Hunted (A Secret Salem Novel 2)

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Hunted (A Secret Salem Novel 2) Page 2

by J. N. Colon

  Sawdust filled my mouth just seeing those words. Floods of gory images flashed through my mind, making my fingers tremble as I lifted the paper and unfolded it. The murders at Highland Academy were made to look like vampire attacks covered up as animal attacks when really they were all committed by a sick, twisted girl.

  Mac told me some vampires—none under the protection and law of their family—were horrible enough to tear people’s throats out and cover the murders with freak accidents including animal attacks. Was this one of those cases?

  The vampire in my nightmare—me—certainly wouldn’t think twice about murdering an innocent.

  Or was this simply an animal attack?

  I skimmed the article, searching for clues this was anything other than what it appeared. I held my breath. I’m a swimmer so that can be a really long time. The male victim was camping in the woods in upstate New York when a large animal happened upon his tent.

  That seemed plausible. Maybe the guy was careless and left food out. Maybe a bear or wolf or something smelled food and came looking for the source and found a juicy human instead.

  There was a grainy photo of deep claw-like gouges in the nearby pine tree. I doubt vampires could rip through trees like that.

  My breath blew raggedly out and my body slumped with relief. It was probably an animal.

  I dropped the paper and shook my head. Not every freak accident or animal attack is caused by a vampire or crazed hunter. I have to let go of this paranoia. No one is after me anymore. No one is stalking me. No one is hunting me.

  But I couldn’t suppress the cold shiver than ran through my veins at the thought.

  I reclined on the cool sand and stared up at the clear, pitch sky. Night was my time for the beach now. It’s cool, peaceful, and quiet.

  Of course it might be so quiet because this was our private, residential beach and not open to the public.

  The houses behind me that lined the beach, including mine, were swanky with tons of glass, two story balconies, mostly likely a fire pit or two, and a custom barbeque area. A few had pools too. Most of the neighbors were families, a few with teenagers attending my school. None that I’m close friends with. Jill and Eric lived a few streets away from the beach.

  The stars were much brighter than I remembered. They used to be tiny specks in the sky. Now I see different colors. Some were blue while others were white. Some were yellow or orange. Some were even red. Those were Mac’s favorite.

  A pang resonated through my chest. Oh man I missed him. What I wouldn’t give to feel those thick arms around me or smell the heady scent of his. There was an ache deep inside me that not even the biggest, juiciest steak could cure.

  A rough scream suddenly pierced the night. I bolted up, scanning the dark waters. My heart pounded, but all I saw was the luminescent moon shimmering against the waves.

  And then a head popped up. “HELP!”

  I didn’t think. I just reacted. I dashed for the shoreline, tossing my Lone Star Burger Shack Hoodie. The water was cool against my toes and enveloped me in seconds. I had no idea what to expect. Was this person getting attacked by a shark? Were they caught in an undertow? Did they have a cramp?

  Or were they tricking me, leading me into a death trap?

  Yeah. I’ve got some trust issues ever since Madison.

  The head disappeared again so I dove under, searching through the darkness that wasn’t as murky as I expected. Must be the change.

  Flailing extremities finally caught my attention and I swam for the figure, wrapping my arms around a thick, hard waist. We broke the surface seconds later, the guy coughing and sputtering as he clung to me.

  “Holy shit Rubi,” he gasped. “How’d you do that?”

  Shock resonated through me. “Jason?” Now that he wasn’t struggling for his life I could see those aqua eyes hidden behind a wet mop of blonde hair.

  His body quivered against mine. “How the hell were you able to get to me so fast and then swim through that current like it was nothing?”

  Um…? I didn’t feel a current. I did however smell a ton of alcohol on his breath. “I think you’re just drunk pretty boy.”

  He shook his head as if trying to free the cobwebs from his brain. “Nuh uh.” He pulled in a deep breath as our feet finally touched the sandy bottom. “I’m not that drunk.”

  I shrugged. “I’m a good swimmer. I practically grew up in the ocean.” What I had done wouldn’t be possible without Mac’s blood whirling through my veins, but I couldn’t admit that to Jason. “Come on.” He hung onto me while I dragged him to the shore, letting him fall to his knees on the wet sand.

  Jason sat back on his haunches, shaking. “You totally saved my life.”

  “What were you doing in front of my house anyways?” He lived about seven houses down for the last four years and never once ended up in my portion of the water.

  He shrugged. “Don’t know. I just wanted to go for a swim. One minute I was over there.” He pointed in the direction of his house. “The next thing I know I’m over here drowning.”

  I twisted water out of my hair and grabbed my hoodie, drying my face with it.

  Jason grabbed my hand, pulling my attention to him. He was looking up at me with wide, glistening eyes. “Rubi, you saved my life. If you hadn’t been out here…” His voice cracked and without warning he hugged me around the waist. “I’d be dead.”

  Whoa! Disbelief shook my insides. If last summer someone told me my from afar crush—now ex-crush—Jason Ford would be clutching onto me while he cried into my belly button I would have said they were nuts!

  And yet here he was in all his shirtless glory.

  Um… Mac would definitely be pissed he if saw some guy hanging all over me.

  I awkwardly patted him on the shoulder. “There, there. You’re safe now.” How lame am I? “You didn’t die so…” It must be a mixture of almost dying and alcohol causing him to practically worship me.

  “How am I ever gonna thank you enough for this?” he blubbered.

  Oh man.

  I patted his head and he only tightened his arms. With a sigh I finally let my arms wrap around his shoulders, trying to soothe him. The wind cut through us and goose bumps prickled our skin.

  Jason glanced up at me through wet eyelashes. “You’re like a sea goddess or something.” He sniffled. “How come we never hung out before?”

  Maybe because you never noticed me. “You were always busy,” I said instead.

  “I’m not busy now.”

  What the hell? Did I develop some kind of pheromone to attract attention from the opposite sex? “Dude, you have a girlfriend. Remember?”

  He blinked as if he really did forget. “Oh right. Terra.” He shrugged. “You’re much more interesting than her Rubi…”

  The words I have a boyfriend who would demolish you were on the tip of my tongue when a snap of drift wood resonated behind me. My head whipped around to find a tall man looming on the beach.

  “Oh. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Don’t mind me.” He was about twenty with designer jeans and a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal tanned, muscled forearms. His hair was chestnut with blonde highlights. His nose was slightly crooked like it had been broken before, but it didn’t deter his attractiveness.

  Eyes so dark they sucked the light in examined every inch of me like I was a specimen he’d studied from afar and this was the first time up close and personal. It seriously gave me the creeps. I was suddenly aware of my wet, white tank top stuck to my skin, particularly my boobs that were covered in a nice pink lace bra.

  Jason—probably because he was still clutching my waist—could feel the stiffness and unease in my body. He stood and pulled me farther away from the stranger. “This is a private beach man. Do you live here?”

  The guy’s lips threatened a smile and his eyes never wavered from me. “No. I was just visiting a friend.”

  Icy fingertips ran down my spine and I shivered. My heart pounded in
my chest and throat felt tight. Alarm bells were raging through my body. There was something seriously bad about this guy. I could sense it—in my veins.

  Jason pulled me completely behind him. “Maybe you should get back to your friend.”

  He nodded and slinked passed us. He glanced over his shoulder with one disturbing smile. “It was nice seeing you.”

  I shivered and shrank into Jason.

  “That dude was creepy,” Jason muttered, watching him until he disappeared down a walkway.

  “Definitely.” I rubbed my arms.

  “You should probably get inside Rubi.” Apparently the encounter with Mr. Creep-tastic sobered Jason up a bit.

  I nodded. “Can you make it home all right?”

  “Yeah.” He flashed a dazzling smile complete with dimples. “Thanks to my sea goddess.”

  I grimaced and rolled my eyes. “Just don’t swim home. Your drunken sea legs suck.”

  “Very funny.” He nudged me toward my house. “I’ll wait until you get inside in case that weirdo comes back.”

  “Thanks.” I waved over my shoulder as I headed for my porch.

  I glanced down the beach suddenly feeling like eyes were on me—those dark, impenetrable eyes.

  Chapter 3

  A steely gaze pierced the darkness, slowly ebbing closer. White teeth flashed and ghostly pale skin emerged. The figure stalked me like a predator.

  Laughter echoed against stone and eyes danced with silver.

  “It was so fun torturing you Rubi.” Madison’s eerie voice snaked out as she reached me.

  I was tied up in the stone room again, a prisoner to her games. She had betrayed me from the beginning.

  “How could you do that to me Madison?” I asked, tears streaming down my cheeks for the loss of my friend.

  Crimson blood dribbled from a gaping wound in her chest, like holly berries against her pale skin. “How could you let him do this to me?” Her cruel laugh echoed hollowly.

  Noise resonated from the shadows and Madison turned her head, swishing her choppy black and scarlet hair. “Oh great. We have company.” Annoyance colored her tone.


  “Not who. What?”

  A claw flashed through the air, swiping at Madison’s back, spraying blood. Our screams mirrored one another until she fell face forward, revealing jagged slices over her spine.

  She looked up at me with her dark human eyes and not the silver, crazed vampire ones. “They’re coming.”

  I gasped and popped up in my bed, trembling. My pulse quivered erratically and cold sweat matted my hair. For the past few months I’ve dreamed about Madison and what happened at Highland, but none ended like that. She was never attacked by some unseen monster and she never delivered a foreboding warning.

  It was just a dream. Just dream…

  I collapsed back on my bed and cuddled with Mr. Bananas, repeating it was just a dream, but I couldn’t shake the ominous warning from my mind.

  What was coming?


  There was a pop quiz in English. I failed, no doubt. I couldn’t concentrate. All I could think about was missing Mac, that creepy guy at the beach, and my disturbing dreams. And missing Mac.

  The classroom was white cinderblock walls with an entire wall of windows letting in lots of natural light. Everything about South Seneca High School was the opposite of Highland Academy. Where Highland was dark and eerie Seneca was light, airy, and new.

  It was so odd missing that old, creepy castle of a school.

  Mrs. Brock sat at her desk in front of the room, grading papers while we were supposed to be reading in our books. I couldn’t help but glance up when I felt her eyes on me and they were full of disappointment.


  The bell finally sounded for lunch and most of the students sprinted toward the door. I grabbed my books about to follow when my name was called.

  “Rubi. Could you please stay for a moment?”

  Ah crap.

  I sighed and dragged my feet toward Mrs. Brock’s desk. She was a petite woman in her mid-thirties with shoulder length blonde waves and a creamy peach complexion. She was usually nice and always attentive to her students’ grades. She never let one fail if she could help it. “Yes?”

  Her light gray eyes surveyed me with concern as she displayed my quiz with a multitude of red marks and a giant F on top.

  Told you.

  “Rubi, what is going on with you recently? Your grades have been slipping.”

  Yours would be too if all you could think about was your sexy boyfriend a million miles away.


  She sighed. “Where has your mind been?”

  Again—sexy vampire boyfriend who’s blood runs through my veins as we speak.

  When I didn’t answer she sighed again, defeated. “I’ll have to call your parents.”

  My heart thundered. I couldn’t let them know I’ve been sucking at school. What if they prolong this separation? Panic clawed its way through my entire body like a sharp disease. I shook my head. “No Mrs. Brock. Please don’t. I’ll do anything.”

  “I’m sorry Rubi, but your grades have suffered too much already.” She looked down as she scrolled a note on a sticky to call them.

  I suddenly slammed my palms on her desk. “Look at me!” I demanded.

  Mrs. Brock’s head snapped up, staring wide-eyed. Tingles raced through my body and I could feel her mind brushing against mine.

  “Mrs. Brock?” I asked timidly.

  “Yes…?” she drawled, never blinking or breaking eye contact.

  Holy shit!

  Realization crashed over me as I stared at her giant pupils held captive by my command. I’ve got her under compulsion!

  A mixture of shock, wonder, and excitement pounded through my blood. Mac was against compelling even Mr. Forsyth—the meanest teacher in the world—but was one time really that bad? It might not even work.

  “Mrs. Brock?” I asked in a slow, melodic tone.

  “Yes Rubi?”

  I took a deep breath and plunged ahead. “You actually marked my quiz wrong.”

  Her gray eyes went wide. “I did?”

  “Yes. I actually got an A.”

  “Oh my.” She scratched out the F, put an A, and handed it to me. “I am so sorry about that.” She changed the grade on her computer screen as well.

  I grinned and tried to keep from squealing with glee—or rubbing my hands together like an evil genius. “No problem. Everyone makes mistakes.” I pointed to the note she scrawled to call my parents. “You can throw that away.”

  She crumpled the sticky and tossed it in the wastebasket. “That’s solves that.” She flashed a lazy smile.

  “Sure does.” I grabbed my books off her desk. “See you tomorrow.”

  I released her from my hold, feeling the connection between our minds slip away like smoke. She blinked and then smiled normally. “Have a good rest of the day Rubi.”

  I turned to skip with delight out the room until I saw Jason Ford leaning against the doorjamb with a puzzled expression.

  Oh crap.

  He trailed behind me down the hall. “What the hell was that?”

  I shrugged, attempting to pretend my palms weren’t sweating or my heart wasn’t beating a million miles a minute. “What was what?”

  “Oh please,” he scoffed. “You are not a ditzy blonde so don’t play dumb with me Rubi McHale.” He leaned against the locker next to mine. “Did you hypnotize Mrs. Brock or something?”

  Or something.

  I swallowed hard and nervously picked at a tiny hole in my jeans above my knee. I had the urge to toss the hood of my jacket over my head and bury myself in deep to get away from Jason. Instead I peeked up to see him staring at me with a wicked smile and amazed eyes. Not the reaction I was expecting. “I didn’t do anything.” My voice was full of lies.

  “But she changed your grade!” he shouted.

  I pinched his arm and shushed him. A few pe
ople glanced at us as they passed by. “Would you keep it down!”

  His aqua eyes widened. “You admit it. You did something.”

  I shoved my English book into my locker and absentminded riffled through the loose papers. “I admit nothing.”

  He bent down to reach my shortness. “It’s like a super-secret thing. I get it.” He winked. “Can you teach me?”

  I shot him an incredulous expression and shut my locker. Whitmore was going to kill me when he found out I let someone see me use compulsion. I didn’t even know I could do that!

  I sighed and rested against the row of lockers, squinting at the florescent lights. Everything was so bright in this school. I was itching to shove my sunglasses over my eyes.

  Our school colors of aqua blue and lime green dowsed the cinderblock walls along with images of our mascot, the Sharks. Posters for South Seneca High’s upcoming spring formal littered the hall along with flyers for Spring Queen. The Halloween dance at Highland was the only one I’ve been to and I doubt any here could top that night. For starters I doubt I’d be getting chased and bit by a vampire or drinking blood unknowingly from another.

  “Hey.” Jason nudged me. “I’m sorry about last night.” Light pink dusted his cheeks and he awkwardly rubbed his square jaw. “I think I came on a little strong.”

  A smile formed across my lips. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll chalk it up to alcohol and a little bit of hero worship.”

  He groaned and slumped next to me, rubbing his face. “You’re not going to tell anybody I cried, are you?”

  “Nah. Not this time.”

  Jason flashed me a dazzling smile complete with dimples. “Thanks Rubi. I mean for saving me too.” He was wearing jeans and a blue collared shirt that brought out the aqua in his eyes and tan in his golden skin. His blonde hair danced across his forehead and cheeks, framing his handsome face.

  I nodded. “Sure thing.”

  He shifted so close I could smell his fresh cologne. “I still think you’re a sea goddess. You can even hypnotize people.” He winked one of those aqua eyes. “What else can you do?”


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