Inked by Her

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Inked by Her Page 7

by ChaShiree M

  “Perry?” I say, staring at the man I love. He looks me up and down.

  “This is what you wear when you open the door?” He growls.

  Looking down, I see that my super short robe, that barely covers my body is soaked through. The water dripping from my hair has made the silk practically see through on my tits and it’s suctioned to my body everywhere else. I can clearly see the outline of my pussy through the material.


  Getting that text message from Portia was my worst nightmare come true. I literally have woken up more than a couple of times during these months we have been apart in a cold sweat from a nightmare of her walking away from me. Being face to face with my worst fear is more than I can bare, and I had to do something about it and do it now.

  I called my secretary and told her to forward all my cases to my brother and draft a letter of resignation effective immediately. In it I told her to give herself a six-month severance package and the option to move to our Denver branch. I also gave her the option to follow me to Minnesota, because the thought I had been rolling around in my head is finally going to become a reality. I made sure for Lisa to put in the letter that my lawyer will be couriering over a check in the amount of the last two months of my contract, and to remove my name from the roster of lawyers before signing out of her desk. I asked to contact the movers, have them pack my clothing, and send via priority mail to Minnesota along with all of my pertinent, which she has full knowledge of.

  My last order of business for her was to call the airline and book me on the first flight out of here with no return trip. If my thinking is correct there should be a flight within the next hour.

  I grabbed my bag, jacket, and hightailed it to the airline. On the way, I called my mother and gave her a piece of my mind.

  “Perry darling what are you doing calling me at this time of day?”

  “I was calling to say goodbye Mother. See your little setup backfired. You and that harpy set me up and thought it would what? Make me want her when Portia ended it. Well you were right about one thing, she ended it. The thing you didn’t bank on is how much I love her and how I would leave my own family to go get her back.” I hear her scoff and gasp. Cold excuse for a woman.

  “Yes. You heard me right. I am leaving and not coming back. I am going to make her take me back and then I am going to marry my Angel. The first chance I get, I will get her pregnant and we are going to live happily ever after. As for my kids, you will never see them, smell them, or get your greedy hands on them. Goodbye Mother.”

  And with that I hang up, hop on my plane, and here I am standing at the door of my future scowling at her, because she is standing in the doorway looking like every man’s wet dream.

  Her oops, though cute is still not sufficient.

  “Angel, I love you. But I will spank your wet ass if you don’t get in the damn house and quit giving all these sorry motherfuckers a view of my woman and all her glory. Now.” She squeaks and runs into the apartment and I follow slamming the door.

  “Now, we will get to that in a moment. But first, I want to apologize because even though I did nothing wrong, my job is to protect you. To make sure you never feel a moment of doubt about my love for you and in that I failed. The minute I found you and knew you were the one, I should have left my life and came to you. As far as the pictures, I went to my parents for dinner and then MacKenzie…” She covers my mouth with her finger.

  “I know. I didn’t at first because, because I’ve been a bit worked up a lot lately. Somehow, I forgot who you were and who we are together. But that will never happen again. At least that part. I cannot guarantee the emotional part though.” It is then I remember she hasn’t been feeling like herself and I hone in on that.

  “Baby what is going? Tell me.” Instead of answering she gets up and walks over to the counter, before coming back to my lap. She looks hesitant for a second and then hands me an envelope that looks like a birthday card, but since it is not my birthday I am a bit perplexed if not intrigued.

  “What’s this Angel?”

  “Just open it please.” She says in an expeditious tone of voice. Looking at her sideways, I tear the envelope open and inside is a white card with light blue writing on it that says, “Congratulations!!!! You are going to make a great DILF.” I read it out loud and it doesn’t register until I look down at her hands and notice they are cradling her stomach. I look back up into her eyes and the question must register because she giggles and nods her head.

  “A baby. We are having a baby. I am going to be a dad?” I say, and I put her on the chair I am sitting on, drop to my knees, and kiss her stomach in awe.

  “Yes!!!” She exclaims. “I am three months pregnant.” She is laughing a full-on belly laugh and it is a sound I would pay money for repeatedly.

  Sitting in this apartment and looking into the eyes of the woman I love, with a life we created growing inside of her, life doesn’t get any better than this.

  Three Months Later

  Once he said he was all in here, things moved quickly. Supersonic really. At six months pregnant, moving wasn’t at the top of my list of things to do, but alas it has to be done.

  We got married two months ago and we quickly outgrew my tiny apartment. I am sad to see my mismatched decor go, but I donated it all and some other person starting out will benefit from it.

  We bought everything together, a lot of it coming from Ikea though we could afford more.

  Yesterday we finally finished unpacking all our stuff. Most of it being mine. He decided to start over after leaving Boston and I could hardly blame him. He still hasn’t spoken to his parents. When I try to talk to him about it, he shuts me down. He says he isn’t interested in what they want anymore.

  Today, we are having a Minnesota-famous barbeque/housewarming party. Though, I don’t know why! There are barbeques for everything. Babies, weddings, even deaths.

  Carrie-Ann is helping me with cold fixings, while we chat with all the girls. What I find interesting is every one of us is in a various stage of pregnancy, including Tabby and Cymi. That is a whole other can of worms, but I am so happy for her. Jacquie, Kennedy’s mom is also knocked up. Crazy how life is sometimes. You got to wonder what the hell is in the water in these two tiny ass towns in Minnesota though.

  Finishing up in the kitchen, everyone else heads out to the patio. We are so going to enjoy growing into this house. It is a seven-bedroom farmhouse built in 1937. It has been completely modernized though. We have stainless steel appliances in the kitchen and marble in the bathrooms.

  The master suite is where I am headed now. I am so hot, the pants I have on must go. Going into my closet (because who doesn’t love his and her closets) I switch out my current outfit for a long flowing summer dress. I pull my hair into a loose bun and slide my flip flops back on.

  I am startled by the arms going around from behind, but I calm down when I recognize Perry’s scent.

  “You look beautiful, Angel.” He rasps into my ear. His voice sends shivers down my spine. “Cold?” He asks.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “You need something then, Angel?” He asks, kissing my neck. He knows what that does to me.

  “You. I just need you.” I say, turning so I can kiss him. Being pregnant makes me horny as hell.

  He takes me to our huge California king size bed and lays me down. We are being so rude to our guests, but as his cock slides into me, I stop caring.

  I am going to love being his for the rest of my life.

  Being married to the love of my life and starting our life together is the easiest thing I have ever done. Watching her belly grow and knowing my child is in there is even better.

  My parents have been trying to reach out, but I don’t want that in our space. I have no use for their brand of love in my life and I never will. I know they want in on this because this will be their first grandchild, but they haven’t earned it. First by apology or just basic human decency. My children w
ill never know a moment of coldness from me and Portia. All they will know is warmth, love, and compassion.

  Being surrounded by family and friends have been fun, noisy, and tiring. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Other good things have happened though. I opened my own law firm here. I specialize in corporate law, but I focus more on the small specialty shops that need representation, I am happy to say, I have landed some pretty big clients. I recently signed Coach, Burberry, and a company called ScentSations out of Savannah Georgia. Apparently, they specialize in specialty high end perfumes. Like the $500 a bottle brand. Whatever floats your boat.

  The point is business has been so great, I met my two-year goal in six months and Lisa even followed me out here. She seems to love it and hit it off well with the girls, so she is in her element.

  The most important thing though is that, today Portia and I have gathered all our family and friends here to do a gender reveal of our baby. We don’t know either, so it will be fun to find out with the people we love.

  Walking around are a sea of pink and blue ribbons, people haven’t picked a team. We are getting ready to hand out cupcakes to everyone. When we bite into them, the filling will either be strawberry for a girl or blueberry for a boy.

  We walk to the front after everyone has gotten their cupcake and get ready to find out.

  “Ok guys. 1, 2, 3………” A BOY!!!!! I am going to have a son. I look over at my Angel and she has tears coming down her beautiful smiling face.

  “You happy Angel?” I ask her kissing and licking the frosting from her lips.

  “Yes. I am happy to be living this life with you.”

  “Me too Angel. Me too.”

  The End

  ©ChaShiree M.

  Dirty Little Brat

  Still in edits and subject to change

  Chapter 1



  She got my dick hard. Ordinarily this wouldn’t’ be a problem, but the issue is she knows she got me by the balls. And that shit aint cool. I have never let anyone get the drop on me and this 18-year-old brat, has got me scrambling to hold on to my manhood.

  Damn it!!

  Looking at her through her window has me feeling like a fucking pathetic ass peeping tom but this I what I am reduced to. I have been a lost mess since I first laid eyes on her two weeks ago. I will never forget it.

  I stepped out of my car in front of the house I had just bought and the first thing I thought was ‘why the hell did I buy a house so big for one person?’ Of course, my mom saw it as me getting ready to fill it with a family, but I knew better. A man in my line of work doesn’t do family and hearth and home. It is much safer for me to be alone. No one to use against me. No one to answer to. I have had a plethora of women come and go, but those were strictly fuck and plucks.

  Oh, shit I crack myself up. Fuck and pluck. Sax you wordsmith. But it’s true. I fuck em’ and pluck em’ out of my bed. I know it seems callous, but believe me, if they knew who and what I really was, they wouldn’t want to be with me either. But I am a grown ass man so having pussy on tap is a must.

  I continue walking up the path and right before I make it to the door, I see this little waif of a girl come strolling across the lawn and or the first time in my life, I know what ‘Fuck My Life’ means. Upon first glance she appears tiny, but when she is standing in front of me, popping gum in her mouth, sticking her DD’s in my face I realize I was mistaken. She is every man’s wet dream come true. Besides her big tit she has the ass the size of thoroughbred from Arkansas. That succulent ass is connected to a pair thick thighs that I immediately picture sticking my finger in as that fat ass bounces off my dick. As I look at the rest of her, and get to her face, I am once again taken aback. She has hair the color of a sunshine. Its long and extends down her back almost to the top of her ass. Her lips look like she has been having collagen injections since she was born. All pink and plump. Fuck if those smackers won’t look good wrapped around my meat. But I finally get to her beautiful ocean blue eyes, I am struck with one thought… she is a fucking baby. I mean she cannot be a minute over 18 and now I know I am totally fucked because I know it should make a difference, but it doesn’t. I want in that. Then she opens her mouth.

  “You gonna just stare at me or you going to introduce yourself? I’m Alexis, but people call me Lexi.”

  I am literally so busy picturing her on her knees taking my 9 inch cock between those pinup girl lips that I miss my cue to introduce myself and the little brat knows exactly where my head is.

  “Well since you can’t remember your name I am just going to call you Dicky.” She said. Her eyes seem to fall down and is then as I follow their path that I realize the joke. My dick is sticking straight out to only be hampered by my pants. But it is like a homing device staring straight at her.

  “How old are you little girl?” Her nostrils flare when I use the term little girl, but hey she needs to know two can play that game.

  “I am not a little girl. I am 18 if you must know.” she says with more attitude then she needs. God 18. I am twice her age. Does that make a dirty old man? What the fuck am I saying. Of course, I am because literally all I can picture are her big tits bouncing in my face toward my mouth as I pulverize her tiny pussy, making her dance on this big motherfucker until I unleash my life inside of her.

  What the hell. Unleash my life.


  I must be horny because just looking at this girl has got me thinking shit I shouldn’t. I have to get away from her and fast before I make a fool out of myself. “Well thanks for stopping by, Lexi, but now grown people have shit to do. So why don’t you go do whatever it is little girl do. I’ll see you around. And by the way, the name is Saxson.” and with that I sprint my ass into the house as fast as my feet can carry me without looking like a scared old man. I don’t even stop to see the look on her face at my dismissal. I can’t chance it. One more second in her presence and I might have snatched her little ass up, drug her into the house and did unspeakable things to her safe little pussy. The likes of which the state of Florida has never seen. I am pretty sure the shit I want to do to her is illegal in 50 states.

  Walking the rest of the way onto the house, I adjust my dick, knowing I am going to have to rub it out tonight. And I know just who I will be picturing when I do.

  And just like that she became my obsession. I would find myself over the course of the past weeks looking out the window, more like lurking watching her come and go trying to learn her routine and figure out who she is with.

  I met her dad the other day, that fucking douche. You can tell he is the type of man that put his family all the way out here in the middle of suburbia so that they would be out of his way and he would be free to live a second life in the city. Fucking moron. He introduced himself to me, like he thought he was the king of fucking Miami until I introduced myself to him and he realized I am actually the king of Miami.

  See my father is Sergio Sargento Maldonado, leader of 4 Patrones de la Mafia. The 4 Dons Mafia has been around for decades. It is an organization governed by 4 families each one with a leader or Don if you will. However, those 4 families have an overall Don who is usually the elder of the clan and that would be my father and I am his enforcer. I typically live in the city near him, but ever since my brother went missing, my father has spread my sibling and I out to keep us safe and lay low. Though he was recovered, and the stupid motherfuckers were neutralized, my father still insisted we spread out. I think it is a mistake because it leaves him vulnerable, but he cares nothing for himself like he does my siblings and I.

  So here I am living in Pleasantville and I’m still in hell thanks to her. My obsession doesn’t stop at just peeking through windows and shit, it extends to following her around every time she goes out and taking down the license plates of everybody that comes over, so I can make sure she is safe. So far there is only one implication I see, and his name is Jared Smith. Some pansy ass polo weari
ng prick sniffing around my pussy. Every time I see his fucking car in the driveway I have to stop myself from storming out of the house and bulldozing my way into her house to wring his fucking neck and let him know to stay away from my shit.

  The only thing saving his life is the fact that I know my girl doesn’t really like him. I have my suspicions as to why he is always around, but until Roscoe gives me the report I have no proof. However, I also know that she knows I am watching because she looks over toward my house with a sneaky ass smirk on her face every time she gets in his car.

  Fucking brat. Let’s how funny she finds it when her ass looks like a stop sign. She will learn soon enough not to play with me.

  Right now, I am laying in my bed trying to refrain from beating my shit to death wondering what exactly it is she is doing in her bedroom right now.

  Chapter 2


  Ah, Ah, Ah………Yes, yes, Yes!!!!!!

  Crap!!!! That is the third time today I have masturbated to visions of being taken by Sexson. I laugh to myself a second. I know his name is Saxson, but that man is walking sex on a stick, so I think Sexson is better. Plus, when I finally get a chance to call him that, I know it is going to annoy the shit out of him. Take that. Calling me a little girl.

  The truth is, when I saw him get out of the car the day he moved in, I don’t know what possessed me other than trying to irritate my father and that walking robotic mama’s boy Jared. They both get up in arms when they see converse with another male. It took me a while to figure out why, but eventually I got it. Of course, neither of them knows that I know what is going on. I am choosing to play dumb, biding my time, saving my allowance and such until the perfect time to get out of here.


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