The Royal Wager

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The Royal Wager Page 39

by Kristi Gold

  When this journey ended, they would go on living separate lives. And after she saw to her father’s recovery, she would return to America with a few good memories—if Dharr Halim was willing to give her those, and more.

  * * *

  After the hour delay had turned into four, Dharr and Raina had dined together, talking in generalities about her life in California, his work on Azzril’s economy and the changes they had both encountered over the years. All the while, Dharr had silently cursed himself for his weakness where Raina was concerned. He’d barely been able to concentrate on conversation due to his fascination with her mouth. She’d seemed totally unaware of the effect she had on him. However, after the warning he’d given her in the bathroom, she should have no doubt. And he’d had no shame in showing her, something he hoped he would not regret. Yet since she had boarded his plane, he had been quick to toss away common sense or courtesy, for that matter. He had to remember who she was—the daughter of his father’s best friend, a woman who should be shown the utmost respect. A woman who held too much power over his attention at the moment. At any given moment.

  Right then she sat on the bed, legs crossed, pencil and paper in hand, creating something he could not see from his vantage point in the chair. But he could see the fullness of her unencumbered breasts outlined in detail against the tight knit top, and that alone kept pulling his attention away from the newspaper he pretended to be reading.

  The phone attached to the wall shrilled, sending him out of his chair to answer the summons. As suspected, it was the call he’d requested.

  He held out the receiver and told Raina, “It is for you.”

  She looked up from her drawing and frowned. “Who is it?”

  “Come and see.”

  She set the paper aside and slipped off the bed, the gauzy pants she now wore flowing with every step she took, accentuating her pleasing shape and her grace as she crossed to where Dharr was standing. She gave him another questioning look before taking the receiver and saying, “Hello?”

  When she smiled, Dharr felt her joy as keenly as if it were his own. “Papa? How are you?”

  After reclaiming his seat, he tried not to eavesdrop on the conversation but was surprised to hear her converse with her father in fluent Arabic, as if she spoke it daily. At least he could be assured she would have no trouble communicating once they returned to Azzril. He, on the other hand, could have a great deal of trouble keeping his hands to himself even after they arrived in his country.

  He continued to watch her, enthralled by the way she twined one lock of hair around her finger, her expressive eyes, her bouts of laughter.

  “Yes, Sheikh Halim is taking good care of me, Papa,” she said as she sent Dharr a brief look of appreciation. He would like to please her more before their travels ended, although he did not dare knowing that nothing more would exist between them. And that was beginning to work on Dharr in ways he could not comprehend.

  Granted, Raina Kahlil could be deemed a suitable candidate for future queen considering her legacy. And she was beautiful. Intelligent. Young and vibrant. Any man would be honored to have her as his wife.

  Yet Dharr acknowledged that Raina would be reluctant to consider settling into that role—unless he could somehow convince her that certain advantages did exist should they decide to adhere to the marriage terms. Then he promptly realized he was trying to convince himself of that very thing.

  He rejected that notion altogether. Primal attraction was the only thing that existed between them at present, even if he found her to be interesting, and exciting beyond all bounds. He could not let down his guard and entertain anything but fondness for her knowing she would not stay with him. Knowing she had a life in America that would not include him.

  Before she hung up the phone, Dharr moved onto the bed and picked up the drawing to find she had sketched a good likeness of him, including the scowl he had most surely been sporting.

  “You weren’t supposed to see that yet,” she said from above him.

  He regarded her over one shoulder. “You are very talented, but I do not believe I look this serious.”

  She sat down beside him. “Yes, you do. Most of the time. I’m assuming that stoic demeanor is in part because of your duty.”

  In part because of duty and in part because of his unanswered desire for her. “I do not take my responsibility lightly.” The reason he could not act on that desire.

  She balanced her heels on the edge of the bed and hugged her knees to her breasts. “I know. And thank you for the phone call.”

  Her closeness created another fire that burned low in his belly. “Is your father well?”

  “Yes. And why didn’t you tell me he was staying at the palace when he has a perfectly good mansion of his own?”

  “He has limited company and very few servants. I felt it best he be attended to by my staff, including my physician.”

  “I appreciate your kindness more than you know.”

  Dharr appreciated every nuance of her beautiful face, every vibrant smile. “You are welcome. And my apologies for the delay in our journey.”

  She shrugged. “That’s not your fault. You have no control over the weather.”

  “True, but I know you are anxious to see your father.”

  She collapsed back onto the bed, her hair forming a halo around her face. “If not for him, I wouldn’t be so ready to leave. I don’t mind this plane when it’s not moving.”

  Dharr shifted where he could see her better. “Have you had a bad experience before?”

  “Do you mean with flying?”

  “Yes. Something that brought on your fear.”

  She stared at the low ceiling. “The night I left Azzril with my mother, it was stormy. The flight was bumpy all the way to the States. I was terrified.”

  Her tone more than proved that to Dharr, but he had other suspicions in terms of her fear. “And you were leaving your home.”

  Her gaze came to rest on his. “Yes. Leaving my papa and at the time, I really didn’t know why.”

  “Did your mother not explain? Did she not comfort you?”

  Raina sat again and clutched a pillow to her chest, as if she needed the security. “She was zoned out most of the trip and for weeks after that. At first she told me we were only in California temporarily, then she finally told me we wouldn’t be back in Azzril.”

  The abject pain in her voice disturbed Dharr. “That must have been difficult for you.”

  She shrugged. “I managed. But my life’s been a breeze compared to yours.”

  “In what way?”

  “You’re an only son, Dharr. You’ve been groomed to eventually rule a country, no questions asked.”

  “I have always accepted my duty and all that it entails.”

  She appeared doubtful. “But you went to college in the States. You must’ve enjoyed your freedom during that time. No responsibilities except making the grade.”

  Odd that she seemed to understand him so well. “I only had limited freedom. The press was relentless.”

  “That’s true. I remember Mother showing me pictures of you in magazines and the newspapers. I especially recall a few times when I saw you keeping company with some socialite named Elizabeth something or other.”

  Dharr internally flinched over hearing the name. “I am surprised you would have been interested in my private life.”

  “Of course I was interested. She was on the arm of my presumed future husband.” She smiled around her sarcasm. “Do you two still keep in touch?”

  Dharr had no cause—or desire—to revisit the past. “I believe it would be best if we agree not to question each other over former relationships.”

  “Obviously dear Elizabeth is a touchy subject. But it’s a deal. No talk about past loves.”

  “I never said that I loved her.” Even though he had.

  “Whatever you say, Sheikh Halim. You keep your secrets and I’ll keep mine.”

  The only secrets Dharr wanted
to know about Raina Kahlil had to do with her response if he made love with her. Even though she’d brought back the bitter memories, his focus was still on the woman he’d known as girl all those years ago. Even now he would gladly climb into the bed with her, divest them of clothing and learn her well. Yet honor prevented him from doing so.

  Dharr rubbed his eyes in an attempt to erase the visions and when he opened them, he found Raina frowning.

  “You look tired,” she said. “Did you get any sleep at all?”


  After repositioning the pillow, she laid back and patted the place beside her. “Come here. We can take a nap while we’re waiting for this heap to get off the ground again.”

  Every instinct Dharr owned shouted danger. “Perhaps that is not such a good idea.”

  “Come on, Dharr. We have on clothes. It’s no big deal.”

  He was not that weak. He could lie down with her and do nothing more, or so he hoped. “I suppose you are right.” He stretched out on his back beside her, one arm lying rigid at his side, the other bent beneath his head in an effort not to touch her.

  Yet Raina greatly complicated matters when she curled up close to his side and rested her cheek on his chest. Something deep within Dharr began to dissolve. The warmth that flowed through him had only partially to do with carnal cravings. Feelings he did not care to allow threatened to surface. Yet when she tipped her face up and whispered, “You smell great. You feel good, too,” all his resistance fled as he drew her mouth to his.

  Once more he gave in to his need for her, culminating in a kiss that began tenderly before turning deeper. Dharr framed her face in his palms, drawing on her heat, her essence. Their limbs became entwined as they explored each other with their hands, avoiding places that would send them effectively over the edge.

  Then Raina slid her hands down his back to his buttocks and nudged him over until he was completely atop her. Though their clothes provided a substantial obstacle, the movement of Raina’s hips beneath him created a friction that encouraged his desire despite his determination to keep his body at bay. Now only the true act of lovemaking could bring them closer.

  As badly as Dharr wanted that very thing, he recognized the peril in continuing. In a matter of moments, he would not be able to stop. He would strip her clothes from her, remove his own clothes then take this interlude beyond the restrictions he’d purposely posed.

  Mustering what little strength he had left, Dharr pushed away from Raina and sat on the edge of the bed, keeping his back to her. He could hear her ragged breathing that echoed his own then felt her hand on his back.

  “Dharr, I think we should just give up.”

  He rested his elbows on his knees, lowered his head and streaked both hands over his face. “I do not understand what you are saying.” A lie. He knew exactly what she was saying, and exactly what she wanted from him. He wanted it, as well, badly. But his head argued against that even though his body refused to listen.

  She worked her way beside him and took his hand into hers. “We should give up pretending we don’t want each other and just let whatever happens, happen.”

  He straightened and gathered all the arguments. “I would not want to dishonor you by making love with you without any commitment.”

  She smiled, a cynical one. “Dishonor me? This is not ancient times. We’re both consenting adults.”

  “And you would be satisfied with only sex?”

  “Yes, of course.” Her tone sounded tentative, yet her expression appeared resolute. “I don’t see why we can’t just follow nature’s lead. If we wanted to take a little pleasure in each other, why shouldn’t we?”

  She skimmed her fingertips up and down his arm, fueling his hunger for her once more when he imagined her hands beneath his slacks, doing the same.

  For the sake of his own sanity, he bolted from the bed and faced her.

  “I cannot forget who I am, Raina, or my responsibility. I promised your father I would see you safely to Azzril. He would not approve if I took advantage of this situation by allowing any more intimacy between us. I have already done enough.”

  She worked her way from the bed and stood before him, close enough to touch him. “I know all too well who you are, Dharr. But don’t you ever wish you could forget for a while? I know I do. I mean, I’ve been my mother’s rock for ten years. I lived with her, supported her, basically baby-sat her until I moved out recently. For once I just want to let go. Do something I want to do.”

  “I cannot afford to do that.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and presented a look of defiance. “What not? Because you’re supposed to be some superhuman without feelings or needs or desires? I know you have desires, Dharr. You’ve been playing games with me since we walked onto this plane. You stripped out of your clothes and crawled into bed with me last night. A few hours ago, you took my hand and you showed me how much you wanted me. You’ve been engaging in a tug-of-war and you’re afraid to admit you’re losing.”

  Dharr recognized the truth in her words even though he did not care for it. “I am a man, Raina, and I admit I have done things I should not have done. Yet I must stop before we go past the point of no return.”

  She smoothed a hand down his chest. “I think we’ve already gone past that point, Dharr. We went past it the first time you kissed me. You know it. And I know it, too.”

  He pressed his palm against her fingers, intending to take her hand away. Instead he held it against his pounding heart. “Again, it would not be fair to you. Since both of us do not intend to uphold our marriage contract, we would have no commitment to each other. If we are to make that clear to our fathers, then it would be unwise to continue on this path.”

  She moved closer, almost flush against him. “No one would have to know what goes on between us on this plane. After we’re in Azzril, it would be our secret.”

  It was no secret he wanted her; that much Dharr could not deny. Yet he considered another pressing issue aside from the one beneath his slacks. “Even if I did decide to consider what you are saying, I have nothing on board to protect you from pregnancy.”

  She frowned. “That could be a problem since a child is something neither one of us needs.”

  Finally she was seeing the logic in what he was saying. “So now you understand the risk and why we cannot proceed.”

  Her smile appeared, slow and sultry. “We could if we didn’t completely make love. There are other ways we could enjoy each other without the actual act. I’m sure you know more than a few.”

  He did and the temptation to show her was almost overwhelming. “You deserve much more, Raina.”

  She circled her arms around his neck. “We deserve to have this time together, Dharr. We deserve to lock out the world and forget about everything but each other. I dare you to be only the man, not the preeminent prince, for the next few hours we have together.”

  Framing her face in his palms, he tipped his forehead against hers. “You are testing my strength, Raina.”

  She pulled one of his hands to her breast. “I intend to do more than that to you.”

  Tossing all caution aside, Dharr claimed her mouth again in another heated exchange, fierce and fiery and in many ways, forbidden. He fondled her breast, tested her nipple with his fingertips through the thin material. He lowered the top’s strap and left her mouth to kiss her shoulder, all the while warnings raging in his head. Yet he was helpless in her presence. The man wanted her without hesitation; the prince argued against the wisdom in that.

  The man won out as he began to back her to the bed.

  The rap on the door jolted Dharr from the erotic haze and sent him away from Raina. Storming to the entry on the heels of his frustration, he opened the door only enough to see the intruder, his senior staff member, Abid Raneer.

  “What is it?” Dharr’s tone sounded gruff and impatient despite his attempts at remaining calm.

  Abid nodded. “Forgive the intrusion, but the capta
in wishes to speak with you, Sheikh Halim.”

  “I will be there in a moment.”

  Without another word, Dharr closed the door on his assistant and leaned back against it for support.

  Raina was seated on the edge of the bed, her arms crossed over her breasts, which did nothing to quell Dharr’s desire. “Is something wrong?”

  Yes, Dharr decided. He was as hard as granite and that would not be easy to conceal. “I have been summoned downstairs. I will return as soon as possible.”


  When he made no move to leave, Raina asked, “Are you going?”

  “I need a few more moments.”

  She sent her gaze to his distended fly, making matters worse. “I see.”

  And so would his men. “I would greatly appreciate your absence for a few moments. Perhaps you should retrieve a drink from the galley.”

  Her grin appeared, teasing and tempting. “You’re going to leave me quivering with need? Hot for your body? Ready to jump all over you and tear off your clothes?”

  Raina,” he cautioned. “If you continue with that talk, I will be further delayed and you will have to wait longer for my return.”

  “Then you’re going to consider what I’m proposing?” She sounded hopeful, and determined.

  “We will discuss it as soon as I come back.”

  She smiled victoriously then pointed behind her. “I’ll just go see what I can find in the fridge.”

  Dharr heard her soft laughter and the pad of her footsteps as she walked away. He willed his body to quiet, willed the return to restraint even though he recognized that when he walked back through the door, back to her, all restraint would be gone again.


  After ten minutes of staring at the ceiling, Raina decided that Dharr had reconsidered and caught another plane. If she hadn’t recognized the total absence of logic, she might have panicked. She wasn’t sure how she would continue this flight without him.


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