A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5) Page 10

by C. P. Mandara

  So to kill time until then, Jenny sucked. And sucked. And sucked. Number one must have spurted in record time because she felt she had barely begun before her mouth was filled with the salty taste of semen. She was so thirsty she welcomed any kind of liquid and greedily lapped the goo down.

  'Hungry little beastie, isn't she?' Dino watched appreciatively as Petal devoured his present, her lips smacking together as she savoured her tiny meal.

  'Aren't they all?' Kyle drawled the question lazily and indicated that the next man should take his place in line. Jenny was ready for him. Her mouth was already open and eager to receive the next contestant. Number two was big, hairy and smelt of pine forests. That was when the paddles came out. Even through her hood the sound of vigorous smacking echoed noisily against the brick walls of the barn. The air was filled with cracks, bangs and noisy squealing. She barely noticed, so focused was she on the impressive rod in front of her. The man now standing before her was a bit bigger and a good deal more forceful than the last. In order to accommodate the large girth of his member he used his hands on either side of her face to slam his cock repeatedly to the back of her throat. She didn't care. The suit had just started up again. Things began thrusting and jiggling very nicely. The paddle upon her backside was only a minor inconvenience. Heat was spreading all over her body and having her mouth impaled on the large monster was an impressive challenge to conquer.

  The girls around her were becoming far more vocal in their cries as the smacks of the paddle increased in both strength and volume. They were also shuffling around a lot more and even through her hood she could hear continuous rustle and crunch of hay as it moved around underneath them. It was a good thing she was made of stern stuff if this was to be her lot from now on. Concentrating on the long hard strokes as he plunged his cock back and forward, Jenny needed to do little but sit back and enjoy the ride. She kept her jaws carefully clamped around his member and sucked when she was able, drawing as little air in as necessary. With an explosive roar the man came in a gurgling fountain of fluid and she was two down, three to go.

  The suit was beginning to come into its own as number three, a rather slim and pathetic affair, nudged at her lips. This one smelt a little sweaty and tasted particularly salty, and she guessed it belonged to one of the stable hands. Her eye slits didn't get to admire faces, just stomachs as they were thrust in front of her. That was probably a good thing. As her tender nipples and breasts began to enjoy a soft massage she almost purred as her face twisted this way and that, trying to get the perfect angle with which to suck. This one lasted barely three minutes inside her talented mouth.

  'She's good, Kyle. She'll do you proud.' There was the sound of a zipper being refastened and a heavy thump on her head. 'Well done, filly. You'll get that black collar in no time.'

  Jenny would have growled at him, but another cock had already begun to fill her. Enormous, minty and rather frisky, it gave her plenty to think about. Especially as the stimulator had buzzed into life which in turn caused her to wiggle her ass to and fro, making Daniel have to work a little harder than his colleagues positioned around him. The blows rained down a little slower, but there was more force behind them. The grooms were getting tired. Jenny was oblivious to the pain her backside was experiencing but her fellow ponies were not. Snuffles and sobs of distress could now be heard down the line and it was obvious that more than a few backsides were suffering. There was more than one anxious whiney that flew through the air on a pained squawk.

  Hey, I'm doing my best here, Jenny thought, with a mouth stretched to its absolute limit and a body once again suffering the delights of intense arousal. At least the other girls only had a spanking to contend with. She, on the other hand, had the works. Her mouth was now dribbling with a mixture of saliva and semen, and her jaw was becoming tired. The effort of bobbing her head back and forth was taking its toll and her head felt heavier and stiffer with each passing thrust. Luckily number four had an agenda all of its own and managed to erupt with little effort on her part. As he came he kept his balls pressed tight into her chin and she couldn't breathe for the whole time it took him to climax. When he finally withdrew she had to quickly intake a big gulp of air and this had her choking upon his offering. Her eyes were watering yet again and there wasn't a tear in sight.

  'My turn,' said a familiar voice. 'Suck it up, Petal. It's time for the finale.' Kyle didn't even wait for the choking to subside. His hips thrust forward and his cock speared her throat in a single lunge. Jenny found herself unable to breathe yet again. The latex was becoming insufferably hot, her body was swishing and swaying in the throes of intense pleasure and her plastic hooves were pawing at the floor in panic. She needed air. Trying to pull her head back to suck in a breath, he countered her move by pushing forward and placing his hand on the back of her neck to keep her in place.

  'I know you can't inhale,' he said, even as she struggled to free herself from his captivity. 'I hold that power over you now. I can withhold the very air you breathe. Scary isn't it?'

  Jenny couldn't summon enough energy to nod her head, which was spinning and dancing with black spots due to her lack of oxygen. Kyle slid his member out of her throat slowly and watched as she gasped and spluttered.

  'I hold so much power over that body of yours; you'd do well to remember to please me.'

  Taking big, wheezing lungful's of air, Jenny managed a small nod. He patted her head as his cock rested carefully on her tongue.

  'So far you've managed quite well, but I can see you flagging, Pet. Let's put a little bit of enthusiasm into this, shall we?'

  The air all around her was now rife with gasps, whimpers and moans. The paddles were being thrown with some force and only Jenny still remained impervious to the agony her backside was receiving. Deciding to get her one final task of the evening over with, so she could get some food and rest in short order, she took a deep breath and dived forward, impaling herself on the mean monster before her. As she took him to the back of her throat she had the strangest suspicion of déjà vu. He smelt familiar. He also had a familiar taste and felt like he was trying to split her jaw in two. Trying to place together the tastes, smells and sensations in her head, her mind tried to piece together the puzzle. The trouble was, it was almost impossible to think with dildos thrusting about everywhere, a clitoris nearing the point of no return and a backside that had just started to feel like a ball in a ping-pong tournament. The pain was now beginning to bite and she let out a whine as Kyle began slowly thrusting back and forth inside her. She did heed his warning, her mouth tightening around him as hard as it could, making sure her tongue twisted its way around the head on each upstroke. Her jaw ached so badly that the effort of holding her mouth open was agony, but there would be no excuses with this man. She knew that instinctively. With each heavy stroke that passed along her tongue she began to regret her decision. Mark hadn't been this rough and at least he'd had a sense of humour. This one, although he had the look of an angel, appeared cruel and thoughtless in his actions. Time would tell, she guessed. Her backside stung. Her body felt like a shoal of fish were beginning to nibble and slurp at each nerve-ending. She was at sensory overload, and unfortunately it appeared that Kyle was in no hurry to spurt.

  The pony-girls around her were wiggling and writhing in desperate attempts to avoid the paddle. When Jenny managed to catch a glimpse of them it was to see tormented eyes, labouring breaths and several agonized looks of suffering, directed her way. I'm doing my best, she thought, as Kyle dragged his cock through her mouth yet again.

  In an effort to speed up the process and save her own ass, which was now a throbbing, raw mess, she took matters into her own hands and thrust her head forward to push him as far down her throat as she could manage. She let her lips compress around him as she squeezed him with her mouth. He moaned. Finally they were getting somewhere. Letting her head do all the work now and ignoring the pain she devoured him in long, hard strokes. She cared not that her throat would be bruised an
d sore after the event; she just needed him to end this. Back and forth he ploughed on, but by the looks of his hands, curled into tight fists by his side, he was close. Thank God. She couldn't last out much longer. Another heavy thrust forward with her face, and another. Please come, she begged inside her head. Then the sound that they had all been waiting for bellowed through the room.

  'Yessssssss,' Kyle yelled out as he twitched and thrashed about inside her, pumping madly into her throat. Jenny's head wanted to fall off the face of the earth she was so damned tired, but Kyle's cock pinioned her in place. Gurgling around it, trying to swallow the sticky goo before it congealed in her throat, she heard the rustle of buckles being unfastened and the swish of leather as belts were removed from waists.

  She didn't think she could take any more. Kyle had not softened inside her mouth. She hoped to hell he was not waiting for round two while her backside got a taste of Daniel's belt. Still, if he wanted to be cut in two she would happily oblige. He must have read her mind for his next words were:

  'If your teeth touch me in any way during your next ten strokes I will double them personally, and I won't be half as gentle as your little groom. Giddy up, guys!'

  The sharp sting of the belt shouldn't have taken Jenny by surprise, but the speed in which it was delivered was astounding. The grooms must have been lined up, belts in hand and ready to attack at his command. The shock managed to get her past strokes two and three, which landed in quick succession, but stroke four felt like someone was trying her slice her backside open. She could feel fresh tears welling in her eyes and prayed that Daniel would get this over with quickly. There was no way in hell that she could withstand ten of these and she pulled her sagging jaws open as wide as they would go in an effort to make sure she did not touch the forbidden fruit inside her.

  She felt Kyle's eyes boring down upon her. She knew instinctively that he was someone who would enjoy watching her suffer. He had a mad look about him now. A look that said he wanted to crush her, every last piece of sinew and bone, from the inside out. She'd seen that look before, and on her father no less.

  The rafters of the barn filled with the noise of sobbing girls. Bottoms jiggled and wriggled, trying to avoid the sharp bite of the belt, but not a one escaped their vicious trajectory. The grooms were far too practiced in their task. As the fifth and sixth strokes bore down Jenny joined them in their cries, but barely realised she had been sobbing until the latex of her hood began to stick to her face. The seventh stroke fell and she felt a moment's pride, knowing her teeth had sat perfectly still and that her mouth hadn't moved a millimetre. Her backside was on fire. It was swaying and bouncing with the rest of the rounded rumps, but it did little to lessen the pain.

  Only three more to go, she consoled herself as she kept count of each stroke in her head. As the next slap of the belt hit her she could feel her teeth trying to snap together in agony. Just two more to go - two more and this was all over. Her body was nearing the point of no return and she knew that any second now the suit would stop and leave her cold turkey, sweating, panting and crying. That might actually hurt more than the belt. She had no idea how many times she'd neared the point of no return, only to be summarily returned and each time made her a little more despondent than the last. It was hard to retain focus when your body was shooting hormones and endorphins all over the place. Revenge was beginning to take a backseat and self-pity could well win the race for supremacy.

  The ninth and penultimate stroke had the stables in fits of hysterics, and she was no exception. It was all she could do to ensure her teeth didn't dismember her trainer. Feeling the familiar quickening of her body as the dildos drilled and pumped, she braced herself for the final stroke but hadn't counted on how hard it would be. All of the girls shot forward as the last slam of the belts hammered down and some of them landed nose-first in the hay, their bright red buttocks quivering in dismay at the unpleasant treatment they had just received.

  Jenny did not have the option of falling over. As she surged forward she managed to impale herself upon Kyle, and when the thrill of it all sent her body tumbling into the land of climax her suit gave her clit a vicious nip. Crying tears of agony, not even able to let forth a scream, shock had her biting down automatically. Even though she quickly pulled her jaws apart she knew there would be trouble by the dark look in his eyes.

  He glowered at her dangerously and withdrawing swiftly, let her drop to the floor with the rest. 'That's two marks towards a dungeon visit, Petal. You have yet to impress.'

  Rolling over, coughing and spluttering, she got to her knees to find Kyle's whisky-coloured eyes devouring her in a most unpleasant fashion. They were angry beacons of flame and they signalled trouble. 'I think you can spend the night in one of the stalls to contemplate the error of your ways, P.' Clipping a long silver chain on the front D-ring of her collar, he directed her towards the back of the barn with a series of vicious tugs.

  Trying to crawl, but discovering that every last semblance of energy had fled from her body, Jenny had to be content with a half drag, half crawl type motion. The latex appeared to be made of strong stuff for there was no snagging or tearing as she made her way, mostly on her stomach, across the large expanse of prickly hay and through a solid oak door to one of the small stalls at the rear of the sleeping quarters.

  It featured four brick walls and a floor strewn with straw, much like the outside barn. There was a high wooden shelf that ran around the room and items such as rope, cuffs, chains, clamps and crops were residing on its benign surface. There were no windows and a single light bulb, otherwise unadorned, hung from the ceiling. Its light blinded Jenny for a moment, before she got her bearings.

  Two long tubes fell from the middle of the rear wall, one grey and one red. It took her a moment of puzzling to discern what they were. When Kyle came at her with the ball-gag she remembered the earlier comment the vet had made. 'You will be fed and watered through the hole in your gag.' Marvellous, the food at Albrecht had just managed to get worse, if that were at all possible.

  She was so deadbeat she barely even cared about food at this point. Sleep was calling and a yearning for blissful unconsciousness was her only need, want and desire at this moment in time. As usual, though, her wants had little to do with anything. Her face was pulled upwards and her jaw gripped tightly in Kyle's capable hands. The rubber ball was then slotted back into her mouth and fastened tightly behind her head. Her jaw felt like it had been sawn in two and split apart. Wasn't much point in moaning either, because little sound was going to get through the rubber ball that now completely filled her oral cavity.

  'What would you like for dinner, Pet? A nice juicy steak? Fried chicken and chips? Probably not posh enough for the likes of you, is it? How about duck a l'orange or lobster thermidor?'

  Jenny did moan then; she couldn't help it at the thought of savouring anything that had an ounce of taste or crisp texture.

  'No thoughts on the matter, huh?' He grinned evilly at her. 'Guess you'll have to make do with delicious vitamin goo.' Then the awful man came at her with one of the long tubes on the back wall and Jenny simply didn't have the strength to fight him.

  When Kyle inserted the feeding tube through the hole located in the front of her gag and fed it down into her windpipe, a whirring sound could be heard before the liquid burbled up the tube and trickled slowly down the back of her throat. It was tepid and tasteless. She'd have rather eaten mush, and that was saying something. Having no option but to swallow the awful stuff down, after ten minutes or so she felt her stomach begin to swell due to the volume of water now inside her. She had no idea how long it took for the tube to stop pouring its sludge into her stomach, but she was very relieved when it finished and Kyle unthreaded the tube from her lips. It left her throat sore and scratchy.

  Curling up into a little ball, she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. She could barely keep her eyes open after the day's rigorous events and the machinations of her suit. T
hat one small privilege was not to be hers, however. Kyle began fastening metal ratchets around the base of her limbs. Jenny was only half comatose as he did so, but she could hear the sound of the handcuff levers as they secured each ankle and wrist.

  'I think we'll leave you with a hogtie for your first night under my gentle command.'

  Jenny did manage to hear that and snorted her thoughts on the matter.

  'Quite,' Kyle agreed, entirely without humour. He pulled her wrists and ankles back behind her prone body and connected them at a point in the middle of her back. It would not be a comfortable position to sleep in, but then, she guessed that was why he was doing it.

  'I shall leave you in your stall to contemplate your new life as my trainee, and can only hope you manage to perform better, tomorrow. I'm sure that with the right encouragement you'll be zooming towards that black collar in no time. Isn't that right, Petal?'

  She knew he was waiting for a response, and as she was gagged the only thing she could do was nod her head awkwardly in response. She hoped that would suffice.

  'I'm glad we understand each other.' There was a soft rustle of hay, a jangle of his spurs as he turned to leave the tiny cell and the rapid snick of a key in a lock. He obviously wanted to make sure she wasn't going anywhere. She was trussed in more metal than the average police officer carried, and with the addition of her four hooves, escape was currently the last thing on her mind. What was on her mind, and rather frighteningly so, was the fact that she'd recognised the jangling noise of his spurs. Where had she heard that before? It was important. As her suit fired into life for the umpteenth time that day and the dildo in her ass began inflating in earnest, she had an epiphany. The pyramid plug. Oh God, that really hadn't been Mark. It was him! Levison was her sadist. Oh crap, crap, crap. It appeared she'd just gone and made yet another colossal fuck-up. What on earth was she going to do now?


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