Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)

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Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3) Page 38

by Wilder, Chiah

  Shifting, he readjusted his pants as he raised his eyes to glossy dark brown hair falling down her back. The setting sun basked her hair in warm yellow and red hues as it streamed in through the stained glass windows. The impulse to reach over and touch it was strong, and he could almost feel its silky strands wrapped around his hand as he pulled her head back while he pounded his dick in her.

  The priest said in a clear voice, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Axe pulled his eyes away from the luscious creature in front of him and watched as Derek, one of his best buddies from childhood, walked down the aisle with his new bride. Axe hadn’t wanted to come to Denver for a wedding, of all things, and he’d made up some bullshit about not being able to go, but when Derek called and told him he had to be there “period,” Axe relented and rode his Harley the three hours to Denver.

  He and Derek had been buds since they were five years old. They had formed an allegiance by Axe beating off the bullies who picked on Derek in the trailer park where they grew up. Right from the start, they’d been tight. Their time together meant less time in their not so happy homes. Derek’s mother was a drunk, and his father was a cruel man who loved to torment anyone who crossed his path. Derek spent many nights at Axe’s trailer trying to keep out of his dad’s way. When someone finally shot the bastard late one summer night, the park rejoiced, and Derek changed forever. He was no longer the kid afraid of his shadow, the one whose blue eyes were sad and haunted most of the time. Derek seemed to relax and breathe for the first time in his life.

  Axe noticed Derek’s mother sitting in the front row of the church, her eyes watery and her face leathered and wrinkled from years of too much sun and booze. Derek’s mom’s favorite thing to do most mornings, after she’d woken up hungover, was to stretch out on a cheap plastic chaise lounge in a tiny bikini, which left little to the imagination, and take in the rays as she sipped her first of many glasses of bourbon.

  The first time Axe had seen Mrs. Keary in her skimpy bikini, he’d been around thirteen years old. Watching her breasts swing under a pink top which barely held them in, had mesmerized the young boy, and he’d felt something funny grab him in his crotch. The side view of Mrs. Keary had shown white, round flesh spilling out. He’d known he shouldn’t have stared, but the sight of it had made him feel funny and excited. Then she’d caught him, and her throaty laugh mocked him.

  She’d looked at him, a cigarette dangling from her mouth. “Like what you’re seeing?”

  He didn’t answer. He’d been too embarrassed at being caught checking out his best friend’s mother’s breasts.

  “Come on over and touch them, if you like. I’m not gonna tell.”

  Shaking his head, he’d run away, her raspy laughter following him.

  From that day on, Axe had made sure he wasn’t around when Mrs. Keary sunbathed.

  Now, in the church, she looked like an old hag who was used up. He hadn’t seen her since they all moved from the trailer park many years before.

  Derek moved to Denver after high school, and Axe had joined up with the Insurgents MC. Even though their paths went in different directions, they’d stayed in touch, seeing each other whenever Derek came to Pinewood Springs.

  When his friend had told Axe he was tying the knot, Axe was happy for him because for such a long time, his buddy seemed lost. Why he wanted to tie himself down to one pussy was hard for Axe to understand, but it seemed like Derek was happy with the chick who now donned his ring, so Axe was cool with that.

  As Derek and his new wife walked down the aisle, past Axe, he high-fived Dereck who grinned back. Turning his head around he searched for the hot woman in the green dress, but she was gone. What the fuck? Where the hell did she go? He wanted to see her face because if she looked anything like the back of her, he was going to have to fuck her before the night was over. Wasn’t that supposed to happen at weddings—random sex? If he had to drag his ass to Denver to suffer through a wedding ceremony, he was determined to have some pussy before he headed back home. He’d definitely be looking for the green-dressed babe at the reception.

  * * *

  The reception was in one of the large ballrooms at the Excelsior Hotel on Fifteenth Street. Through the large windows, the tall skyscrapers towered above and looked as if they could touch the low hung clouds in the sky. The lit-windows from the buildings winked and sparkled as night descended.

  Inside the ballroom, large, round tables dotted the room, and silver and blue crepe paper streamed down from the chandeliers. Large tissue wedding bells hung down everywhere from the ceiling, and a large paper flower backdrop covered the wall behind the wedding party table.

  “May I help you sir?” a woman dressed in black pants and a starched white shirt asked him.

  “Trying to find my table,” Axe replied.

  The waitperson searched the guest list and directed Axe to table number eight. Looking around, he spotted the bar on the other side of the room and made his way over to grab a beer. A group of three women in their early twenties giggled and ran their gazes over his muscular body. His normal attire of blue jeans, black t-shirt, and his Insurgents’ leather cut had been replaced by dress clothes: white dress shirt molded over his ripped chest and sculpted biceps, and black pants fitting snug across his firm ass and large mound.

  Axe checked out the women who were dressed in silk and satin cocktail dresses. They all had the same hair style, were blondes, and teetered on very high heels. One of the women, the one with the cherry red strapless dress, had nice tits, but he wasn’t interested. His eyes were looking for a woman in a celery-green dress.

  Knowing that the women were going to approach him, he threw them a charming smile, winked at them, and headed back toward his table. The high-pitched giggling from the group grated his nerves.

  As he made his way, he saw Mrs. Keary scrambling toward him. Pretending not to see her, he changed his direction, but his friend’s mother caught up to him, clutching her bony hand around his arm.

  “Hello, Michael. It’s been a long time.” She moved her eyes up and down his body, lingering a little too long on his crotch. “You’re looking good. You’re all grown up now, aren’t you?”


  “When was the last time I saw you?”

  Axe shrugged.

  “It was right before you and your mother moved from Evergreen Lane. How old were you? About fifteen?”

  “Sounds ’bout right.”

  “How is your mother doing?”

  Axe didn’t want to answer any more questions, especially about his self-absorbed mom. All his mom ever cared about was finding a man. If she could keep one, Axe would be shocked. It was like his mom fed off male attention. Once his dad ditched the family when he was nine years old, Axe had been taking care of his mom and fending for himself. Strung out on prescription drugs most days, and lamenting over her sad life, Axe’s mother didn’t have time to include her son in her life.

  “Fine.” Axe yanked his arm out of Mrs. Keary’s grip. “Gotta go.”

  “Promise me you’re going to dance with me. Just one dance.” She batted her cheap false eyelashes.

  “I don’t dance.”

  “I can show you. It’d be for old times, you know?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You’re not being very friendly. You’re hurting my feelings.”

  Axe narrowed his dark eyes. “That’s too bad, but I don’t give a fuck.”

  He smiled thinly when her eyes widened in surprise. “See ya.” He turned around and went in search for his table.

  Before he reached table eight, he heard the ringing of the dinner bell telling the guests to take their seats. Axe plopped down on his chair at the table for ten and stared at the tissue paper flowers and bells in the centerpiece. A basket of rolls, small packets of butter, and two silver gravy bowls containing salad dressing were on the table. Not giving a damn whether it was proper or not, Axe grabbed a roll, buttered it, and took a large bite out
of it. As he chewed, his table filled up. People introduced themselves to him, and he cursed Derek for making him a part of this hokey shit.

  The wait staff placed plates of mixed greens in front of the guests, and Axe drenched his salad in creamy Italian dressing. As he placed a large forkful of salad in his mouth, she slipped in the empty chair across from him. Seeing her in front of him in all her beauty and ripeness took Axe by surprise, his throat tightened making him cough.

  “Are you alright?” one of the guests at his table asked.

  Nodding his head, he tried to stop choking. I must look like a fuckin’ idiot with my eyes watering and my face red.

  After gulping down some water, his body finally calmed down and he looked at her from under hooded lids. Her gaze met his as he took in her beautiful, round hazel eyes. For a few seconds he gaped, losing himself into her liquid orbs, and feeling like a fucking teenager. She smiled at him—perfect white teeth with a tiny glimpse of pink tongue. How he wanted that tongue on his body, and her Cupid’s bow lips would be perfect around his cock.

  “Hi,” she said in a smoky voice.

  Fuck! “Hey,” he replied in a low-pitched tone, his gaze locking with hers.

  “It was a nice ceremony, don’t you think?” She brought her wine glass to her lips and took a sip.

  Not as nice as the image of your lips parted open and moaning as I lick your pussy. “Yeah. It was cool.” Axe continued to hold her gaze until she shifted her eyes to the centerpiece, a light red blush staining her cheeks.

  “Who do you know? The groom or the bride?”

  “Groom. You?” Axe threw her a half-smile, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Bride.” Her laughter was sultry, even though he could tell she was nervous by the way she kept smoothing down the tablecloth.

  “You’re very pretty.” His eyes moved from hers to her mouth then slowly caressed their way down to her peek of cleavage.

  “Oh. Thanks.” The woman turned to the older gentlemen beside her. “Can you please pass the pepper?”

  Before the man could react, Axe stood up, leaned across the table, and handed her the pepper shaker, his hand touching hers. A spark lit and blazed through him, and he raised his eyebrows as she gasped, staring boldly into his dark gaze. Fuck me. What was that?

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, then diverted her eyes, breaking the intensity of the moment.

  “No problem.” He smiled, loving the way she absentmindedly doused her salad with pepper then choked when she took a bite. Yeah, he was making her nervous. The way she bit her lower lip was sexy as fuck, and the perpetual blush on her neck and cheeks were turning him way on. Before the night was over, he’d have to have his cock in her pussy which he bet would be wet and sweet.

  Throughout the rest of dinner they checked each other out, and by the time the table was cleared, Axe sported a rock hard dick, straining against his zipper. Axe was ready to grab the vixen by her hair and slam her down on the table and fuck her like a wild animal in front of all the wedding guests. Never had he experienced such an urge to bang one particular woman.

  Fucking women was as much a part of Axe as breathing was. His first fuck had been in the woods, behind the trailer park when he was fourteen. Sadie had a reputation for being easy, and she was three years older than Axe, but she took him by his hand one late, summer afternoon, and showed him what to do to a woman. After that he was hooked. He fucked his way through half of the girls in his high school then proceeded to do the same when he was in community college.

  Since joining the Insurgents, he’d come to love easy pussy from the club whores and mamas whenever he was horny which was most of the time. Axe didn’t want the drama dating involved, or the constraints of being tied down by one woman, so he fucked and walked away. He always made sure he left the woman purring; he’d never had any complaints.

  The woman who made his dick throb intrigued him. She wasn’t like the club whores or hoodrats. Something about the way her body was covered up by her sexy dress made him hornier than he’d been in a long time.

  The music started, bringing Axe out of his daydreaming. He hated dancing, but he’d make an exception and ask her—at least he’d be able to hold her. Before he could scoot his chair back, a lanky man in his early thirties approached her and whispered something in her ear. She laughed, placing a small hand on his. Axe growled in anger. What a flirty bitch. She checks me out all through dinner, and now she’s making a play for this nerd? Fuck that.

  She stood up, and the wedding guest led her out to the dance floor. She was tall and her four inch heels added to her height. Axe wanted to feel her heels digging into his ass as he banged her hard against the wall. Why didn’t he forget about her and pick another woman? Several women had been giving him the once over, and he still had the giggling threesome from earlier in the evening. Axe liked fucking two and three women at once, and he knew the airheads would be more than willing, but he wasn’t interested. All he wanted was to bang the woman who moved so seductively on the dance floor.

  He watched as they danced. The nerdy guy kept trying to look down her dress, and the way he kept pressing her into him told Axe that nerdy guy wanted to feel her tits against him. Axe couldn’t blame him for wanting that, but he wasn’t going to let it happen for one second. The jerk’s limp dick was probably semi-hard. And why was she allowing him to hold her like that? Fuck she’s so close to this guy, they’d need a crowbar to pry them apart. Axe was going to stop it. Now. He sauntered over, making a bee line for the couple.

  “I’m cutting in.” Axe stated, his eyes focused on her mouth.

  “Well, I—” the man began then stopped when Axe’s death stare froze him. Her dance partner dropped her hand and backed up, allowing Axe to take over.

  Her hand was silky, and he curled his arm around her waist and tugged her closer to him until her tits were pressed against his hard chest.

  “Are you always this pushy?” she asked in a soft, lilting voice which skimmed over him, hitting him right in his cock.

  “Only when I want something.”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “What do you want?”


  The woman’s lips parted, and Axe wanted to slip his tongue inside her warm mouth.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. We can play it like you don’t know what I’m talking about and I’ll keep feeding you lines, or we can be honest. I want you and you want me.” Axe placed his fingers against her lips. “Don’t deny it. You’ve been eye-fucking me since you sat down at the table.”

  She gasped. “What kind of woman do you think I am?”

  Axe leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I don’t know, but I’m aiming to find out.” When he took her earlobe gently between his teeth for a second, he felt her shiver.

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, and I’m pretty sure you’re gonna be screaming and begging me for more after I’m finished with you.”

  The woman tilted her head sideways, scrutinizing his face. It was as if she were battling with some internal voice. Axe knew she was intrigued, but she was fighting with her goody two-shoes persona. He hoped like hell her naughty girl beat the shit out of the good girl so he could have some fun with this tall, sexy babe.

  “I don’t do this sort of thing,” she said softly against his ear, her breath tickling his neck. She was too sexy.

  “I’m not judging you, sweetheart.”

  “If, and I’m not sure I’m going to do this, but if I decide to throw caution to the wind, this will be a one-night stand only. No names, no phone numbers, no personal information at all. Okay?”

  Axe kissed her neck, murmuring, “You’re my kind of woman. Nothing but a good time. No strings attached. I’m totally on board.”

  “I’ve got a room in the hotel.”

  “What’re we waiting for?”

  “Shouldn’t we wait until they cut the cake?”

  “I’m sure we can find som
ething to eat beside cake.” He winked at her, and she blushed. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman blush when he said something. This is gonna be more fun than I thought.

  Discreetly they walked out of the ballroom and entered the elevator. When the shiny brass doors closed, Axe crushed his lips to hers, pulling her close while his hands squeezed her ass. Stiff at first, she relaxed and opened her mouth, his tongue diving in. During the entire elevator ride to the twentieth floor, they groped, panted, and kissed until the bell dinged and the doors opened.

  “I’m in room 2032,” she said between breaths as Axe continued to kiss her.

  “Lead the way, sweetheart.”

  Chiah Wilder’s Other Books

  Hawk’s Property: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 1

  Jax’s Dilemma: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 2

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