Tiger's Curse

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Tiger's Curse Page 1

by Collen Houck

  Summary: Kelsey is whisked away from a summer job to the continent of India, where she encounters mythological creatures, supernatural beings, booby-trapped caves, and ancient ruins, and falls in love with a handsome prince cursed to take the form of a white tiger.

  The characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work is not endorsed, sanctioned, sponsored, reviewed, or approved by any of the companies that may be referenced. Any similarity to real persons, either living or dead, is coincidental

  and not intended by the author.

  For more information on theTiger series or the author, see the author’s website atcolleenhouck.com.

  Copyright © 2009 Colleen Houck

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1-4392-5043-X

  ISBN-13: 9781439250433

  Kindle ISBN: 978-1-61550-412-1

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2009908700

  Visitwww.booksurge.com to order additional copies.


  For the Lindas in my life

  One gave me the motivation to write

  And the other gave me the time

  Both I call sister

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Prologue The Curse

  Chapter 1 Kelsey

  Chapter 2 The Circus

  Chapter 3 The Tiger

  Chapter 4 The Stranger

  Chapter 5 The Plane

  Chapter 6 Mumbai

  Chapter 7 The Jungle

  Chapter 8 An Explanation

  Chapter 9 A Friend

  Chapter 10 A Safe Haven

  Chapter 11 The Cave of kanheri

  Chapter 12 Durga’s Prophecy

  Chapter 13 Waterfall

  Chapter 14 Tiger-Tiger

  Chapter 15 The Hunt

  Chapter 16 Kelsey’s Dream

  Chapter 17 A Beginning

  Chapter 18 Durga’s Temple

  Chapter 19 Hampi

  Chapter 20 Trials

  Chapter 21 Kishkindha

  Chapter 22 Escape

  Chapter 23 Six Hours

  Chapter 24 Endings

  Epilogue Shadow


  by William Blake

  Tiger! Tiger! burning bright

  In the forests of the night,

  What immortal hand or eye

  Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

  In what distant deeps or skies

  Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

  On what wings dare he aspire?

  What the hand dare seize the fire?

  And what shoulder and what art,

  Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

  And when thy heart began to beat,

  What dread hand and what dread feet?

  What the hammer? what the chain?

  In what furnace was thy brain?

  What the anvil? what dread grasp

  Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

  When the stars threw down their spears,

  And watered heaven with their tears,

  Did he smile his work to see?

  Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

  Tiger! Tiger! burning bright

  In the forests of the night,

  What immortal hand or eye

  Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


  The prisoner stood with his hands tied in front of him, tired, beaten, and filthy, but with a proud back befitting his royal heritage. The man seated before him on a lavishly carved, gilded throne was Lokesh, his future father-in-law. Lokesh wore a golden diadem on his head and had a gaudy jeweled ring adorning each of his broad, stubby fingers. Though his hair was still black, his beard showed signs of graying and fine wrinkles showed when he narrowed his eyes.

  The magnificent throne was draped with a rich purple brocade, and thick, comfortable pillows were scattered nearby should there be a need to soften the hard planes of its golden surface. The throne sat on a dais that was nestled adjacent to the room’s only wall.

  Tall white pillars surrounded the room and stood like mighty sentinels, providing support for the ornately

  carved ceiling painted gold and textured with symmetrical scrolls and whorls. Sheer cream-colored draperies were the only barriers separating this part of the palace from the jungle, and even they were pulled back, in hopes that an errant breeze would slip through to cool the air on this sweltering day.

  Lokesh’s palace was built on the outskirts of a tropical jungle full of evergreens and deciduous trees. It was rampant with wildlife. The calls of birds could be heard clearly as they flew nearby.

  The prisoner, Alagan Dhiren, was the prince of a mighty Indian kingdom called Mujulaain. Technically, his current title wasPrince and High Protector of the Mujulaain Empire , but he still thought of himself as

  just Ren. His father had plans to step down soon and leave him, the eldest son, the responsibilities of the kingdom and of its people.

  The fact that Lokesh, the raja of the small neighboring kingdom of Bhreenam, was his captor was not as shocking as seeing who was sitting next to him. Occupying a smaller but still ornate chair was Kishan, Ren’s younger brother, and in another chair sat Yesubai, Ren’s fiancée. Ren looked calmly at all three of them. Only Lokesh returned his gaze. He raised one eyebrow, curious to know what was going to happen next.

  Lokesh turned to his soldiers and abruptly barked, “Remove yourselves!”

  His piercing words echoed around the great hall, a startling contrast to the silence a moment ago. The soldiers instantly obeyed and quickly filed out, leaving the four of them alone. Their dirty boots left a filthy

  trail on the sparkling white tile. Ren looked at the trail and thought dryly,Mother would never have allowed our soldiers to behave with such blatant disregard for her home.

  Lokesh grunted then shifted slightly in his seat to face the man meant to marry his daughter.

  Ren spoke first, saying softly, “My soon-to-be father, why have you treated me with such…inhospitality


  With a disdainful smile, Lokesh tilted his head to the side and replied, “My dear Dhiren, you have something that I desire.”

  Allowing just a portion of his incredulity to show, Ren said, “Nothingyou could want can justify the murder of my guards! Are our kingdoms not to be joined? Everything I have has been at your disposal.

  You needed only to ask.Why have you done this?”

  “Plans…change. It seems that Kishan here has a…” his eyes glittered as he chuckled in delight, “desire to take my daughter forhis bride, and he has promised me certainremunerations if I help him achieve this goal.”

  Ren glanced at Kishan, amazed that this could be true. Kishan’s eyes were fixed to the floor, indicating that what Lokesh was sayingwas true. He turned his attention to Yesubai, who, with cheeks aflame, assumed a demure, submissive pose with her head bowed.

  Quickly surmising what must have happened, Ren determined that this had partly been his own fault.


  arranged marriage to Yesubai was supposed to have ushered in an era of peace between the two kingdoms. He had, however, been away for the last four months overseeing military operations on the far

  side of the empire and had left his brother to watch over the kingdom. His mouth turned up at the corner in sardonic humor.I guess Kishan was watching a little bit more than just the kingdom.

  The next words Lokesh spoke pulled Ren out of his reflections as he said, “Of course, if you were to agree to surrender the Mujulaain fortsand if you were willing to turn overall of your treasure to me, including your piece of the Damon Amulet, I might be persuaded to allow you to live.”

  Ren said simply, “
My father’s armies would destroy you if you killed me.”

  Lokesh laughed deviously. “He certainly would not destroy his other son or his son’sfamily . We will simply tell him that you were the victim of an unfortunate accident.”

  Ren felt no fear, only a deep anger displayed by the tightening of his fists. Lokesh stroked his short, sparse, stippled beard, then clarified, “Of course, you understand, that even should I allow you live,I will be the raja ofboth kingdoms.Nothing will prevent that now.” He chuckled portentously to himself. “I suppose I could just kill you andtake the amulet, but, unfortunately, I don’t know where it is.” A nefarious smile spread across his face and his eyes tightened shrewdly. “You may speak. Itamuses me to watch people beg for their lives.”

  Ren had no doubt that Lokesh intended to follow through with his plans. He thought to himself,How could my perceptions of the man’s character have been so flawed? Lokesh’s accomplished and compelling persona had fooled Ren and his family.

  Kishan had been carefully studying Lokesh as well and had come to the same conclusion. He leaned toward Lokesh and protested, “Ithought we had an arrangement. I only brought him to you because you swore that you would not kill him!”

  Lokesh shot out his hand as quickly as a snake and grabbed Kishan’s wrist. Kishan was a young, powerful man and though Lokesh appeared older and frail; Kishan could not break the man’s hold.

  Grinning with a sinister, saccharine smile, Lokesh said, “I have nowamended our arrangement. Your brotherwill be killed if he does not comply with my wishes, andyou willnever marry my daughter unless you hand over your piece of the amulet to me.”

  Kishan faced the old man, and with a dangerous edge to his voice, said, “Yesubaiwill be mine.”

  Lokesh spat back, “Iwill tell you what is yours and what isn’t. This private arrangement of ours can easily be revoked, and I can have Yesubai married to a different man. A man ofmy choosing.”

  Kishan narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

  Cackling, Lokesh continued, “Perhaps an old sultan would cool her hot blood. If you desire to remain close to Yesubai, you will remain silent.” Lokesh hissed and squeezed Kishan’s wrist until it cracked loudly. After twisting it almost to the point of breaking, he finally stretched out his fingers and opened his

  hand, dropping Kishan’s arm. Flexing his fingers and slowly rolling his wrist, Kishan sat back in his chair.

  He made eye contact with his brother, and an unspoken message passed between them.

  Ren analyzed his situation. He and his brother would deal with each other later, but Lokesh’s actions meant war, and the needs of the kingdom were a priority for both brothers. Composing his face, Ren narrowed his eyes with determination and raised his head.

  “I am surprised you learned of the amulet’s existence, but I promise you that our pieces of the Damon Amulet will never be yours! Under no condition would I ever beintimidated to give it to you, or to anyone

  else.” He rebuked curtly, “No matterwhat the sacrifice.”

  Staring at Dhiren with a hooded gaze and a menacing smile, Lokesh said, “Ah, well, you see, Kishan has

  already agreed to hand his piece of the amulet over after he marries my daughter. I assure you that Iwill have yours as well, even if I have to kill you or both of them to get it. If you give it to me now, I promise that you will all go free.”

  Ren shook his head and gestured to his brother. “Kishan…can promise whatever he wishes, butmy portion of the amulet will remain in my possession until my death.”

  “Impudent boy! Yourdeath can easily be arranged!” Crimson fire swept over Lokesh’s mottled face, and his angry voice stabbed, “Youdare not to give me what I ask for?” Obsession pumped up Lokesh’s neck, throbbed at his temple, and settled behind his black, serpentine eyes. Those same eyes dissected Dhiren’s face, probing, assessing for weakness.

  Staring fearlessly back into Lokesh’s livid face, Ren said, “You have fooled us all. You are like a coiled cobra that has been hiding in his basket and waiting for the moment to strike.” He widened his glance to include his brother and his fiancée. “Don’t you see? Your actions have freed the viper, and we are bitten.

  His poison now runs through our blood, destroying everything.”

  Ren looked at Yesubai and softly accused, “Bai, did you ever care for either one of us, or did you conspire with your father to tear our kingdom apart?” A tear slowly fell down Yesubai’s face as she opened her mouth to answer, but then shook her head in denial and closed her eyes, causing more tears to drop onto her smooth, pink cheeks.

  He then turned toward his brother. He knew his brother’s heart.At least in regards to duty . Despite this situation, he knew that Kishan would never betray the kingdom, but the game must be played to its conclusion. He gestured dramatically and said, “Kishan, this deed sickens my heart. Will you not return to clasp my hand in brotherhood?” Kishan acted his part well; he scowled back at Ren, then turned his head and stared stonily out at the jungle.

  Ren sighed deeply in affected resignation, tightened his jaw, and flatly said to Lokesh, “Do with me what

  you will. There is nothing you can do to me that will force me to hand over the amulet to a malignant despot such as you. I willnot tell you where it is.”

  Lokesh sprung from his seat, approached Ren quickly, and struck him hard across his face with the back of his hand. The rings on his stumpy fingers gouged into Ren’s cheekbone, leaving a jagged trail of deep, bloody scratches.

  “Insolence!” The sound echoed from the great hall out into the jungle where it disturbed a flock of myna


  Lokesh’s hot, spicy breath fanned out across Dhiren’s face as he leaned in close to whisper, “Perhaps you are unaware that I have some power of my own, even without the amulet! Youdare to manifest this obstinate belligerence tome ? I offer you a choice one last time. Relinquish your piece to me!”

  Ren said nothing. He faced his brother, who was staring thoughtfully at Yesubai. Then, he adjusted his stance, raised himself up to his full height before Lokesh, and challenged him by saying…nothing. He stood there calm, noble, and defiant.

  Lokesh screamed, “So be it!”

  He pulled a shiny knife with a jeweled hilt from his robe and roughly yanked up the sleeve of Ren’s, once beautiful but now filthy, white Jodhpuri coat. The ropes twisted on Ren’s wrists, and he grunted in pain, then sucked in his breath as Lokesh drew the knife across Ren’s arm. The cut was deep enough that blood welled up, spilled over the edge, and dripped onto the tiled floor. Lokesh tore a circular wooden talisman with a curious engraving from around his neck and allowed Ren’s blood to drip from the knife onto the charm. The wood absorbed the blood, and the engraved symbol glowed an intense red.

  Ren assessed his situation. He wasn’t in mortal danger yet, and he needed time to think. He would have tried to escape already, but his hands were still painfully bound, and he was weak from the beatings of the soldiers and the many days without food or drink. The soldiers were close and could be called back in an instant. He was fairly sure that he and Kishan could escape, but Yesubai…complicated things.

  Lokesh began to twirl the talisman’s chain between his fingers and softly chant to himself. His eyes sparkled with malicious glee as the charm began spinning on its own, slowly at first, and then faster and faster. It started to pulse, and an unnatural white light bubbled up from it and grew, expanding and filling

  the space between the two men.

  Ren screamed as his body suddenly became inflamed with a prickly heat. The white light shot toward him with groping fingers that pierced his chest with sharp, tearing pain and clawed its way through his body.

  He heard a shout, “Lokesh! Stop!”

  Ren cracked open his eyes and glimpsed Kishan struggling to wrest the knife from Lokesh. Lokesh shoved him roughly to the floor, but Kishan had successfully seized the knife. Quickly turning to Ren, he began sawing at the ropes that bound his brother’s hand
s. As the ropes fell to the floor, they heard Yesubai scream and looked up in time to see her fall to the ground hard.

  She had tried to pull her father away, but he shoved her back viciously. When she fell, her head hit the dais with a horrible crack. Lokesh turned his attention back to the talisman. Taking up the chant once again, he walked toward Dhiren.

  Forgotten for a moment, Kishan quickly moved over to Yesubai. He gently picked up her hand, caressed it, and then stroked his fingertips from her forehead down her cheek. Grief and crippling despair

  welled up inside him as he realized that her neck had broken. Stroking her hair with a trembling, tentative

  hand, he whispered softly, “Dayita, my love.” He picked up her limp body, clutched her in his arms, and rocked back and forth. He stayed with her for another brief moment, long enough to observe the change in her eyes. Her lively and bright violet orbs had lost the spark of life and were now dead and glassy.


  was gone.

  Kishan felt like he was under water, drowning and incapable of speech. His movements were slow, and the sounds of struggle felt murky and distant. He knew he needed to help his brother, but he couldn’t bear to move away from her. Then he heard the hum. It began reverberating through the air, growing louder each moment. Kishan covered his ears, unsteadily got to his feet, and turned back to confront Lokesh.

  Tears blurred his vision as he leapt toward the man and howled out in suffering and fury. Lokesh had anticipated this action, however, and twisted to turn the spell’s power on Kishan as well. He was delighted to see that the spell had worked on both brothers at the same time. He hadn’t been completely sure it would, but the blood ties were strong enough that it encompassed them both.


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