A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5) Page 5

by C. P. Mandara

  Jenny watched as the vet lubricated the plugs which rested on the seat of the latex, currently beneath her legs, and tested the mechanisms. A faint whirring sound could be heard as they began to hum and shudder, and before long they began to grow in size, both in length and width. They were constructed in flexible black plastic and looked like they could do internal damage. She trembled and tried not to watch as he tweaked the dildos this way and that, watching them inflate and deflate on cue. They would be inside her soon, but strangely enough, the thought was not abhorrent. Her pussy was already clenching in its eagerness to receive them. As the two men pulled the suit up around her thighs one of the plugs gave the merest tickle upon her sex and she moaned with fervent need. Directing her hips downward in order to try and rub herself against one of the dildos, she was immediately thwarted in her attempts by a swift slap from the vet who quickly aligned both of the sculpted black shafts with the correct penetrable holes. She purred. Embarrassingly, when he pushed them forward they began to slide smoothly into place, both of her entrances having been already lubricated by the previous skilled antics of Domingo and Armand.

  Mark stroked the strands of Jenny's fine ebony hair and watched the vet's progress with interest. He wasn't going to have a battle on his hands with the fitting, surprisingly enough. He had expected Miss Redcliff to claw, kick and scream the place down, but no, here she was mewling like a kitten. He watched her eyes flutter closed as her neck tried to arch back in pleasure, though the movement was hampered by the thick white collar she wore. He gave her backside a small tap with the crop. It was enough to have her eyes springing open and they quickly darted up to his to display their venom. 'You know better. Keep those eyes open. Everyone wants to see how much you're enjoying the Albrecht experience.' Scowling at him she could do nothing to curtail her immediate reaction, and as her eyes widened searing heat flooded her cheeks. 'That's exactly it,' Mark winked at her, and smiled when her lips compressed in anger.

  The vet, meanwhile, had finally encountered resistance with the last inch of both insertables. In order to combat the pony-girl's tight anal walls he began to pump them inside her with a slow and gentle rhythm. Taking a small tube out of his pocket he applied a little more lubrication on the anal plug for good measure.

  Jenny was torn between a desire to suck the dildos inside her or try to fight her base instincts and rebel. As her eyes flickered upward to look dubiously in those of Mark's, she already knew what a futile endeavour resistance would be. The man in front of her was a cold-blooded as a snake and his eyes were already drifting away from her. She meant nothing to him. She was a number, one face in a stable full of beautiful female forms or an object that needed to be honed to perfection. That was all. She couldn't, wouldn't endure life like that with him, even if it was only a few more hours until her rescuers would finally manage to locate her. It would be intolerable. Pretty Boy she could handle. With Mark, she would be lost and she had a feeling that she might never find herself again. Snapping back to the present she grunted as the plugs finally slotted home inside her. Her clit was then manipulated carefully between the vet's fingers and inserted between two soft rubber 'ears' that held it firmly in place. Then the tugging began in earnest...

  The latex rippled across her body. It devoured inch by slow inch of pale, smooth flesh into its hungry jaws until there was only a sea of black rubber to seen. The material felt tight and suffocating but Jenny was so exhausted by the day's activities that she didn't have an ounce of fight left in her to halt its progress. As her limbs were worked this way and that to accommodate the slick fabric her head reeled. Where was her escape ticket? Had she really been abandoned to this life of sexual servitude? It was certainly starting to feel like it. It was entirely possible that unless she managed to engineer a way out herself, she would remain a pony-girl at Albrecht until such time as someone chose to purchase her. But what if there were no buyers? Would she remain here forever? Mark's previous offer now seemed a whole lot more palatable than life as a dumb animal, trussed up tight and paraded daily around a paddock. She'd rather be a personal sex-slave than endure life with the mud, slop and straw.

  The suit began to take hold of her body and its tight confinement was both frightening and exciting. Her thoughts were mush inside her head. One moment she was certain rescue would come, in the next she was convinced it wouldn't. She knew her relationship with her father wasn't good, but she didn't think he hated her enough to arrange to have her kidnapped! Was this all a mistake? It seemed to have been engineered very shrewdly, right from the beginning when she first entered the Pony Rides hotel. That in itself didn't mean her father was responsible; it could have been any one of a number of people - but did anyone really hate her enough to do this to her? It was a crazy thought and no definite answer was forthcoming. Yes, she had been a tease to men but she had also given them what they wanted. She wasn't aware of any of her previous boyfriends holding a grudge of this kind of magnitude against her.

  The rubber crept up towards her clamped breasts. Mark lightly tugged on the chain which still connected them and smiled when he heard her gasp.

  'You had better remove those,' said the vet. 'Her suit has specially formulated plastic cups which will knead and manipulate her breasts. It also features its own pair of nipple clamps, angled within the cups, which will tighten and release at regular intervals to torment its victim. Some of our ponies find nipple torment one of the easiest ways to achieve orgasm. We'll be watching Petal closely to see if she is one of them.'

  Mark did as he was bid and slowly released each of the pretty, filigree clamps that she wore. He admired her face as a delicious look of anguish began to take form. The blood would slowly flow back into those tortured teats and they would throb rather nastily for the next few minutes, he suspected. She wouldn't suffer for too long. They would be replaced by her new ones very shortly.

  Jenny felt her boobs being almost sucked into her brand new outfit and when the rubberised plastic moulded to her cleavage in a horribly stiff and unyielding matter, she cried out. It was more from shock than real pain, though. Her whole body was being condensed into this skin-tight bodysuit and her heart rate and breathing were already erratic in panic.

  'Now for a little nip. Brace yourself.' The vet simply pinched the tips of two rubber domes in front of him, causing Jenny's compacted breasts to move forward, before he released the twin clamps. The pony in front of him hissed and her eyes watered as two wide pincers bore down upon her tender teats, but the threat of the crop being dangled in front of her eyes made sure she remained motionless.

  'Since when do you get to have all the fun?' Kyle had re-entered the room and was looking none too pleased upon having discovered he had missed half of the action. He glared darkly at Mark, who blithely ignored him and continued with his efforts of squeezing the trainee's arms into the corresponding holes of her suit.

  Jenny gave a few token squirms and wriggles under the hands of her tormentors, but with a good push and a few hard pulls she was immersed up to her neck. Mark drew the long zipper upwards, from just above the small of her back until it was fastened snugly at her neck. Taking pains not to catch the delicate skin of her throat, he tucked the ends into her thick white collar. Jenny decided then and there that she would never understand the inner workings of his mind. One minute he'd lash at her with a crop and in the next he was as gentle as a new-born lamb. What was with the man?

  'How does that feel? Not too tight?'

  It was horribly tight, but the vet wasn't really interested in an answer. He pulled her legs and arms this way and that, to make sure she had just about enough room to move, and then squeezed two fingers upon her wrist to feel for her pulse. 'Not too agitated. That's good.'

  How wrong could he be? She was disturbed all right. Her suit already felt tacky and sticky. She had no idea how she would be able to spend two days in the thing. It would be hotter than hell. She could feel the minute metal threads that ran up and down the length of it and wondered
what they were for. Whatever it was, she suspected she wouldn't like it. What with the new longer style plugs trapped inside her and the tubes and wires, she was beginning to feel like a robot who just needed a power source. An orgasmic power source, as her body already pulsed and contracted around them, seeking fulfilment. Tired as she was, her body was ridiculously greedy for release and it would have to wait two long days before the privilege might be granted. Still, it wasn't that long in the grand scheme of things, was it? It would be over before she knew it.

  'You may gag her now.' Jenny looked up as the vet indicated a ball-gag on his table which looked very familiar. Kyle was the nearest and practically ran to the table, fingers clamping swiftly around his prize, even though Mark had made no move for it.

  When he returned he grabbed her face in one hand and yanked her chin up. 'Do you find me attractive, Petal?' When the girl foolishly tried to shake her head he nodded it for her with a heavy hand. 'Everyone finds me attractive. That's why you picked me, isn't it?' Jenny didn't bother trying to shake her head this time, as she had no desire to feel her teeth rattle inside her head. 'I'm good at what I do, Petal. We'll make an awesome team. We might even get you that black collar in under a year, if we put our minds to it.' He flashed his brilliant white smile, which had been enhanced with a considerable amount of dentistry, and turned his face around to wink at Mark. 'Bet you wished the girls loved you, huh?'

  Mark blinked slowly and decided he might grace Kyle with a modicum of his attention. 'No,' he sighed, 'I go to a considerable amount of trouble to make sure they do not love me. It saves whining and whinging later, I find.' There was a snicker of amusement from the gathered spectators.

  'You're missing out, man. If the ladies love you, they worship you. You don't have to love 'em back.'

  'Thank you for your psychological perceptions on love, Kyle. Are you going to gag the pony, or can I gag you instead?'

  In response Kyle screwed his face up in annoyance and snorted. Mark's words did have the desired effect, however. He moved the gag to Petal's lips and pressed softly for entrance. He could be gentle when there was an audience to please.

  He couldn't resist bending down to whisper in the trainee's ear, 'Do you remember meeting me last night at the stables, Petal? I had a lovely gag for you, just like this one.' Watching her eyes widen in confusion as she began to piece the jigsaw together he raised his voice and continued, 'This is how you'll remain in my presence.' He had stopped speaking with his heavy southern drawl and waited to see if any recognition would dawn. It did. She foolishly gasped and while that gave Kyle all the answer he needed, it also gave him a great opportunity to shove the ball-gag to the back of her throat. 'Whether by bit, ball or my cock, you'll never get the chance to use your vocal chords for anything other than neighing and whinnying under my command. To be honest, you'll barely need to use your brain cells. All you need to do is follow my direction and be a good girl.' He patted her rump and grinned when she tried to paw and scream at him. 'Aren't you glad you picked me? We're going to have lots of fun together.'

  Jenny recoiled in horror from her assailant and a whopping great mistake that no amount of white-out would ever get rid of. She wondered if she could change her mind. Hell no. She'd take crazy over cold any day of the week. Jenny would have picked Kyle, who was clearly nuttier than a fruit cake, over Mark had he been the only other option. Yes, he was a fruit loop, but at least she wouldn't have to deal with a daily chemical imbalance in her hormone levels.

  The vet held up a circular black object and asked, 'Any volunteers?'

  Kyle whisked the thin black rubber disc out of the vet's hands and stretched the fabric in his hands, letting it snap back to its original shape in front of Petal's eyes. He laughed out loud when her head whipped back in shock. Wasting no time in getting to grips with the hood of her outfit, which was then dragged roughly over her head with a few hard yanks and tugs, he stood back to admire his handiwork. Tucking the ends of the latex hood smartly into place behind the thick white collar, her temporary disguise was complete. He ran his thumb over her rubberised cheek and took a theatrical bow for his audience before wheeling a free-standing mirror, which had been carefully concealed behind the trainee, in front of her humbled figure. He wondered how she would react. His bet was badly. All eyes in the room turned to stare at Petal's black, oily-looking body and waited expectantly for something to happen. They were not to be disappointed.

  It took Jenny a couple of seconds to comprehend exactly what was reflected in front of her. Firstly, because she had a very limited field of vision through her tiny eyehole slits, and secondly because everything swam in a black haze before her. When her eyes finally adjusted and she was able to make out a reasonably clear picture of herself, she just managed to hold back on what would have been an ear-splitting scream. She was no longer human. Albrecht stables had successfully managed to strip every ounce of humanity from her and turn her into the animal they desired.

  No one would be able to recognise her in the figure-hugging elastic prison she now wore, unless they had somehow managed to catalogue the size and shape of her breasts or ass, she thought with some measure of incredulity. The only apertures within her hood were the two small slits for her eyes and two round holes beneath her nostrils through which to breathe. Haltingly, she angled her eyes towards the mirror to witness the damage that been had been inflicted upon her.

  Immediately shrinking back in horror, Jenny simply stared at herself for what must have been a minute, perhaps more. She simply could not believe her eyes. Reflected in the mirror before her was a human horse, complete with perky rubberised ears. There was also a long, black, horse-hair tail dangling between her legs. She wanted to bawl her eyes out. The suit was now being sprayed and polished to a gleaming shine by both Domingo and Amand, who were having lots of fun with some aerosol canisters and a pair of dusters. At least someone was enjoying themselves, she thought acidly.

  There was little time to dwell on her predicament. Two long latex gloves were headed her way, the ends of which were adorned with a pretty accurate, if somewhat small, horse's hoof. Her hands were picked up by both Kyle and Mark and the fingers were bundled into fists. Her vision was beginning to tunnel at this point and only some of the goings-on around her registered within the dark recesses of her brain. This could not be happening. Slowly but surely the pair of lubricated hoof-mitts were worked up her hands. Even though her vision was sketchy she knew which side Kyle and Mark had taken by the way they accomplished their task. Mark was gentle and careful with each of her fingers as he squeezed them into the tight glove. Kyle was impatient. When the latex snagged and wouldn't move on his first attempt, he yanked upon her elbow with a fierce, hash tug. Hang on, that couldn't be right, could it? Mark was the sadist. He was the one who'd nearly crippled her with exhaustion and pain in the training room. Shaking her head to try and clear her clouded vision she eventually managed to confirm what she had already known. Mark was being kind, Kyle was being rough. Ah yes, but Kyle had been her tormenter yesterday evening. He'd fed her a sleeping tablet and gagged her for a whole evening. Nothing made sense any more. Was everybody twisted around here? Maybe she was going mad.

  When the hoof-mitts snapped into place they fell at an angle from her wrists, similar to how a real horse's hoof might appear. Once again her hands were useless. She knew it wouldn't be long before her boots and corset followed. Not content with having taken her speech, liberty and free will away, now they wanted to make her look like an animal too. A hysterical fit of spluttering and tears threatened to explode from the back of her throat. She just managed to hold it back, but the effort involved was nearly her undoing. The next thing she knew Kyle was coming at her with a knife, and for some reason the thought terrified her far more than it would have had Mark been the one wielding it. Instinct had her diving her head towards the floor, where she coiled up in the tightest ball she could manage. It was a protective manoeuvre and completely automatic, but when the whole room exploded wit
h laughter she felt the first of what could potentially be a monsoon of tears threaten to spill.

  Kyle dragged her up by a handful of her hair, and with his free hand he cut a slit in the front of her hood, aligned with the hole in the black ball which filled her mouth. The knife was quickly pocketed but Jenny did not feel in the least bit comforted.

  'You will be fed and watered through the hole in your gag. At meal times you will be presented with a tube which will give you a nutritious balance of all your daily vitamins and nourishment in liquid form. You are now at the mercy of the device and with its many sensors and careful response measurement it will not be a pleasant experience. Oh, the first hour will be entertaining enough, I'm sure, but after that you'll be, a little bit on edge, shall we say?' The veterinarian reeled off his information in a perfunctory manner and looked relieved that his job was nearly over. To finish, he held a narrow black rectangle in the air and all eyes bar Jenny's immediately focused upon the item. 'This is the remote control for Petal's suit. While the suit has an "auto pilot", if you will, it can also be directed by any individual who has charge of this little box. Speed, thrust, inflation, pain and electric shocks can all be delivered by the specific whim of her trainer. So, all that's left to be decided, is who would like to be the first to test her suit?' He waved the black box in the air for effect.


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