Her Forever (Every Curvy Inch Book 3)

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Her Forever (Every Curvy Inch Book 3) Page 4

by Alexa Blue

  “Wa… Christian, wait,” I cry out.

  “No,” he growls. “Lay back and allow me to eat out every inch of your sweet pussy.”

  Running my hands through his thick, black hair, I push his head down on me.

  My back arches as my pussy convulses. “Fuck, Christian!” I cry out, my voice filling with desperation as my orgasm crashes over me like a wave of ecstasy. My sensitive cunt quivers around Christian’s mouth as I find my release.

  Christian slowly lifts his head as he looks up at me, my juices glistening on his beard.

  This is the most fucking magical orgasm I have ever experienced. I offer to return the favor, but Christian refuses. Despite his throbbing cock, the only thing he wants is for me to experience the best fucking orgasm of my life.

  His naked body climbs up on the bed. He climbs up to wrap his arms around me as I fall asleep, folded into his arms.


  I look down at the angel lying fast asleep. Having my arm wrapped around Amanda as she drifts off into a state of bliss is more magical than I would ever have imagined.

  They say you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, but I say there’s no way in hell I can let her leave. Perhaps I’ve remained single all these years because deep down, I knew someone as headstrong, as feisty, and as sexy as Amanda would one day walk into my life. It's not that I didn't want to stick my shaft deep up her sweet pussy, but after she told me about her crappy experience with sex, I wanted to prove to her that her happiness will always come before mine.

  The beeping phone on my bedside table catches my attention. I reach for my phone and open the mail. I just received an invitation to one of the biggest events of the century, not only am I invited, but they want to hire my company for the event exposure. I grab onto my MacBook and begin typing out an email to Andrew.

  I’ve had a lot of luck when it comes to my business, but this was not always the case. When I first started up my company, I survived off two-minute noodles and food stamps. I've lived in the worst neighborhoods just so I could have a roof over my head. My parents wrote me off, thinking it was stupid of me to quit college without a proper back-up plan. I enjoyed watching each and every one of those fuckers mince their words once my company took off. I’m a man of my word, so when my parents told me they had written me off, I held them to their word. I thought they would hold up their end, and did not expect my mom to be phoning me every second day asking for money, or my dad telling me how ‘proud’ he was of me whenever I joined in on one of our awkward family gatherings.

  I have worked fucking hard for my money, and I’d be damned if allow anyone to tell me what to do with it. Anyone that has a problem with my spending can go straight to hell.

  I tuck Amanda under the covers and crawl up beside her. I forward the mail to my business manager to start preparing for the event. Slapping the lid of my MacBook shut, I curl my body into Amanda's. Her back rests against me, my cock presses into her ass, and my knees press into her legs.

  She fits perfectly into me. Amanda feels like the missing piece to complete my puzzle.

  Chapter Seven


  "Hurry up, we're late!" Stephanie hoots outside my apartment building, which I can hear from inside my apartment. She presses on her car horn until it sounds like a really irritating song. “Stop fucking hooting,” I mutter under my breath, grab my apartment keys and sprint down the passage.

  The hooting draws to an end once she catches sight of me. She grins playfully as if she knew she wouldn't have to wait long thanks to her insistent honking.

  Stephanie barely gives me time to enter the passenger seat and make myself comfortable when she begins grilling me. "What took you so long?"

  “Sorry, just had to make sure I look my best,” I tell her, “I mean, we are seeing Marc Daniels, after all!” My voice shrivels with excitement.

  “Lucky for Marc Daniels you always look so fucking beautiful… my friend.”

  We drive off to the Hyatt hotel to meet Marc and begin the planning for our fashion show, but I cannot get Christian off my mind. Since I orgasmed all over his mouth and fell asleep with him behind me, he is all I think about.

  Yesterday was fucking magical in every way, but I made it clear to Christian it was not something that could happen again. Perhaps when I reach my goal weight of being a perfect size 16, we could reconsider.



  “Amanda, are you even listening to me?” Stephanie interrupts my thoughts.

  “Huh, what? Oh, yes, I totally agree with you on that.”

  Stephanie places her hand on my shoulder, “Awww, you always know exactly what to say when I need it most.”

  Stephanie and I stand outside the conference room when she places her hand on the door handle and turns to me. “You ready?”

  I know on the opposite end of that door is the man I have admired all my life, the man I finally get to meet in the flesh. “Would it matter if I said no?”

  Stephanie blows me a playful kiss and opens the door. My heart races as I walk through the door.

  “Marc, meet Amanda, the designer of the Freedom line.”

  Marc stands to his feet and walks up to me. I extend my hand forward, trying to control my trembling hand when he pushes my hand aside and leans in for a hug.

  “Amanda, ’ello,” he says with a thick french accent, “I love, love, love your designs. It is… ‘ow you say… magnifique.”

  Marc Daniels goes on to introduce everyone I’d be working with to make this fashion show dream a reality. He introduces me to the visual designer, the event organizer, the sound engineer, and the stage manager. But, it isn’t until he introduces me to the person responsible for the marketing that I freeze dead in my tracks. My skin grows sensitive at the sight of him, every fiber of my being quivers with a relentless desire as my eyes meet Christian.

  "Hello, beautiful," Christian says.

  “Um,” I mutter, struggling to hold eye contact with the man that had his mouth against my cunt just yesterday.

  I try walking towards him, but my foot catches on the leg of a chair, and I trip, falling forward. Christian breaks my fall and catches me in his strong arms.

  “Still falling for me, I see,” he whispers in my ear.

  I stand to my feet and brush my suit straight before ignoring all the eyes on me and find a seat next to Stephanie. “Right, so… um… shall we get started?”

  “Any-sing I can get you before we start?” Marc asks.

  Yeah, a bath and a long extension cord would do fine right about now.

  “No, I’m good, thanks. Let’s um… let’s begin.”

  I should have figured Christian is the owner of Mediatech, especially after seeing his house yesterday. From his business card, I just assumed he works in some social media company, perhaps he helps with the company’s social media? But, I would never have expected him to be the owner of the largest social media management company.

  Christian’s eyes have been glued on me since I stepped into the room. A rush of heat floods over my body as his eyes ravish me.

  Marc begins discussing the pricing strategy with the event organizer when Stephanie uses the opportunity to whisper into my ear. “I tried to warn you, babe, but this Christian guy has been using you from the start.”

  My face stiffens. I turn to look at Christian, and my temples begin to throb. I can't believe I have been so fucking naïve. Christian could have any girl he wants, so why the hell would he settle for me? Why the hell else would he keep insisting on seeing me when I have done nothing but make him work for my attention?

  The grin on his face as he looks at me is pissing me off further. I feel I’m moments away from reaching across this table and slapping the shit out of him.

  I glare at him with flared nostrils when he responds with a raised eyebrow.

  “If you will all excuse me, please? I need the ladies.”

  Christian grins again, “Amanda
, do you need me to show you the way?”

  I walk towards the door, pausing once I reach Christian. Lowering myself down on him, I speak into his ear, making sure I’m out of ear’s reach and that Marc or anyone else doesn’t hear me. “Fuck you, Christian.”


  When I got the text saying Marc Daniels would like to use my company to do the marketing for an upcoming event, I had no idea I’d be working alongside Amanda.

  I haven't been able to get Amanda out of my mind since she left my place. I so desperately wanted to stick my cock in her sweet pussy, to feel her flesh wrap around my pulsating veins as I make her beg for more, but what I wanted, even more, was for her to be satisfied. My time to feel her sensitive flesh will come, and now that she has walked into the boardroom, I suspect that will happen much sooner than I thought.

  Except, she just whispered, ‘fuck you,’ in my ear. And I don’t think she means that in the best way possible.

  My brows furrow as I watch her walk out of the conference room. She doesn’t carry her usual seductive walk. Instead, she stomps out, making her irritation known to everyone in the room.

  “She is… okay?” Marc asks.

  I speak, “no.” “Yes,” Stephanie responds at the same time. For the first time since she walked in, she looks at me, but it’s a warning glare, one that suggests I best stay the fuck away from her friend.

  I fake a smile at Stephanie and look away. If she thinks her dirty gazes will stop me from making Amanda mine, she has another thing coming.

  Last night, after Amanda left, when I touched myself to the images of Amanda in my head, it was already decided—I would do whatever the fuck it takes to make her mine. And no-one, not even her snooty best friend, will stand in my way.

  Marc calls for an hour break, telling us that he has a teleconference to attend and that we should all return by one. Amanda still hasn’t returned from the bathroom. I leave my laptop and wallet on the table as I rush out to find her when Stephanie grabs hold of my arm.

  "Christian, if I were you, I would stay away from my friend.”

  Turning to Stephanie, my face tightens. “Look, no disrespect, and I’m sure you mean well, but I hate being told what to do.”

  I turn from her before she can retaliate and go out in search of Amanda.

  I honestly believed we had a good thing going on. Perhaps I was just whipped at the thought of her. The idea of waking up next to someone as beautiful as Amanda every morning. The idea that she would one day carry my babies. How the fuck did we go from madly in love, to ice-cold in one day? Usually, it's the other way round. Women chase after me, but I have no interest in those women. All those women want me for one thing, my money. With Amanda, it's different.

  For the longest time, I believed I’d be happy living life as the next Hugh Hefner, but since I laid eyes on my queen, I will stop at nothing to make sure she is the only woman I make love to for the rest of my life. That thought runs in the back of my mind as I scramble past the bathroom. Without giving it any second thought, I barge into the ladies' restroom and call out her name. A few ladies freeze and shoot me with death glares. "Sorry."

  I find Amanda sitting at the bar.


  She swivels her chair to face me. “Oh, if it isn’t the dickhead himself? What do you want, Christian? You're here to use me again?”

  I rub my hand on the back of my neck, trying to make sense of her. “What the hell are you on about?”

  “Christian, please leave me alone. I need some time by myself. I’ll be in the boardroom in the next few minutes.”

  “No!” I demand. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.”

  Amanda lets out a sigh. “So you think you can just raise your voice and I must jump?”

  I stand firm. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.”

  Amanda turns back to the bar, staring forward, refusing to speak to me.

  I grab hold of her hand and lift her from her stool. She tries slapping my hand away, but I am firm. I refuse to lose the love of my life and not know why.

  Chapter Eight


  Christian’s warm hand holds me tight as if he fears I might get away. I pretend to fight him off, but really, I want to talk with him, I want an explanation, and I want to hear him apologize for being a dick.

  He opens every door as we walk down the hotel corridors on the first floor until he finds an open door. We enter a vacant room and Christian presses me against the wall. My heart thuds as I gaze into his eyes, and warmth fills me. I want to be mad at him, but those brown eyes are my fucking kryptonite.

  “Amanda, what is going on? I thought we had a good thing going on?”

  “Stephanie was so fucking right about you,” I mutter under my breath.

  His body presses harder into mine. I feel his stomach muscles tighten as he presses them against my breasts. “Amanda, I’m not letting you leave until you tell me why you’re so cold with me. If you tell me you have no interest in me, and that I was just a one-night stand for you, I will walk away, but if it’s something else, I must know…”

  “Christian,” I feel the wells of my eyes fill up, “was any of this real for you? Or were you just planning on using me?”

  Christian’s eyes widen as if realization had just dawned on him. “You think I’m using you? You think I—”

  “Yes!” I cut him short. “Why else would you be so interested in me, and how convenient is it that just days later we’re working on the same show?”

  “Amanda, I’m in freaking social media. How on earth could I be using you?”

  For the first time, my tongue is tied. I haven't thought this through. "Look, I don't know. But, I was warned about you. Besides, I'm stupid to think you could ever be a one-woman man."

  Christian lets out a defeated sigh. "Babe, look into my eyes, and you will see I meant every word I’ve said to you, every action… Amanda… I love you.”

  His words hit me like a ton of bricks.

  "Amanda, I have never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else before. I'll admit, I never thought I'd be a one-woman-man until I met you. Let me prove you wrong. Let me be yours.”

  I swallow hard. "By what, dating me?" My mouth is dry as I speak. I lower my gaze on his lips, and that familiar heat rushes over me again.

  “No, by being better, by being the man you deserve.”

  My knees grow weak, and I am on the verge of collapsing, but Christian holds me up. I am clumsy as hell, but since I met Christian, not once has he allowed me to fall. Not once has his hungry gaze shifted from me, even in the presence of my beautiful friend.

  Christian leans his head forward, closing the small distance between us as he presses his forehead against mine. I sigh against his mouth and feel the warmth of his breath reaching my lips.

  My eyes shut tight when I feel his lips against mine. There is no greater feeling in this world than Christian kissing me.

  Every part of me wants to believe him, and, even if it’s just for the moment, I believe him. There’s no way a man could touch me the way he does, look at me the way he does and not mean it when he says he loves me.

  My hands slide up, and I wrap them around his neck. I jump up, and he catches my thighs. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist, and I know I am entirely at his mercy.

  His body presses harder into me, and at the sensation of his hardened cock against me, even I surprise myself at the words that escape my lips.

  I pull apart, breaking off the kiss, and I gaze intensely into those eyes. "Christian," I let out a few heavy breaths, "I want you to fuck me."


  I can barely believe my ears when my queen asks me to take what we have to the next level, especially when she wanted nothing to do with me just moments ago.

  She feels my cock pressing against her sweet pussy as her legs wrap around me. I reach my hand out and lock the door shut.

  I feel crushed that sh
e thinks I was using her, but if my reputation with women is anything to go by, I don't blame her. Now, I will do everything in my power to show her she is the only one for me—that I am the only man for her.

  My eyes are hooded as I let out a mighty groan that leaves her gasping for air. Amanda pushes her smooth hands up and under my shirt, reaching up to my hairy chest. “Christian,” she pants, “I want you so fucking bad.”

  Her words almost make me come in my fucking pants. We gaze passionately into each other’s eyes. I have never felt so much intensity with a woman before.

  “I will fuck you so good, sweet lady. And once I’m done fucking you, I’m taking you back to my place for round two.”

  I grab onto the edge of her dress and lift her skirt until I’m greeted by her soaking panties.

  "Fuck," I say, glancing down at her wetness, "you want me real bad, don't you, darlin'?"

  Amanda lets out a sweet whine, that stiffens my cock. “Aha.”

  I thought I’d have to prepare her sweet pussy, but from the wetness that glistens on her pussy as I slip her panties to the side, it looks like she has been waiting for this moment since she entered the hotel and I’ve been waiting to feel my cock pulsate inside her since I laid eyes on my beautiful, thick queen.

  With one hand still wrapped around my neck, Amanda lowers her smooth fingers down and spreads her lips, eager for me to enter her.


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