The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters Page 14

by Story, Ronald

  Between 1981 and 1986, Betty described several occasions where alien entities were sighted in her bedroom at night.

  In 1986, at age 49, Betty was suddenly confronted by an entity during the day, as she lay on the couch. The entity placed a black box on the couch, which precipitated an OBE abduction experience.

  In 1987, at age 50, Betty discovered an anomalous scoop mark on the calf of her right leg. Three more scoop marks appeared on her arm, in 1988. During the same week a scoop mark appeared overnight on Ray Fowler’s right leg, after a dream of being operated on by alien entities.

  Ray’s personal physician referred him to a dermatologist, who said it looked like a “punch-biopsy” in the process of healing. The appearance of the scoop mark further instigated Ray to undergo hypnosis himself to explore personal childhood and adult experiences. Ray decided to include samples of personal UFO and paranormal events experienced by himself and family members within the context of the Phase III investigation.


  The Phase IV investigation took place between November 1992 and April 1993. It was conducted by Ray Fowler and a behavioral psychologist. During this period Betty underwent seven hypnotic regression sessions and Bob was involved in four sessions.

  One of the priorities in this particular phase of the investigation was to regress Bob Luca to relive his side of his shared OBE abduction experience, in 1978, with Betty. When under hypnosis, Bob provided additional information about his personal interfaces with the entities. This included a detailed treatise on the survival of human beings after death, of which the entities had intimate knowledge. He also provided a complementary description of what he and Betty experienced while together.

  In addition, Bob recounted a number of times that he awoke to see entities nearby. Such experiences took place in 1981 during a camping trip and in 1985, 1986, and 1992 in their home. However, each time when eye contact occurred between himself and an entity, he would fall back to sleep.

  Bob also relived abduction in 1989. He was awakened by the bed shaking and a bright red light coming through the window. His attempts to awake Betty were futile. When an entity appeared beside the bed, Bob became paralyzed. The entity placed his hand on Bob’s forehead and then poured some liquid into his mouth, which caused Bob to calm down. He then floated with the entity out the window into a hovering craft, and placed on a table where he was examined. He was told that they were monitoring his progress. During the examination a metal strap was placed on Bob’s head which produced a variety of pictures in his mind.

  Betty continued to relive in detail a number of follow-on personal abductions and a shared abduction from a car with Bob, in 1989. During a personal OBE abduction from her bed also in 1989, Betty was taken to a craft where she saw her daughter Becky being trained on a console. She was also brought back to Earth with a humanlike robed entity in an OBE state where she was allowed to see him carry out several interfaces with events on Earth.

  During another abduction in 1989, Betty was taken in a small craft to a huge cylindrical craft in space, where she described a number of operations being carried out by the robed humanlike entities and their small humanoid gray surrogates.

  In addition to probing Betty and Bob’s memories of their UFO experiences, the Phase IV investigation included a detailed comparison between OBE abductions and the NDE (near-death experience). This resulted in the possibility that humankind were the larval form of the humanlike entities encountered during OBE UFO abductions and NDEs. It hinted that the physical abductions and so-called animal mutilations were analogous to the breeding and maintenance of the human larval form.

  This would mean that so-called physical death might be the ultimate abduction: the reception of the metamorphosed larval form into the plane of existence from which the UFO phenomenon originates. Fowler theorized that this would explain why the entities appeared to be so similar in appearance to Homo Sapiens, and why OBE abductions and some NDE reports were identical. This concept was also supported by a treatise on human afterlife given to Bob Luca during his shared OBE abduction with Betty, in 1978.


  The Phase V investigation took place between November 1993 and February 1995. It was conducted by Ray Fowler and a MUFON consultant in hypnosis. The inquiry was directed specifically at probing the hidden memories of Becky’s daughter and Bob Luca, and another probable abductee that was selected at random for comparative purposes.

  In addition to recording hypnotic recall, interviews with members of the Luca and Fowler families took place. The experiences of both families were recorded and analyzed. Results supported other researchers’ findings that UFO abductions are a family phenomenon, and other types of paranormal phenomena usually accompany UFO experiences. Based on these findings, it was theorized that UFOs and various types of paranormal phenomena might be singular components of one overall metaphenomenon.

  Under hypnosis, Becky relived childhood and adult UFO experiences. Her earliest memories went back to 1958 when she was only three years of age. The early abductions were conducted by the robed humanlike entities who took her from her crib by a beam of light into a craft, where she was examined with an African-American child. It was at this time that she was returned to her backyard sandbox in the early morning hours, rather than to her crib. This caused great alarm to her mother, who could not understand how she could have gotten outside of a locked house.

  A scar remains from an apparent biopsy taken during her childhood abductions. During these early abductions, Becky relived her experience with the entity that was left in the house during Betty’s 1967 abduction. Her adult abductions were conducted by the typical small gray entities. During both childhood and adult abductions, Becky was trained on a console with a TV screen-like monitor. Becky attributes her ability to write strange hieroglyphic-type writing to these training sessions.

  Bob relived several other abduction episodes, such as being taken from his bed and out a closed window by a small red-suited gray entity in a buzzing beam of light. During another childhood bedtime episode, he suddenly found himself in a strange lighted room with his mother and father, and small gray entities that performed examinations on them.

  He also relived his 1967 adult experience, where he was taken from his car while on the way to a beach. During past hypnotic sessions, when probing this event, a mental block was encountered where Bob refused to describe what the entities were doing to him. However, during this session, the block was neutralized. Bob became very upset as he described entities extracting semen from him.

  One of the priorities of the Phase V investigation was to probe a recurring dream of Bob seeing an alien child. under hypnosis, Bob emotionally recalled being in a place where there was a large hallway. A gray entity emerged with an alien-like child with blue eyes, which somehow Bob recognized as his own. Bob was not allowed to go close to the child and sobbed uncontrollably when the child was taken away.

  During the Phase V investigation, Ray Fowler decided to include one of the many suspected abductees that had phoned him for help. He wanted to see whether she would relive similar UFO and paranormal events as the Luca and Fowler families. The similitude of the results was extraordinary.

  Jean (a pseudonym) was selected and relived both childhood and adult UFO and paranormal experiences in excruciating detail. Of great interest was her being used as a surrogate mother for three fetuses and being brought to see and hold them at a later date.

  Like Betty, Jean saw other surrogate mothers onboard the craft who were undergoing gynecological procedures. She, like members of the Luca and Fowler family, had experienced a variety of psychic phenomena.

  Fowler’s continuing investigation into his own family uncovered a variety of UFO and paranormal phenomena experienced by them. A highlight event was the discovery that his father, brother, and his brother’s son also had pronounced scoop marks just above their shins. His brother recalled remnants of an abduction experience from a motel room, which coincided with the
appearance of the scoop mark. Ray’s father did not remember when the mark had appeared and was unaware of it until it was pointed out to him. His nephew could not recall anything about the strange scoop marks on his leg.

  Phase V was the culmination of a twenty-year investigation of the Andreasson abductions. The result is a collection of conversations between the abductees and their alien abductors, which have been recorded as their message to humankind in the book, The Andreasson Legacy (1997).



  Fowler, Raymond E.. The Andreasson Affair (Prentice-Hall, 1979; Bantam Books, 1980).

  ________. The Andreasson Affair, Phase Two (Prentice-Hall, 1982).

  ________. The Watchers: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction (Bantam, 1990).

  ________. The Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience (Wild Flower Press, 1993).

  ________. The Andreasson Legacy (Marlowe, 1997).

  POSTSCRIPT: The following is Betty (Andreasson) Luca’s own summary of her extraterrestrial encounters: Since the beginning I have believed that extremely intelligent extraterrestrials have coexisted with mankind, quietly touching the human life and mind, hoping to lead man into a higher path of consciousness where wisdom, love, and freedom abound.

  Many people fear and mistrust these entities, because of their covert influence. I have had several physical and spiritual close encounters. Most all the beings I’ve been involved with, for well over fifty years of UFO encounters, have been benevolent.

  In 1967, as I lay magnetically pinned to a table aboard an extraterrestrial craft, several dark eyed entities, having three fingers on each hand, vigorously measured me for light and procreation, before retrieving a BB-like implant from my nose.

  My mind fearfully grasped for answers as I questioned their intention, purpose, and attitude concerning such a peculiar and frightful examination.

  I soon realized although these physical probes and unusual methods were bizarre, the beings did not want to hurt me in any way, for they removed the pain by laying their hands on my forehead. I reasoned that their radical examination was no more puzzling, painful or embarrassing than many necessary medical operations humans endure from physicians, surgeons, and dentists.

  Knowledge of these extraterrestrial creatures capable of transformation and invisibility began at age seven and continues to this day. My first abduction in 1950 thrust me into a realm where denizens of small gray skinned beings dwell, whose enlarged heads and big black eyes seemed grotesque compared to the human form.

  In this scene from Betty’s 1967 encounter, the leader, “Quazgaa,” exchanges a magical book for the Bible.

  In their strange environment was a beautiful crystal forest with amazing powers that came alive through touch. Beyond the forest was a huge crystal-like door. This was the entrance into the beautiful world of Light where the magnificence of One reside. Words are inadequate and incapable of describing the glorious and majestic presence within the dimensions of Light. Upon my exit from the great door, I was greeted by a tall, white-haired being who placed me in a small transport craft to return to the main ship.

  While on my journey back home, an implant was strategically placed inside my head which would be removed seventeen years into my future. After the removal I was taken to a room with eight unusual chairs, submersed in liquid for protection from G-forces, then escorted to a high place before the Light where a chorus of one voice called my name to inform me that I had been chosen to show the world. Six more years would pass before I would come to understand what the intriguing statement meant.

  A huge cigar-shaped craft, which carries the Elders and the Watchers.

  Through each encounter, they were revealing themselves: who they were, what they were doing, and why. I had been chosen to report the impact of their reality through my encounters.

  In 1973, the gray beings summoned me from my home to their craft where a young terrified woman lay paralyzed on a table. Much to my surprise, some of the beings were working down by her raised legs.

  A hybrid fetus was aborted from the woman’s womb and thrust into a waiting tank of liquid close by. It was at this time I learned these gray beings were called “Watchers”: care takers of nature and all natural form. They informed me the reason they’d been collecting seed and fetuses was because man would eventually become sterile.

  I witnessed technology that seemed magical. A large hovering craft attached itself to a smaller craft below to purge and reline its “cyclinetic trowel,” which caused lightning and a rain shower to occur. The lower craft was later shrunken to the size of a car.

  Watchers escorted me back to the main craft, where I was lifted to an upper room and brought to a huge forest-like terrarium with a fish pond. The central part of the water opened, and as water and fish fell below, the Watcher explained: “they were just replenishing.” I stood in the forest in amazement as tiny fetus-like children, remarkable hybrid infants, appeared from behind bushes and trees.

  The next unusual encounter was an out-of-body (OBE) event that happened to both my husband, Bob, and me. We were lifted out of our bodies and brought aboard a craft where the gray Watchers were examining our three daughters. Two tall white-haired beings took Bob into a different room, as I along with others were changed into beings of light. This experience was an advanced learning session for us.

  Betty’s drawing of an Elder: one of the white-robed beings.

  In 1989, I was once again transported to a craft by the gray Watchers and brought to the crystal forest. The ground rumbled and great sheets of blinding light suddenly appeared as the great door to the world of Light opened once again

  A spherical craft transported me forward, where I saw a mass of nesting orbs. These orbs were collectors of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence. Watchers escorted me to another spherical craft, and we sailed toward a massive cigar-shaped vehicle hovering in the darkness of space. One end of the huge ship was lit with red and white lights. As we entered the long cylindrical craft and parked the small ship, a tall white-robed being greeted us.

  Once inside, I learned that these beautiful pale blue-eyed extraterrestrials are called Elders, and are ambassadors of “O.” The gray Watchers are their work force. These Elders love the human race.



  P.O. Box 613

  Hayes, VA 23072 U.S.A.


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  Andreasson Affair, The (Prentice-Hall, 1979). Raymond Fowler tells the story of Betty Andreasson, a Massachusetts housewife, who believes she was kidnapped by aliens and given religious messages and formulas for new technologies to benefit humankind. Her account of being subjected to medical tests by the aliens and having an implant removed from her sinuses came from hypnotic regression sessions and became a defining experience for later abductees and their hypnotists.


  Andrews, Arlan K., Sr. (b. 1940). Dr. Andrews is an author, lecturer, and consultant, living on Padre Island on the Texas Gulf coast. A native of Little Rock, Arkansas, he retired in 1996 as Manager of Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives at the Sandia National Laboratories of the U.S. Department of Energy, Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is a co-founder of Muse Technologies, Inc., a virtual-reality software firm (NASDAQ: MUZE), and several other high-tech start-up companies.

  Arlan Andrews

  Dr. Andrews received his Doctor of Science in Engineering at New Mexico State University in 1968, and worked for AT&T Bell Laboratories at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; Greensboro, North Carolina; and Indianapolis, Indiana, with assignments in Hong Kong and Japan.

  He worked as a Fellow in the Technology Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce in 1991-92, and in the White House Science Office (Office of Science and Technology Policy) during the Bush and Clinton Administrations in 1992-93, making him the only UFO researcher with White House credentials. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, a Mecha
nical Engineering consultant for MUFON and a professional member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.


  [email protected]

  POSITION STATEMENT: My basic outlook on UFOs has not changed since my original position statement in The Encyclopedia of UFOs (1980):

  “My own interpretation is with the hardware group: I think that the data reveal that we are visited by craft from other solar systems or elsewhere in space, and that these craft have advanced means of propulsion and materialization, and that the crews are (sometimes) humanoid, and that they are neutral—neither friends nor foes. It is almost meaningless to speculate further upon their motives.”

  In the years since 1980, most scientific discoveries and technological advancements have unknowingly supported this “Hardware and Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.” For example, we now possess “stealth technology,” which means that UFOs of the 20th century did not have to show up on our radar, lending more credence to such reports. Extrasolar planets are showing up everywhere, and recent lab experiments indicate that the speed of light may not be the ultimate barrier after all. Advances in nanotechnology and genetic research are making 21st Century technology look like magic to a 1950s observer. Each of these steps supports a universe in which interstellar travel is indeed possible.

  It is very interesting, then, that no further progress has been made in explaining UFOs since Day One in 1947. Perhaps UFOs will remain not only unknown, but unknowable.


  Andrus, Walter H. Jr. (b. 1920). As one of the founding members of MUFON in 1969, Walter Andrus served as the International Director of the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. since 1970, succeeding Dr. Allen R. Utke. On July 16, 2000, Andrus retired from that position, and the title was transferred to John F. Schuessler, also a founding member of MUFON.

  Born in Des Moines, Iowa, Andrus graduated from the Central Technical Institute in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1940. He also graduated from the U.S. Navy Electronics Technician Program (during World War II) and taught in both of the above schools. He was formerly employed by Mid-Continent Airlines as a Station Manager in Quincy, Illinois. From 1949 to 1975, Andrus was employed by Motorola, Inc. in successive capacities as Assistant Plant Manager, Manager of Quality Control, and Operations Manager in their Quincy, Illinois facility. In 1975 he transferred to the Seguin, Texas plant as a Production Manager. After a tenure of nearly thirty-four years with Motorola, he retired at the end of 1982 to devote full time to the management of the Mutual UFO Network.


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