Rock Star Billionaire: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

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Rock Star Billionaire: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) Page 67

by Claire Adams

  Suddenly, on the other side of the door, I heard a loud bang and then saw Victor pull the gun out of the crack between the door and the frame. I heard a loud thud and then two voices shouting in the hallway. I stayed crouched in the space between the wall and the doorframe as the gun went off. I heard another thud, and then a voice broke the silence that followed.

  "He's dead, but I'm going to burn this fucking building to the ground anyway," Victor said quietly. His voice sent a chill up my spine.

  "Don't do it! Don't do it!" Liz screamed in the living room. I knew I had one chance to stop this deadly plan and, that either way, I had a pretty good chance of dying. I decided it was better to have it over with quickly rather than having to suffer. So, I yanked open the door and ran down the hallway to the living room where Victor stood poised with a lighter in one hand and the gun in the other. I raced toward him with my eye on the lighter aiming to knock it out of his hand before he could flick the flame to life.

  Half way there, I heard a loud crack as the balcony door shattered and Victor slumped to the ground. Bewildered, I looked around trying to figure out what had just happened. Victor rose up with the gun in his hand and pointed it at me. I screamed as the second shot hit him and he fell over dropping the gun to the floor. I kicked it out of the way and ran to Liz who was crying hysterically in a pool of shattered glass. She'd been cut, but as I untied the ropes that bound her, I quickly assessed that none of the wounds were life threatening.

  "He shot him!" she cried as she pointed to the kitchen. I ran around to the entry and saw Cam lying in a pool of blood on the tile floor. He wasn't moving. I dropped to my knees and searched for a pulse, and then lifted him up to find that the bullet had gone into his abdomen. I searched the kitchen drawers and found a handful of dishtowels that I used to staunch the flow of blood.

  "Liz, get help! Go get help!" I shouted as I pressed the towels to the wound.

  "They're already here," she replied weakly as a team of police officers slammed open the door and rushed inside the apartment with their guns drawn.

  "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Liz screamed as they aimed their guns at her. "He's over there!"

  They quickly assessed the scene and called in the paramedics. Cam was loaded onto a stretcher and taken down to the ambulance, which drove off in a blaze of sirens and flashing lights. A second set of paramedics loaded Victor onto a stretcher as Liz and I were taken down to the second ambulance. Meanwhile, the police secured the apartment and began their investigation.

  "We're going to take you to the hospital to get checked out," the paramedic said. She helped Liz and I up into the ambulance before closing the doors and taking off for the hospital.

  I held Liz's hand the whole ride to the hospital wondering if Cam was still alive. Suddenly the fact that he'd paid my rent and tuition didn't seem like something worth being mad about.



  "Oh shit," I groaned as I rose up through the layers of drug-induced sleep and began to feel the pain. "Fuck that hurts!"

  "Shh, shh, lay still," a voice said as someone moved around the room. I couldn't tell who it was because my eyes felt like they were glued shut and it took an enormous amount of effort to crack them open. When I did, everything was fuzzy, but I could feel a hand holding mine.

  "What the hell happened?" I mumbled through cracked dry lips.

  "You were shot," the voice said.

  "How long have I been out?" I asked as I tried again to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings. "Where am I?"

  "You're in Chicago General in the ICU," the voice replied. "You've been out for two days and we were beginning to really worry."

  "Eh, I'm fine," I said as I struggled to try and move my arms. I wanted to sit up. I wanted to open my eyes and see what was going on around me. I wanted to know whose voice that was.

  "No, no, no," the voice said gently holding my shoulder to the mattress. "You are not in any shape to be getting up, Mr. Connor."

  "Alex, I need to find Alex," I said suddenly remembering the events that had led to this point. "Where is Alex?"

  "I'm right here, Cam," Alex whispered in my ear as she squeezed my hand. I opened my eyes and focused them on the face next to me. Her blue eyes were bright with tears as she gripped my hand more tightly and smiled. "I'm right here."

  "Oh, thank God, you're okay," I sighed as I felt the pain in my side begin to throb intensely.

  I groaned as Alex tucked the button that released pain medication in my other hand and said, "Press it when you're in pain, it'll ease it."

  I pressed the button and a few minutes later, I felt the pain begin to ease as I fell back into a groggy, half-wakeful state. I could feel Alex's hand tucked in mine as I drifted back to sleep.



  Liz and I were checked out in the ER and kept overnight for observation despite the fact that I pointed out I hadn't been hurt and protested loudly. Mrs. Rikka had been summoned to the ER to tell me that I didn't have a choice in the matter, and her word was final. I grudgingly accepted the edict, but requested that they put Liz in the bed next to me, which they quickly did.

  Liz didn't talk much as she began an intense process of detox, but it was nice to be near her while the police questioned me and got the whole sordid story before filing me in on the details of the aftermath. Victor had survived the shooting, but was down in the ICU under lock and key. They weren't sure he'd come out of the coma, but they weren't taking any chances.

  "What about Cam?" I asked every person that came in the room. He'd been in surgery for most of the day and the doctors said it was touch and go. I nodded when they told me he had a slim chance of surviving, but that he was strong and healthy, so that tipped the odds in his favor. I desperately wanted to see him, but they wouldn't let me visit until they were sure he was out of the woods.

  "Someone needs to check on Tesla!" I said to the nurse who came in to do my vitals.

  "What are you talking about?" she asked as she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around my arm and pressed the button.

  "Cam has a dog, someone needs to go check on her," I said. The nurse assured me that she'd let the fire fighters down in the waiting area know.

  When they released me the next day, the first thing I did was go down to the ICU and ask to see him. They agreed to a short visit, but told me that I couldn't stay. Cam looked very pale under the fluorescent lights. I held his hand and spoke quietly telling him that everything would be all right, but that he had to wake up. When my time was up, the nurse kindly told me that I could come back the next day, but that visiting hours would be limited to short periods until he regained consciousness.

  I went down to the lobby and found Newsome sitting in a chair in the corner staring at the television set mounted to the wall.

  "How's he doing?" Danny asked.

  "He's still out, but they said that's normal considering the amount of damage and the length of surgery," I said. Danny looked like he hadn't slept and I suggested that perhaps he go back to Cam's house and take care of Tesla.

  "Already taken care of," he said as he ran a hand through his hair and then rubbed his eyes. "The chief drove over and brought her back to the station. We'll take care of her until Cam's up and about again. I gotta get back to the station."

  "Thanks, Danny," I said giving him a hug and then watching him head out the door. There were a number of things I needed to take care of, not the least of which was finding out whether Liz and I had been cleared of the cheating charges.



  It took a few days, but I finally came out of the drug-induced sleep to find Alex sitting next to my bed holding my hand.

  "Hey, you're here," I smiled as she stood up and leaned over me.

  "Of course, I've been waiting for you to wake up so we could talk," she smiled back.

  "Where's Tesla?" I asked suddenly worried that no one had checked on her and unsure of exactly ho
w long I'd been out.

  "Don't worry. Chief went and got her, she's at the station with the guys," Alex said as she brushed a stray piece of hair off of my forehead. "Everything's under control."

  "What about Leo? He's probably seriously pissed at me," I said furrowing my brow.

  "No, actually I'm grateful that you created a ton of positive publicity, Cam," Leo said. I turned my head and saw him standing in the doorway smiling. "There's no way we could have generated this much interest in the business had you not played the hero."

  "I didn't do it to generate business," I said rolling my eyes. "And I'm not a hero."

  "Of course, you are," Alex said as she took my hand and squeezed it. "You saved Liz and I, and you kept Victor from burning down that building."

  "And now everyone thinks that kind of security comes standard with CSC services," Leo grinned.

  "That's insane," I said shaking my head.

  "Nope, that's good publicity!" Leo replied. "I was able to play it up at Metzler's announcement that he's running for office, and the phone's been ringing off the hook ever since."

  "You're an opportunist, Leo," I laughed.

  "I'm pragmatic and a damn good businessman, if I do say so myself," Leo replied. "Look, I just wanted to stop in and see if you needed anything. They said you're probably going to be out of here in a few days, but that it's going to be a long slow recovery. Take it easy, will ya? I'll take care of business, and then when you're feeling up to it, you can come in and we'll talk about how we're going to handle this expansion."

  "I'm not quite out of the clutches of death and you're talking business," I laughed and then winced.

  "Hey, like I said, pragmatic," Leo grinned as he leaned over and gripped my shoulder. The look in his eyes was serious as he said, "I'm glad you're okay, Cam. Don't ever scare me like that again, you hear me?"

  I nodded and smiled up at him as I bent my arm and gripped his hand.

  "I gotta run; I have a date with a girl I met at the Metzler shindig," Leo said smiling at Alex and I. "Maybe I'll get as lucky as you two seem to have gotten."

  After Leo left, Alex busied herself straightening my blankets and getting me propped up so that I could watch television. She'd brought her books with her and sat studying while I flipped through channels. Occasionally she'd look up and smile at me, but neither of us said much. I wasn't entirely sure what to say, and I wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about what had happened.

  Around dinnertime, Alex left to go check on Liz. They'd moved her to the detox unit so that she could get the drugs out of her system, but it was a slow painful process of withdrawing given the fact that Liz had been using incredibly potent drugs for quite awhile. When Alex returned, she looked pale and worried.

  "How was your visit with Liz?" I asked. Alex shook her head and bit her lip. "Is she okay?"

  "She's...struggling," Alex said as she sat down. "I didn't know things had gotten so bad. How could I not have known?"

  "Addicts are good at hiding things," I said reaching out and taking her hand. "You can't blame yourself."

  "I do though," she said looking down at the floor. "She can't go back to school after the cheating charges were found to be true. I feel guilty."

  "Guilty that you weren't cheating?" I asked. "Liz made her own bed, now she's got to lay in it."

  "Wow, harsh, Connor," she said with a look of surprise. "I'd have thought you'd be a little more forgiving after what's happened."

  "Why should I be more forgiving? I'm the one who almost died!" I said wincing as I felt the pull of stitches in my side. "And that asshole almost killed you, too. Don't forget."

  "Like I would ever forget," she said standing up and walking to the end of the bed. "Cam, he said that you'd treated him badly and humiliated him. That's why he wanted revenge."

  "I didn't treat that asshole badly, he was a fuck up who couldn't fit in!" I shouted.

  "And you're such a choir boy, aren't you?" she said shaking her head. "You're a bossy, know-it-all who thinks that he can simply buy his way out of problems and make people like him."

  "What are you talking about?" I said confused by the sudden shift in her attitude.

  "You paid my rent and my tuition and you didn't even ask me if I wanted you to!" she shouted. "You had every opportunity to tell me what you were planning to do, and instead you hid it and just did what you wanted to without consulting me!"

  "I was doing you a favor!" I shouted back. A nurse came and stuck her head in the door and asked us to keep our voices down. Sheepishly, I nodded and then looked back at Alex who was standing at the foot of my bed with an angry look on her face.

  "You treated me like I didn't matter," she said. "Like you could just buy me off and I'd be happy. Why didn't you talk to me about what you were planning to do?"

  "Because you hate people with money!" I said looking up at her helplessly. "And I was afraid that if I brought it up, you would dump me!"

  "But you thought that paying my bills in secret was a good way to avoid that?" she asked incredulously.

  "I didn't...I...shit..." I said shaking my head as I looked away from her.

  "You didn't what?" she demanded.

  "I didn't want you to be mad at me and I didn't want you to leave," I said looking up at her as the raw emotion spilled out. "I haven't felt what I feel with you since Quinn died, and I didn't want to lose you. I want you to stay, Alex. Please. I'm sorry."

  Confusion flashed across Alex's face as she listened to me confess my feelings. I watched her as she wrestled with whatever it was she was feeling before she spoke again.

  "I don't want to leave you, Cam," she said softly as she moved around the bed and rested her hand on mine. "But you can't buy me. I don't like what money does to people. I don't like the way it changes them and makes them forget what's really important, and I thought you'd forgotten. I thought you were trying to buy me."

  "I was just trying to help out," I said as I took her hand. "I knew how worried you were about Liz and I didn't want you to have to worry about getting kicked out of school or your apartment while you waited for them to find you innocent. I knew they would. Cheating isn't you, Alex."

  "You should have talked to me," she said.

  "I know, I promise it won't happen again," I said squeezing her hand. "Please stay."

  Alex smiled as she leaned over and kissed me then nodded. I wanted to pull her into my arms, but the minute I stretched out to her I felt a sharp pain in my side and winced. Alex stood up and slid onto the bed next to me so that I could wrap one arm around her without having to stretch.

  "Is this better?" she asked looking up at me with a smile.

  "Indeed it is," I said as I kissed her forehead. "We'll always find a way."



  It was a long road to recovery for both Cam and Liz, but by the time the spring flowers were blooming and the trees were turning green, both of them were out of the hospital and on their way to being well at last. Without her scholarship, Liz had been unable to afford her apartment. Cam had offered to pay her rent, but she’d refused, so I'd had her move in with me to share my place. She went to meetings or therapy every day, and managed to maintain her sobriety after being released, but her lies had caused a deep crack in our friendship.

  I wanted to believe that she was on the road to recovery, but I no longer trusted her to tell me the truth. It created a stressful living situation and one that put both Liz and I on edge. I knew it couldn’t last for very long.

  Liz found a job working at the diner where we'd spent so much time studying, and she loved being able to shoot the breeze with the wide range of customers. The constant movement helped her stay focused on what was important and her co-workers knew her challenges, so they treated her like a family member and kept a close eye on her. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than she'd been in a long time.

  We'd talked about what had happened at the apartment the day Victor had almost killed us both, but L
iz never wanted to talk about what had happened before that, and I didn't ask. I figured that she'd talk about it when she was ready. She did, however, tell me about the day she cheated and how she'd unintentionally implicated me when she'd done it. She'd apologized and once I'd accepted the apology, we tried to move past it, though it was hard for me to trust her.

  Once cleared of any wrongdoing, I moved forward with classes and my internship. Violet and the girls backed down and left me alone once they knew that Cam and I were a couple, and that his firm was running her father's security detail. I'd graciously thanked them for their kind thoughts after the incident, and then proceeded to do what I'd always done -- ignore them.

  Mrs. Rikka watched me like a hawk when I returned to my rotation. I think she thought I was going to have a breakdown or something, but Leslie assured me that she was simply trying to ensure that I didn't get overwhelmed or overly stressed as I processed what had happened to me. I was required to attend counseling sessions to deal with the stress and process what had happened, but overall, I hadn't been traumatized by the incident. The therapist was not surprised, and told me that I might have some issues later when other stresses in my life surfaced. She let me go after ten sessions with the reminder that if things got stressful or overwhelming, I should come back and talk with her.

  I passed my final exams with straight As and prepared to graduate. We would be walking across the stage at the Chicago Theater and I wanted everyone who'd supported me to attend, so I asked for extra tickets and handed them out. Cam wanted to include Danny and Leo, so we'd invited them as well. Liz and I shopped for a dress for me to wear under my gown and finally found one in Nordstrom's on Michigan Avenue where we'd also let a pretty young woman do our makeup and convinced us to buy the products she'd used. All in all, it was a time of celebration.

  The only downside of things was when, two weeks before graduation, Cam, Liz and I were called to testify in Victor's trial. It was unsettling to see him again after all the damage he'd done, but when the verdict came down and the judge sentenced him to life in prison for kidnapping and attempted murder, we were all relieved. I watched him being led away in handcuffs and felt sad that he hadn't been able to find another way to deal with his rage and frustration.


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