Possessive Russian: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 79)

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Possessive Russian: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 79) Page 9

by Flora Ferrari

  But his reasoning for not following that path was so sweet and masculine at the same time.

  “I would never put my angel in a position where she might have to choose to become a merchant of death.”

  Brutal but beautiful.

  He told me that decision was for a man, a man who knew the whole story and that could only be him and my father.

  And he said the most important part wasn’t the whole story he knew, but the chapter we were beginning together.

  It was a fresh start for both of us and between our intestinal fortitude and our love we’d make this the best story ever.

  And dammit if I didn’t believe him.



  The next day I’m back at Pulkovo International Airport, but this time I’ve got Artem and his sister Anastasia by my side.

  It’s Saint Petersburg’s international airport, but it also handles domestic traffic. And in this case from Siberia.

  We wait outside the arrivals gate and I can feel my hand shaking. I have an entire folder full of printouts from the library yesterday back at my hotel.

  There’s all kinds of proof that what Artem is saying is real, but nothing can completely convince me until I see him with my own eyes.

  I remember the way the man in Miami used to look at me. And I always compared that with the way the other little girl’s fathers would look at them.

  I got looks of disdain more often than not. And they got looks of love.

  I never told anyone, but I always wanted that. I always wanted my father to look at me like he was proud of me and that he loved me. Not that I was a constant reminder that his wife died in childbirth, which I now know not to be true.

  But what’s very much true is that I’m going to lose it if this man resembles me. If he gives me that loving look. If I believe.

  Suddenly the passengers from his flight start making their way through the sliding doors. They open and a few people come out, only to slide back shut again.

  Each time they open I’m just waiting to see his face.

  This torturous game goes on for minutes as I squeeze Artem’s hand so tight I’m surprised he doesn’t complain.

  But that’s the thing about him. He’s a real man who takes pride in the fact that he can endure anything. And he has. A small girl squeezing his hand is nothing compared to what he must have gone through in prison, not to mention getting shot multiple times.

  I watch as more and more people come through the door and are reunited with their loved ones. I watch as tears fall down cheeks. As tight and true hugs are given and received. And as people are reunited with the ones they love the most. The people that matter to them more than the seven billion other people on this planet.

  That’s love. That’s what Artem and I have, but I want it with my father too.

  My real one whoever that turns out to be.

  After that sliding door stays shut for what seems like ten minutes a woman approaches Artem and asks him a question in Russian, to which he calmly answers. They talk briefly and eventually she rolls her eyes and walks away.

  “What happened? What did she say?” I ask desperate for any information.

  “She said all the passengers from the plane have departed and cleared security. I told her there was a mistake. We discussed, or should I say argued about, this for a few moments. Then she told me I must leave. I told her I never leave anyone behind. That’s when she rolled her eyes and left.”

  I hug him tight and watch as Anastasia takes in the sight of us and smiles. And yes, it’s a very real smile…the kind that are reserved for special occasions when they can’t be held back.

  But my smile quickly disappears when my mouth drops open as the doors slide open and I see a man in a prison jumpsuit being escorted by two guards. As the guards turn to walk in the other direction the man steps through the sliding doors, his eyes fixed on me.

  “Moy Alia,” he says and for the first time ever I see a tear in a Russian man’s eyes.

  But this isn’t any man. This is my father.

  I move quickly to him and him quickly to me until before I know what’s happening he’s hugging me, lifting my feet off the ground as he plants kisses all over my face.

  And now he’s not the only one crying.

  “I knew I would find you,” he says. “I always knew. I miss you my little Alia,” he says referring to the diminutive Russian word for Alice. It’s the word a parent might use for their little child.

  Just like I was when he last saw me.

  We have so much catching up to do.



  The next day

  Alice stood in the doorway to the kitchen holding a dishrag full of ice for my face.

  I just shook my head letting her know that wouldn’t be necessary.

  In order to welcome Alexander home, and back to civilization, I’d rented a house outside of town where the four of us could kick back and celebrate as loud as we wanted.

  Just a couple weeks ago we had no money and were in prison now we were out we had the ten thousand Bitcoins from the USB thumb drive, minus the ones we’d cashed in, plus the small amount of money I’d left in the bank before I got sentenced and the little bit of money I’d made tattooing since I got out.

  In other words it was the ultimate rags to riches story and everyone in Russia knows it’s not wise to show your hand, especially when you’re playing with a full house.

  And in the house we were in you could hear a pin drop, the effects of the right cross Alexander had landed to my face when he finally realized Alice was wearing an engagement ring and I was the one who put it there.

  He paced back and forth across the rooms trying to come to grips with what happened.

  And I wasn’t going to back down. Not from him. Not from anyone. Not when it came to her.

  Yeah, I’ll take one punch. Hell, I’d do the same thing if I was in his shoes. But I draw the line at one, and only me…not that he would ever raise a finger to a woman. He’s not that way and neither am I.

  And I’m sorry my sister and his daughter had to see this, but I guess it was just a matter of time.

  Just like the foregone conclusion of Alice and I getting together was the moment we laid eyes on each other.

  “How long has this been going on?” he asks as he continues to pace.

  “Alex, I’ve only been out for two weeks. I didn’t even know what she looked like until a few days ago.”

  “How do I know you weren’t writing letters to each other while you were locked up?”

  “Did you get any mail while you were in there?” I ask, the answer obvious.

  He’s just angry right now and he’s not reasoning. I just need to let him get this out, to work through this, and then cooler heads will prevail.

  “I love her and you know I’ve never said that before. You’re my best friend, have been since we were kids. And you know when I see something I want I have to have it. And when I get it I protect it with everything I’ve got.”

  “I know, but my daughter!” he yells.

  I see Alice jump a bit and then wince. Anastasia stays still as a board, it’s our way here in Russia. Keep your emotions to yourself, which Alexander is doing a very poor job of right now.

  “You can’t control love. When it happens it takes over everything…your thoughts, your plans, your movements…it’s all consuming.”

  Finally Alexander stopped pacing and sat down on the other end of the room.

  He goes to open his mouth and stops. Then starts again.

  I know the age thing isn’t an issue as it’s not a big deal in Russia as it would be back in Miami. Not even close. No one will bat an eye here.

  “I’m sorry,” he says quickly standing and coming over to me and putting his hand on the back of my neck and placing his forehead right on mine as two boxers would do at the end of a fight to show mutual respect.

  “You’ve always done me right. More than right
. You’ve taken bullets for my family and there’s no need for me to be firing more at you now, verbal or otherwise. I wish the both of you a perfect life together, and I propose a toast to you,” he says, quickly changing his tone from just a few minutes ago.

  That’s the thing about Alexander. He always defers to reason.

  It’s just like when we first went to prison together. We knew we were innocent but we had to assess the situation and decide how we could logically overcome it.

  And it’s the same as finding out your best friend is in love with your daughter. It’s been a crazy twenty-four hours for him and this just tops it off.

  But at the end of the day he knows, logically, that all logic is out the window.

  Because even though he knows I’ll protect her.

  Even though he knows I’ll do anything and everything for her.

  Above all else, I love her.

  And that’s all you need in this life.

  That and family, which we’ve both been reunited with after such a long wait. A wait that no one should have to endure, but we did.

  Because we knew one day we’d be free to love those closest to us again.

  I just never could have imagined that would include my Butterfly. The most beautiful woman in the world who’s made me the happiest man in the world.

  “Nostrovia,” we all say as we hold a shot of vodka high. Even Alice. She’s old enough to drink in this country…her country…our country.

  “Welcome home,” I say to Alexander.

  “Welcome to the family…officially,” he says and we all down our shots and shortly thereafter go back to getting down on the dance floor we’ve created in the living room as we laugh, drink, eat, and show our respect and appreciation for what matters most in life.




  Five years later

  “Whatcha got, Anna?” I say as I hold out my arms as my little one and a half year old walks over to me with a flower and a huge smile on her face.

  She giggles and hands me a Cyprus black tulip, which is actually a very dark shade of red, and not black.

  “Thank you, Annushka!” I say referring to her in the diminutive form of her name that she loves. She giggles and gives me a big hug.

  “Mom! Mom! Look!” Andrey, our four-year-old says as he points to the ground.

  “Butterfly! Come quick,” Artem says.

  I scoop up Anna and quickly make my way over to Artem, Andrey, and my dad.

  “Oh my god. It’s so cute,” I say.

  Andrey bends over before getting on his knees on the sand along the beach in Akamas, Cyprus.

  The sweeping bays and panoramic views make it no wonder why this part of the island is considered the crown jewel.

  And it’s also peaceful, away from all the tourism, and a great place to be alone.

  And that’s exactly what this little sea turtle thought.

  “Turtle,” Anna says pointing to the ground.

  “It is a turtle,” I say. “Good job!” I give her a little high five and she points in the total opposite direction of the turtle.

  “Over there, sweetie,” I say turning my body so she’s facing the little guy in the sand, but instead she keeps focusing on the same spot.

  I turn back to see what she’s looking at.

  “Oh my gosh. Another one, guys,” I say seeing another little sea turtle hatchling scooting along the sand towards the Mediterranean.

  “They’re everywhere!” Andrey says as suddenly they’re popping up all around us.

  “Don’t move,” my dad says.

  “Exactly. Just let them orient themselves and find the sea,” Artem says.

  “But we can help any that get lost, right?” I ask.

  “Absolutely, but it’s best if we don’t touch them.”

  “They usually hatch in the summer at night, but apparently these didn’t get the message.”

  The little turtles seem to be going every which way. Some find the sea, but a lot don’t.

  “All this light is disorienting them,” Andrey says.

  “Where did you learn a big word like that?” dad asks.

  Andrey smiles. “Listening to you guys talk.”

  My dad pats him on the head and Andrey reaches up to grab my dad’s hand so he doesn’t lose his balance.

  The men in our family are so big and strong…sometimes they forget just how strong they are.

  “Can we help them dad?” Andrey asks.

  Artem looks up to the sky and my eyes follow.

  “Oh no,” I say.

  “Let’s go everybody!” Artem says. “Before those big birds get any ideas.”

  We all carefully start scooping up turtles and running them to the sea, making trips as fast as we can.

  One bird swoops down and I watch as Artem, Andrey, and dad all run at it flapping their hands and growling and the bird reconsiders it’s idea real quick.

  The thing must have a wingspan of a good seven feet and a razor sharp beak, but the men in my family aren’t having it. They always protect the little ones…the ones who can’t fight for themselves whether human or not.

  And that’s one of the many reasons why I love them.

  Just a few minutes later I very carefully help Anna pick up a turtle by the sides of his shell and walk her towards the ocean.

  “Last one.”

  “Go to mamma,” she says and then she kisses the little thing right on the back of the shell before she squats down and carefully places it in the sand at her feet.

  A small wave comes in and some foam surrounds her feet as I keep a good grip around her to make sure she’s safe.

  When the wave washes away the little turtle is gone, but Anna is laughing hysterically.

  “What happened? What’s so funny?”

  “When the water come he kiss my foot and then go to his momma,” she says.

  Her words melt my heart and I kiss her hard on her chubby little cheeks and scoop her up, taking her back away from the waterline, even though it’s only foam that comes in this area.

  I look back over my shoulder as the boys in the family all high five each other for a job well done.

  They rescued a whole colony of turtles and this has literally made my day.

  But it’s no surprise.

  I couldn’t imagine where I’d be today if Artem and dad hadn’t rescued me from Miami. It sounds ludicrous to think that I would trade a life in one of the most desirable cities in the world for life on some small island, even though it is beautiful and in the Mediterranean.

  But it’s not a crazy idea at all, especially looking back on it now.

  I never had a family in Miami, whether in the way things felt or how things actually turned out to be.

  But here I have my father, my children, and my man…and they all love and need me. I feel so needed, loved, respected, and protected here.

  And with all that Bitcoin we have none of us will ever have to work a day in our lives, which is perfect because nothing beats a day at the beach.

  Especially when you go to beautiful beaches like this every day of the year with the people you love.

  Your family. Your life. Your everything.

  “Good job, Annushka!” Artem says high fiving Anna’s little hand just after the boys all come running over to join us.

  Anna turns her hand over and looks at it just giggling.

  “She shell,” she says.

  I look and realize Artem must have had a little seashell in his hand when he high fived her.

  “Sea shell, Annushka,” I say slowly and in two parts so she can get it.

  “See sell,” she says.

  “Sally sells seashells down by the seashore?” Artem asks getting his face really close to Anna.

  She just giggles at the tongue twister and reaches out and taps Artem’s nose.

  “She got my nose, guys! Annushka stole my nose!” he says bending over and grabbing his face like his nose is missing.
/>   Anna looks in her hand for her dad’s nose but doesn’t find it. But just like always she does find a reason to laugh, not that she ever needs a reason.


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