A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5) Page 22

by C. P. Mandara

  Having finished the last bite of her sandwich she slowly licked her lips and then replied in the affirmative.

  'You mustn't antagonize him. He'll rip you to shreds with only the slightest provocation.' Mark shook his head and ground his teeth together, but then he couldn't resist a smile. 'How did you do it?'

  Jenny snorted in response, a little happier now the lidocaine had begun to take effect and said, 'He chained me up in one of the cells in the barn. He made sure I was standing, so it would be impossible for me to go to sleep, and he left the light on. I wanted to try and get some sleep, so I used the chain to try and scale the wall and knock the light bulb out. Unfortunately it was virtually impossible wearing hoof mitts, but I did manage to rip the anchor point from the wall. Lucky for me the floor was covered in hay. After a good search I found a pebble and had about half an hour's fun with it until I broke the bulb. Next morning I balanced on a couple of the cuff restraints, beside the door, and waited for his arrival. I'm only sorry I didn't get him on both sides.' She sighed. 'How long have I got left in this suit?'

  Mark shook his head in exasperation, but he looked at his watch and said, 'About twenty minutes is my best guess.'

  'Thank God,' she whispered.

  'I'm going to put this antibiotic cream on you and dress the wound. I'll remove the top half of your suit and finish the rest when your belt unlocks itself. You OK with that?' He stroked her sodden hair, which hadn't fared well under the tight stricture of the latex hood. 'After that I'll give you a good sponge down. How does that sound?'

  'It's about as good as it gets around here,' she whispered.

  He snorted and couldn't help a smile as he severed the latex in strips and layered the antibiotic cream all over her scoured flesh. 'Haven't lost your sense of humour I see. That's a good thing I guess.' Compressing his lips together he worked on securing her dressing with surgical tape. It wasn't long before he had managed to carry her off the cube and set her down on the blanket, ready for a good rubdown. He left her for a few minutes, coiled up in a heap on the floor, while he sourced some warm water, a sponge and some soap. When he came back she was nearly asleep despite the fact that the suit had begun humming once more.

  'Come on, just get to all fours for me and we'll be done and dusted in no time. Then you can go to sleep.' He began folding up the blanket beneath her. She managed to obey him, but her legs were shaking with the effort. Careful to avoid her dressing, he lathered her sticky flesh with sweet lavender soap, and using soothing strokes carefully cleaned her upper body. He then soaped her hair and massaged her scalp between his fingers. Her eyes kept flickering open and shut as he worked.

  Before the suit had managed to do any real damage in its next round of torture it gave off a series of beeps before the unravelling of a locking mechanism could be heard. Using his penknife and swift fingers he peeled off the remaining latex, drawing the plugs out of her pussy and ass with the utmost care. She was red and sore. There was a reason why the suits were not designed to be worn for long periods. Applying a generous amount of lubricant to both her pussy and ass, he worked on repairing the damage the suit had wreaked upon her. Most things would heal nicely within a day, but some would stay with her for a week or more. Anger simmered brightly on the stove of retribution. He would get even for this. He might not deliver it personally, but he would make sure Kyle paid for his mess in full.

  Sluicing the now tepid water down her hair and back, he gave her a thorough rinse before drying her with a couple of the softest towels he could find. The endorphins running through her body would make even the lightest of touches feel like a vicious scrape. When she groaned underneath his hands he patted her down gently and whispered soothing words in her ear. She shook her head, indicating she did not want to hear them.

  'I don't suppose I can change my mind and get you back?' The fact that she laughed indicated she knew it would be impossible.

  He smiled sadly and shook his head as she knew he would, while his fingers caressed her cheek in sympathy.

  'I'm sorry,' she whispered.

  He raised his eyes at her in puzzlement. 'Sorry for what?'

  'Sorry that I didn't pick you for my trainer. I thought it was you in the training room that day, when I was on the sybian...' her voice choked and tailed off.

  'How did you not know...?' Mark's teeth snapped shut. 'He had you blindfolded?'

  She nodded.

  'Well, doesn't that explain a few things,' he said, gritting his teeth. 'How did you find out it was him?'

  She gave a low growl. 'Sound of his spurs. I recognised them from the room that day and I remembered that during the whole scene on the sybian no one had uttered a word. When I pieced it back together, what you'd said afterwards finally made sense. I thought you were nuts at the time.' She gave him a wry grin.

  'I might still be, but I wasn't guilty of that. You have my word.' He rubbed her lower back in calming circles.

  'I know,' she murmured. 'Kyle's a madman. You can see it in his eyes.'

  'I'm inclined to agree with you,' he said, nodding.

  'Can you get me out of this mess?' Her voice was stained with salty tears and mucus, but the vehemence behind it was enough for him to know she was serious.

  'I don't know,' he answered truthfully. 'I could try, but there are no guarantees. The earlier terms haven't changed, either. You'd have to commit to being a personal slave and I'm not sure that would suit you at all well. It involves plenty of training, perhaps even more so than you would endure here and most of the time you would be trapped between four walls. You'd need to complete at least a term of servitude before any thought to your release would be given, and I'm talking five or ten years here. It's a long time. Besides, I'd want a willing slave. If you enter into my household you'd have to be prepared to serve of your own accord. You're of no use to me otherwise.' He drew in a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.

  'Would you feed me something other than porridge?' There was no disguising the disgust in her voice at the thought of another breakfast at Albrecht.

  He laughed. 'No, but you'd be fed scraps from the table and you'd always eat last. You'd get the occasional treat, but your personal exercise regime would be just as demanding as it is here. You need lots of stamina to serve as a submissive. You'd have no rights, you'd do everything I told you to, you'd still sleep on the floor and you'd have the additional duties of cleaning and cooking. I do not think the life would suit you.' He looked apologetic but firm.

  'Do you think the life of a pony-girl would suit me better?' Her eyebrows raised in question.

  'No,' he said, 'I don't think you're cut out for submissive duty, although your body might beg to tell you otherwise. It's a shame.'

  'I want to serve you. As your house-slave, servant, whatever you want to call it. I'll do everything you tell me to, without question, although you should note I'm an awful cook. I can burn baked beans.' Jenny rambled on in an effort to put forward her plea in the best light possible. 'I can be obedient. I promise. Take me on as an apprentice and if I put a single foot wrong you can always ship me back here. That would be threat enough to behave, wouldn't it?'

  'It's not as easy as that. What reassurances would I have that you wouldn't try and escape? Now you've seen our world we can't have you running to the Sunday tabloids at any given opportunity. The powers-that-be would see it as a dangerous proposition.'

  'Then do something to make sure I can't. Whatever you need to do to make them accept your proposal, I'll agree to. I mean anything because anything is better than this. I can't stay here another day. I can't live like this.'

  'That, unfortunately, is not your choice to make, but after having seen what Kyle's done to your back I've arranged for you to be shipped off to your little vacation slightly earlier than planned. You'll have forty-eight hours away from the beast, rather than the original twenty-four.' When Jenny trembled he ruffled her hair and said, 'It can't be any worse than spending another couple of days with Kyle, that's for certain.' She ha
d to nod in acquiescence.

  'Right, enough talking. You're dead on your feet.' Laying the blanket back down on the floor for her to settle on he said, 'Anything I can get you before you nod off?'

  Jennifer Redcliff looked down at the floor, chewing her lip, and it was obvious she was debating her next question. She finally summoned up the courage she needed and her lips parted. 'May I bring myself to orgasm, Sir? Please?'

  The whispered plea was almost heart-breaking. It showed just what a state the suit had left her in, for her first wish to be that of sating herself rather than sleep. He gave her a wry laugh and sat on the edge of the Objectifier. 'Lay over my lap and I'll get you where you want to go, Pet.'

  No sooner had he said the words than her backside flew over his legs. Even though her upper back was now covered the word Kyle's in angry red lettering on an otherwise pristine bed of creamy white flesh had embedded itself in his brain. The image caused his fingers to twitch, but he swiftly diverted his attention from it. There would be time to sort Kyle out later.

  Although not a finger had touched her she squirmed in heat upon his lap. She was an impatient one and exhausted or not, she was clearly in heat. He let her squirm a bit more, building up a nice level of anticipation inside her already sex-starved body before he allowed her the pleasure of feeling his hands upon her backside. He didn't need to spank her. The marks she'd acquired over the last few days were numerous and if he just pressed his fingernails lightly upon them she immediately gasped. Her skin was already super-sensitive, so he just ran his hands up and down the globes of her ass, lingering between her inner thighs, stroking and caressing the tips of her legs whilst careful to avoid her sex. He palpated her delectable ass cheeks in his hand, over and over, admiring their lovely curves. A light stroke of her lower back, a soft pinch to her inner thigh and she was panting in very short order. Rubbing a finger around the tight virginal hole of her backside he coated it with the excess lube that had spilled out from his cleansing session.

  'I'm going to finger you. In your ass. It's going to be a little uncomfortable at first, but if you're a good girl and ride with it I'll reward you with an orgasm. We clear?'

  She nodded. It wasn't as if she had any real choice. When his finger slowly worked its way inside her she moaned pitifully at the intrusion. It wasn't the same as a rubber plug. It was firmer and less flexible. Another finger followed and he listen to her mewl, part in pain, part in pleasure. Using his other hand to tease the lips of her sex, he caressed them back and forth with a soft touch and smiled when she ground her body into his. He upped the tempo of his fingers in her ass, while his other hand formed a two finger salute and dived inside her pussy. He didn't need to check if she was wet; he could feel the sticky welcome brigade of lust all over the tops of her legs. Curling his fingers he dived in long and deep, arching up for her G-spot. He never let the pressure in her ass subside, so she would have to work through the barrier of discomfort and pain to achieve her climax. His fingers became stiffer and more pronounced as they flew in and out of her body. He fucked her with precision and skill, and drew it out as long as he was able, watching her buck over his knees with irritable little moans. Her arms flapped this way and that, her breath came in loud pants and her heart rate roared in her chest. When she finally overcame the sensations of being finger-fucked in two holes at the same time she screamed the place down as the mother of orgasms hit her hard.

  He could always tell when they'd had a good one. Their whole body would shake like a leaf, uncontrollably, and it would take a few minutes for the reaction to die down. Miss Redcliff was doing exactly that, whilst making insensible little noises in the back of her throat. It was quite entertaining. She was almost asleep on his knee when she whispered, 'May I suck you, Sir?'

  Mark laughed and threaded his fingers through her hair, letting them play with a wayward strand. 'You're learning. Maybe you won't make such a bad house-pet after all. Don't worry; you can consider this a freebie today. If we do manage to get you out of here you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice your sucking skills later.'

  Her soft snores could be heard before he had uttered the last word of his sentence.


  Mark let Jenny sleep for the better part of three hours. In the few days she'd spent at Albrecht she'd been taken somewhere that most people didn't get to see in a lifetime and she'd come through the other side. Well, he hoped she would. She certainly had plenty of determination.

  He considered what she would be like as a house slave. Hell, he'd never taken a slave to his house, so it would be a steep learning curve for the both of them. The girls in the office generally kept him busy enough. If she was willing and he'd want proof on her part, then he'd be prepared to give it a go. Without a doubt she'd be an ogre to tame. No matter how pure her intentions, she'd had years of getting her own way in a spoilt and privileged upbringing and that would take time to work out of her. The question was: would he enjoy doing so? He pursed his lips and let his eyes raise heavenward. Probably. He hungered like a starved man to fuck her, but every time he got close to her something stood in his way. Not for much longer, though. He wanted that nubile, perfect body all to himself. Well, at least for the first few months. Then he might consider sharing her. Although he had to admit that was by no means certain.

  What would Redcliff want for the sale of his daughter? That was a mind-blowing equation if there ever was one. OK, so he knew she wasn't his daughter by blood, but there must be some kind of bond between the pair.

  Letting out a pent-up breath he didn't remember holding, he let his eyes focus on his beautifully naked, soon-to-be slave. She was pretty as a picture, even in her exhausted, sleep-drugged haze. If he was honest he couldn't wait to have her on his terms.

  Running his fingers over her scalp, careful not to look at her back because he knew even with the dressing the anger would hit him full force in the gut, he decided he really needed to focus. Jennifer Redcliff had invaded his mind, and it appeared she was there to stay. He badly needed to fuck her. He'd held himself back because she was in no fit state to play, but it had hurt to refuse her very sweet offer of a blowjob. He consoled himself with the thought that he'd let himself have free rein when she was in his hands for good. Then he'd make her suck him ten times a day, in between the ass fucks, hand jobs, fingering and maybe, just maybe he'd consider making love to her. He shook his head in amazement. Where had that thought come from? The only thing he needed to do was screw her and return to normality with his sanity intact. He didn't have time for this rubbish.

  He patted her head a little harder than necessary in order to wake her. It was time to visit the tack room ladies and get her kitted up for her next journey. He needed to put several hundred miles between them as quickly as possible. He needed to think things through. See where he wanted to go with this one. He also needed to get himself some action. Desperately.

  'Mmmm,' she whispered groggily as his fingers circled her scalp gently.

  'Come on sleepy head, there'll be time enough for snoozing on your journey. We've got to move and get you out of here. Kyle will back in a few hours' time and you need to be gone by then.' That captured her attention and she got to all fours, ready to crawl. 'No, you can use your feet to get to the tack room; it'll be quicker and there's still lots of work that needs to be done to get you ready for your travels.'

  Offering his arm and helping to set her upright, he led the way out. It wasn't long before the steep stone steps loomed upwards and he saw Jenny's legs wobble out from under her. It was no great surprise. Mark solved the problem by scooping her up in his arms, bad backs be damned. She rested her head into the crook of his shoulder and he was amused to find he liked the sentiment. Who would have thought it? He was a man who enjoyed nuzzling. He'd do well to keep that information to himself.

  When he knocked on the door of the tack room it was quickly answered by a frazzled Agnes, who didn't seem to be faring well in the hot August heat.

  Pulling a sw
eat-slicked tendril of grey hair away from her face, she fanned herself and gave a cross-eyed grimaced to the pair in front of her. 'You'll have to excuse the hair. Hetty broke my air-conditioning.'

  'Our air-conditioning,' Hetty corrected, 'and I didn't break it.'

  'Hmmph,' said Agnes, narrowing her eyes at her friend, 'then what do you call your disassembling party over there?' She pointed to what once could have been an air-coolant but now appeared to be a train wreck.

  'I was just seeing how it worked. I find these things fascinating,' Hetty sniffed.

  'Rubbish,' said Agnes, wrinkling up her nose, 'you wanted to see if it had ammonia inside it. I know you've run out and you like to give your boys a spot on occasion before you play with them.'

  Hetty's mouth hung open. 'How do you know these things?'

  'I'm not as stupid as I look,' said Agnes, trying to nod sagely and failing, 'and I overheard you trying to order some of the stuff yesterday.'

  Hetty grumbled, 'Well, if they'd had some in stock I wouldn't have to dismantle our cooling friend.'

  'Too bad for you our "cooling friend" is filled with freon and not ammonia, though.' Agnes thumped her on the shoulder. 'I'm really not sure whether it would have been safe to use in any case...'

  'Safety, schmafety. You worry too much, darling. Anyway, we've got things to do, people to see,' she sing-songed.

  'You've certainly got things to do,' said Agnes, waggling her finger crossly. 'You need to put that thing back together.'

  'I love putting things back together,' said Hetty, looking sideways at the vast array of parts strewn all over the room. 'I'll have it figured out in no time, you wait and see.' She gave her friend a bright smile which lacked conviction.

  'See that you do, and it had better be before December,' replied Agnes, who was also looking at said parts and pondering how much a repairman would cost. If you broke things at Albrecht you were responsible for fixing them.


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