Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

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Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility) Page 16

by Love Belvin

  “Penthouse suite, Ms. Brimm!” Roberto sang as the elevator doors were opening.

  “Thanks, Roberto,” I returned.

  I stepped out of the elevator with my pooch clutched in my arm and my briefcase clasped in my hand. I advanced toward the door while in search of the key. The golden key…the big golden, skeleton key to Azmir’s apartment. He insisted that I use it since giving it to me.

  As I approached the door, I heard the bass from a familiar tune streaming from the apartment. It was immediately joined by a horn. I turned the key and opened the door to find Azmir and all of his lengthy grandeur singing to me…without shoes. He was wearing a dress shirt that had the first few buttons undone and was pulled from his dress pants as he lip synched to the tune using a spatula as a his microphone.

  I’m done.

  I’d never experienced him so relaxed and larky. His long legs swayed to the rhythm and his arms emulated the words flowing from his mouth. It was a jazzy tune. Very romantic. Though I perceived this to be out of Azmir’s element, he seemed so comfortable with his performance. You couldn’t ignore the words flowing from the speakers with how Azmir gestured them. This man is damn fine even when he’s taking grave risks with his masculinity. His flow was sexy as hell.

  He continued his prance towards me and I let a squirming Azna down to the floor. He reached for me, pulled me into him and continued to whisper the lyrics into my ear. When the male’s verse was up he softly muttered, “Dance with me, Ms. Brimm,’ as he removed my purse, keys, and briefcase from my arms. He began foxtrotting with me.

  Damn, he’s…good!

  He rested his mouth on my ear as he held me close and twirled me around then dipped me towards the floor. Who knew Azmir Jacobs could ballroom dance?

  I was aroused. The stressors from work had dissipated, instantly withered away. I was now in a cocoon with this man who had turned me his slave—per the lyrics of the tune—with his swag. He smelled so good. I got lost in a trance. Does he mean what he’s relaying to me by way of the lyrics of this song? In all honesty, it didn’t matter. I was caught up. I didn’t want to come out of this web he’d ensnared.

  Exhausted? Who’s exhausted?

  While James Moody blew his horn Azmir had me suspended in the air, dip to the floor, staring into the depths of my eyes. My lips were ajar, wanting his. He eventually broke the seductive gaze with a panty snatching smirk then let me up.

  “Happy you’re home. Hungry?” he muttered as he ambled toward the kitchen.

  Not for food. “Ummmmm…yeah,” I responded while gathering my bearings. Seconds later, he brought out a glass of red wine. The place smelled delicious.

  “Mmmmm…what’s Boyd whipped up tonight?” I asked as I slipped off my Monolos, courtesy of Mr. Jacobs.

  “I gave him the night off,” Azmir informed as I took a huge swig of my wine.


  “Smells good,” I complimented.

  “My specialty,” he said as he approached me. “Can I get you anything before dinner? Would you like to freshen up or unwind?”

  I lie. “No. I’m ready to eat,” I said noncommittal. I would’ve much preferred jumping on him as an appetizer.

  “Good. The salads are on the table.” He extended his hand to me. I took it and felt a current run through my body.

  At the dining room table he pulled my chair out. I moved into the table just before he scooted my chair underneath me. He kissed the top of my head before taking his across from me.

  “So, how was your day, Ms. Brimm?”

  I took a forkful of my Caesar salad. Mmmmmmm…tasty!

  “Long,” I managed a smile.

  Azmir took a sip of his wine. “So are you still considering Saturday hours as you mentioned a few days ago?”

  I took a long gulp of my wine. Ooooh. My buzz was setting in. Drinking on an empty stomach will do that. Azmir chuckled. There’s no doubt that I was the subject of his humor. The alcohol settled in by the second; I couldn’t give a damn. I took notice of his teeth. They were so well aligned with his supple lips. I wondered what they taste like with traces of wine on them. Have I ever tasted them that way? Suddenly I couldn’t recall.

  “Ms. Brimm, you don’t want dinner right now, do you?’ he asked in his CEO mien, though his eyes sparkled with deep desire.

  Shit! Am I panting out loud? How does he know? Oh, well.

  I gave him an unequivocal “No!”

  I batted my eyes feeling bashful for the first time when it comes to sex with Azmir. Who was I fooling? I was in heat. I hadn’t had intercourse in over a month. I obeyed the doctor and today was the day that I was cleared for sex. And I hadn’t been intimate with Azmir since our return due to our conflicting schedules.

  He rose from his seat and traveled to my side of the table. “Follow me. I have something to show you,” he commanded.

  I followed on his heels. Clearly this man could lead my hot ass straight into the pits of hell and I’d fit right in with the heat.

  We headed to the master suite and then into the bathroom where I saw a warm and soft glow of lighting. He had the whirlpool drawn with dozens of candles burning all around the tub, down the steps and into a walkway leading up just a few feet from the door. His eyes stayed fixated on me as I admired the luminosity of the fiery ambiance.

  Oh, my! He went the full mile to create a romantic landscape. This could have only meant he was looking forward to tonight. To me. To be anticipated is an enchanting marvel. Overwhelmed, I turned to Azmir. He was wearing the most innocent, purely impassioned and prurient expression.

  “More wine?” he asked extending his arm to retrieve my glass.

  I lunged toward him knocking him into the wall. I reached up and threw my tongue in the back of his mouth without giving him a moment to prepare. He grabbed my ass pushing me into him and let out a mild groan. My kisses trailed down to his jaw then down to his neck. I sucked his Adam’s apple as my hand explored his chiseled chest and abdomen. My libido was on overdrive.

  “Ms. Brimm…let me refill your glass and go to put our dinner on hold. I wanna take my time with you.” He spoke over my wild panting. “I’ve gone without your loving for about a month. I need to savor every second,” he whispered, eyes squinted with a hint of a smile.

  I snickered in embarrassment as let off him. He quickly regained himself and made his way out of the room. Azmir returned in no time with a fresh glass of wine for me. I took the glass and sipped from it. Seeing that he went so far as to refresh it, I figured the least I could do was make use of it. He watched me. I wondered what he was thinking.

  He eventually walked toward me removing the glass from my hand. With his mouth, he licked the crease in my lips neatly before sucking on my bottom lip.

  “Pinot Noir tastes better on your lips,” Azmir murmured against my mouth. I couldn’t breathe. This man had me enraptured yet once again.

  He unbuttoned my blouse until he could fully open it, exposing my breasts through my black lace bra. Azmir’s mouth dropped when he saw it was mid-coverage. My breasts looked like they were spilling from the half cups. His mouth hung open as he ran his thumb across the brim of the bra. He brought his face down and inhaled my breasts. My panties soaked up my natural juices that generously flowed from that action. He didn’t touch them with his mouth, which was painfully torturous.

  As I rested against the vanity, he slowly lifted the hem of my skirt until it was at my waist. He observed my matching lace panties. Azmir looked up to me and whispered, “I like this, Brimm. I definitely approve. You should wear lace every day.”

  I flashed him a lecherous smile.

  He lifted me by my legs and rested them on his shoulders as he lowered himself. I balanced myself on my arms using the counter of the vanity as he buried his head between my legs and gave a sharp inhale. My eyes shot open at his bold act.

  “There’s no better fragrance than that that is between your legs, Rayna. Damn. I even crave this in my sleep.”

  He swatte
d his tongue over my sex with such force that I felt it through the lace. I gasped and wondered if he felt my vagina pulsating.

  “Vicky Secrets or LePerla?” he asked.

  “VS,” I answered surprised that he didn’t know. He’d bought me somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty bra and panty sets since our return from the East Coast.

  In an instant, he ripped them off and began tasting my love in such an act of feral. I moaned loudly. I needed this. My body needed the relief. He worked me over licking me from top to bottom. Going in and out of my canal, doing his signature butterflying of the tongue inside me.

  “Ooooh!” I moaned.

  I had to constantly remind myself to breathe. As I threw my pelvis at him, he groaned. Then he worked his way to my pearl and nibbled on it ferociously. I knew it was a wrap. My orgasm had arrived, and quicker than I expected as I gyrated and screamed like I was descending on a roller coaster. There was a time where I was conscious of my orgasmic sounds, but with Azmir I never seemed to have control to even care.

  Azmir peered his head up as he wore the panty snatching smirk. “Did you enjoy that? I sure did,” he muttered just before letting me down.

  My legs wobbled and it took me a few seconds to gather my bearings. He began to undress me while staring deep into my eyes.

  “I love pleasing you, Ms. Brimm. I can’t get enough of you.”

  I couldn’t believe he was speaking these words to me. Once naked, he assisted me into the monstrous tub. The water was extremely warm, borderline spicy. It took some time for me to submerge my entire body, but once I did it was a heavenly sensation against my skin.

  I watched as Azmir undressed. It was a sight to behold. It was amazing how with clothes he appeared slender and mildly fit, but when he took his shirt off you could see how deliciously well his body was sculpted. He was truly a work of art. And when his penis sprang out heavily, I squirmed in the tub as I salivated. He caught on to my enjoyment as he jumped in across from me.

  “Ahhhh! Still warm,” he mumbled before gathering a pool of water in his hands and splashing it in his face.

  Sitting opposite of him, I extended my legs and rubbed my feet on the outside of his thighs before going inside. My feet eventually made their way to his tall erection and I tried to the best of my ability to stroke it with my toes. His eyes darted down to his lap to watch. In no time, Azmir was all over me again, consuming with fierce hunger. He lifted me from the water while I straddled him and traced kisses from my neck down to my breasts shattering me into a million pieces. With his mouth, hands, and appendage he showed me how much he’d thirst for me while my body had been out of commission.


  I woke up in search for Azmir. I reached over to touch him and found a cool groove on his side of the bed. I glanced over to the clock on his nightstand and it read two thirty-eight a.m.. I got up and sauntered into the hallway and down the corridor looking in his office, the living room, and kitchen.

  What the hell…did he leave?

  Then I noticed right off the living area, the flow of the patio curtains from the wind blowing through them. I made my way over to the door and called, “Azmir?” as I stepped out on the balcony. The view of the water always blew me away. I looked down to the left and he’s there enjoying the ambiance of the marina.

  “Hey, Jacobs, it’s late,” I muttered as I approached him.

  “…or early,” he replied with a snort.

  I lowered myself onto his lap and he embraced me willingly.

  “You can’t do what you did to me earlier and then abandon me after. It makes me feel used,” I teased.

  He smirked, “You can’t put on me what you put on me earlier after not putting it on me in so long and expect me not to be transfixed. It’s hard to sleep after that.”

  His eyes never met mine. Something was wrong.

  “Azmir, what is it? Something isn’t right.”

  He shook his head as he widened his eyes in a flutter. It was as if he was trying to shake something off.

  Did I do something wrong in there?

  “Is it me?” I let slip involuntarily.

  “No, baby, it’s not you at all,” he denounced the thought immediately. He pulled my chin into his lips and kissed me softly. I was convinced. I’d also felt the current that flashed inside when he touched me. He gazed deeply into my eyes before relenting. His eyes diverted back to view of the water, “All right,” he expelled a lungful sigh.

  “A few months back…on my birthday in fact, I got a call from my mother.”

  What? “I thought you haven’t heard from her in years,” I said with incredulity, more in terms of a statement than a question.

  His right hand shot up gesturing a defeated concept, “I haven’t.”

  “Well, what did she say? Did she give any explanation for her absence?” I felt more maternal and protective than romantic. What gives?

  He gave a sexy chuckle. Damn! Azmir, I’m trying to get out of aphrodisia here and you’re not helping.

  “She’s been incarcerated. All these years she’s been incarcerated.” He paused with his gaze fixated onto the marina. “Funny thing is she’s been out for nearly a year and she’s just calling. She said she’s been looking for me…but I don’t know…” his voice trailed off.

  “You have questions,” I discerned.

  His eyebrows shot up—, “Hell yeah,” he affirmed in a moderate tone.

  “Well, you won’t get them answered if you don’t ask. Ask. Ask her all the questions your heart needs to be at peace with this. Ask.”

  His eyes were still in the distance. There was another pause before he snapped out of his trance, “Those are decisions that can be made at another time,” as he drew me closer to him. “Right now, I’d like to decide how I subdue the burning desire I have to be inside of you again.”

  Damn. I’m done.

  Azmir lowered my legs on either side of his as we both faced the water and took the tips of his fingers, dancing them up my thighs. I sharply drew in a breath.

  “What are you wearing?” he teasingly asked while traveling to my pelvic area. “A thong, aye?” he commented at his discovery. I reclined into him, planting my head against his clavicle bone. I wanted to squirm because his hands felt so good and intrusive, but I decided to fight the urge and just close my eyes.

  “Hmmmmmmmm…” he groaned as his first two fingers found their way to my pearl. He played with it, massaging it over and over and over again. Simultaneously, his right hand came up to reach my right breast and he gently stroked it. I tried to fight the urge to jolt. But his soft breathing in my air increased my aroused state and there was now too much going on to keep me calm. His two fingers slid their way down into my canal.

  “I thought you’d had enough,” he whispered referring to my natural lubrication, no doubt. Then the low whistle of his teeth goes off. “You just may have been missing me as much as I’ve been missing you. Let’s see,” he said as he pulled my camisole down under my right breast…then left. I felt free. He pinched and pulled my nipple. I could no longer keep still. His fingers went in and out and I gyrated along with them causing friction. I felt his erection throbbing beneath my ass, down to the back of my right thigh. My senses were on overload.

  “Ahhhh…Azmir,” I cried out. I heard him snort in my ear.

  “Too bad I don’t have a condom handy out here…or else I can have something else inside you,” he seductively taunted.

  My arms moved up and behind me to his head. It kept my hands busy as my body was being worked over.

  “Oh, I forgot—no barriers are needed,” he said in a teasing tone.

  He scooted me forward on his lap as he pulled down his shorts and underwear just enough to release his indisputably erect and wide penis. He grabbed my near-limp body and lifted it slightly in the air to slowly lower it onto him.

  “Ahhhh!” I cried out in tantalizing pleasure. My back arched as he pushed my hips back and forth to control my movements. It gave me
a moment to gain my stride. And once I did my strokes were savage and uncoordinated because my sex was that sensitive to his every move. My breasts clapped against each other adding to the erotica. He tried to help me out by flexing his hips, but that just further spun me out of control and caused my upper body to incline in his lap. I grabbed hold of his knees to steady myself.

  Fuck! Why do I feel like a teenager having sex for the third time? My control abandoned me. He grabbed me by the shoulders to pull me back.

  “Let me put you out of your misery,” he muttered.

  I didn’t quite grasp that until moments later when he grabbed both breasts in his hands and began flickering my nipples. His strokes were intense and well met, causing me to feel his thick cock rubbing against a new wall. Up and down I moved. In and out he went. My muscles tightened and my stomach seemed to have disappeared. An orgasm tore through me and was so intense that tears filled my eyes. Azmir’s tantalizing whimpers from his own orgasm caused them to overflow and fall down into my face as I plunged on his lap. More tears.

  I couldn’t explain the tears. I just felt emotions and I’m never good with managing them. It seemed that every time I connected with Azmir it stirred up something in me that I could not explain. He was so passionate and purposeful when we made love. It was as if he was trying to become one with me…fuse our spirits. Only, I didn’t think mine was available. I felt so empty inside until moments like this. And when I came down from our intimate phenomenon, reality set back in and I was left empty once again.

  “Hey. Are you crying? Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?” Panic rose in Azmir at each word.

  I winced of pleasure as he lifted me from his containment and turned me around in his lap. He ignored the mess made by his translucent specimens that were escaping me. I couldn’t hold back the tears. I wasn’t sure how hard I tried.


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