Out of the Woods (The Coalescence Book 1)

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Out of the Woods (The Coalescence Book 1) Page 12

by P. S. Power

  He didn't know if all the words were right, having tried to repeat a few things that she’d said earlier, hoping that he’d picked up what she meant.

  Diana spun in place, to stare at him.

  She switched to Home Tongue in shock.

  “Will? I… You don’t look like you at all!” She even stood from her pad, staring at him.

  Doris simply smiled at them all then.

  “In English, please?”

  That took longer, but she did manage to repeat herself after a bit.

  “This… New work that done was?”

  Dumas was fighting a giggle and Clemance just seemed relaxed and calm about it all. He still looked like himself, but it was kind of clear that there were differences already. His eyes were more alive somehow, for instance. Nothing else seemed to be changed up all that much, but it had probably been done already.

  Will smiled at her.

  “Yes. I was down in Soam all day. Learning their ways and customs. Other things too, but…” He wasn’t really ready to share that with his little sister, but then thought about the fact that she might be in for similar training herself. It made some sense, actually. “Um… Well, I had to learn to do things, with women? It might be needed later, for my new job. If I get it, I mean.”

  Interestingly, Dumas turned to look at him, Clem didn’t, but clearly understood and Doris just nodded.

  Her voice was soft, dreamlike and smooth.

  “I think I understand. This is probably a good lesson for you then. Did you have other instructions for me?”

  He nodded, but looked around.

  “We should be alone for that?”

  Dumas stood up then, pulling on his older brother’s arm. Then he glanced at Diana.

  “We can go get that bath in, then? The ones at Thomson Residence are nice enough. If I…” He switched to Standard then, asking the room a simple question.

  Doris answered, seeming pleased enough with his efforts.


  “If I attend with you, then you won’t be unduly pressured to do things with Clemance. Not that he’d take advantage…” The boy stopped, his face puzzled then.

  Willum understood why, since he was about to be struck by his female cousin.

  It was all kinds of improper to her, after all.

  Willum understood it, now.

  “There are different rules here. Go with them and do what they say. Just… Don’t get her with child. She’s too close to you all for that. It’s scandalous, but we can’t afford that.” It was the rule for him anyway. Just speaking the words ate at his stomach however. Like he was going to be physically ill for a moment.

  Doris bowed in first his direction, then his sister’s.

  “That’s a plan. Perhaps have your mother with you? Count Thomson as well. Then it will be a mere family event. That will push her out of her comfort zone, without breaking her, I think.”

  Diana finally blushed, but let her fist go, taking a deep breath.

  “That would be most welcome.”

  At least this time she was pretending a little better. She hardly seemed ready to kill anyone for the insult at all. Dumas took her hand, rather cutely, which got her to go stiff again, but not throw him off. He was young enough still that it was a bit improper, but not enough to have anyone beaten. As soon as they got to the door, Will moved over and locked it. The latch was simple, just being a hook and eye, but the action got a raised eyebrow.

  They kept speaking in English, which meant he slowed down a lot, not having the needed vocabulary for what he had orders to suggest.

  “I… Was suggested to…” He had to break then, into Standard. “Seduce you? Not in secret.” Then he moved back to the new language, struggling, but getting the words to sound right. He hoped.

  “Also to get pictures of you, in your other form, as proof? Would that be possible? I don’t know what the actual goal is.” That was true enough. Interestingly the woman just smiled at him.

  “Probably to see if you’re willing to broach the subject with me at all. People from this time run very hot and cold as to how they react to sex. I’ll change now, so you can get those images you need? Tomorrow we can do more. After lessons. I expect you to improve in your use of English by then. Let me list off the corrections you need?”

  She did that, while standing up, her clothing vanishing. Inside a minute her body moved from being creamy tan to a shimmering white. It glinted a bit as he got out the handheld and worked out, with a bit of help, all of it coming in the new language, how to record her. She turned in place for him, bending over to show her most intimate places without him even asking for that. Trying to shock him, it seemed. It very nearly worked.

  Then the now youthful seeming lady smiled at him. It was loaded with lust and desire. Even not knowing much about those things, he understood what it meant. He could smell her from across the room. It was similar to what Itzel had been like earlier.

  “I always get so horny when I take this form. We could… Well, I have a class coming. Probably waiting outside right now. Tomorrow? At ten, when my last class is finished?”

  He nodded, then shrugged.

  “I need to see about… Making sure you don’t have a child with me.”

  The woman giggled a bit.

  “I can’t, so that isn’t a problem. As for you, well, you’ve had recent changes. The pattern of late has been to make that difficult for anyone made immortal. You should check on that however. Taman can do it. She’s acting as your master for now?”

  He bowed, not really answering. The woman was clearly up on things, but he didn't know what he was allowed to share with anyone at all. Not doing too much that way was probably the best plan really. With a tap, her clothing came back. Her face didn’t change however, staying pretty and young as he opened the door. If that bothered her, he couldn’t tell.

  She winked at him as a few others walked in, dressed in brown. They all seemed confused.

  “Until tomorrow, lover.” Then, almost wickedly, she shifted back to her elder seeming form.

  People just sat then, beginning to meditate, even if they thought it was all kind of strange. Willum waved, then left as soon as he could. The whole day had been stressful, even if he was handling it differently now. When he got back to the transport hut he had to wait, as a strangely dressed man walked out of it. His face was a good color, having a well-groomed black mustache over his lips. He was smiling, as he looked around.

  Then, because it was the theme of the day, or one of them, the fellow spoke. In English. The accent was different than what he’d just been learning. Considerably.

  “Hello! I don’t suppose that you’re my contact here? Count Lordgreen?”

  The name sounded different, but he got the idea easily enough.

  “Lairdgren. It means that though. Lord Green? This is the right place. He’s probably in his office. He runs the school here. As well as the County. I’m Willum Baker. Um, Countier Four, Lairdgren. Which means that if four people die I become the Count. Given that one of those is my father and the other my brother, I can’t say I want the job.” He hoped that the man could understand him well enough.

  There was a bit of a chuckle at least, like he really did.

  “Villum Baxter?”

  He nodded, since that was the correct pronunciation. He translated it to English for the man as well.

  “That’s right. In English that would be Willum Baker. I think. I only started learning to speak English a few hours ago. So, I’m probably butchering it.”

  The other man smiled at him and shook his head.

  “Not really. That’s amazing though! I’ve been here like, twenty times. Mainly the Moon and Mars? I still can’t speak the language here. I should take lessons.” He stopped, looked around to notice that about ten people in the stone yard had stopped to look at him, getting that he was different from his clothing, even if they couldn’t hear the strange words used. Then he went wide eyed. “Oh, sorry! I’m Troy Lop
ez. I’ve met a Tim Baxter and his incredibly adorable sister, Tam? Do you know them, or is that like assuming everyone from the same world would have met everyone else?”

  The idea was funny, actually.

  Especially since he did know them.

  “Relatives. I only met them yesterday however, myself. I can lead you to Count Lairdgren’s office? I’ve been there before. Though… He tried to have me killed, so I don’t know if that part is still going on or not. He didn’t mention it at dinner last night? He was confused, since I guess I’ve been showing up and killing people, before we met, he and I?” That had to sound insane, but the other man just took a deep breath.

  “Crud. That hasn’t happened to me yet, but Vampire Troy, the line walking one? He was attacked at his store about three weeks ago. By himself. Just like that, I bet. The, well, me, came through the line. A human version, like I am, so Vamp Troy killed him, but it was close. The enemy does a strange reality warping thing, so you’re never fighting just one of them. Hundreds it sounds like.”

  Will hadn’t heard that part before, but tried to absorb it all, in case it was important later.

  “That does sound a bit like what I was told. So, this way? Do you have a shield?”

  The man didn’t it seemed, so Will made a point of going in first, standing in front of the fellow, in case Lairdgren thought he was an attacker as well. It was possible, after all.

  The same woman was still there, from the day before. If she’d been a bit flirting then, she nearly purred this time. Her eyes were locked on his, not Troy, for all he had that exotic clothing on.

  “Hello. May I help you?”

  Will nodded, since he had a mission that day. A self-appointed one, at any rate.

  “Yes. Troy Lopez, from a different reality here to see Count Lairdgren. Countier Four Lairdgren, Willum Baker as well. The one that he shouldn’t try to have killed if possible?” He didn't know if that would be enough to get them in, and he got a funny look from the woman.

  “I met a Countier Four Lairdgren yesterday. He looked different.”

  Will nodded then, lying a bit, so he wouldn’t have to explain too much.

  “I’m in hiding, hence the disguise. That was me. Hello again.” He waved, trying to make it cute. That apparently worked for the blonde, slightly older woman. She bustled a bit to the office door, her tan trousers hugging her behind well enough that Troy was watching her do it. He smiled, shaking his head a bit.

  The Count came out directly, seeming more than a bit worried.

  “Hello! Hello! I knew that someone was planning to visit, but not when. I’m afraid I haven’t learned much English yet. I don’t suppose you speak standard?” The words were directed at Will, which got him to shake his head.

  “Wrong one. I’m Will Baker. The one you set up to kill yesterday? The real one, if that helps me stay alive? I kind of get it, but…”

  The man just bowed, kneeling as soon as he heard the words.

  “I beg your forgiveness. If you must take a life over the matter, it should be only my own. The mistake was mine. I had seen pictures, which matched…” He didn’t explain more than that, probably assuming that an attack was incoming.

  Will nodded. Then he moved in and gently pulled the man to his feet.

  “Hence the new face, so no one else gets confused. Anyway, this is Troy Lopez? I can try to use my whole two hours of English instruction to communicate? Go slowly.”

  That led to an hour long conversation, with him moving back and forth, having to describe phrases to Troy several times to get at the right meaning. On the good side it was great practice for him. After they covered several pleasantries, the fact that Troy had the job of coming to visit them and at need take them places and that there could be other people coming past at times, Troy waved at Will.

  “You can be around, if we make a schedule? I tried to set that up with Taman when we met last, but she seemed to be thinking I was suggesting we date? Not that it wouldn’t be fun, but my girlfriend would frown on that. Or, actually, she wouldn’t, but… It’s complicated that way?”

  Will repeated the words in Standard then.

  “I can do that? I’m doing some kind of training right now, but I’m sure I can spare time for that, if I know when and where to meet with you? Here is good for that. Then we just need the time.”

  That was harder than it sounded like to come up with, since time flowed a bit differently on each Earth. Or between some of them, which was even worse, to Troy’s mind.

  “The best we can do is probably have me come in every day or so. You seem to run about eight to one, so every eight days for you here? At about this same time.”

  That would be dicey, but he nodded anyway. After all, the other man was the one with the power and skill to walk between worlds. They needed to cater to his needs, not the other way around. He knew that because the Count whispered it to him, after the man got back into the red hut, vanishing.

  Then, a bit more firmly he spoke loudly enough that others might hear them.

  “So, you’re the new messenger from Soam? Do I just send things with you when you come?”

  It was abrupt, but he caught the idea.

  “To other places as well, if you need. Other worlds, or, to a small extent, other realities. Just make sure it’s clear as to where things need to be delivered, please. It’s a free service, and the rules state that anyone can use it, at any time.” It wouldn’t come up all that much, he didn’t think.

  Instead of mocking his stupid words, the man just patted him on the shoulder.

  “Wonderful! I’ll have some things for you tomorrow evening then? Anyone else with missives or messages can have them at my office by six?”

  Will nodded. After all, he was going to get a bit of extra time, he figured. Going places wouldn’t be that hard for him either. Not if he were careful and got the rest of his new lessons done properly that was.

  He didn't think it would be a problem anyway.

  Which probably meant he was wrong and going to be in trouble for it. He nodded regardless.

  “That’s right. There are limits, since I have to be able to carry it in my hands, but until it’s a problem, it won’t be one.”

  That seemed to be close enough to the right answer for him to be let go then.

  Chapter five

  Aunt Taman, instead of focusing on his perceived shortcomings as far as intimate relationships went, which really had felt like the plan before, seemed nicely pleased with what he’d managed to do that day while he was gone.

  “Not bad at all. You made contact with one of the line walkers, arranged to have regular meetings as a translator and got pictures of Doris in her alternate form? That was part the first real mission.” She spoke in very good English the whole time, which he understood was going to be the new norm for his life, for the time being.

  Whatever it was that he was learning, it was supposed to be done totally. It was, probably, why they’d decided he had to move to Soam. In a way it was like his old home in Pine Creek, which was reassuring. The world was a brilliant green, for instance. He came from a forest, so that was kind of similar. The plants were all different, being lower overall, with a lot of the leaves being broader and differently shaped. Where there were people, everything was built of heavy gray stone. So that part was sort of different. Being at the space port there was sort of homelike, since that flat circle was focus stone.

  Instead of the light tan it became in the forest the stuff here was in several hues. A nice soft green, that merged with a yellow color on the far side of the circle. Everyone knew that compressed dirt from different places held different colors, based on what it was made of. Mrs. Sams had taught them that in school.

  Will, feeling a good bit more bold than he might have the day before, which he was blaming on the changes made to him, looked at his aunt.

  “If I did well, it wasn’t really on purpose, was it? I don’t know what I’m supposed to be getting done at all. Well, go to cl
ass, then ask the elderly instructor to do wicked things with me. Not that it will be difficult at all. She’s very sweet. Attractive even.” She was darling looking, even in her older form, he had to admit. In the light white version that seemed young she’d been very close to the best looking person he’d ever seen.

  Aunt Tiera was probably the top that way, with Tor being a close second. That thought got him to smile. It was mean of him, and wasn’t really true. The fact was, Tor Baker was prettier than Tiera. Both of them actually looked to be wearing makeup all the time, even when they weren’t. It was born into them, at a guess. Taman didn’t have that, being a lovely looking person, but in a more real way.

  Where he was falling on that scale he wasn’t truly certain at the moment. It wasn’t like he stood around staring into ponds to see his own wonderful beauty. It barely mattered to be honest, except in how others might respond to him. His tiny aunt seemed to be perplexed for a moment, but she actually explained to him what was going on.

  “That… It’s a real issue. No one has ever tried anything like this as far as we know. When a spy is trained, they normally have years of instruction in what kind of potential situations they’re going into. With you, we can’t really do that. We don’t have the information we need in the first place, so you have to somehow figure out what’s needed as you go, in any world. In any culture. A big part of that will be in changing your look. On a genetic level. Doing that on yourself… Well, it can be done. Tor has managed it. Everyone else has been warned away from that. Probably because you either die if you make a mistake, with no way to fix it, or you become a being that is potentially unlimited in power. Either one of those is dangerous.”

  Willum could see that. Also that having to figure things out for himself wasn’t all that useful for the time being.

  Still, he thought about things first, then stared at his aunt.

  “All right. So, for now I need to learn English, do more of that focusing stuff and… Figure out how to merge with the culture here? It would be best if I was a little shorter and had darker skin.”


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