Hunted (A Secret Salem Novel 2)

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Hunted (A Secret Salem Novel 2) Page 4

by J. N. Colon

  Mac cursed and grabbed my hand, yanking me up. He glared at the guy with hatred as a low growl built in his chest.

  “You know him?”

  His jaw clenched. “He’s a hunter.”

  My heart shuddered and I inched closer. If this hunter was half as crazy as Madison then we were in trouble.

  Was he following me?

  “Dude,” Jason began, his expression shadowed with anger. “I had a feeling he was stalking her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her last night.”

  “We should go.” Mac took one step and suddenly halted. His gaze flickered around the mall, his body trembling with tension. “Damn. Hunters are everywhere.”

  Chapter 5

  Several people in the mall were glaring unblinkingly at us, hunting us through the crowd. Their ages varied from teens to thirties and they were dressed in normal clothes, but they moved with precision unnatural to everyone else around them. They slithered through the throngs of happy shoppers like snakes through grass. Something dangerous lingered in their eyes, a hunger to destroy.

  I was pretty sure it was Mac and me they wanted to destroy.

  Panic exploded through my veins and my muscles shook with fear. Cold sweat moistened the hand Mac was clutching, making our fingers slip.

  “They know who I am,” Mac said, his eyes dancing with silver flecks only I was close enough to notice.

  “Who are you?” Eric asked, noticing the attention on us. “Some kind of celebrity?”

  Mac ignored him and urgently tugged my hand. “Run.”

  We took off through the crowded mall, adrenaline shaking my muscles. Mac gripped my hand, dragging me toward the elevator. At the last moment we switched directions and headed down the escalator. A woman hunter was standing at the bottom landing, blocking our path. With a few feet left Mac scooped me up and jumped over the railing. Several people gasped and some applauded as if this was show. It wasn’t. It was suddenly my life.

  We burst through the doors into the parking lot, the bright sun blinding me, shooting pain through my eyes. But that wasn’t the problem. I blinked to clear the sting and saw the real problem was the three hunters running up one of the aisles.

  Shit. How many were here?

  Without warning Mac threw me over his shoulder and took off at inhuman speeds, leaving my head spinning. Upside down I watched the asphalt zoom by. Darkness fell across us as we entered the parking garage and he abruptly halted.

  “Son of a bitch,” he growled.

  “What!” I hit his back to get his attention. “Put me down!”

  Mac gently rolled me off his shoulder and held me until my head stopped spinning. “They slashed my tires.” He jammed his finger through his hair, frustration thinning his lips. “There’s too many for me to take on my own.”

  I stared hopelessly at his silver Jeep, wondering how the hell we were going to get out of this mess.

  He slid his phone from his pocket and pressed a speed dial number. “Dad! We’re in trouble. We’re at the Shelby mall and hunters are EVERYWHERE!”

  Quick steady footsteps pounded the pavement and my heart launched into my throat. They’re coming.

  He cursed again and shoved his phone in his pocket to grab me and run again. Squealing tires echoed and a blue Camaro spun around the corner, stopping directly in front of us.

  I knew that car.

  The passenger door swung open and Jason stuck his head out. “Get in.”

  Mac didn’t hesitate. He shoved me into the back seat while he climbed in the front, slamming the door as the tires squealed upon take off.

  “Where to?”

  “Rubi’s house.”

  Jason nodded and pressed on the gas with an expression more serious than I’d ever seen even at his water polo games.

  “Why are you helping us?” I asked, leaning forward in the seat. “Not that I’m not grateful…”

  “A group of people are chasing you including the stalker from the beach and I’m guessing they aren’t the paparazzi. What the hell am I supposed to do?”

  “Put on your seatbelt Rubi,” Mac growled.

  I ignored him. “Yeah, but you don’t even know why they’re after us?”

  Jason shrugged. “You saved my life last night. It’s my turn now.” He flashed a grin complete with dimples. “Plus I figured you might tell me how you hypnotized Mrs. Brock.”

  “What?” Mac’s head snapped back at me with wide, shocked eyes. “You did what?”

  I grimaced. “Thanks Jason.”


  “I have no idea.” I slouched back against the seat to avoid Mac’s intense gaze. “I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.” I shrugged and looked out the window at the country road Jason had taken as a short cut to our neighborhood. “I was talking to her and the next thing I know she was all dazed out.”

  Mac grunted and turned back to the front. “And you did it in front of this guy?” He motioned toward Jason.

  “Nah,” he answered for me. “She didn’t know I was watching.”

  “We’re going to talk about this later.” Mac’s voice held more amazement than anything.

  “I know. Let’s just wait until we’re not being chased by hunters.”

  “Hunters?” Jason asked. “What are they hunting?”

  Oops. Me and my big mouth.

  Mac groaned and rubbed his temples.

  “Mac, I’m s...” My sentence was cut off by Jason slamming on the breaks. Tires squealed, smoke rolled, and I clutched the back of their seats to keep from flying into the front. “Why did you stop?”

  I quickly found my answer.

  A massive black truck was blocking the road. Several hunters spilled out fluid as water, surrounding the car. These hunters were different, even more lethal clad in black and sporting an array of dangerous weapons. Some had silver stakes and wicked looking knives. And some had freaking crossbows!

  “Who are these people?” Jason was clutching the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.

  Mac cursed and reached for the door handle.

  “What are you doing!” I screeched, grabbing his shoulder as panic crashed over me.

  He clenched his jaw. “They’re here for me. Just me. Stay in the car.”


  “It’ll be all right Rubi.” He glanced back at me with dark eyes. “I’m sure help is on the way.” He slipped out of my grasp and stepped out the car, slamming the door shut.

  Terror stole through my chest and my body began to tremble and eyes water as I watched hunters closing in on Mac.

  “Well, well, well little prince Davenport. Aren’t you brave?” The one from the beach circled him with eyes more predatory than any vampire I’ve met.

  “Prince?” Jason whispered.

  I ignored him, too scared to move a muscle.

  “I’m here now let them go.” He motioned toward the car. “I’m the one you want.”

  A cruel smile twisted his lips. “Oh no. You’re just icing on the cake.” His laughter made my stomach curl. “We want your lovely mate.”

  Mac’s eyes burned silver and his fangs snapped out.

  Jason gasped. “What is he…?”

  I couldn’t even digest the hunter’s words before the back window smashed open, raining glass down and hands were grabbing me.

  All hell broke loose.

  I screamed and struggled against the persistent hands to no avail. Mac’s growl shook the earth and several hunters went airborne.

  Jason jumped out of the car with a baseball bat, taking swings. “Let her go!”

  Mac relentlessly fought to get to me, but the hunters kept charging him. Blood dribbled down his split lip and I helplessly watched as a hunter sliced at him with a knife, cutting the flesh of his forearm.

  A possessive anger ripped open my chest, hemorrhaging rage into my veins at seeing Mac injured. My senses suddenly sharpened and everything slowed down as adrenaline surged through my body.

  I nailed the guy holding me i
n the chin with the back of my head, his arms instantly releasing me. I spun around and punched him in the face. Blood spurted out his nose, his eyes shocked at my unexpected speed.

  Another came at me and I slammed my knee into his groin, sending him to the ground. None of the ones attacking me drew their weapons. They didn’t want to kill me. They wanted to take me.

  Mr. Creepy materialized out of nowhere and snatched me, throwing me over his shoulders. He was stronger than the others, more determined. I screamed and clawed at his back without success.

  A deep, primal growl tore out of Mac as he sailed over the car and snatched me right out of the guy’s arms. I gasped and landed into his hard chest. He whirled me behind him then punched the hunter in the torso. A sickening crunch reverberated as bones cracked.

  The man groaned and pain twisted his face, but he didn’t go down. Instead he whipped out a silver stake. My heart quivered in fear, but Jason shuffled up and swung the bat, slamming the guy in the knees and he finally went down.

  Another wave of hunters rushed us, this time some shooting off arrows. Mac yanked me out of the way of one hurtling toward my shoulder. A squeal of tires sounded and two black SUVs with blacked out windows barreled toward us. Doors flew open to release several men and women dressed in sleek black suits. Their images blurred passed as they clashed with the hunters.


  Chapter 6

  Three vampires surrounded us, sporting a crest on the left breast pocket of their black coat. An ornate gold crown with crimson stones was slashed down the center by an ancient dagger. A deep green serpent circled it, its forked tongue touching its tail. The very same crest spotted the Davenport house in Salem.

  “Go now!” One with mocha skin and a smooth, shiny bald head grabbed Jason as Mac grabbed me and towed us toward the closest SUV.

  We were already inside and speeding down the road before my brain could catch up. When it did I realized I was squished in the back between Jason and Mac. A female vampire with a long blonde braid was in the very back, watching out the window. One was driving and another was tense in the passenger seat.

  Mac wiped blood from his lip on his shirt, the cut already healed. The one on his arm was still open, but no longer bleeding.

  “W-What the hell is going on!” I squealed, my voice trembling as much as my body.

  “Dude, you guys are vampires!” Jason had a boxer’s cut above his eye, a split lip, and several scrapes down his arms, but he didn’t appear the least bit concerned. In fact he looked excited.

  Everyone ignored him.

  “These are royal guards,” Mac said, gently cradling my face between his hands, searching for injuries. “Are you hurt?”

  I shook my head.

  “You all right Mac?” The bald one looked at us through the rearview mirror.

  Mac nodded.

  His chocolate eyes met mine. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. McHale. I’m Rufus.” His voice was lightly steeped in a soothing English accent.

  I shifted awkwardly. “Hey.” Why the hell was it a pleasure to meet me?

  Rufus motioned toward the guy in the passenger seat with chin length sandy brown hair. “This is Daedalus.”

  Daedalus turned around, piercing me with intense amber eyes. “I’ve heard so much about you. It will be my pleasure protecting you in the future.” He was beautiful in a very masculine way with a square jaw shadowed in stubble and a jagged scar below his right ear.

  I raised my brow questioningly at Mac.

  “They’re royal guards Rubi.” He shrugged. “Of course you’ll have your own.”

  “Most of us are only called in for special occasions these days,” Rufus elaborated. “But Whitmore had us on high alert since you’ve been here.”

  “Were you watching her?” Mac was still tense beside me, his body humming with adrenaline.

  Daedalus shook his head. “The king told us to lay low unless he called.” He winked at me. “He called.”

  I slumped in my seat, embarrassed. I wasn’t even a vampire let alone queen or any kind of royalty and I’ve already demanded the presence of royal guards. “Why did those hunters try to take me?”

  A deep growl echoed in the back of Mac’s throat.

  “They know who you are now,” Rufus answered, his chocolate eyes flashing to the rearview mirror again.

  Mac’s fists clenched. “How did they find out about her!”

  “They wanted me because I’m your girlfriend?” Skepticism entered my expression.

  “They wanted you because you’re the future queen,” Daedalus said offhandedly as if this was the obvious answer.

  “What do they want to do with me?”

  The female vampire in the back spoke without turning around. “Probably use you as leverage with some other group. My name is Alana by the way.”

  My throat tightened. “Some other group of vampires? Hunters? What…?”

  Jason threw his hands up in aggravation. “Will somebody please give me some information that makes sense?”

  Mac sighed. “My father’s the vampire king.”

  His blonde brow arched. “Like the king of what, Massachusetts?”

  “No. He’s the king of the American vampires and a few other territories in Europe.”

  Jason whistled. “So you’re the prince.”

  Mac nodded.

  “And Rubi…?”

  “When I’m king she’ll be queen.”

  Jason leaned back with a look of amazement as a stupid grin formed across his face. “I knew there was something special about you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I might be queen.”

  Mac shot me an incredulous expression. “You’ll be queen. It’s only a matter of time.” He laced his fingers with mine. There was absolutely no hesitation. He wanted me forever. It was a given for him—and the three guards in the car.

  I shouldn’t be surprised. That was the whole reason our parents split us up. But I’ve kind of been avoiding the details. It suddenly felt like the reality of our situation and impending future just sucker punched me in the gut.

  My parents and Whitmore were looming over us while Mac and I sat on the white suede couch in my living room. The sun was setting through the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the beach, casting shadows across the vanilla, light blue, and green room. The vaulted ceilings stretched miles above our heads, which made staring up at our parents a little dizzying.

  They’d been lecturing us on our irresponsible behavior and how we could have been abducted or killed for the past hour. Rufus, Daedalus, and Alana were stationed around the neighborhood, keeping watch for hunters as an extra precaution. Whitmore was convinced they wouldn’t attack my parents’ house. Their exposure to humans was already too great.

  I bet. They went after us in a crowded mall for crying out loud.

  More vampire guards arrived and two escorted Jason home. They were planning to compel him to forget. He seemed fine with the supernatural turn of events, but it was probably for the best. I wouldn’t want him in harm’s way. That air-brained jock was starting to grow on me. They were also going to erase Jill, Eric, and Terra’s memories so I wouldn’t have to think of a monster lie to explain a whole mob of people chasing us.

  Several vampire guards had blood smeared over them, ripped clothes, and a few healing injuries. It made me sick to think of what they’d been doing while we were getting lectured. They were killing people. Sure those same people had hurt Mac, could have killed him, and were going to take me, but it didn’t make me feel any less guilty. And to make it worse I don’t know if all the vampires survived either.

  “You two have no idea how reckless this little stunt was.” Whitmore’s eyes were more silver than gray, his anger shining through. His charcoal slacks and ice blue shirt were wrinkled and his black hair was ruffled from running his fingers through it in frustration. He looked so much like Mac sometimes it was uncanny.

  He was definitely scarier though.

  He glared at Mac
and shook his finger. “You shouldn’t have been so careless. You should have known better.”

  Mac’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “I know.”

  “She’s too vulnerable right now as a human and the hunters know that. Rubi could have been taken. You could have lost her!”

  “I know,” Mac snarled, his fangs peeking through his pink lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think hunters would be after her. I didn’t think they knew about her.”

  “They do now. You might have been the one to lead them right to her.”

  Mac’s face paled and his head lowered. “I’m sorry Rubi. I didn’t mean…”

  I laced my fingers through his, a pang tightening my chest. His guilt was unnecessary. None of this was his fault. “Don’t. Don’t be sorry for wanting to see me.”

  “What exactly do these hunters want?” my mother asked from her spot on the matching oversized chair beside us. “Is it common for so many to hunt together at one time?”

  “For someone important, yes.” Whitmore raked his fingers through his dark locks. “This was a planned, strategic attack to capture our future queen.”

  In a few months I had gone from being a socially inept outcast to a coveted figure of future royalty.

  How the hell did that happen?

  “It’s rare the hunters are able to obtain something as significant as Rubi,” he continued, pacing in front of us. “Her capture by them would weaken our strength as a monarchy. Other vampire groups might perceive us as weak if we cannot protect our rulers. They might gather and attempt to take our territories.”

  “But how would this benefit the hunters?” My mother’s expression was strained as she tried to come to terms with the idea that her daughter was not a normal teenager anymore.

  Well I was never really normal.

  “It would create chaos among our kind, turning us against each other, eventually lessening our numbers. It would be easier for them to swoop in and take several of us out when we are preoccupied with each other.”

  My chest felt heavy with the tension mounting in the air and I started biting my nails. Funny how I didn’t have that habit until a few months ago.


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