Rock Star Billionaire: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

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Rock Star Billionaire: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) Page 41

by Claire Adams

  "Thank you, Mrs. Brandt," Ethan said graciously, although I was sure he would have been more comfortable staying in a four-star hotel in town.

  I didn't have the heart to tell my mother I had been planning on staying in the hotel with him. Instead, we accepted the separate rooms with a smile, giving each other a playful wink behind her back.

  I managed to sneak into Ethan's room later that night after everyone had fallen fast asleep, and he feigned surprise.

  "What are you doing in here?"

  "I came to make sure you're comfortable," I whispered in the dark.

  "How comfortable could I be?" he joked, and lifted the bedspread so I could see that his feet were hanging off the edge where his tall frame exceeded the tiny, twin-sized bed.

  "Maybe this will make things better," I smiled salaciously and removed my robe to reveal the red silk teddy I was wearing underneath.

  I ripped the covers off the bed and pulled off Ethan's pajama bottoms and underwear in one movement, throwing them both on the floor. Then I climbed onto the narrow bed and took his large penis into my hands.

  I brought my mouth down and kissed along the length of it, from the base all the way to the tip, and instantly, he became rock hard. Sighs of pleasure escaped his lips as I brought my tongue into play, lapping him like a Popsicle before taking him fully into my mouth.

  His sighs turned into groans of ecstasy and he had to struggle to stay quiet as I administered to him, thrusting his dick deep into my throat as I fucked him with my hot, wet mouth. When I brought my hand to cradle his balls, he jerked with pleasure, and I knew he was nearing orgasm. It wouldn't take much more stimulation, and I knew just what to do.

  Keeping up the passionate thrusting of my mouth as I deep throated him, I brought my forefinger to the narrow space just between his balls and anus and gently massaged him there.

  "Oh my God, you're incredible," Ethan groaned a little too loudly.

  He gripped the mattress as every muscle in his body twitched and every nerve cell exploded with the powerful pleasure of his orgasm. Hot come shot down my throat and I swallowed it down hungrily. When at last he was finished, panting to catch his breath, I lovingly licked him clean.

  "Better?" I asked him with a devilish grin.

  "Much, but do your parents know what a naughty girl you are?"

  "No, and I don't think you should tell them if you don't want to meet the barrel end of my father's shotgun," I whispered with a giggle.

  "Well, I don't think this sort of behavior deserves to go unpunished." He grinned at me.

  "What kind of punishment do you have in mind?" My eyes flashed with excitement. Just the thought of playing BDSM games in my childhood home was so deliciously taboo, it made my body tingle and my panties moistened instantly.

  "You grew up here. You tell me. What fantasies did you have?" Ethan wanted to know. I only had to think about it for a moment before I knew the answer.

  "Follow me," I whispered. We tiptoed down the hall to my room. It was the same room I had slept in as a child, and the same twin-sized bed made of Maplewood. My mother had decorated it with a pink bedspread and the same pink roses lined the ceilings with wallpaper trim that I used to stare at as I dreamed of my future.

  I reached into the nightstand where I used to keep my childhood diary, wondering if it would still be there, and found what I'd been looking for: a wooden hairbrush, with a wide, flat head and a long, carved handle.

  With my eyes gleaming with excitement I handed it to Ethan, and whispered, "Spank me with this. I've always wondered what it would feel like, but I never had the courage to find out. I want to, tonight, with you."

  "You are a naughty girl." His face beamed and he sat on the edge of my bed and patted his lap. "Bend over, naughty girl, and take what's coming to you."

  I bent over his lap with my ass sticking high in the air, vulnerably exposed. He massaged my buttocks with his hand, caressing my round cheeks over my silky red panties."

  "These are wet," he said tauntingly and pulled them from off my waist. "That will never do."

  He wadded them into a tight ball and stuffed them into my mouth like a gag, saying to me. "That should keep you quiet, naughty girl."

  I expected him to spank me then, but he fingered me instead, exploring my wet and sensitive folds with his long, probing fingers: massaging, caressing, fondling, and fucking me there while I moaned and panted with pleasure.

  He held up the brush and gently caressed my buttocks with it, before suddenly and harshly bringing it down hard against my naked flesh. The impact made me cry out with surprise and pain, and my pussy rippled with pleasure.

  Again and again, he smacked my ass with the flat side of the wide wooden brush, making my round butt cheeks vibrate, as well as my wet pussy. With every spank, I grew closer and closer to orgasm, even as tears of pain ran down my cheeks, the juices of my own pleasure ran down my thighs.

  Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the spanking stopped and Ethan took the long, ribbed handle of the brush and inserted inside my quivering tunnel. I was so wet, it slipped inside me easily, and so ready, it brought me to orgasm almost instantly. Luckily, my screams of pleasure were muted by the silk panties shoved into my mouth as I cried out in ecstasy.

  I still lay draped across Ethan's lap, and as I orgasmed, I could feel his erection growing beneath him. As my climax started to ebb and I began to regain my breath, Ethan moved me to lay on my back on my bed and bent my legs up high so they were practically reaching my shoulders before plunging his hard dick into my still quivering pussy.

  With my first orgasm not quite finished, I was instantly pulled into a second, even more powerful orgasm as he thrust powerfully with mighty strokes. I was thankful for the gag as my screams of euphoric ecstasy were completely uncontrollable under such extreme sexual pleasure. My orgasm seemed to last forever, until finally, it began to ebb. Ethan had climaxed along with me, and we now lay side by side, cuddled together on the tiny twin bed that had once seemed so large to me.

  The sound of Tommy wheeling down the hall the next morning awoke us, and we realized with a start that we had accidentally fallen asleep in my bed together. Luckily, no one had seen and Ethan was able to slip back to the guest room unnoticed.

  The rest of the weekend went off without a hitch. Ethan gave Junior a few simple lessons on how to ride a motorcycle, and afterwards, they took turns giving Tommy rides around the block.

  When Tommy had to go in for his physical therapy, Ethan sat and talked business with my father. Paying for all of Tommy's medications and therapies was expensive, and Ethan was impressed at my father's ability to stretch a dollar to its very maximum.

  "I should have you talk to my head of finance. You're smarter than a lot of men with master's in business," Ethan joked, but I wondered if there wasn't a grain of truth in what he had said, too. He seemed to genuinely admire my father.

  It wasn't all business, though. Throughout the weekend, Ethan talked sports with Junior and found common ground with my mother discussing organic vegetables and the best way to cook them. He talked to Morgan about music and gave her some advice on surviving life at the University, and gave Emily tips on pushing forward with her playground initiative with the city planning board. Tommy peppered him constantly with questions, wanting to know everything there was to know about motorcycles, L.A., living in Beverly Hills, what famous people he'd met, and if he'd ever been in a serious crash. It was obvious he idolized Ethan, and Ethan was kind enough to indulge him, answering his questions as quickly as he could ask them.

  "Do you think you'll ever develop a motorcycle for people like me?" Tommy asked, catching my attention from where I was helping Mom set the table for dinner.

  "To be honest, it never would have occurred to me." Ethan didn't pull any punches, and I think that's part of what Tommy liked about him so much. He didn't treat him like a cripple he had to handle carefully. He treated him just like anyone else.

  "I never would have thought
to make the kind of designs you've thought of here, but I think there could be a great market for them, if not in commercial motorcycles, then in rehabilitation facilities or hospital programs. You have a gift, Tommy: a talented mind and the ability to see things no one else does. You'll do great things some day; just never quit trying."

  "Yeah, now you sound like Mom and Dad." Tommy rolled his eyes as my mother kissed the top of his head, but my Dad gave Ethan a firm pat on the back.

  "I knew I liked this guy. Ethan, you're all right," my father said, and it was the closest thing to a compliment anyone could hope for. A glowing endorsement by a man who gave out very few, and I felt my heart flip in my chest.

  I knew Ethan would win my parents’ approval, and they seemed to have earned his as well, telling me one night as we secretly met to make love, "Your family is really great. I can see why they mean so much to you, and why you'd want to settle down and have one of your own."

  My parents hosted a big party in the backyard the last night of our stay and invited all their friends. It seemed like half the town came. It was a terrific chance for me to make good to all the people who had laughed behind my back when I ran away to L.A., saying I'd never make it as a model.

  Many of those people brought a copy of Speed Magazine with me on the cover, and asked me to sign it. When they found out Ethan was the owner, some of them asked for his autograph on the magazine, too. It was fun, and made us feel like a power couple. We were careful, though, not to take the limelight away from Dad, and Ethan made a very beautiful toast in his honor before the cake was cut, turning the full attention of all the guests back to the birthday boy.

  The next morning, we had a last family breakfast before Ethan and I had to leave. Then, we mounted the bikes and took the long ride back home to his mansion in Beverly Hills.

  It wasn't like the ride out, filled with excitement and happy chatter. It was a long, silent journey filled with a lot of introspection. I wanted to give Ethan the space he needed to process all that he had seen and heard that weekend so he could come to his own conclusion about if he wanted to be in a committed relationship with me.

  I didn't need to think about it on my end; I already knew I loved him and I was already committed to him, heart and soul. Seeing him with my family that weekend, the way he interacted with Tommy, and how my parents loved him and he fit in with my siblings like a glove, just reaffirmed what I had already known. Ethan and I were meant to be together. Now I just needed him to realize it.

  We pulled into his driveway and parked the bikes in his massive garage between his Ferrari and his black limousine. I took off my helmet and handed it to him, unsure where else to put it.

  "You've been awfully quiet all day. Is something on your mind?" he asked me as he placed the helmets, along with our gloves, onto a nearby shelf.

  "So have you," I pointed out. "I figured you must be thinking about what we talked about before and I wanted to give you space to figure it out. So, what did you decide?"

  He just stared at me with a blank look, like he didn't know what I was talking about, and my heart dropped. Feeling exasperated, I said, "You know, about being in a committed relationship. You said you needed to meet my family first. Well, now you have, so what did you decide?"

  "Oh, that. Wouldn't you like to know?" He grinned at me playfully, but I wasn't in a teasing mood. He winked at me and said "Let's go upstairs and I'll tell you in the morning."

  I was about to object, but he placed his lips on mine, kissing me passionately, and my words were forgotten. He carried me up the stairs to his bedroom, knocking over a lamp in his wake, but he was so impassioned he didn't care.

  He threw me on the bed and leapt onto the mattress beside me, kissing and caressing me all the while in just the ways he knew I liked best.

  "Take off your clothes," he instructed in a husky voice, and his need for me was clearly straining inside his jeans.

  "Wait," I held him back at arm's length. "I need to know the answer."

  "Okay, I'll take them off." He reached for my blouse, but I held fast, pressing my hand firmly against his chest and making it clear that I meant business.

  "No, Ethan. Stop. I can't do this. I can't keep making love to you if I don't know what's going on between us. I'm not some sex object you can use and toss aside when the next issue of Speed Magazine comes along and newest model catches your eye. Are you willing to commit to me or not?"

  He lay back on the mattress and groaned, pressing his hands against his eyes like I was giving him a headache.

  "Don't ask me to decide this right now. We just got back from a long trip. I need time to think."

  "That's fine. Take all the time you need." I gave him a kiss goodbye and walked out the door.

  "Kayla, wait! Where are you going?" He chased after me with a look of shock and terror on his handsome face.

  "Home," I stated simply. "Let me know when you decide what you want."

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Ethan

  I hadn't seen Kayla in three days, and it was killing me. I missed her far more than I would have expected. She was just another pretty model I was fucking—wasn't she?

  Only she wasn't. She had become far more than that. She was my best friend, someone I could talk to you about anything, and the one person I looked forward to seeing every morning when I woke up and every night when I fell asleep. She was the one person I wanted to spend all my time with.

  The long weekend at her parents' house had been fun, and a lot more enjoyable than I'd expected. Just being surrounded by them, you could feel the love and caring that they had for each other. Tommy was absolutely great. At first, I felt awkward around him, but I worked hard not to let it show, and the more I got to know him, the more I came to really like the kid.

  He reminded me of myself when I had been young. I didn't have to battle anything like his disability, but my life had had its own challenges, and through it all, I maintained a love for learning, especially science. The fact that this kid was a natural-born mechanical engineer endeared him to me a special way, and I wished to hell he hadn't been stricken by that damn disease, or I'd have offered him an internship at my company.

  The rest of her family was just as great and made me long for something I never even knew I'd been missing and wanting.

  Her mother cooking in the kitchen while Kayla and her sisters helped gave me joy as they talked and laughed and filled the house with delicious smells. Bonding with her brother and her sister's husband Mark made me feel like one of the guys, only they both had something I didn't: a family of their own. It made me a little jealous that I couldn't call Kayla my wife. I saw her interacting with her young niece and nephew and it stirred different feelings in me, too—ones I never would have known existed since I never spend any time with children. What surprised me most, however, wasn't that Kayla was a natural aunt, but what the kids stirred up inside myself.

  The toddler, Joe III, had been sitting in his highchair, getting food everywhere, while the baby, Madison, contentedly drank a bottle while being held in her father's arms. Mark was a good guy and everybody liked him. So was Junior's wife, Shelby. The spouses were as much a part of the family as the five Brandt children were, and I was surprised by how quickly I felt the level of inclusion. The Brandt's were a loving and welcoming people, and it was easy to see where Kayla got her natural kindness and sense of ease.

  When Mark's cell phone went off in his back pocket and he handed six-month-old Madison to me so he could answer it, I was startled. Shit. I didn't know what the hell to do with a baby, but the napping child didn't even stir. She just snuggled against my chest and continued to make little sucking noises with her bow-shaped lips. It melted my heart instantly and made me wonder if maybe someday I could be a father.

  The realization startled me. Later that weekend, when everyone started making comments about what a great couple Kayla and I made at the party, and cracking jokes about having our wedding in the Brandt backyard, it scared the shit out me. I wasn't
ready for this and I had to find a way out of it.

  It had been three days since we'd returned from her parents’ house, and she'd spent every one of those three nights at her apartment instead of spending a few at my place like she used to do. I missed her now that she was gone, but it wasn't something I could admit.

  I was an independent bachelor, a cool and aloof playboy that women flocked to. I didn't miss having a woman by my side, and I certainly didn't chase after the love and affection of any one particular woman. They all knew how the game was played. I picked the girl I was attracted to, we had fun for while with no strings attached, and when I was done, I moved on to the next one.

  The problem had occurred when Kayla started thinking about family and the future and having babies. Now that we were back in L.A., in the land of the beautiful, rich, and famous, she would get back to normal. She just needed to be reminded of the fun. I had a brilliant idea, and decided to give her a call.

  "What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked her. It was the first time I had called her, and she'd answered on the first ring, letting me know she'd been anxiously waiting for my call.

  "That depends on you," she stated cautiously. "Do you have an answer for me?"

  "I have something better. A date. Go out with me tomorrow."

  "Ethan. I can't keep doing this," Kayla sighed, but I cut her off.

  "I know you can't. I've been thinking about it these past few days and I have your answer, but I don't want to just blurt it out over the phone. Go out with me tomorrow, and by the end of the date, you'll know.

  "Okay," she agreed. I felt my heart turning flips in my chest. It was so loud, I wondered if she could hear it, too.

  Beaming with excitement, I said to her, "Use my account to buy yourself a new dress. I'm taking you to the hottest club in L.A. Dinner, drinks, and we'll go dancing all night long. The paparazzi will go crazy, and you'll feel like the shining star that you are."

  "Oh." She sounded disappointed, and all my excitement deflated out of me like a punctured balloon.


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