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by David Sloma

  His powers were so great that he could even keep “farming” these life forms from lifetime to lifetime, through a process of forced reincarnation. He had set up an energy grid of his own around the Earth, a “soul net” to keep the souls of the life forms trapped when they left their bodies. Instead of returning to the universe and going to other lives on different worlds and in other dimensions, the souls were trapped to keep generating negative energy on the compromised Earth plane.

  The soul net he had fixed in place before the Angels had installed their energetic shield around the Earth, and it was confined within that shield, making the Earth a mostly closed system for energy, except in certain circumstances. The Angels did design the shield so that certain frequencies were able to transverse the shield, as they wanted to be able to communicate with the more advanced beings on Earth, and to be able to send healing energy to the Earth and its creatures.

  The Dark One resented the energy shield being there. He formed a plan that would take thousands of years to break through the shield—it would take the humans that long, with his guidance, to produce the necessary tools and technology to even begin to make an attempt at breaking through. Since the Dark One was outside the barrier, he could not manifest in the flesh to do any of the physical tasks himself that were required in this endeavor, so he had to rely on influencing the minds of the humans and his servants to carry out his will.

  He had toyed with the idea of inserting his consciousness into a robot, or a Grey, or even a human, and was able to do that for short periods of time. But for some reason, he could not sustain that for long. He was able to train some of his servants to take over the minds of humans, and in this way some of the work could be achieved in a more efficient way, as the line of communication was more direct, with less energy loss.

  Energy would be a primary concern for the Dark One and his minions as he assembled his empire on Earth. His goal was nothing short of a total, never-ending war against the humans, who he despised for their pure connection to the Creator and their free imaginations that could not be controlled. The Dark One desired control over everything on Earth, and control over every world and galaxy he could, such was his madness.

  He needed vast amounts of energy to keep his empire running; to supply his servants, to keep the humans alive so he could siphon off them, and for the massive effort in raising technology to an adequate level to attempt to break through the barrier. He directed his servants to mine and plunder the Earth in any way they needed to. He thought, So what if he left the Earth a cinder? At least it would be destroyed so none of his enemies could get it.

  And when he had conquered Earth, what then? He dreamed his dark dreams of assembling an army that would travel throughout the galaxies, to fight the ones he saw as impinging on his freedom to do whatever he wanted to. He would install himself as the master of as many worlds as he could, in as many galaxies as he could. All who opposed him would face death or worse; they could become his undead slaves. He dreamt of all the possibilities that would be open to him when he had succeeded...

  But it was not going to be easy. He wondered if there were others out there in the universe like him, those who did not want to be restricted by the laws of the Creator. He would search for them and enlist their help. He would offer them a chance to stand with him as he conquered Earth and took control over more worlds. If they would not help him, he would remember them and hunt them down. That he did not create the universe, or himself, did not cross his twisted mind any longer. He had those thoughts once, and they made him feel small, knowing that there really was a Creator greater than him, so he pushed them away.

  He turned back to his work with a greater fervor than before, making more creatures to serve him. He directed the Greys on Earth to take the DNA from humans and animals, fusing them together and making humans that would serve him well for his dark purposes. Under his orders, the Greys made the creatures to lack certain faculties of mind and altered their DNA so that they would believe they were separate from the Creator. The altered humans would be made to think that the aliens were the creators of life, and the Dark One would play that roll to the hilt.

  The Dark One smiled as he watched the first of the new humans being born, knowing how they would suffer and how he would drink their suffering. And how they would toil for him as slaves, until he decided they were useful no more. It's good being in charge, he thought. His creatures filled the Earth, and he sat at the top of it all, directing them from a hidden place. The humans didn't even know he was really there, which made his control all the more powerful and pervasive.


  The Watchers did a thorough study of all the life forms they had collected from Earth. Some still had pure DNA, untouched by the Greys. For those who had their DNA altered, the Watchers found a way to reverse the damage. The life forms would be returned to Earth as “genebombs” that would reproduce their pure strains to counter the evil strains that the Greys had produced. It would take a long time, but the Watchers were confident that their plan would be successful in the closed off Earth, under the energy shield.

  The returning ships of the Watchers slipped through the energy shield around the Earth and descended to the surface. The Angels had told the Watchers that their ships would be let in, but they could not come out again, for the time being at least, until the threat of the Dark One was vanquished—the risk of carrying some of his infection out, either as a computer virus, or a biological virus was too great. It was not known what lengths the Dark One would go to next, so all precautions had to be taken.

  The Dark One would be scanning the Earth for any breaks in the shield and any intrusions, so the Watchers had to create a decoy in order for their ships to land undetected. They created a faux solar flare and dropped their ships in behind it. The resulting magnetic storms would cover their ships and explain any fluctuations in the energy shield. Several of the Watcher’s ships would be sent at once; the Dark One’s resources on the Earth were still limited and not very advanced, so the plan had a good chance of being carried off.

  The Watchers instructed their ships to enter Earth’s atmosphere at points as far away from each other as possible. In this way, the Dark One and the Greys would have to tax their monitoring methods to the max and most of the ships would slip by undetected. Even so, the Watchers didn’t think that all of their ships would escape detection and possible destruction, so they sent in some empty ships too, and landed these nearby the known bases of the Greys in order to draw fire away from the full ships.

  It worked. As the Greys were busy chasing and destroying the empty ships, the other ships with their human, plant, and animal cargo—life forms with clean DNA—were able to land and disperse this cargo before being detected. Then, the ships had been programmed to lift off and fly to other areas, landing and taking off multiple times in order to cover their tracks as to where the life forms had been dropped off. They were let off at random times and places, sometimes all on the first landing, other times on multiple landings. No pattern was left.

  After the ships dispersed all their life forms with the help of the robots unloading them, the ships converged at deserted locations and self-destructed, leaving no trace of themselves. Since the ships could not go back through the energy shield, and the Watchers didn’t want to leave behind any technology that would unduly influence the advancement of the humans, this was seen as the best solution.

  Man One, Woman Two, and the two children were let off their ship near the place the man and woman had been taken from years before. The scenery had changed a little but not that much. Man One and Woman Two recognized it and let out whoops of joy! They ran with the children, all holding hands, laughing together.

  They walked down to the watering spot that Man One remembered to get a drink, as they were all thirsty by now and sweating under the hot sun. There at the watering place were some other humans who saw them approach and froze in place, staring at them. Some of them wore animal skins, but many were nak
ed due to the heat, even swimming in the water.

  A couple of the men grabbed spears, big sticks, and rocks.

  At first the small group of men and woman of different ages didn't know who Man One or the woman were, as it had been several years. Man One and the woman had just disappeared one day and were thought to be dead. Humans died frequently in those times, and it was not uncommon to find a dead body.

  One of the older women looked over at Man One across the river, and her mouth fell open in shock. She stumbled forward into the water, throwing off the hands of the men near her who stood with pointed spears, ready to defend themselves. But there was no need for that, as the older woman had just found her son, Man One, again.

  He recognized her too and moved to her, under the nervous eyes of the others and their cries of warning. They embraced, both crying. Then his mother looked at the woman and at the children, and called them over to her by waving her hand. The children were nervous, as was the woman, but they soon warmed to his mother's smile and friendly touch.

  The rest of the humans gathered around and watched as the older woman explained to them, in a pre-language, that this was her son, returned from the sky ships. And these were his children, and this must be his woman. Man One just smiled, happy to be amoung some family again. He’d find a way to explain it all to them later.

  He recognized some of the others as part of his old group. There were some young ones, also, who had recently been born. Before long the group accepted the four in, and they all made one larger group, together.

  Many of the humans who had returned from the ships made drawings and paintings of their experiences on rocks and inside caves. They passed down their stories to future generations, keeping them alive by word of mouth and in songs told around campfires that lit up the images left on the rocks.

  The early humans went on with their lives, growing in numbers and trying to stay one step ahead of the minions of the Dark One who were taking over the Earth. But the humans could not keep to themselves for long, as the Dark One started to infect their minds, with the help of the Greys.

  Soon, humans were used to enslave other humans. Cities were built under the guidance of the Dark One, where human activity and energy could be concentrated, both for the expediency of carrying out the Dark One’s plan and also as a ready food source for him and his servants.

  History progressed, societies rose and fell, wars raged and died out, and all the while the numbers of humans grew. There were disasters that wiped out civilizations or parts of them, and technology was pushed back sometimes, but it kept advancing in the end. The Dark One worked tirelessly, obsessively, behind the scenes of humanity, sending his agents out into the world to do his bidding, growing his evil in the world via the Greys, moving his plan forward to find a way to destroy the shield and fully take over the Earth. His human, mind-controlled agents were central to every human group, government, and religious organization, infiltrating them and influencing them towards the Dark One’s agenda.

  But his plan was going to take a lot longer than he expected, with all of the natural disasters that befell the Earth and halted progress; from floods, to famines, to asteroid strikes. He also didn’t anticipate that his altering of the human DNA to make them better, dumber slaves would also make them so war-like, but he supposed that came with the lower intelligence needed to control them most effectively; it did make them better able to follow orders.

  But the lowered intelligence also made them more prone to violence, and they often battled and killed each other, further throwing off his plans. Yet, some of the wars were his idea, as he liked to feast on the energy of the fear and death they produced. Still, many of the conflicts slowed down his plan, and he kept the Greys tinkering with the DNA of the humans, trying to get it just right. But what he didn’t realize is that he was not perfect—far from it—and so he could not make a perfect creature.

  This was not something his insane mind could accept, and so he kept trying to produce perfection where there could be none. It was an endless quest that he had put himself on, a doll-maker in his lonely toyshop trying to make the perfect doll that would never be. He was a being with some god-like powers, but he was not the Creator of all, just one of the creations.

  As the centuries progressed and humanity got more sophisticated the Greys went into hiding, using their advanced technology to keep themselves out of sight. Only on rare occasions did they interact with humans and most of those were the abductions that have been reported. The Greys were able to bargain with governments and militaries for the use of their advanced alien technology, either to bribe the humans with or to subdue them. Many of the human bloodlines that had been DNA altered by the Greys centuries ago were easy for the Greys to control through the use of certain secret radio frequencies shot right into their brains.


  The Dark One toiled over the centuries, guiding his Greys from afar in creating the misery on Earth he enjoyed as his food, while moving the human race towards the age of nuclear power. It was the nuclear bombs, he hoped, that would be able to break through the energy barrier the Angels had installed.

  When humanity was ready they were led to use the nuclear bombs. The nukes did some slight damage to the barrier but did not break it. The result was a weakening of the Earth’s natural electromagnetic atmosphere and many more cosmic rays poured to Earth. Mutations occurred in the life forms at an unpredicted rate, surprising the Dark One and again throwing off his plans, as the DNA trajectories of the life forms slipped out of his control.

  Some of the mutations caused more suffering and misery, which the Dark One appreciated, but some of the mutations had effects he did not foresee or understand at the time; some were even positive effects for the humans.

  A section of humanity was becoming more intelligent at a faster rate than the Dark One had foreseen. Their spiritual awareness, which he had done his utmost to have the Greys crush, was bouncing back and becoming stronger. He suspected they were getting assistance from beings outside the barrier, and he searched for the helpers.

  He feared that the attempts to break through the barrier with the nuclear explosions had opened up dimensional “holes” so that benevolent beings could communicate with the humans. This was only partially true, as the openings were there before. The nuke “holes” only made the communication easier, as the barrier was thinner in parts, allowing better spiritual communication.

  When the Dark One learned this he panicked. He stepped up his efforts and found more negative entities to assist him from the far reaches of space. He made deals with them and promised to let them have a piece of the Earth if they would help him. Meanwhile, he sent the controlled humans on Earth to other tasks, to develop technologies besides the nuclear ones in order to fully break thorough the shield. The Greys showed the humans more advanced methods for working with subatomic particles and tremendous effort was put into this realm, with a worldwide, clandestine effort.

  The Dark One had gotten some assistance and learned that what was needed to get around the shield was to try another way: instead of smashing apart atoms, what was needed was to open dimensions from inside the shield. In this way, the Dark One could enter easily! If he could have the humans use their natural creativity to build technology capable of traversing dimensions, then he could inflict his total plan on Earth that much quicker!

  He influenced the building of the large colliders that were miles long. Such things had never been built on Earth before, and many scientists feared what effects they could have, as the subatomic realm was still largely unknown—the experiments conducted in these machines could have ripple effects that would destroy the entire world.

  But, just as the dangers of atomic power and nuclear bombs were ignored, so too were the warnings about the colliders. It had been feared that nuclear explosions, once started, would continue in a chain reaction that would destroy the Earth, but fortunately that never happened. The Dark One didn’t care, and so, neither did his serva
nts; as above so below. He was willing to risk the entire planet, once again.

  Those who were watching him thought about stepping in to stop him, but they still respected the free will of the humans too much to want to control their destiny, even if it meant the humans would go along with a plan of madness to destroy themselves. The shield around the Earth was still holding for now; whatever was to happen would be contained there.

  The Angels felt great concern for the Earth and its creatures, and they prayed. Would they step in if Earth’s destruction were imminent? Even they didn’t know what the Creator would want, yet.

  Time passed…


  Charles Fortean woke up in his office overlooking the university campus in Boston—he’d fallen asleep at work, again!

  It was mid-afternoon, and he knew he shouldn't have had that big, carby lunch after being up late last night and getting little sleep. He must have dozed off for a few minutes, he realized with a start.

  He sat up in his comfortable leather chair, feeling warm in the rays of the sunlight glinting through the old windows of his office. He imagined that this is how cats feel, taking their catnaps in the sunlight on the floor.

  He looked out the leaded glass window at the colorful leaves of the trees in contrast to the dark green grass. It was fall, just after the start of the school year, and already he was dozing off at work. This will never do, he told himself and yawned.

  The school he taught genetics in was one of the oldest universities in America, but he just couldn’t help that he wasn't really an academic, deep down. He was just killing time until a position opened up at one of the commercial genetics labs; they sure paid more than teaching did.


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