three Spirit Douluo board members he wasn’t the slightest bit deferential, but rather had an attitude of looking down on them.

  Seeing these three appear, the Shrek Academy group first felt surprise. Not because of their appearance, but rather because of the third person on the right.

  Previously, whether it was the weakest of the Shrek Seven Devils Ning Rongrong, or Shrek Academy’s dean Flender, they had all heard only two sets of footsteps, but three people had entered.

  What did this indicate?

  The person standing on the magnificently dressed old man’s right side was another old man, but distinctly different from the magnificently dressed old man. This person was slim like a spear, both hair and beard unexpectedly deep green, with a pair of eyes even more like flickering beryl.

  Everyone had a kind of illusory feeling towards this man, as if he was a mirage. He followed at the side of the magnificently dressed man, seemingly without moving his feet.

  This man’s face was expressionless, or perhaps it should be said his expression was completely rigid. Sunken cheeks, the green hair disheveled, wearing only simple and unadorned gray robes, forming a clear cut contrast to the magnificently dressed man at his side.

  This man’s hands were both tucked into his sleeves. On entering the hall he simply closed his eyes, without even glancing at anyone.

  “Lord prince, why have you come?”

  Meng Shen-Ji stepped forward and bowed slightly, saluting the magnificently dressed old man. But whether it was him or the other two Spirit Douluo, their gazes were all fixed on that green haired man.

  This was a person even they couldn’t see the limits of.

  The magnificently dressed old man smiled calmly, his gaze sweeping across the Shrek Academy group. Xue Beng at his side hastily said something in a low voice next to the magnificently dressed man’s ear.

  The magnificently dressed old man then said:

  “What? Does the board members have visitors? Won’t you introduce Us[ He sometimes refers to himself as (本王), which I can’t find a direct translation for, but would assume as a pronoun has the meaning “of the king” or similar. I’ll translate it as the royal “We” when applicable.]?”

  Meng Shen-Ji frowned minutely. Even though this was a prince, with their position in the Spirit Master world, even a prince shouldn’t be so unreasonable. But this person was the person in charge of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, they couldn’t offend him.

  Meng Shen-Ji smiled slightly, inviting the three into the hall. By now, the Shrek Academy group had all already stood up.

  Meng Shen-Ji said:

  “Your highness, I will introduce you. This is Shrek Academy’s dean, Flender. Here this time to consult on collaborating on a matter. Dean Flender, this is his highness the Heaven Dou Empire’s prince Xue Xing[ (雪星) “Snow Star”], the Imperial Academy is currently under his highness’ administration.”

  Although Flender wasn’t too interested in this arrogant prince, he still slightly bowed:

  “Greetings, your highness.”

  Prince Xue Xing didn’t even glance at him, only coldly said:

  “Shrek Academy? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. It should be some mediocre school. Principal Meng Shen-Ji, how could you allow people of such unknown origin into our Academy?”

  On hearing this, the Shrek Academy group couldn’t help but be fiercely indignant. Zhao Wuji at Flender’s side was about to flare up, but was hindered by Flender.

  Meng Shen-Ji’s expression changed,

  “Your highness, such words can’t be used. Shrek Academy has fostered countless outstanding Spirit Masters, our Academy’s teacher Qin was also from Shrek Academy. This time dean Flender and all the Shrek Academy teachers are willing to teach at our institution, they are all rare talents.”


  When prince Xue Xing heard Qin Ming came from the Shrek Academy, his expression was somewhat embarrassed. His gaze shifting towards Flender, he said:

  “Principal Meng Shen-Ji, according to Academy regulations, new teachers should be subject to review. I haven’t been informed whether these people have already passed?”

  Zhi Lin at Meng Shen-Ji’s side couldn’t help saying:

  “The Shrek Academy teachers all have Heaven Dou level strength, there’s no need for review. Your highness, don’t tell me you came here today for this matter?”

  His words were already clearly somewhat blunt.

  Prince Xie Xing snorted,

  “The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is a pillar of the Empire. As one of the pillars of the Empire, the teachers all have enormous influence on the students. I cannot wish for the Academy to hire some arrogant and despotic seniors. Xue Beng told me that yesterday as these guests just arrived at the Academy they beat him up. Xue Beng is the fourth imperial prince, representing the dignity of the imperial family. How could he be insulted so?”

  At this Meng Shen-Ji’s trio clearly understood why prince Xue Xing was here. Seeing the rancor on fourth prince Xue Beng’s face as he stared rigidly at Dai Mubai, the three couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. It was just because of brain-dead nobles like these that the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was unable to foster more talents.

  Flender calmly said:

  “Then how does your highness want to settle this matter? I don’t know if you have asked his highness prince Xue Beng just why he was hit?”

  Spirit Master was the grandest vocation on the Douluo Continent, to a high level Spirit Master nobility basically wouldn’t enter their eyes.

  Flender himself was an untamable senior, if it wasn’t for the sake of finding a home for these old brothers who had followed him for years, he would have flared up long ago when prince Xue Xing first insulted the Shrek Academy.

  Xue Xing snorted coldly,

  “We always treat talent well. Since everyon
e has come to look for our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s cooperation, yesterday Xue Beng was also the first to make a mistake. Let’s forget this matter. However……”

  At this, his gaze swept across Flender and the Shrek Academy teachers,

  “You must prove to me that you are indeed people of talent.”

  Xue Beng standing at prince Xue Xing’s side by now already had a pleased expression.

  Flender forcefully suppressed his anger,

  “Fine, then how does the lord prince wish for us to prove it.”

  Prince Xue Xing smiled calmly, saying:

  “Very simple, you only have to hold out against mister Dugu for five minutes, and We will at once recognize you as talents. All treatment will be most favorable. If not, like what Xue Beng said yesterday, immediately get out of here.”


  Dai Mubai’s anger stirred, wanting to dash forward. But at this moment, the green haired old man at prince Xue Xing’s side opened his eyes. His gaze fell on Dai Mubai.

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  The moment he opened his eyes, it seemed like the temperature in the entire hall dropped at once. Those deep green eyes didn’t hold the slightest bit of life, displaying ice cold and something grim and nefarious.

  Dai Mubai trembled all over with a muffled groan, then quietly fell motionless on the ground.

  A blue vine shot out like lightning, twisting around Dai Mubai’s waist, forcefully pulling him back. Precisely the actions of third seat Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin.

  “Your highness, you mustn’t be too excessive.”

  Meng Shen-Ji said angrily.

  Prince Xue Xing said calmly:

  “How am I excessive? Principal Meng Shen-Ji, you mustn’t forget, the Academy belongs to the imperial household. As the direct supervisor, I have the authority to decide on personnel matters. If you disagree, you can complain to His Majesty. But until His Majesty says otherwise, I am still in charge here.”


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