The Secret Crush

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The Secret Crush Page 4

by Tina Wells

  “Do you like that one?” Jasper asked.

  Zee shrugged. “Sure. Do you?”

  “If you do.”

  “How about this style?” Chloe asked. She pointed to a gray-and-red shoe on the table in front of her.

  “Which do you like better?” Jasper asked Zee.

  “That one.” Zee nodded toward the sneaker Chloe had selected. “Or this one,” she added, picking up a white tennis shoe.

  Panic took over Jasper’s face. “You like them both?”

  “Yeah. I have about ten pairs of shoes, and I like them all.”

  Jasper spotted a pair of blue canvas Converse just like Zee’s. “Oh, look,” he said. “I could get a pair just like yours.”

  Zee shook her head. “I think your feet are too long. They’d just end up looking like clown shoes.”

  Jasper grabbed the side of his head and looked from shoe to shoe to shoe.

  “I think Jasper needs your help making a decision,” Chloe suggested.

  “Oh, okay,” Zee said. “Maybe you could try on a couple of pairs and see how they look.”

  Jasper asked the saleswoman to get two pairs in his size. He laced up a different shoe on each foot and stood. “What do you think?”

  “I like that pair,” Zee told him, pointing to the style Chloe had picked out. She turned to Chloe.

  “Uh-huh,” Chloe agreed. “That’s my vote, too.”

  “Really? Are they cool?” Jasper asked.

  “Since when do you care about cool?” Zee asked.

  “It’s…uh…a recent development.”

  “They’re very cool,” Zee told him. “You should wear them right now.”

  Jasper smiled. “I will!” he said and paid for his new shoes.

  “Do I look American?” Jasper asked.

  “Well…hmmm…ummm.” Zee hesitated.

  “Not hardly,” Chloe said. She turned around in a circle. “Do you see anyone else with a collared shirt and a belt?”

  “I guess it will take more than just new trainers,” Jasper said.

  “You really do look good,” Zee told him.

  Jasper turned bright red as a grin spread across his face. “Thanks! I guess my feet just needed a makeover.”

  Zee’s Sidekick beeped. A text message from Marcus.

  >We r here. R u?

  Zee looked at the time on her phone. “Ohmylanta!” she groaned. “We’re late.” The girls grabbed Jasper and headed to the café.

  Zee ordered a frozen mocha drink, Jasper opted for tea, and Chloe chose vitamin water. As they got near the table, Marcus was standing up and taking charge of the group.

  “You started without us?” Zee asked, sitting in an empty chair next to him and pulling a notepad out of her bag.

  “Yeah,” Marcus said. “We weren’t sure when you’d get here.”

  “Oh, okay,” Zee said. “I had a few ideas about—”

  “We just started picking jobs,” Marcus interrupted. “I can work on sets.”

  “Me too,” Chloe said, sliding into a chair.

  Zee wrote down the assignments in her notebook.

  “I think it would be fun to do props,” Jen said. She spooned some of the whipped cream topping from her drink into her mouth.

  “Boring!” Zee whispered to Jasper.

  “Props sounds cool,” Landon said.

  “Yeah!” Zee had a sudden change of heart. “I’ll do props, too.”

  Kathi whipped her head around to face Zee. “That’s too many people for props.”

  “Yes, far too many,” Jasper agreed.

  Zee was embarrassed because Kathi and Jasper were right. And Zee was certain it was obvious to everyone that she’d volunteered just to be with Landon. “Ummm…I meant to say I’d do costumes.”

  “Perfect!” Kathi said. “We can make the costumes together.”

  “You and me?” Zee asked.

  “Best friends!”

  “Ri-ight,” Zee said suspiciously.

  “Jasper, what are you going to do?” Landon asked.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” Jasper said without looking at Landon.

  “Well, we kind of need to know,” Zee said gently. “We’re trying to get organized.”

  Jasper looked at Zee. “Mr. P will need an assistant director,” he said. “I could do that.”

  “Dude, you’d be perfect,” Landon said. He leaned over and sucked soda through his straw.

  “Why do you say that…dude?” Jasper asked.

  Landon shrugged. “I guess ’cause your accent is kind of cool—like Shakespeare’s.”

  “Yes, I suppose that makes me the best qualified,” Jasper said sarcastically.

  Whoa! Zee thought. Jasper’s never sarcastic.

  But when Landon laughed, everyone else did, too. And even Jasper smiled at his own snarky remark.

  “We’ll all write the script together,” Chloe said.

  “And Mr. P said he’d work with everyone on the songs,” Zee added.

  “Okay, that covers sets, props, costumes, the assistant director, the script, and the songs. I guess we’re done,” Marcus said.

  Everyone else stood up and started to leave.

  “Wait!” Zee called out. “Where’s everyone going? We’re just getting started.”

  “My cousin is having her fifteenth birthday today,” Jen said. “I have to get ready for her quinceañera. Kathi’s coming, too!”

  “Chloe?” Zee said.

  “Jasper and I should go, too. Ms. Merriweather is helping us plant the vegetable plot today.”

  “Landon?” Zee asked hopefully.

  “My dad is taking me to get a new surfboard.”

  Zee looked at Marcus, who smiled back at her. “Aren’t you going to ask me?” he inquired.

  “Should I even bother?” Zee said.

  “Probably not. UCLA is giving my mom an award. My whole family is going.”

  Zee closed her notebook. Her ideas for the music and choreography would just have to wait.

  As soon as she got home, Zee raced up to her room to IM Ally. But when she logged on, Ally was offline. So she typed an email instead.


  OMG! Everything is all mixed up. Kathi is being nice (mostly) and Jasper is acting totally weird. Not to me. To Landon. I guess he’s mad because he worked so hard to get the lead. He’s also really getting into fashion—or at least trying to. All he used to care about was books, soccer, and the environment. What’s up with him? And where r u?

  BFF, Z

  Ally’s response arrived later.


  Please don’t tell me ur going 2 b K’s friend again. DO NOT FORGET WHAT SHE DID WITH YOUR DIARY!!!!!! She is so 2-faced. U can’t trust her.

  How could Ally be so sure about Kathi? Ally wasn’t there, so she couldn’t see how Kathi was acting. Was it so crazy to think that Kathi might actually like Zee? People can change, Zee thought and read on.

  Jacques and I took a walk along the Seine River. Guess what? He says I’m his g/f! I’m sending you a pic of him (with me!) so you can see how cute he is.



  Zee stared at the photo of her BFF and the stranger. Jacques was cute, but he had straight dark hair and a serious face. When Ally lived in California, she always had crushes on blond boys.

  But the biggest difference between Brookdale Ally and Paris Ally might be free time. Now that she had a boyfriend, would Ally be there for Zee?


  Identity Crisis

  Zee’s fingers typed quickly in the glow of the computer screen under her comforter.

  Lily: Come on, guys! We’re going to be late for the football game.

  Brianna: Why are you so interested in football? You never cared about it before.

  Lily: I guess I changed my mind.

  Mr. P had set up a blog for the Beans, so they could share scenes, songs, pictures, and videos. Zee was eager to get as much done as possible. Getting the script right was so important.

sp; Click. Zee’s door opened.


  Busted! Zee closed her laptop and peeked out from under the covers. “Yes, Mom?” she said as cheerfully as she could manage.

  “Why are you still awake?” Mrs. Carmichael asked. “Are you doing homework?”

  Zee looked at the clock, which flashed 11:37. “Sort of.”

  Mrs. Carmichael crossed her arms. “Go on,” she said skeptically. “I’m listening.”

  “We’re nearly finished with the script for the musical,” Zee explained. “I was just working on one of my scenes so it will be perfect.”

  “I’m sure it can wait.” Mrs. Carmichael bent over and took the laptop. “You’ll do better when you’re rested anyway.”

  Zee pulled her covers up to her chin. “Good night, Mom,” she said, although she was certain all the thoughts spinning in her head would keep her awake.

  In study hall the next day, Kathi tapped furiously on the class computer. “What do you think?” she asked when she finished.

  Zee read the script out loud. “Dylan leans toward Lily. Slowly, his face moves closer to hers.” Zee’s heart pounded. “Just as their lips are about to meet,” Zee continued, “Brianna appears and stops them.

  “Ummm…that doesn’t seem realistic to me,” Zee said. “Wouldn’t Brianna be happy for her friend—you know, that she’s going to kiss the boy she likes?”

  Kathi shook her head. “No way,” she said. “It’s just like Romeo and Juliet. Brianna knows their crush is doomed, so she’s keeping them apart for her friend’s own good.”

  Zee was suspicious. “Are you sure it’s not because her best friend is jealous?”

  “I’m sure. No one was jealous in Romeo and Juliet.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Zee mumbled.

  After the final period of the day, Zee met Chloe at her locker.

  “I’ve got a ton of homework,” Chloe said, looking lopsided under the weight of her homemade patchwork book bag.

  Zee looked at her assignment book. “Me too,” she said. “Math, science, and French. Plus, we have that English quiz tomorrow.”

  “Are you still coming over to my house to study for it?” Chloe asked.

  “Yup. I told my mom I would go home from school with you.” Zee grabbed her books out of her locker and shoved them into her bag. The lockers were made of recycled wheat board, so the door made a soft thud when she shut it.

  Zee could barely lug her heavy bag down the hall. She hadn’t gotten far with Chloe when she spotted Landon approaching.

  Great! Zee groaned silently. Just when I’m looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Maybe he won’t see me. She looked at the ground in the opposite direction.

  “Hey, Zee!” Landon called out.

  Darn it! Zee stood up as straight as she could. “Oh, hi, Landon,” she said, trying to sound casual. “What’s up?”

  “Mr. P just told me he wants us to work on the scene where Lily and Dylan first meet,” Landon began. “Do you have time now?”


  “But we were going to study for the English test,” Chloe reminded her.

  “It’s just a quiz,” Zee said. “Landon and I won’t take long. I’ll come over in an hour.”

  Chloe adjusted her book bag strap on her shoulder. “All right. It’ll probably take me that long to drag this thing out of the building,” she said.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Mr. P boomed, grabbing Zee’s arm. “I’m calling the police!”

  “Let go of me!” Zee yelled, trying to break free from her teacher’s grip. Mr. P was playing a store owner who accuses Lily of shoplifting.

  “Halt!” Landon protested loudly. “Uhh. Ummm. Eh.” He heaved a sigh and threw up his hands. “I have no idea what to say.”

  “Don’t sweat it, Landon,” Mr. P reassured him. “What would you say if it happened in real life? Just pretend you’re really Dylan, and you need to convince me to let Lily go.”

  Landon looked at Zee. “Let her go!” he shouted, getting into character.

  “Why? What’s it to you?” Mr. P snarled. Zee tried not to giggle. She didn’t want to ruin Landon’s concentration.

  “Because I know she would never steal anything,” Landon went on. “I can tell just by looking at her. I’ve never seen such an honest face in my life.”

  Zee could feel a blush fill her cheeks.

  “All right,” Mr. P said, releasing his grasp. “But if I ever see either one of you in my store again, I’m going to call mall security.” Then Mr. P turned into their teacher again. “See? You rocked it.”

  “Cool.” Landon flipped his bangs back with a flick of his head.

  “You guys are off to a good start,” Mr. P said. “Why don’t you try revising the rest of the scene on your own? Then show me.”

  “Ahem.” Kathi cleared her throat. She’d been in the room the whole time. Zee could see she’d put on a fresh coat of lip gloss while they’d been practicing.

  Ohmylanta! Here it comes! Zee thought. She knew Kathi’s good behavior had been too good to be true. Now what was she going to do to sabotage Zee’s time with Landon?

  “If you guys don’t need Mr. P’s help anymore,” Kathi continued, “I have a few questions for him.”

  “We’re done,” Landon said to Kathi. Then he turned to Zee. “Do you want to work on this some more?”

  Zee stopped herself from screaming, “Fantabsome! You want to hang out alone with me? Cool beans!” Instead she super-casually said, “Sure.”

  As Zee and Landon worked on the script at one of the computers in the back of the music room, Zee couldn’t help overhearing Kathi’s questions. “Which scenes am I supposed to write?” “What date is the performance?” “Are we going to sell tickets?” Mr. P answered all of them—even though he had already posted all of the information on the blog.

  Landon pointed to the computer screen. “Here Dylan could say something like, ‘I’ve never met anyone like you.’” Landon turned and his blue eyes stared intensely at Zee.

  “You’re a great writer, Dylan.”

  “Huh?” Landon said.

  “Umm…I said, ‘That’s great, Landon.’”

  “You called me Dylan.”

  “Did I?”

  A beep from Zee’s Sidekick interrupted them. A text from Chloe.

  >R u coming?

  Oh, no! Zee had completely forgotten. She was supposed to be at Chloe’s house to study for the English quiz! She looked from her Sidekick to Landon. She couldn’t stop now.

  >I am sooooooo sorry. I 4got.


  Zee was relieved that Chloe wasn’t mad. She’d make it up to her.

  * * *

  E-ZEE: How do u know if a guy likes u?

  * * *

  * * *


  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: I think L might like me.

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: Really? Did he say something?

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: Yes. We were writing a scene & he kept saying really romantic stuff.

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: But isn’t it the character Dylan saying that?

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: Yes, but L is thinking it.

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: It’s definitely a clue.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: I hope so.

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: Mayb u’ll have a b/f soon 2!!! Then we’ll b =.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: Yeah.

  * * *

  * * *

  Hi, Diary,

  Ally said something weird that’s kind of bothering me. Does she really think that we’re not equal—that she’s better than me? That’s not like her—or the old Ally, at least. But the old Ally didn’t have a boyfriend.
  The thing is, I wish Landon was my boyfriend. Ally has only been in France a few months, and she has Jacques. What am I doing wrong? I’ve known Landon since kindergarten.


  * * *

  “Maybe I should get him some cologne,” Zee said, heading toward the perfume counter at the mall the next weekend. It was Brookdale Academy’s fall break, which meant four days off. Zee was glad to have the time to work on the script and a few new songs, but she’d been so focused on the musical, she’d nearly forgotten her dad’s birthday.

  Chloe scrunched up her face. “Cologne? For your dad’s birthday? That’s not very original.”

  “I know, but I’m desperate.” Zee picked up a tiny bottle. But before she could squirt herself, Chloe grabbed it away.

  “No, not that one. They test on animals.” She placed a new bottle in Zee’s empty hand.

  “I waited until the last minute,” Zee said as she sprayed her wrist, then gave it a sniff. “Mom is so not happy. She wanted everyone to give Dad his presents at his birthday breakfast this morning, but I’ve been working so hard on the musical, I haven’t had a chance to get him anything.”


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