Collision Course

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Collision Course Page 12

by Harte, Marie

Or so she kept telling herself.

  Chapter 9

  By Wednesday, Lou had had enough. And so had the guys at Webster’s.

  “That’s it. Take off, Lou. Get drunk, get laid, get out. Man, it hurts just to look at that face.” Foley stood over him, shaking his head. So of course Sam joined him.

  Lou glared at up at the twin busybodies. “I can’t see, assholes. You’re blocking my light.” He’d been trying to work J.T.’s sketch of a busty mermaid into something that wouldn’t get their new client arrested for indecency. Damn. Did J.T. know any real women, the kind that didn’t have breasts larger than cannonballs and a waist the size of a pencil? At those dimensions, she should break in half.

  “Hey, moron, we’re talking to you,” Johnny said, having joined the crowd. When Lou glared up at him, he backed away. “Kidding, kidding. Just saying what Sam is thinking.”

  “You got that right.” Sam sighed. “Lou, call her.”

  “I’m giving her space,” Lou muttered. Due to all the frowning and swearing Lou had been doing since Monday, the guys thought Joey had dumped him. That she’d finally seen reason and left their buddy behind.

  What they didn’t know was that Lou had no intention of being left anywhere, especially when he had no idea what he’d done wrong.

  Joey’s head was all fucked up, and he needed to be calm and collected before he went fishing for answers.

  “Look,” he said to the brood now staring at him like a two-headed zebra in a fishbowl. “Joey and I aren’t over. We’re just taking things slow.”

  “Like the work on the Charger over there,” Liam boomed, then laughed. “Saw you flinch, Johnny. Thought I was Del for a minute, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe for a second. But your voice is higher.”

  Foley chuckled, and even Lou had to smile at that.

  “Ass.” Liam snorted. “Now, everyone, back to work. Don’t worry about our boy here. Lou knows women.”

  Sam frowned. “How is it that you’re up everyone else’s ass when it comes to our personal lives, but Lou, who’s obviously messed up, gets a pass?”

  Liam shrugged. “I’ve met his family. He knows women.”

  Johnny agreed. “With that many female relatives, he should.”

  “Any man who can live with that many women and not go crazy? A genuine Svengali.” Liam nodded.

  “A what?”

  “Never mind,” Lou muttered to Foley. “Thanks, Liam.”

  “Don’t mention it.” The bastard had the nerve to chuckle. “Though I have to admit I’m entertained. Never thought I’d see the great Casanova Cortez off his game.”

  Lou groaned. “Why is everyone around here bitching and cackling about relationships like a bunch of…” He tapered off as he saw Del behind her father, tapping her foot while she waited for him to finish.

  “Like a bunch of what, Lou?” she asked, her voice lethal.

  The rest of the guys scattered, except for Liam.

  “Old retired men,” he improvised.

  She grunted, but Liam looked pained.

  “Sorry, she’s meaner than you are.”

  Liam sighed. “True. Well, I’d best be getting back to Sophie anyway.” He glanced at Lou. “Why don’t you come to dinner soon? Sophie likes you.”

  “She has good taste.”

  Liam quirked a brow. “Yeah? So why did you tell her she could do better than me?”

  “Because she can?” He chuckled and dodged the fist aimed at his shoulder. “Kidding. She just likes me because of that picture I sketched of you two.”

  Liam nodded. “You have some serious skills, boy. Damned if you don’t. Think about dinner, okay?”

  “I will.” Think about it, that is. With any luck, I’ll soon be sharing a meal with Joey. Or eating Joey out. Either way works with me.

  Two hours later, after spending the rest of his time at the garage working on an Explorer’s transmission with Johnny, Lou left for S&J Floral. He arrived at six, when he knew Joey would be there.

  He saw her in the front chatting and laughing with some young guy who watched her a little too closely for Lou’s peace of mind.

  He entered the store and frowned at the familiar face, one he’d seen at Del’s wedding. “Donnigan? Which one are you again?”

  The boy grinned. “Hey, Lou. I remember you. You drew a picture of Cousin Mike’s dog on a napkin for Colin. I’m Theo Donnigan. The good-looking, smart one in the family.”

  “Oh right.” Lou smiled. Having met a lot of McCauley relations at Del’s wedding, Lou had a difficult time keeping track of the many men in that family. But Theo had been easy enough to impress and a nice kid to boot. “What are you doing here?”

  Joey had yet to speak, but her cautious gaze gave him hope. Slightly nervous was workable. Downright panic, rage, or grief…no.

  “I work here, man.” Theo’s eyes sparkled. “I’m part-timing, maybe getting ready to leave the coffee shop. Me and Maya are…” He cleared his throat. “Never mind. Pretty soon I’m joining the Marine Corps. Just waiting for the recruiter to get back to me. So I’m delivering flowers.” Theo whipped some bills from his back pocket. “I made twenty bucks in tips today!”

  Lou smiled. So did Joey, who said, “He’s got a gift. The ladies love him.”

  “All the ladies?” Lou asked in a low voice, suggestive enough that Theo should get the hint.

  Which he did, by the way his eyes widened. “Ah, I think I’m gonna go home now, Joey. Or did you want me to stay, you know? To fix that stuff in the back?”

  A good kid, because the lie was obvious. He’d stay if Joey wanted him to, even knowing Lou could tear him apart should he feel like it.

  Joey frowned at Lou. “I’m fine. I’ll finish with Lou then lock up.” She had another half an hour, so Lou figured to make the most of his time.

  “Well, okay then. See you, Lou, Joey.”

  “Later.” They both watched Theo leave, then waited until the chime of the back door sounded.

  “Flowers for you?” Joey asked, all business, still staring at Theo’s exit.

  “Cut the shit.” His bluntness caused her head to whip up. “What’s the deal?”

  “The deal?”

  He blew out a breath. “You want to do this the hard way or the easy way? And don’t even look like you’re afraid of me. I’d rather wear a pink tutu and have my sisters talk about how much they love Downton Abbey than harm a hair on your head. Believe it.”

  “I—fine. I know that.” She seemed exasperated. With him? “I’m not scared of you, Lou.”

  “Oh?” He waited.

  “I’m scared of me,” she blurted.

  “Go on.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Can’t you just accept we’re done?”

  “Hmm. No.”

  “Well, good, I—No?”

  “No. You and I are good together. You know it. I know it. But you got skittish and bolted. So I’m back to rein you in.”

  * * *

  Like a horse? What was with the smirk he wore? Joey shook her head, determined to take the high road. His pride had been bruised, after all. “Lou, I don’t want this to be a thing. I like you. You’re a nice man.”

  He laughed. “No. I’m not.”

  “I don’t know what you want.”

  He stopped laughing, his expression inscrutable. “Why don’t you tell me what you want?”

  “To be left alone. I have enough to do with work and at home. I don’t need more complications.”

  “Complications. Huh.” He didn’t move around the counter, so she felt safe enough with it between them. But she could see his displeasure with the conversation.

  Well, too bad. She had the right to reject him if she wanted.

  “Are we done?”

  He shook his head and walked around the counter
, and instead of cornering her like the big bad wolf he tended to be, he moved back into the prep room. To the same table he’d previously bent her over.

  “Such great memories.” He sighed.

  She felt her face heat. “I’d like you to go.”

  “First you tell me what happened at my place the other night. I was there. You were right with me. The kiss was fuckin’ hot. Then you vanished.”

  “I didn’t go anywhere.”

  “At first. Then you weren’t with me—up here.” He tapped his temple. “What happened?”

  Since he sincerely seemed to be trying to understand, she owed it to him to put his mind at ease. Poor Lou had done nothing wrong. “We were having fun with cards,” she said. “Then you turned it into something else.”

  He stared at her and slowly shook his head. “No. I gave you a simple kiss. You pulled me closer. You turned it into something else. Not that I would have objected, but I didn’t invite you to my place to fuck you again.”

  She flinched.

  “I wanted to spend time with you, to have fun with you.” His scrutiny intense, his eyes penetrating, he added in a lower voice, “And for a while I did.”

  She started to panic, because he kept looking at her. As if he might understand her? Good luck when she didn’t understand herself.

  “Was all that crying and weirdness about what happened in here Friday night?” he continued.

  She could work with that. Because no way in hell she wanted him to know she’d turned cold, turned off by sex because the thought of it with a nice guy did nothing for her. And that the idea of having sex at all, being such a disappointment to her parents, haunted her.

  “You want to talk about it? Fine.” She drew in a deep breath then let it out, fighting a hysterical laugh since it sounded like a rush of air escaping from a balloon. “When we were getting all hot and heavy in here, you were clearheaded enough to have a condom ready to go. You expected we’d have sex, maybe planned it,” she accused.

  He didn’t break eye contact. “I always have a condom in my wallet. Because a good man is always prepared. But no, sadly, I hadn’t planned it. I was just so happy you agreed to go out with me, and I had wanted to see you again. Trust me. I hadn’t imagined the first time we made love to be in the back room of your flower shop.”

  Made love? She swallowed. “I still can’t believe we did that.”

  His gaze roamed her figure. “I can. Touching you gets me hard. Hell, being around you gets me hard.” He glanced down at his front.

  She saw the shape of him as well. Suddenly she felt hot.

  “I can’t help it.” Lou shrugged. “I don’t try to. You and I, we click, physically. I think you’d agree to that at least?”

  She’d come in seconds with him. Yeah, they had chemistry.

  “But more than that, I like you, Joey. You don’t know me that well, I get it. But the more time we spend together, the more you’ll see I don’t lie. I’m not the guy if you just want to scratch an itch. I like sex, hell yeah. But it’s more than that with me. I’m not into casual hookups. I like to know my partner, you get me?”

  “The thing is, I don’t do casual hookups either.” As if he’d believe that after Friday. “The last time I had sex was over a year ago, and he and I had been going out for months. I’m not a fast kind of girl. I know that seems unbelievable considering we barely knew each other before we—”

  Lou held up a hand. “I understand. Look, I don’t exactly come across as a guy who can keep it in his pants after Friday.” He groaned. “It was amazing and embarrassing. I swear I can last longer than the two seconds it took me to come.”

  Man, she hated talking about this. Her face felt on fire. “Great. We both admit the sex was amazing. Okay. But then it wasn’t. So what now?”

  “Now we find out why we find each other so fascinating.”

  “Lou, I’m done. Remember? I just want to be friends.”

  “Please. Joey, it’s me. Who wouldn’t want more of this prime male specimen?” He did a pirouette, showing off his figure and ending with a wink.

  She chuckled despite trying to get rid of him. He had confidence and a great sense of humor. And when he smiled like that, his eyes seemed to glow with a vibrant delight she wanted to snatch up and keep all to herself. Except she sucked at sex, and a man like Lou would only want more. No. Time to cut him loose.

  “You’re funny and sweet and sexy.” She nodded. “And a bit too much for me. The other night at your place, I was overwhelmed.”

  His eyes narrowed. “By my petting you? Kissing you on the lips, no tongue? Hell, I kissed the top of your head. That was too much for you?”

  “Does it matter? I’m telling you the truth.”


  “What hmm? I’m not lying to you. I have no reason to. I just don’t need any more drama in my life. So can we please stop this and get on with being friends?”

  “On one condition.”


  “Kiss me.”

  Could he not take no for an answer? Was she that special he had to have her and no one else? And why, by all that was safe and orderly, did she let him pull her into his chaos? Let him make her want more than what she’d been getting by with for the past nine years?

  Puzzled at why this man should make her want what so many others hadn’t, she watched him, wondering. “Am I even your regular type?”

  “I don’t have a type.”

  “Everyone has a type.” She shrugged. “You’re not exactly mine.”

  “Oh?” His expression flattened.

  “You’re too good-looking. Too overwhelming. You walk into a place and all eyes swing your way.”

  “That’s just because everyone’s afraid the big bad Mexican’s out to kick ass. And technically, I’m not totally Mexican. I think my great-grandfather came from Barcelona.”

  “Spain or Seattle, I think it’s more like you have a chip on your shoulder and a mean attitude that scares people.”

  He blinked. “Me? Mean? Honey, I may not be the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, but I’m sincere. Pleasant. And, of course, handsome.”

  She snorted. “You’re scary, and you like being scary.”

  “You’re wrong. Was I scary at Del’s wedding, twirling her around and helping Colin steal wedding cake?”



  She crossed her arms over her chest, easing into the discussion. “You kept following me around, looking at me like, ah…”

  He pushed off the cutting counter and stalked her. “Like I’m looking at you right now, maybe?”

  She swallowed. “Yes, as a matter of fact.”

  He walked right up to her and tilted her chin so she would meet his gaze. “Like I wanted to taste your mouth, to see if you’re as sweet as you look?” He leaned down and kissed her, so brief, it was barely there. “To touch you and see if you’re as soft all over?” He ran a hand over her cheek, then cupped the back of her neck and dragged her closer. “To bring you close and smell you, to know if that sultry perfume is you or the flowers around you?” He inhaled at the base of her throat and sighed. “No, that sweetness is all you.”

  He made her tremble, the large man with a romantic soul. But no. That gentle hold was supposed to turn her off, the way it had last time. Man, her body was so messed up. “You’re good at this.”

  His fingers spanned her throat, and she grew damp. “This?”

  “Seduction. Romance,” she said, her voice hoarse. “The lines you spout to all the girls you want to drop their panties.”

  He smiled, but the heat in his gaze showed he was anything but amused. “I’m only as good as my inspiration. And you, Josephine Reeves, have been inspiring me for months.”

  “S-see? All that seduction stuff. It won’t work with me, Lou. That time before, in here, w
as a freak chance. A one in a million. A—”

  He kissed her, to shut her up, maybe. But the forceful heat and the hand at the back of her head, holding her in place, stole every thought she’d ever had. It confused her enough to get her out of her head, so that she once again let her body do the talking while her mind dwelled on Lou’s taste, his touch, his strength.

  The kiss ended, leaving them both winded.

  “You’re so damn fine, and you don’t even know it.” He sighed. “So tell me again why we couldn’t do this at my place Saturday night.”

  She wished she knew.

  He pulled his head back to stare down at her.

  “I-I… Heck. I don’t know,” she groaned, half wishing he’d let her go so her brain would turn back on. “Sometimes I just get confused. My thoughts get jumbled, and it’s all too much.”

  “Too much?” He chuckled. “Being with you, the words that come to mind are not enough.” He pressed his hips tighter against hers. “You feel that? That’s my dick wanting to get reacquainted.”

  She gasped. “Okay, that’s not so romantic.” Yet she was hooked on him and his dirty talk anyway.

  “So what’s different about today instead of my place? Is it the flower shop? Does doing it at work turn you on?” He didn’t sound judgmental but curious.

  She squirmed in his hold, but he refused to release her, so she glared up at him past her embarrassment. “No, I’m not an exhibitionist.”

  “Um, we’re alone in here. Aren’t we?” He gave an interested look around the room.

  “Yes, we’re alone. And no, I don’t like being like this at work. All sexed up and stuff.”

  He bit his lip, and she knew he was working to hold onto a grin.

  “Don’t laugh at me.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He continued to hold her close, his hands somehow having found their way to her waist. “Let’s reason this out. I’m hard for you all the time. We both know that.”

  She couldn’t help feeling his excitement against her. And knowing he wanted her turned her on too much.

  “But you get wrapped up in your head, you said. So last time in here, it hit us all of a sudden, right? And then we just went for it. Not thinking, little foreplay, then me bending you over the table and fucking you.”


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