Unexpected Eden

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Unexpected Eden Page 17

by Rhenna Morgan

  She floated back to Earth. Had she heard him in her head? Or had she gone batty from pleasure?

  “I’ll think about that later.” She wriggled beneath his weight, nestled close.

  The blackness of sleep crept along the edges of consciousness and an answering chuckle filtered through her mind. “Sleep, my baineann. Sleep.”

  Chapter 18

  Galena sidestepped a servant with a loaded tray of champagne flutes and angled for a better view of Phybe. She hated the formal gatherings so often thrown by the wives of Eryx’s warriors and, judging by the tight frown on her face, Phybe wasn’t a fan either.

  The quaran hosting the night’s festivities had invited far too many guests for the size of the room. With so many heated bodies she could barely breathe. Despite the strapless cut of her lightweight gown, the back of her neck and the valley between her breasts were damp with sweat.

  If she’d been smart she’d have piled her hair on top of her head rather than leave it straight, heavy and thick down her back, but then the gossip would have started. With the Myren tradition of bound hair equating some form of relationship, she couldn’t so much as braid a small section of her hair without setting tongues afire.

  A French braid spilled over Phybe’s shoulder. Unlike some of the power-hungry women in the warrior’s camp, Phybe appeared to have truly loved her mate and refused to acknowledge fate had unwoven their ties.

  She navigated the crowd, smiling and chatting as necessary. With every superficial conversation a fresh layer of fatigue set in. If it weren’t so important to keep appearances, she’d have left hours ago. Duty wasn’t something so easily set aside, though. Like it or not, she had a role to fill. The decorous princess—proper and loyal. Never mind she might have wants and needs of her own.

  Her eyes settled again on Phybe. Some of the snippiest women in the warrior clan surrounded her, their laughs obnoxious against the drone of chatter, their gowns ridiculously ostentatious for the simple affair.

  Phybe was the exception. Her understated sky-blue sheath hugged her curves and she rarely joined in the conversation, her gaze locked on the balcony, twirling the stem of her crystal flute between her fingers and thumb.

  Galena was only five steps and two polite, yet empty conversations away. Maybe she could do them both a favor.

  A woman draped in a ballet pink chiffon gown swept in to join Phybe’s group. “Juno says Ramsay refuses to downgrade the high alert status until Maxis is found. Seriously. As our strategos, you’d think Ramsay would make better use of our men’s time. The Lomos Rebellion’s been dead for years.”

  A simmering burn fired in Galena’s belly. The outspoken, shortsighted bitch needed a serious reality check.

  “Momma! Momma!” Clopping footsteps pounded against the slate floors, punctuated by hard breaths. Two young boys dressed in loose black pants and white tanks ground to a stop beside one woman. Twins, both beaming smiles with mops of flaming red hair that spiked haphazardly in all directions.

  “Momma, I saw the malran.” The one who’d spoken pushed his tiny shoulders back, eyes bright with mischief. “He had a woman with him.”

  “Really? That’s interesting news.” A calculated grin tugged at the mother’s lips as she met the other women’s gazes. “I wasn’t aware the malran was courting anyone.”

  “Oh, it’s beyond courting, I assure you.” Galena stepped into the fray and stood alongside Phybe.

  Phybe smiled, the first one Galena had seen all night. “Galena, it’s good to see you.”

  Galena nearly giggled at the wide-eyed looks Phybe’s familiar comment garnered. Nirana forbid the shy girl actual have connections beyond their elite circle. May as well rub the surprise in while she had the chance. “How did the practice run with the krocious flowers go? Are you ready to give your green thumb a run in my garden?”

  Phybe ducked her chin and a sweet blush crept across her cheeks. So genuine and kind among the vain and shallow. Her fingers tightened around the stem of her glass. “I think I made more of a mess than anything. I’m willing to—”

  “Did you say the malran was serious about someone?” The lady in pink inched closer to Galena. The greedy little bitch.

  Galena urged the glass from Phybe’s grip and sat it on the tray of a passing servant. She focused on the odious woman in pink and worked a little of the imperial bullshit she’d learned from Eryx. “I did. She’s a wonderful woman.” She let the subtle taunt of unshared information dangle in the huddle and turned to Phybe. “Would you like to come with me for a fresh drink? With all of these people, I find a cool beverage helps keep my temperature down.”

  Phybe’s mouth parted and more than one woman behind Galena gasped. “I’d like that.”

  Galena steered Phybe by the shoulder and tossed a careless departure over her shoulder. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse us?”

  Like she’d wait for a response. Better to leave the gossipmongers behind to do their thing.

  “Thank you for the respite.” Phybe’s words rushed out before they’d even reached the small serving bar.

  “You should have told Eryx you weren’t getting along with the rest of them,” Galena said. “He would have found another solution for you.”

  Phybe shook her head.

  “Phybe, you looked like you’d rather watch grass grow. And your personality is so good compared to them.”

  Phybe shrugged and reached for a fresh drink. “There are certain people you simply can’t walk away from if you’re to be accepted by the group as a whole.”

  Funny how similar their situations, yet still different. Phybe did what was expected to gain acceptance. Galena did what was expected because no one considered she might want something else.

  Galena sipped her drink. The citrusy punch tickled her throat and she smacked her lips. “I suppose we all have our political tightrope to walk.”

  The crush parted enough to let in a faint breeze and Galena turned into it.

  “Is it true the malran has a new love interest?” Phybe’s asked.

  The curiosity caught Galena off guard. At least it was genuine and not coated in malicious intent as the other woman’s questions had been. “She was a lost Myren and Eryx found her. She’s only recently gone through her awakening.”

  “Is it serious?” Phybe’s eyes sparkled.

  Galena almost laughed. Still, Eryx’s business was his own. “We’ll see.”

  The crowd near the doorway shifted and voices rose in surprise.

  Ramsay’s tall form strode through the door, two of his elite guard close behind him.

  “Phybe, I hate to leave you, but I need to check in with Ramsay.”

  Phybe took a step back and held her glass close to her chest, a wave of sadness washing across her face.

  Galena laid a hand at the top of Phybe’s arm. “I know the idea of gardening doesn’t exactly thrill you. Have you any other hobbies? Things you’ve longed to do, but never before thought to try? Now might be the perfect time for you to step out and try something new.”

  Phybe’s lips tipped into a shy, self-conscious grin. “Not really. Saul had planned to take me sightseeing around Eden once he’d earned time away. Other than that, I was focused on making our home.”

  “Then maybe you should see that goal through.” Galena tightened her grip until Phybe met her stare. “Get out. Tour our lands. Havilah is beyond beautiful. Brasia is a frigid mess, but breath taking. Have you been to Cush?”

  Phybe shook her head.

  “Then, go there. It’s golden and busy and a shopping dream. Heck, call me and I’ll go with you.”

  Phybe smiled ear to ear.

  Galena hugged her tight. “You’ll be fine, Phybe. Make your own way and don’t let those nasty women crush you.” She paused, an uncomfortable tightness gripping her throat. “Be who you want to be.”

  Ramsay walke
d by and jerked his head toward the balcony beyond.

  Galena relinquished her shy friend. “I expect to see you at my cottage in the next few days with at least a few exciting stories, agreed?”

  Phybe nodded and Galena shuffled off to see what her brother was about. She’d definitely need to talk to Eryx in the next few days though. Phybe might not be willing to ask for other arrangements, but Galena had no problem demanding it.

  Chapter 19

  Eryx woke to only the barest hint of morning sun, the exhaustion of his mating to Lexi replaced with a deep contentment. Now he understood why the ritual was kept secret from unmated Myren women. If they had even an inkling what transpired, some might surrender to the bond without trusting their mates, mistaking hopes and dreams for a true foundation. Others, like Lexi, would forgo the exchange altogether, for the pain it dealt the male.

  She nestled closer, her legs tangled with his.

  Oh yeah. He’d pony up the pain nightly to wake in this same spot.

  He rubbed the welts lining his chest, a starburst pattern centered over his heart where Lexi’s energy had surged into his body. Satisfaction rumbled. She’d made him work for the bond—and left behind a mark his male pride wouldn’t mind showing off for as long as it took to heal.

  But that wasn’t the best part.

  He shifted to better see her arm resting on his chest, and a feral surge of possessiveness fired in his veins. The Shantos Pegasus reached from her wrist to nearly her shoulder, the ebony mark bold against her lightly tanned skin.

  His malress. The picture of her standing before the ellan, her crowning, and their acceptance, slammed to the front of his imagination. He couldn’t fucking wait. Leaving her first thing in the morning post-mating he could do without, but seeing the shocked faces of his councilmen? That would be a decent consolation.

  Unraveling himself, he paused long enough to enjoy the sinful lure of his mate twisted in the crimson sheets. Dark hair. Tan skin. Maybe the ellan could wait an hour. Or three.

  His erection twitched in agreement.

  Then again, she hadn’t so much as stirred when he’d slipped from the bed. She’d been through more than most people could take in the last few days and deserved some rest.

  And the truth.

  The realization backhanded him hard enough to rattle his bones. She was bound to be pissed. Especially after the trust she’d given last night.

  He squared his shoulders and sucked his pride up tight. He’d do what was right and let his woman take whatever hide out of him was necessary to get back in her good graces. Just as soon as he handled his council.

  He padded across the thick black rugs to the bathroom, bathed in the soft streams of morning light. The oversized, platinum mirror lured him. He lifted his hand to trace the angry starburst pattern of streaks—

  What in histus…

  He leaned closer to the mirror and stretched out his arm. His heart took off in a pounding jog and a heady buzz kicked in beneath his skin. Lexi’s mark ran the stretch of his arm—a sword twined in ivy. The hilt sat near his wrist, embedded with jewels and ancient markings, accented with fine filigree. The blade reached to the tip of his shoulder.

  When a Shantos male takes a mate bearing the mark of a sword wound with ivy, so shall dawn a new era in Eden. Her mark was the epitome of the prophecy, and it was exquisite.

  He could already hear the ellan. The populace in general. They’d be all over the place, some rejoicing, predicting great things, other sure their civilization was doomed. Either way, he and his new baineann had a political roller coaster in front of them.

  He flexed his hand, muscles rolling beneath Lexi’s mark. Adrenaline pushed through him in a steady pulse. They could throw whatever they wanted his direction. He had his mate and was more than up to the challenge.

  He plaited his braids back in place. Funny how they meant so much more today. For years he’d worn them as a sign of his commitment to his people. Now one brave woman took precedence over them all.

  He pulled his council attire on and hesitated. Usually, he’d forego the silk overcoat in favor of only the platinum silk tank and pants, but today he needed to throw his punches carefully. He snatched the overcoat and padded to the bed.

  “Lexi.” He kept his voice low so as not to rouse her too deeply from sleep.

  She snuggled closer. “Mmmm?” Her dark lashes remained closed, sultry crescents against her skin.

  “I need to take care of something, but I’ll be back before you wake up.” He liked his hushed voice, the intimacy of it.

  She cracked one eye open before closing it again on a moan. “I thought husbands stayed home the morning after they get hitched.”

  Oh, yes. Definitely enjoyed the intimacy of waking up with Lexi. “I won’t be gone long. I promise.” He sucked in a slow, steady breath. Better to lay some groundwork now. Something to keep him honest when he got home. “And we need to talk when I get back.”

  Both eyes opened this time, caution pushing out the fog of sleep. “Everything okay?”

  He kissed her softly. “It will be.” She started to sit up, but he urged her back against the mattress. “It’s time to share some things with you. That’s all.”

  She relaxed and her gaze softened.

  He traced her lips. “No more secrets between us.”

  A shadow seemed to cross her face.

  Had he accidentally stumbled across whatever it was Ludan had seen in her past? “No more secrets from me. You’ll tell me what you need to when you’re ready.”

  She burrowed into the silk sheets, a silent thank you and a silly smile on her face. The kind a woman got when a man gifted with her with unexpected flowers. “Hurry up and get back.”

  He kissed her temple, lingered long enough to breath in her sultry scent, and pushed from the bed. He nearly tripped on Ludan sprawled outside their closed doors in a wingback chair that hadn’t been there the night before.

  Eryx closed the doors behind him with his mind. “I thought I gave you the night off.”

  Ludan stood and twisted, the crack of his spine echoing down the hall. “You ordered me the night off. Doesn’t mean I have to listen. No telling what Maxis is willing to try where you’re concerned.” He jerked his head toward the doors guarding his chambers and grinned. “You weren’t exactly alert.”

  “Well since you’re here, watch out for Lexi while I go to council.” He headed for the stairway, but Ludan held him back.

  “Screw that. My job’s with you. Have Ramsay get her protection.”

  Eryx faced his somo and his chest tightened. If he was going to test the waters with anyone, Ludan was a damned fine place to start. He shrugged the overcoat off and put his arm on display. “Today, you stay here.”

  Ludan’s defiant posture dropped and his jaw went slack.

  “I need to know she’s safe. Shit will hit the fan the minute this is public.”

  Ludan’s aloof demeanor faded and he studied the symbol.

  “I’ll be back in a few hours. If she wants to get out, stay with her.”

  Ludan nodded at Eryx’s chest. “She make you work for it?”

  Eryx lifted the tank to show the ragged welts. He knew damned well he was smirking the same way he had when he’d got his first weapon and couldn’t care less.

  “Oh, yeah. That hurt.” Ludan stretched back out in the wingback and crossed his arms across his chest. “I got this. But hurry up. I want details.”

  Eryx stalked down the hallway. “If anything happens, I want to know.”

  Praise The Great One, the shock on Ludan’s face had been priceless. And not one word of argument once he’d seen the mark.

  Eryx cleared the castle doors and took to the sky, centering his thoughts for the confrontation ahead. Somehow he had a feeling his ellan wouldn’t be as short on words.

  Chapter 20
r />   Lexi stood before a floor length mirror, naked, skimming her fingers down the symbol on her arm. A winged horse, like some fantasy depiction of the mythical Pegasus, but dark as midnight instead of white. Reared back on his hind legs, the creature looked back over his shoulder, defiant, wings arched high to touch her shoulders. His long mane twisted up and around her arm as though caught in a fierce wind, and the tail ribboned down her forearm to her wrist.

  Claimed. Possessed. Even without Eryx here, his mark promised the most devout protection.

  A current of unease scampered through her belly. She’d seen it before. Nowhere near this in fine, or this large, but there was no mistaking its similarities to the painting on Graylin’s wall.

  Voices stirred beyond the chamber doors and a polite knock sounded.

  Lexi’s heart picked up. Her gown lay in a heap on the floor. No way she’d get the two halves back together in a decent span of time. Across the edge of the bed was a black silk robe.

  Okay, so leaving her on the first day of their honeymoon with a mark that scared the hell out of her wasn’t the smoothest move, but Eryx’s thoughtfulness counted for something.

  She donned it with a quick cinch of the belt, swooped to retrieve her discarded gown, and hustled to the door.

  “Surprise!” Galena raised both eyebrows in an are-you-going-to-tell-me-the-details kind of way, hands clasped excitedly at her chest.

  Ramsay and Ludan stood to the side with knowing smirks. The drast and leather pants combo didn’t surprise her on Ramsay, but Ludan wearing the same outfit did. At their necks and wrists—cuffs and torcs with the exact image covering her arm.

  “Hi.” A lame greeting, but overall pretty impressive considering the possibilities swirling in her head.

  “If you’re too tired we can come back.” Galena stepped away from the door.

  “No.” Lexi opened the door wider and motioned toward the cement truck-sized fireplace and the sitting area fronting it. “I think company to keep me occupied might not be a bad idea. Anyone know when my husband’s due back? I need to talk to him.”


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