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Demonic Page 8

by Karl Morgan

  The two girls were crying and trying to disconnect their seatbelts when the right passenger door opened and Chachis jumped onto the seat next to them and began to lick their faces and yip happily. Two police officers arrived to check on the gruesome scene.

  The second SUV rushed up the side of the nearest mountain toward the rendezvous point where a helicopter was waiting. “The buyers are anxious to see our product, sir,” the driver said to the man next to him.

  “Good, but we have more to do. There are plenty of potential buyers for product such as this,” he replied as he looked at the two crying girls in the backseat. The driver slammed on the brakes, causing his boss to snap around in his seat. “What the heck is wrong with you?” The driver did not respond, but pointed out front where a huge beast stood in the middle of the road. “What in the name of God is that?”

  “I don’t know sir, but I think we should back up.”

  “Screw that, I’m going kill that damned thing,” he said as he exited the cabin and pulled his pistol from its holster. He slammed the truck door, leveled his gun and fired at point-blank range.

  The monster shook its head, and then opened its mouth, unleashing a blast of flame, consuming the man in seconds. When it stopped, the charred skeleton collapsed to the ground. The driver jumped out and ran away screaming as the two girls sat crying in the back seat. A passenger door opened and Zelda jumped up on the seat and began calming the girls. Zelda looked out the rear window to see a highway patrol cruiser heading their way with its lights on. The driver was looking back to see if the beast was chasing it and ran directly into the path of the oncoming car and was hit. She started licking the girls’ faces and they squealed with delight.

  The last SUV was weaving through traffic, flying down the highway at full speed. Bill dived down and grabbed the roof of the SUV and lifted it off the ground and flew away toward Utah Lake. He circled to gain altitude while the driver and passenger fired at him through the roof of the cabin. When he reached one mile above the lake, he ripped off a rear passenger door and pulled out the two children in one of his massive, clawed hands. They screamed in terror at seeing the giant winged demon. He let go of the SUV and it dropped out of sight. He flew north back toward the city, using his thoughts to calm the girls. A few minutes later, he landed a block from the daycare center. After morphing into his normal form, he held their hands and led them back to the building to rejoin Mary.

  After being questioned by the police, Bill and Mary headed north toward Wyoming through Idaho and hopefully the end of this terrible journey. They made a pact to never tell anyone the specifics of what had happened at the daycare center. Fortunately, the children forgot what they had seen almost immediately. Bill remembered what his father had said about human minds being able to block out unfathomable events to protect their sanity, and wished he could be so lucky. While he was thrilled to be able to help the children, the horror and violence of what he had done would mar him for life. He glanced at his dogs sleeping on the backseat and wondered what they had been through. The police who returned them said the dogs were sitting in the back seat of the SUVs, playing with the children, and yet, horrible destruction and death was all around.

  Meanwhile, Mary sat quietly in the front passenger seat, trying to come to grips with the violence of the morning. Her adoptive parents were very religious and feared if they ever learned her true lineage, they would be terrified and never want to see her again. “Bill, I don’t know how to deal with having that thing as a father. Does it bother you too?”

  He sighed and replied, “In a way yes, but then there’s nothing we can do about what happened before we were born. And you heard what J.C. said last night, right? We were born specifically to end the horrors that we are facing now. That was the ultimate cooperation between Heaven and Hell. Until I morph into that other thing, I feel like any other human, at least I think I do.”

  “Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I chose to start at the office on Monday rather than Friday. You’d probably be dealing with all this alone, and I would have been killed in the nuclear explosion. Right now, I don’t even know why I chose to start on a Friday.”

  “Yea, Tom and I talked about that too. At the time, I thought it was weird, but now I know it was fate.” She stared at him. “Think about it, Mary, you and I were born to stop those creatures from coming from the other dimensions. After all of that cooperation and the sacrifice of our mother, I don’t think such a thing would have been left to chance. If I hadn’t met you on Friday, I probably would have seen you standing on the curb crying in the morning. I would never have driven right past and left you there. There was no way we were not going to be together.”

  “Oh my God, Bill, I completely forgot to tell you something that happened in the daycare center!”

  “What was it?”

  “When I burst into the room, I noticed one of the angles of light near the lead terrorist.”

  “Did you see one of those monsters?”

  She sighed and replied, “No. That’s when I jumped into action and might have missed it while I was shooting at the terrorists, but I did feel something.”


  “I’m probably wrong, and it’s just sounds crazy to say.”

  “Just say it, Mary. I won’t judge you.”

  “I think I felt our mother on the other side, calling out to me. I don’t think those things killed her. I think they took her with them.”

  “But what about her body? They did find and bury a body, right?”

  “Yes, but I was just a little girl, and those things are vile and evil. I think they substituted someone else for our mother.”

  Bill looked ahead through the windshield and said, “Well, now we have another reason to step through that door. Then we’ll find out for sure.”

  Bill pulled off Interstate 15 at Idaho Falls and took Highway 26 toward the Wyoming border. There was a restaurant near the exit, so they pulled into the parking lot to take a restroom break and get a bite to eat before making the last leg of the journey to Jackson. The hostess led them to a booth, and then Mary excused herself and headed to the restroom. Bill sat down and looked through the menu. It was only mid-afternoon so the place was mostly empty. He looked at his phone and noticed several calls from his wife while they had been traveling without cellular service. He dialed her number, but she did not answer. Now worried, he dialed Sandi and Tom’s numbers too. Neither of them answered either. He began to panic and was about to head for the car when he heard someone come up to their table. He looked to his left to see Dom Emmanuel and his father standing there, looking downcast. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to get out of here. Can you two take care of Mary for me?”

  Bill’s father put his hand on his shoulder and replied, “Son, you’re not going anywhere right now. We know what happened.” Both men sat down on either side of him.

  “Bill, when the hotel housekeeper entered your family’s room to clean up, she found your two grandchildren all alone inside and crying,” Dom related. “There was a message written on the walls in blood. It demanded that we sacrifice you and your sister or else your family and all other life on earth will be extinguished.”

  “What?” Mary gasped as she stood tableside.

  Dom climbed out of the booth and hugged her tightly. “My dear, please know that we are all working to stop this, but frankly, this is why we created you.”

  “Who exactly are you?” she asked.

  “Mary, this is our uncle, Dom Emmanuel,” Bill answered.

  Her eyes opened too wide and she squeaked, “But if he is your brother; that means you are. . .”

  Dom kissed her cheek and said, “Let’s keep that our little secret for now, okay?” He helped her to sit and slid in next to her, holding her hand. Mary was blushing and looking downward.

  “Dom, I’m ready to give up my life for my family. Without them, I have nothing,” Bill said.

  Lou put his arm around his shoulders and said, “So
n, please do not be naïve. You have seen what those creatures have done. There is no reason to believe they will abide by that pledge.”

  “Are you ready to order?” said a waiter standing by their table.

  “Sure,” Dom replied. “Let’s have a sampling of your appetizers and a round of sodas, please.” He winked at her and she blushed and hurried away. “Your dad is right, Bill. These creatures are evil, but not stupid. They know what you two can do and why you are here. If we do the job for them, they win without a fight. But realize that your lives will be in constant mortal danger when you step through that door. They will do all they can to kill you, but you have the power to win. If you die there, it will have been for a good reason. You have a chance to save the world!”

  “Now we just need to find one of those things and force open the door,” Lou said.

  “Yes, that is first,” Dom agreed. “Our plan is to head to the Middle East, where the terror army home base is located. Those things might avoid this country, but they must stay with those evil men to keep them hating and fighting. Your father and I will each send a thousand of our children to help keep the doorway open after you two pass through. There must be a way to get back. If it closes, you may be lost forever.”

  “Uncle, the last time I was near one of those doorways, I got the feeling that my mother was alive on the other side,” Mary interjected.

  “Hmm. That’s an interesting thought. I never imagined that, but I certainly hope it is true. Tomorrow we will all leave for Syria, and hopefully our march to victory can begin.”

  “You’re coming with us?” Bill asked.

  “No, that would make it too easy for the creatures here. But your father and I will send our best sons with you. You both remember J.C. and Jonas, right?”

  “What do you think it will be like in that other reality?” Mary asked.

  Dom thought for a minute and replied, “I suppose there is no way to know, but if Bill’s family and your mother are there, you should be okay. Since you aren’t human, a change in atmosphere or gravity should not affect you at all.” The waiter placed the food and drinks on the table and then walked away. Dom raised his glass and said, “Here’s to your victory!”

  Chapter 6

  Bill awoke with a start. He had dreamt about finding his family’s corpses in an open trench in the center of a vast desert. A dozen vultures circled far overhead. He shook his head to clear the dream and discovered he was lying on a cot in a small tent. There were three other cots nearby, where Mary, J.C., and Jonas were still sleeping. He stood and stretched his back and arms. A tent flap opened and Dom Emmanuel stepped inside. He waved for Bill to follow him outside. Out of the tent, the sun was just a few degrees above the horizon, and the stony plain stretched for miles in each direction. “Are you ready, Bill?”

  “Yes Dom, but I’ve had some time to mull this over and I don’t think it’s a good idea for J.C. or Jonas to come with us. Mary and I need to do this alone.”

  Dom began to walk toward another small tent and Bill followed. “Why isn’t it a good idea?”

  “You said it yourself. Mary and I were born for this task, not them. If they come with us, there is a strong chance they will not survive. I don’t think it’s worth the risk.”

  Dom smiled and replied, “I can assure you they are as capable as you if not more so. Also, they both knew the risks and volunteered.”

  “And I appreciate that, Dom, but I am not willing to put their lives in such danger. If Mary and I fail, you will need all the help you can get to stop the madness here. The odds that we succeed in that other universe are not good. You have to keep as many defensive forces here as possible.”

  Dom stood quietly, lost in thought for a moment, and then said, “Okay, let us make a compromise then. J.C. and Jonas will lead the group guarding the other side of the open doorways. If an emergency arises, either of you can summon them to help. If it looks like your cause is lost, they will step through and return.” He extended his hand and Bill shook it.

  “Agreed. Whew! I feel a lot better now. Dom, by the way, where are my dogs?”

  “I am keeping them at my house along with your grandchildren. They will be safe there. I don’t want you to worry about anything else while you’re on this mission.” He reached for the flap on the next tent and said, “Let’s get a bite to eat before it’s time to go,” and then stepped inside.

  Bill followed and was stunned to see the massive interior. There had to be one hundred tables where men and women were sitting and chatting over their breakfast. Dom led him to a small table in a corner where Faith was already sitting and reviewing something on her tablet. Dom kissed her cheek and sat down. Bill sat as well, just as a plate of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast materialized in front of him, along with a cup of steaming coffee. He smiled at her and said, “Illusions, I remember,” and then took a bite of bacon.

  She patted his hand and replied, “That’s easy to believe when food magically appears in front of you, Bill. I just hope you can keep that in mind when those monsters are trying to flay the skin from your body.”

  “Faith, we’re having breakfast,” her father reminded her.

  “I’m sorry, Father, but the point needs to be made. Bill, if your faith is weak, you will try to hold on to what you can see, which probably isn’t real. It is your faith alone that can save you, Mary, your family, and this planet.”

  “I think Bill is aware of all of that, Faith.”

  Bill took Faith’s hand and said, “Your father and mine are telling me this mission is my destiny. What other choice do I have now? Go back home and be an accountant again? Let those demons take over earth and enslave us?”

  She pulled her hand free and turned to her father, “I told you then and I’m telling you now it was a mistake to let Pru raise Mary as a human. It got her killed, and Bill and Mary look at reality through a human lens. This isn’t going to work!” She stood and started to walk away.

  “Faith, please wait!” Dom called out. She spun around on her heel and stared at him. “Mary thinks she can hear Prudence calling to her from the other universe.”

  Her eyes bugged out and she sat down again, grabbing Bill’s hands. “Is that true?”

  “That’s what Mary said.”

  “That’s it. I’m going too.”

  “Faith, the risk is too high. I don’t want you to be lost there along with us,” Bill said.

  “Bill, I don’t really care what you want. If there is any chance my sister is there, I’ve got to bring her back.”

  “She’s Mary’s and my mother. We’ll bring her back.”

  She kissed him softly and replied, “Sorry, this is not up for debate. I’m going and that’s it.”

  An hour later, Bill, Mary, and their father stood a few hundred feet from the tents. Twenty bikers from the restaurant stood nearby chatting and waiting for the time to attack. J.C., Faith, and Dom were ten feet away, holding hands and praying. “My darling children, I wish with all my heart I could go with you. Please know that I love you both and sincerely pray you and your family returns. And that especially goes for Prudence.” Mary blushed and he stroked her cheek. “Dom and I have discussed tactics. There are two enemy compounds a few miles from here. Each of you will go to one of the compounds with ten of my sons to attack the terrorists.”

  “We’re going to separate?” Mary asked, stunned by the revelation.

  “Now that Faith and J.C. are going with you, it makes sense to seek out more than one path. Together, you are an easier target. Your family bond will help you find each other on the other side. Mary, you will fly with Marcus, and Bill will go with Jonas. When you reach the enemy, you are to cause as much terror and mayhem as you can. Hopefully, that will force the demons to open a doorway and attempt to escape. Everyone’s sole goal is to keep at least one door from closing. If we can only control one door, you will all go through it. If we have two doors, you go separately.”

  Mary kissed both men on the cheeks and said
, “I love you both.” Her father was blushing now.

  “It’s time,” Faith said as she and J.C. joined them. “Don’t worry, uncle, we will keep them safe.”

  “Time for the joining,” Dom said.

  “What does that mean?” Bill asked and Faith led him a few feet away.

  “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt,” Faith smiled. Just stand there with your arms out to the side and close your eyes, okay?” He stared at her blankly, but complied.

  There was a bright light shining in front of him, as though he was watching the sunrise through closed eyelids. He began to feel very warm and could feel sweat beading on his forehead. He slightly opened one eye and saw Faith transformed into a brilliant light in the shape of a woman. She was stepping toward him slowly. He closed his eyes as she pressed her body to him. Suddenly, she began to pass through his skin. Every cell of his body was overwhelmed with pleasure—a sense of complete tranquility and happiness filled him. Deep in his head, her voice said, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” He shook his head and opened his eyes. The bikers were glaring at him. He looked down at his body and saw his skin was glowing faintly.

  “You’re next,” J.C. said to Mary.

  “Are you okay, Bill?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry, Mary, you are going to love it.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes, raising her arms by her side.

  Bill watched in amazement as J.C. changed quickly into a glowing light entity, and then slowly passed through her skin. She sighed and gasped when he disappeared completely into her and opened her eyes, smiling broadly. “Wow!” she exclaimed and the rest began to applaud and cheer.


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