Wolf's Den

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Wolf's Den Page 11

by J. R. Mitchell

  It was a small statement, but it was enough to make me feel for him, forgive him, and love him.

  I had stopped crying and leapt into his arm. I attacked him. I felt as though my skin was starving for him. I hungered like never before. When he met my tongue with strokes of his own, I came unglued.

  As the rain like showerheads pelted us with hot water, I felt sexier then ever before in my short life. I couldn't control myself. I slid down his body, lay on my stomach and inhaled his cologne from the water. I sniffed along his groin, I have no idea why I did it, maybe it was a wolf thing but when I glanced up to see his reaction his eyes had bled to deep turquoise and were pure supernatural. It made me grow wet with desire, and when I licked up his inner thigh, I heard him groan. I watched his erection jump in response. I wanted all of him. I needed all of him. I felt close to achieving my goal.

  I licked the head of his member and was instantly rewarded with a bead of his essence. I licked it off and savored the flavor that was all man with a tinge of something else, something metallic.

  Ian tangled his hand into my wet locks and tried to guide me to his penis. I resisted, I was not done teasing him. I sank further down between his legs, and used my hands to spread them wider.

  Sikaoki, what do you do to me? Ian questioned in a somewhat slurred mind voice. I just smiled and continued.

  Once I had his legs spread wide, I again licked between his thighs, only I didn't stop this time, I let my tongue graze his sac and lavished wet sloppy kisses to that most sensitive spot between sphincter and balls. I nibbled gently. I thought Ian was going to squirm away from me.

  He let go of my hair, placed both hands palm down on the wet tile floor and tried to hold himself still. He wasn't doing a good enough job. I had to brace my weight on my elbows and hang on to his hips, to treat his nether region with as much attention as it deserved.

  I sucked his right nut into my mouth, while I let one hand drift to tickle his buttocks, I heard him groaning and felt him trying to suppress the urge to jerk away. I let it fall out of my mouth as I turned to the left and sucked on it with gentleness. I then went back to my place between. The thin line of extra skin between his rectum and his now tight balls, that sensitive spot was his undoing. He grabbed my head and yanked my head up, to capture my mouth with his own. Before I knew what was happening he flipped me to my back and had his head between my thighs.

  I could feel his sharp fangs on my inner thigh. He was scratching at the surface of the skin there, but I was not afraid, Ian would not drink from me. It was the first and foremost rule he had no donating. Whether I begged him for it or not, I doubted he would do it. Besides, the dream earlier had shocked him. He was surprised I had agreed to it, and if it had been real, I may not have survived.

  Now, when I say survived, I mean I may not have been legally alive; he could have turned me in an instant.

  All thoughts of being not afraid disappeared when Ian stretched his tongue into my cookie. I don't recall it ever feeling that good, and I bucked to find that he had my pelvis pinned to the floor, as he ground his mouth into me with unbridled passion. I screamed aloud. My orgasm was fast and hard, sneaking up on me from nowhere. As I grabbed a handful of his hair and shoved his head further between my legs, I felt like crying.

  Ian drank everything I had and then some. He wouldn't stop sucking on me, and I couldn't stop cumming. I was about to pass out. I was feeling light headed from the experience, when he finally let me have a breath of air.

  That was it though, his face left my cookie, and connected with my mouth as he slammed his muscle deep inside me, I screamed around his tongue and dug my fingers into his back.

  As his swift, sure stokes came and went at a rough and hell bent pace, I screamed, over and over again. My nails raked deep slashes down his back and I begged him for more.

  I could feel him slamming into the end of my tunnel and try to push further, most women thought it hurt, but how could something that felt this good be deemed as painful?

  He continued to ram into me, and I continued to cum, I felt like I was on an airplane that lost engine power and was plummeting to the earth at a rapid pace. My stomach felt as though it was in my chest, and my muscles spasms were inhuman.

  When I felt him falter, I grabbed him by the hips. But it was too late. He had other ideas. He shimmied up my body, his hard on in hand and I latched onto it sucking at the head as if I were a woman starved for water.

  He fisted my hair and fucked my face, harsher than I would have allowed under normal circumstances, but this was anything but normal. I was ready and willing. I could feel his erection slam the back of my throat, and I shifted my head to the left so that it would go down instead of trying to poke out the back of my head.

  Again and again, he slammed into and down my throat and I relished the feel of power. The power to make him this desperate. With one final thrust, he paused at the back of my throat. Instead of gagging, I swallowed, and in doing so, I swallowed the first spurt of cum.

  He drained himself into my mouth and down my throat. I lapped it all up with greediness. He continued to pump in and out of me even though he was growing soft, and I continued to let him.

  When he stopped, and slid out of my mouth, he laid next to me on the floor of the shower, and tucked himself around my body.

  I don't know why I chose that moment, but I did. “Ian I need to go back to work today, we have to find Raif, and put a stop to this shit."

  "I know Sikaoki, he is the bane that brought us together. It amazes me that you are willing to do this deed. I thought you loved him.” Ian replied in a whisper.

  "I did, and do, well at least the Raif I remember. But he is a monster now."

  "Yes, a monster,” Ian stood up and left without a backward glance.

  I stared at his gorgeous butt as he walked away, I wondered what I had said that made him leave me in the shower alone. When I reached out with my mind, I slammed into a wall he had built. I didn't even get a whisper of what was bothering him.

  I shrugged it off and turned the shower off. I followed behind him at a slower pace. When I reached the bedroom, I saw all of my belongings sitting on the bed. All of my guns were there as well as my knives well the weapons I had left after the brawl in the cemetery.

  * * * *

  I walked up the steps and through the door to Ian's office, fully clothed and a bit pissed. I hadn't seen Ian at all since the shower, and I was a little hurt by it. I still wanted to talk to him about what the hell being a bonded human meant, and he was avoiding me. He had also shut me out of his mind, and that pissed me off even more.

  Typical guy. Running from confrontation.

  When I saw that he was behind his desk, with his back to me, I wandered over to stand in front of him.

  "Ariana don't you have a monster to go catch?” He questioned with a sneer.

  "This is so fucking pointless, what the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted. “One minute you are all loving and the next you are acting like a jackass, I can't handle this shit right now Ian. I am gonna go find me a bad vamp and I am gonna kill him instead of you. You can help if you want, but if not then stay the fuck out of my way."

  I stalked out of his office and through the bar without looking at any of his regular patrons. I let the door slam as I walked out the front door. It was the middle of the night and the bar was packed as usual, however, I was not concerned with any of the good vampires, I was only concerned with one—Raif.


  I slammed the door to my Humvee and started it up. I revved the engine in a small fury. I tore out of the parking lot, and dialed Pete's number on my cell phone.

  He picked up on the third ring. I didn't give him a chance to talk, I spouted out, “Pete I am on my way to kill the rogue vamp, wanna meet me at the cemetery, I have a feeling he is there?"

  He replied with a mumbled yes, and I sped down Cerrillos Rd, running red lights, and almost causing more than one accident.

; I was pissed. I couldn't help thinking, what a fucking asshole. First, Ian did that to me in the shower and then walked off in a huff. He avoided contact with me, then gave me his damn vamp eyes ... I was gonna kick his ass after I killed Raif. I was so sick of all the vampire bullshit. It was like DC politics, everybody had ulterior motives, they were all lying, backstabbing, two timing, motherfuckers. My vision reddened from my anger. The rage, radiated from my skin. I checked my rear view mirror and saw something in it. But what I thought I saw could have been anything, it was almost pitch black.

  The anger was gaining control. I knew if I didn't get a hold of myself, I was going to black out and lose total control.

  I skidded to a halt in the cemetery parking lot, jumped out and heard the sound of my boots crunch on the gravel. The cemetery would have been a lot more serene if they would have allowed desert grass to grow. Instead it was just dirt, had been for years. Santa Fe was on water restrictions. The city ran out of funding to finish the desert landscape, so the dead were doomed to plain dirt graves.

  I walked to the crypt where I had rescued the small child a few nights earlier. I almost stopped and waited until dawn to try to kill them. But I thought that maybe they had already gone, so I figured I might as well take my chances. Just before I entered, I retraced my steps to my truck and opened the back. I was not going to go down there without major firepower. Since Ian was not going to be my back up, and Pete had yet to arrive, I was going in with a girls best friend a fully automatic machine gun, and a few home made grenades.

  I looked around the parking lot and surrounding area, the hair on the back of my neck stood up, but I had no idea why. I could see well in the moonless, starless night and that gave me some comfort.

  I could see headlights coming up fast and I walked off to the side of my truck to wait for Pete, I mean, who else could it have been?

  When Martinez crawled out of the little hatchback, I was so shocked I had to laugh He was dressed all in black, with night vision goggles, pushed up onto his forehead.

  He nodded at me, stood and took a position next to me. Another set of headlight came out of nowhere. This time it was Pete who got out. He wore clothes similar to what Martinez had on.

  I just looked at him, as he walked to the other side of the truck and brought out a gun case and a duffle bag. I quirked my eyebrows at him, but didn't say anything, if he wanted to share his toys, he would. If not, well, I wasn't sharing mine.

  Pete unzipped the bag and handed Martinez two handguns, and a sawed off shotgun. Fast pump action with the extended magazine. Smart move. He also pulled out its twin and threw it over his shoulder by the strap. Last but not least, he pulled out a mini-Uzi.

  As he began to strap knives to various parts of his body, I almost laughed. He looked like a man hell bent on destroying something, and I hoped to hell it wasn't me or Martinez that he nailed.

  Martinez looked at me, and grinned. It was marvelous. I could see every detail in his face, and I knew that he wasn't scared. Hell, I was scared, however; the anger at my situation overruled the fear, and I grinned back.

  Pete stood and handed me a pair of night vision goggles. I shook my head, and motioned that I could see just fine. He shrugged it off, and placed them in the back of his pickup with care.

  "You ready to go guys?” I questioned in a whisper, barely audible. Each gave an affirmative nod and I led the way back to the crypt.

  Having Martinez between Pete and me made me more comfortable. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that this meant more to him than just helping a friend—me.

  I led the way inside the heavy stone door, and I was met with even more chaos than before. The dead bodies were still there, however, there was more gore. I had a feeling that there were more missing victims we hadn't been notified of yet.

  As we started to wind our way down the corridor, I could feel that the dirt beneath our feet had turned sticky. I guessed that it was blood, and when I inhaled, I could smell it. I held out my hand to stop the guys behind me, and I sniffed the air like a dog, trying to feel out where my prey was hiding.

  My senses were over run with the sweet metallic smell of blood, as well as putrid smell of disembowelment. Although it left a rancid taste in the back of my throat, it also excited me. I knew in that moment my bond with Ian was helping me. The smells did not bother me as much as the last time, and I could feel my body wanting to change. It was an unearthly feel, that was more than a little painful, but my mind and aura accepted it. Instead of fighting the feeling, I let it wash over my body, and flow through me.

  The feeling passed in seconds, and it was incredibly clear where the rogue vampire was stashed. In a total blood frenzy, the vamp was worrying on a muscle clad bone and unaware of our presence.

  I used hand signals to tell the guys that there was a rogue vamp on the other side of the far sarcophagus, and that we would split up.

  I watched as Martinez and Pete broke off in military fashion, and I crept ahead with them. On point, I would reach the vamp first. I had an advantage over the guys. I wasn't wearing goggles; however, they had the advantage over me by the fact that they were wearing bulletproof vests. Although a vampire's fangs could eventually tear through, it would hold them off long enough to pull another pistol and blow their fucking heads off.

  As I crept through the chamber, I felt myself go dead, only this time it was even more so, I wanted blood. I wanted it to be gory and fitting for the act that had been done to the person who belonged to the leg bone and muscles.

  I noticed that Martinez and Pete were both keeping pace with me, Pete looked spooked and Martinez was steady as a rock. It made me wonder what he really was. Sure, he was freaked out last time we were in here, however; this time he was calm and cool. It made me wonder what his story was.

  I was so unconcerned with what was happening that I had time to wonder about Martinez. I was a little disappointed that when I rounded the corner it was over so fast.

  We rounded the last sarcophagus, I sighted down my pistol and shot a hole in the rogue vampire's head. He was still coming, but couldn't see me, he was just coming in my general direction. I was not scared as I sighted again and pulled the trigger two more times. When he dropped to the ground, I casually walked to him, pulled out my machete, and hacked away at his neck until his head came off. Only then was I sure that he wouldn't get back up. I also pierced his heart, and twisted the blade over and over, needing him not to get back on his feet.

  I looked up and saw the look of horror on Pete's face. I just grinned at him, and glanced at Martinez, he was dead. Utterly still, not a movement escaped me. It was starting to creep me out.

  I regained my full posture, and motioned for the boys to follow me once more.

  We proceeded down the dark hallway, past the spot where I had regained consciousness, past the place were I had last reached before I had hurried back to Ian the other night. There was still blood and a rancid smell, mingled with old death and dust.

  I didn't feel any other presence and worried that Raif and what was left of his gang had fled their hiding hole.

  I turned around to tell Martinez and Pete that I was afraid the bad guys were gone and went white with shock at the scene that beheld my eyes.

  Martinez had latched on to Pete's neck and was busy sucking his blood. Who would have figured that Martinez had been bitten and fed three nights ago?

  How was I going to kill Pete?


  I should have just sprayed them both with the machine gun, however; I wanted to say goodbye to Pete before I put him out of his misery.

  I never got the chance to kill Martinez though. He was gone before I could pull the trigger. When I glanced at Pete I knew he would turn.

  What the fuck was I gonna do? I asked myself. Pete had slumped to the ground and was out. It would be easy to kill him. No problem there he was drained of blood for the most part. But what about Martinez, I knew I was gonna have to go after him. I could only hope Pete would
last ‘til I got back.

  Yeah I know, bad move on my part. But I didn't have time to say goodbye and to chase down Martinez. I should have put a bullet in Pete and chopped his head off, but I was shocked.

  "I'll be back, Pete.” I said as I ran past him to chase down Martinez. I could smell him, death and blood. Even though that is what the crypt itself smelled like, I once again could thank Ian. If I lived through the night.

  I knew Martinez was waiting for me; I had shocked him by not helping Pete. I slowed down and took my time. My eyes went dead. Every nerve was ready to jump at my command.

  I rounded the corner to the room where I had found the girl with both my pistols ready to fire. I used the supernatural senses that I had gained through bonding with Ian, and found Martinez.

  I fired both guns with blind ease; my eyes so adjusted to the blackness of the room, the flash temporarily blinded me, but I knew that I had wounded him. I could feel him rushing at me.

  When I regained my night eyes, Martinez was on me. He knocked both my guns from my hands in a sweeping arm motion. I staggered from the blow, but I stood my ground and started to bring the machine gun around to mow him in half.

  I was premature, and as I squeezed the trigger, the machine gun rose upward, and he swept it from my hand as well.

  Martinez stood close to me, and I could smell Pete's blood on his breath. He drew back and was about to strike when he was taken down in a blur.

  We were surrounded by vampires. I wasn't sure if they were the good guys or the bad guys. I didn't wait to find out. I glanced down and found the machine gun. I grabbed it, jumped back and slammed into the wall. I rose it up and sighted down the barrel, to find that I was staring into a pair of turquoise eyes.

  Once again, Ian had come to my rescue. It was pathetic that I had to rely on him to be my savior.

  I didn't say anything; I just sighted down the gun at him. I was tempted to pull the trigger, just because it was what I do. I kill vampires, well that and I bartend, play with guns, make homemade explosives, and drink.


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