The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

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by Story, Ronald

  This control will be accomplished by the implantation of chips, the “mark” of the Beast, and the use of already existing military satellites, such as were relied upon in the Gulf War, whose capabilities are far beyond what is publicly known.


  Meier, claiming to speak on behalf of the Pleiadians, states that vegetarianism is not healthful for the vast majority of human beings and that it contributes to faulty thinking due to deficiencies of certain nutrients currently found only in foods from animal sources. Rather than helping their cause of protecting animals, those vegetarians opposed to genetic engineering actually help to perpetuate the unnecessary suffering of countless animals, says Meier. This is because the answer to the nutritional as well as moral questions lies in the development of animal proteins “grown” through genetic engineering of plants; something at least one scientist was exploring several years ago.


  What we call the “Face on Mars” is, according to Meier, only the tip of the artifact-iceberg of what exists, and will be one day found by man, on the now desolate planet. Meier contends that Mars was one of three planets in the solar system that have been inhabited by humans. The other planet (besides Mars and the Earth) was called “Malona” or “Maldek” (its remnants now making up the asteroid belt). Meier predicts that the discovery of artifacts on Mars will shake the foundations of our understanding of mankind’s origins.


  In his discussions with the Pleiadians, Meier learned that they allow abortion only up to the third week, as their advanced scientific technology confirms that the human spirit becomes present with the fetus at this time. Here on Earth, however, abortion is allowed and in accordance with the spiritual laws and directives if certain conditions and reasons are present, e.g., genetic defects, brain damage, danger of the mother’s health, etc. They affirm that terrestrial science has not yet progressed enough to be able to detect hereditary defects and other malfunctions in the first three weeks of a pregnancy.


  The Pleiadians say that the universe in which we live is the conscious embodiment of all that exists, the source of all love, existence, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, compassion, mercy, justice, and more. They say that it permeates all things. Therefore, we must learn to live by its laws and directives. The “Creation” is that which we may otherwise refer to as “God,” except that it is of an incomprehensibly greater magnitude, as the term God referred to the highly advanced extraterrestrial rulers of the distant past who falsely represented themselves to many peoples in many cultures as the Creation itself.

  The Pleiadians state that each human spirit is unique, as it is a small piece—a tiny hologram—of the full potential of the Creation, which is designed to unfold and evolve to its full spiritual potential over many millions of incarnations.


  With the supremacy of the Creation as the foundation of all spiritual truth, the Pleiadians and Meier point out that all terrestrial religions miss the mark and serve to corrupt and retard the development of the human spirit. They are firm in stating that there are absolutely no gods, deities, saints, ascended masters, angels, idols, gurus, or other intermediary forms that should stand between humans and their connection to the Creation. Meier claims that the original version of the Lord’s Prayer was not directed outward to a “Father in Heaven” but rather inward to awaken one’s own spirit.


  It is said that Meier is the current embodiment of the same spirit (or spirit form) that incarnated as Jmmanuel (erroneously called “Jesus” according to the Pleiadians and Meier) and Mohammed, as well as several earlier Biblical prophets and the scientist Galileo, a persecuted “prophet” in his own right. The Pleiadians and Meier state that he is the prophet of this time—come to do what the others before him have done—to announce or reintroduce the Laws of Creation. He is adamant and clear that he is not, and was not, “Jesus Christ.” Having survived over fifteen assassination attempts, it appears that Meier’s claims and teachings have contributed to making him at least as much of a target as the prophets of old.

  Research on what is arguably the longest running, and most extensively researched, UFO contact case was done by Col. Wendell C. Stevens, Lee and Brit Elders, Tom Welch, Jim Dilettoso, Michael Hesemann, Lou Zinsstag, Jaime Maussan, Jun-Ichi Yaoi of Nippon TV, and others. The most vocal of Meier’s critics, Kal K. Korff, allegedly went to Switzerland twice to investigate the case but returned without interviewing a single eyewitness or even Meier himself.

  Notes: Go to for more information on the Pleiadians’ and Meier’s information regarding: AIDS, space travel, destiny of the human races, intermarriage, polygamy, physics, black holes, spiritual teachings, the New World Order, religions, ice ages, etc. Of special interest is the “251st contact” which contains far-reaching prophecies and predictions.

  The Pleiadians are now correctly referred to as “Plejarans.” The term “Pleiadian” was deliberately used by the Plejarans and Meier to distinguish themselves, at the appropriate time, from all other alleged contactees, channels and mediums who would claim to be in some form of communication with “Pleiadians.” The Plejarans confirm that the star system of the Pleiades, as is visible to us on Earth, is too young and not possessing the conditions suitable for any form of inhabitation. Thus, there are not, and never have been, any “Pleiadians” providing any information to anyone in any form.


  Menger, Howard (b. 1922). Howard Menger is the best-known contactee in the eastern United States, and the first to claim he was a “child contactee.”

  Born in Brooklyn, New York, Menger moved to New Jersey, where he received his elementary and high school education. Upon graduation from high school, he worked for a year in Picatinny Arsenal as a munitions handler and inspector. In 1942, Menger enlisted in the U. S. Army, where he was assigned to the Armored Tank Division. He later worked with Army Intelligence and on detached service with Naval Intelligence and Chemical Warfare.

  Howard Menger

  A “Venusian Scout Ship” photographed in 1953 by Howard Menger

  After his discharge from the Army in 1946, he established the Menger Advertising Company in Washington and Highbridge, New Jersey, where he was in business for twenty years. He formed his own company, Energy Systems Research, Inc., to do basic research in electronics and to promote several of his inventions, including an emergency power pack.

  In 1956, Menger took some photographs of “flying saucers” in a field near his home. The story and events which surrounded those photographs resulted in several cross-country lecture tours and his book From Outer Space to You (1959). With his wife, Connie (who helped him compile the first book and a second, entitled The Carpenter Returns, coauthored with her and Milton Selleck), he currently owns and operates his own advertising sign company and art studio in Vero Beach, Florida.


  845 28th Ave.

  Vero Beach, FL 32960


  The Space People who contacted Howard Menger originated on Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn and were making contact for the first time with a select group of earthlings. Some of the earthlings had a very special heritage unbeknownst to them until after their meetings with the Space People. Mr. Menger himself, for example, and his second wife, Connie, were reincarnated from previous lives on the planet Venus. Venus, by the way, is described by Menger as “…young and healthy, with beautiful foliage, streams, forests, large bodies of water, mountains, hills…” and not unlike “…some places in California today….”

  Menger claims the earliest contact experience of all the contactees. It began when he was only ten years old, in 1932, while he was playing in the woods near his home. He came upon a beautiful golden-haired woman, sitting on a rock. Menger later wrote, [she] “was the most exquisite woman my young eyes had ever beheld! The warm sunlight caught the highlights of her long golden h
air as it cascaded around her face and shoulders. The curves of her lovely body were delicately contoured-revealed through the translucent material of [her] clothing….”

  The woman said: “Howard, I have come a long way see you…and talk with you.” She told him: “We are contacting our own.” She explained that when he grew older, he would be contacted again; i.e., when he could understand their teachings, which would include the knowledge of his purpose on Earth and what would be expected of him as a messenger of the Space People.

  “Spacewoman” captured on film by Howard Menger

  Indeed, there were other meetings with the Space People, a long series of contacts which included a course of instruction that continued over many years and amounted to a complete guide to good, clean living. Spiritual subjects were taught, such as the proper care of the soul, but also there were teachings about the proper care of the body. Special health foods were extremely important. When the Space People visited Earth, but neglected to bring along their own food, “They asked mainly for frozen fruit juices, canned fruit and vegetables, whole wheat bread, wheat germ, and the like.” One specimen of food processed by the Space People, a Lunar potato, was given to a laboratory in Philadelphia for analysis. It was reportedly found to have five times more protein than potatoes grown here on Earth.


  Menzel, Donald H. (1901-1976). Regarded as the leading “debunker” of UFOs for almost twenty-five years, Donald Menzel, a well-known astronomer, was the author of three books and numerous articles which attempted to explain UFO phenomena as a combination of natural and manmade events. He perceived the sky as containing a myriad of possible UFOs: planets, stars, meteors, aircraft, balloons, etc., all waiting to be misidentified by the credulous observer or, in some instances, by the well-trained observer.

  While some found his explanations convincing, others did not. Most UFO advocates considered him an “archenemy.” Many of his explanations were, in fact, reasonable, and Menzel certainly had the technical background to evaluate such data. However, he rarely conducted personal field checks and limited himself to more theoretical explanations, which, however unlikely, he considered more probable than extraterrestrial visitation. He accepted the probability of many technologically advanced civilizations throughout the galaxy, but not that they could easily, and routinely, travel across interstellar distances to Earth.

  Menzel had a certain impatience with those who entertained the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), as well as with those who were not altogether convinced by his explanations of UFO reports. He was also critical of the U. S. Air Force UFO investigators, whom he felt often ignored his evaluations and his advice, particularly during the early 1950s.

  After obtaining a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Princeton University in 1924, Menzel taught astronomy at the University of Iowa (1924-25) and Ohio State University (1925-26). and worked at the Lick Observatory of the University of California (1926-32). He then joined the faculty at Harvard University as an assistant professor of astronomy (1932-35), later becoming associate (1935-38) and full professor (1938-71) of astrophysics, and Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy (1956-71). He served as head of the astronomy department (1946-49), and associate director (1946-54), acting director (1952-54), and director (1954-66) of the Harvard College Observatory. He became a professor emeritus in 1971, and so remained until his death in late 1976. He was also affiliated with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (1966-71).

  Menzel was a member of many scientific societies, was president of the American Astronomical Society (1954-56), and was the recipient of many distinguished awards. He was a consultant to numerous industrial firms and federal agencies. During World War II, he served as chairman of the Radio Propagation Committee of the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff, which worked on critical communications and radar problems, and headed the Section of Mathematical and Physical Research of U.S. Naval Communications.

  His principal research activities involved solar and stellar astronomy, planetary atmospheres, wave mechanics and atomic spectra, radio propagation, and sunionosphere problems. Major UFO works: Flying Saucers (1953); The World of Flying Saucers, with Lyle Boyd (1964); and The UFO Enigma: A Definitive Explanation of the UFO Phenomenon, with Ernest Taves (1977).

  POSITION STATEMENT: Man has traditionally tended to construct a myth to explain anything he cannot understand. And this is precisely the way the flying saucers, or UFOs, came into existence. I became actively involved with UFOs in 1952. Look [magazine] called me to ask if I had any ideas on the subject. I did and wrote two articles for them which I later expanded into a book.

  In the summer of 1952, while on a tour of active duty with the Navy, I addressed a large and enthusiastic group of officers at the Pentagon concerning my views of UFOs. I was also invited to brief the personnel of Project Blue Book. I found them much less receptive. A few were positively antagonistic, especially those who, as I later found out, had become convinced of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, or ETH. However, I made a few converts to my views, individuals who later came to reorganize the project completely, about 1954.

  I predict a decline of public interest in UFOs. The people seem to have taken up a new cause: Astrology. It has a similar scientific basis and fulfills a similar need in human desire. The government should withdraw all support for UFO studies as such, though I could advocate the support of research in certain atmospheric phenomena associated with UFO reports. I further predict that scientists of the twenty-first century will look back on UFOs as the greatest nonsense of the twentieth century.

  In conclusion, I want to point out that, in my opinion, the question of whether planets of our solar system or elsewhere have intelligent life on them is irrelevant. Nor am I denying the possibility that someday we may actually experience visits from outer space. My point is that the UFO reports to date do not represent extraterrestrial activity in any form. I confidently predict that no amount of investigation will bring evidence in support of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.


  (Position statement was abstracted and adapted from “UFOs—The Modem Myth” by Donald Menzel, in Sagan, Carl and Page, Thornton, eds., UFOs—A Scientific Debate, 1972.)

  Messages from the Stars (Harper & Row, 1978). British science writer Ian Ridpath proposes that humankind may never meet extraterrestrials because the acquisition of higher intelligence diminishes curiosity about space exploration. After dismissing UFO sightings and ancient astronaut evidence as based on fanatical belief, not evidence, he wonders whether or not we might be the first technological civilization in the universe to survive.


  Messengers of Deception (And/Or Press, 1979). Jacques Vallée speculates that contactees may be unwitting victims of cult groups pursuing a hidden social and political agenda. He began to develop this conspiracy theory after computers used to search for patterns in the global distribution of UFO reports portrayed the behavior of the phenomenon as if it were a conditioning process using “absurdity and confusion to achieve its goal while hiding its mechanism.”


  Metán (Argentina) UFO crash-retrieval The controversial events that took place at Metán, a small town near Salta, Argentina, fit in well with the UFO crash/retrieval obsession that prevailed in the early and mid-90s. Between August 17-18, 1995, thousands of people allegedly witnessed the collision of an unidentified flying object against the slopes of 9000-ft. El Crestón after having supposedly been struck by air-to-air missiles. A small private plane flying over the crash site hours later was knocked out of the sky by alleged “electromagnetic interference” emanating from the wreckage.

  Details tacked onto the story—such as the six-hundred-foot diameter of the downed saucer and its 200 dead occupants—hampered its credibility when the news was first circulated. But clearly verifiable ground effects, including uprooted trees and deep furrows in the landscape, coupled with the fact that seismometers 90 miles away from t
he source were set in motion after the impact, were clear indicators that something had indeed occurred. A rescue team led by Pedro Olivera saw a metallic object at the epicenter of the devastation and advised their superiors of the fact. The rescuers were curtly told to advance no further and return to their headquarters.

  On August 18, 1995, local resdents saw English-speaking personnel heading toward the Metán crash site. The foreigners removed pieces of a slender, metallic material resembling aluminum from the crash site, which allegedly “assumed a concave shape when joined.”

  Raúl Córdoba, a Salta journalist interviewed by Buenos Aires’ Crónica newspaper on September 1, 1995 stated that “there is no doubt that we have NASA personnel here trying to conceal the truth, assisted by members of the National University at Salta, since it is already involved in the matter but refuses to publicize its involvement.”


  metaphysical aspects of UFOs and ETs With every passing year, the study of UFOlogy grows more complex, as UFO sightings and ET (extraterrestrial) contacts continue to occur across the world. We are faced with an enormous body of research at our disposal—well documented and extensively studied. Facing the dawn of the 21st century, we have no problem finding data to support the claim of true extraterrestrial visitation. Our problem is how to interpret and make sense of all this data.

  As we seek to uncover the deeper levels of meaning, we have to realize that empirical methods, for all their merits, have built-in limitations. Put simply, the scientific approach of most UFOlogists and SETI scientists gives us but a piece of the puzzle. While it does provide ample documentation of isolated events and experiences, it is completely unable to address the larger dynamics. UFOlogists have little to say about the metaphysics of such visitors from beyond.


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