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Mastering Marissa

Page 3

by Cyna Kade

  * * * * *

  Marissa arrived on Darinth late at night. The transport docked earlier than expected, so she wasn’t surprised that her father wasn’t there yet. She’d just have to wait. She followed her father’s directions, staying in the arrival section and not passing through customs. The first two hours passed slowly as stood with her back against a wall, waiting for her father.

  The arrival center was a large room without amenities. Meant as a transit point, not a waiting area, there were no chairs, no bathrooms and no food. Marissa was tired from the trip and anxious to find a resting place.

  She noted with unease that she was the only woman in the room. Large, harsh-looking Darinthian males stared at her with speculative gleams of appraisal as they passed by. She felt nervous and naked before their roving eyes. She wasn’t used to confident men coldly evaluating her body as if they could see beneath her clothes and find her every flaw.

  One man had been audacious enough to stop right in front of her.

  Reaching out, he’d cupped her chin and asked, “Do you need a male?”

  Marissa, startled and angered by his question, pulled back from his touch. She nearly screamed, but she held on to her self-control and answered firmly. “No!”

  “That’s regretful. I would like to tame you,” he said.

  Her face flamed beneath his gaze. Then he laughed and walked away.

  Marissa watched him walk out of the center, not relaxing until he had passed customs. His brash actions and words had frightened her.

  He was the only man who talked to her, but every man that passed by looked at her with the same speculative gleam.

  Marissa wanted to yell at the Darinthians. Why couldn’t they be more like the men on her world? Kind and courteous, the men on her world would never stare until her face flamed. But the Darinthians were so different, she didn’t dare yell. She didn’t know what they’d do. So she stayed quiet, trying to blend into the wall and disappear.

  If only there was a place to curl up and hide, but the arrival room was bare and her position against a wall hid nothing. These men made her feel naked and helpless and she began to understand why women needed protectors on this planet. Her nerves wouldn’t let her sit on the floor, so she stood, waiting for her father. Where was he?

  Chapter Three

  Marissa squirmed as she waited in the arrival center. Her emotions fluctuated. One minute she wanted to spit in anger, the next she wanted to cringe in terror. How dare these men frighten her? Their bold stares made her feel small and exposed, like a tempting morsel they could easily gobble up. She wanted to crawl into a hole to escape their knowing eyes. Nausea threatened and she swallowed trying to force her stomach to behave. Where was her father?

  Finally, one of the customs officials approached. His stare was as brash as all the others as he walked toward her. He too was at least a head taller than Marissa. Were all Darinthian men so tall? She didn’t see any ugly men either. All the men were muscular, some more than others, but they all had the same masculine grace and beauty as the men in the vids.

  Uncertain whether she longed to gaze at their beauty or run from their glittering eyes, they reminded Marissa of large predators—beautiful but powerful, silent, quick and deadly. She felt petite and helpless for the first time in her life and she didn’t like the feeling. She struggled to breathe at the thought of being under the care of any of these men.

  The customs official stepped close. In a cold voice he asked, “Why aren’t you going through customs? Do you have something to hide?”

  “I’m meeting someone,” she replied. “My father told me to wait here.”

  “Who is your father?” he demanded.

  Seeing no harm in telling him, she replied.

  Marissa saw a flash of recognition at the name. Her father held a position in the ruling council. She wasn’t surprised that the customs official recognized the name. She was surprised when his eyes traveled her body, inventorying her assets, as if her powerful father made her more interesting, rather than off-limits.

  He finished his perusal then nodded and said, “I will notify the appropriate person of your arrival.”

  Marissa noticed the strange wording, but trembling with exhaustion, she dismissed it as just a language difference.

  Fifteen minutes later, Marissa’s world tilted. Her eyes locked on a man who’d just entered the arrival center and she couldn’t pull them away. Her nipples tightened and her pussy ached. She was shocked at her urge to jump the man. Yes, he was gorgeous, but every Darinthian male she’d seen was gorgeous. He didn’t seem outwardly different from the others.

  Shoulder-length dark hair framed a hard face—all angles and planes—an uncompromising face. A sleeveless shirt highlighted powerful biceps and forearms. A black two-inch wide belt circled his waist. His tight, dark pants did little to hide equally powerful thighs and what lay between them.

  Why did this man wreak havoc with her libido? She longed to have him hold her and she wondered what his lips would taste like. How could she respond to him like this? She didn’t even know him. But her eyes remained fixed on him as he paused to talk to the customs agent. Taller than the customs official the man bent down a little as they exchanged words.

  Marissa started when the agent pointed at her.

  The stranger looked over at her and flares of tension arced between them as their eyes met. He held her for a moment longer before boldly raking his eyes over her body. His gaze didn’t make her feel naked and she wondered if his arms could possibly be as hard as they looked or if his cock could be that impossibly large.

  She stood a little straighter, tilting her chin as she returned his stare. She wouldn’t let this man intimidate her. He had no right to examine her.

  At her movement, his lips tilted in a half-smile as if he heard her thoughts. His eyes seemed to burn black. She mentally shook herself. People didn’t have black eyes. It must be a trick of the lighting or exhaustion. She struggled to maintain her position. She wouldn’t sag in front of this man.

  She wanted to look away from him, to ignore him, but the force of his presence held her in thrall. It wasn’t until he turned back to the clerk that she could look elsewhere. In her peripheral vision, she saw him hand something to the clerk.

  Marissa stared off into the distance aware of his slow stroll toward her. He closed the distance, until he stood close, very close. Too close, but with the wall at her back, he blocked her escape.

  Well, if she couldn’t retreat, there was nothing left to do but be brave.

  She looked up at him and his eyes captured hers. She’d been wrong, His eyes weren’t black. They were the color of dark chocolate, melted and liquid, inviting sinful exploration. His presence seemed to suck out all her air but there were benefits. He easily blocked her vision of the other men in the arrival center.

  “My name is Kytar. I am here to pick you up,” he said.

  His deep and husky voice reverberated in her chest, sending out tendrils of warmth, wrapping her in his protection. She longed to sink into the safety of his arms, to feel his fingers tangling in her hair and holding her close.

  With a sharp gasp, she fought back to reality. What was she thinking? She shook off her fascination. There was nothing to like about a Darinthian male, she told herself sternly. Stiffening her back, she said, “You’re not my father.”

  “No, but I am here to pick you up.”

  “My father told me to wait for him…not to go with anyone else,” Marissa said.

  A black flash, like a warning flare, flicked through his eyes. But it was gone before she really saw it. Then he smiled, stunning Marissa. The smile softened his hard face, heating his deep brown eyes and deepening the smile lines around his mouth and eyes. His blue-black hair shimmered in the room’s light and though he towered over Marissa, his stance softened becoming protective rather than threatening.

  “I promise you I will take good care of you, but if you’d prefer to wait here,” he shrugged and moved b
ack to gesture to the cold, forbidding surroundings, “I will wait with you. You should not be here alone.”

  “My father said I’d be safe here.”

  He slanted a glance down at her. The half-smile curled his lips again. “Did he? And do you feel safe here?”

  Marissa wasn’t going to answer that question. Telling this dangerous man she felt threatened not only by the others, but by him as well, seemed unwise. Instead, she asked, “Did my father send you?”

  “I came because of your father,” he replied smoothly.

  “Where is my father?”

  “He’s been detained. Your father is a very important man. He has many responsibilities. I’ll escort you, if you let me,” Kytar said, never losing his look of warm concern.

  Marissa, mindful of her father’s warnings, shifted her feet and said, “I’d rather wait a little longer.”

  Marissa expected a protest, but he simply said, “As you wish.”

  Another hour crept by. Marissa longed to sink to the floor and curl up. Her exhaustion made it difficult to focus on anything. She’d tried to talk to Kytar thinking that talk might help keep her awake, but when she asked how he knew her father, he merely said, “I’ve known your father all my life.”

  All her other questions were answered with similar terseness, silently rebuking her. Apparently, Darinthian woman didn’t ask questions. His frown deepened a little with each question until the weight of his disapproval grew to a point where she finally fell silent.

  Kytar stood, perfectly still, seemingly content to wait with her. His cedar scent reminded her of campfires and high pine forests. He smelled like the outdoors, increasing her desire to leave the arrival center. She drew in his soothing scent every time she took a breath. Lulled, she leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, just for a moment. She hadn’t realized she was tired enough to dream while still standing.

  An image of the bulge of his cock, hidden under his pants, flooded her mind. Thighs clenched as she saw him in a scene from one of the vids. Built like the men in the vids he easily slipped into the role. She nearly felt his cock in her mouth, even while wondering how she’d take something so large. The image of Kytar, naked beneath her mouth and hands, brought her back to awareness with a start.

  Her face flamed as she looked up to find Kytar staring down intently. Could he read her thoughts? Or smell her arousal? Too bad straight-up vanilla sex wouldn’t be his style. He’d take control, whether she wanted to give it or not. She mentally shook herself, forcing the images of Kytar from her mind.

  Another hour passed. Marissa’s escort remained silent though his very presence seemed to warn the other men away. They still looked, but when they noticed Kytar, they nodded to him and stopped examining her. Marissa sighed and leaned back against the wall again. Where was her father?

  Kytar ached. The beauty of the petite blonde standing next to him went straight to his gut. He’d been rock-hard since his first glimpse of her. He wanted to grab her. Grab her, bind her and collar her, making his claim known to every other male. The connection between them, though unexpected, was unmistakable. The magic beat at him, demanding he start the binding ritual. He itched to comply, but he couldn’t, not yet, he told himself, fighting off the urge.

  He glanced down. Standing proudly, fighting exhaustion, she was a defiant little thing. He’d linked with many women, but no Darinthian woman had ever fought him beyond a token resistance. He hadn’t realized that a woman’s defiance would inflame him. And the very fact she’d obeyed her father and said no to leaving, excited him. It meant she was trainable. He knew she’d fight. She wasn’t used to Darinthian customs, she’d fight. He nearly laughed aloud. Her fighting would be useless.

  He welcomed the opportunity to tame an off-worlder. Such opportunities were rare. Her defiance was intoxicating, like a bottle of rich wine. He’d already inventoried her many assets.

  She’d piled her blonde curls on top of her head, hiding its length. He wanted to find out how long her hair was. Once she was in his power, the first thing he’d do was pull it down. He hoped it flowed far down her back. Her green eyes flashed with life and her lush mouth seemed made for his cock.

  Her clothes revealed more than they hid. Her breasts were a perfect handful. They were natural too. He was glad to see they were natural, without the revealing ridge of augmented breasts. Natural breasts responded better. She had a waist he could circle with his hands. Her hips seemed almost too small for him, but she would take him. He would fit.

  Her light floral scent wafted over him, reminding him of the lilacs surrounding his house. Her scent beat at him, calling to him and increasing his eagerness. He wanted to take her home. And he would, he just needed to rein in his impatience.

  If he rushed her, she’d bolt. He wouldn’t lose her. Her capture was integral to his plans. He’d have her soon enough. Though he hadn’t expected a connection, it really didn’t interfere with his plans. Everything was proceeding nicely. There was no need to rush. He just had to wait her out. Marissa didn’t know it but her father wasn’t coming. Eventually, her own needs would force her to agree to leave with him.

  Kytar didn’t try to convince Marissa to leave, he merely stood patiently next to her. Because he didn’t press her to leave, her guard fell just a little. She grew more tired with each passing moment. Her legs ached. Her back throbbed. She wanted nothing more than to sit down for a few moments and she needed the facilities. Where was her father?

  She finally asked, “Is there any place I can wash my hands?”

  “I’m sorry. Not in the arrival center,” he replied.

  Marissa squirmed, wishing she hadn’t drunk that last glass of juice.

  “I will protect you,” he said, slanting a glance downward, never raising his voice above a whisper. “You suffer needlessly.”

  Marissa looked up to find his eyes locked on her face. She didn’t see any sign of ruthless domination or cruelty, just warm concern.

  “My father told me not to leave without him.”

  “Your father cares about your well-being. He would not want you to suffer.”

  Marissa’s face flamed. Her need was growing urgent. How embarrassing that Kytar should know. “How much longer is my father going to be?”

  Kytar shrugged. “There’s no way of telling.”

  Marissa groaned and suffered through another half-hour. Still there was no sign of her father. “Can’t we call him?”

  Kytar slanted another glance down at her. “Your father is dealing with revolutionaries in a small country. If he leaves the council before the situation resolves many are likely to die. Would you have him abandon his responsibilities?”

  She shook her head. “Of course not, but I’m not certain…” she trailed off, unable to give voice to her need. It was just too embarrassing.

  Kytar turned and moved in front of her again. A fresh wave of cedar washed over her. He tucked a finger under her chin and gently raised her head. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he said, “I understand your fear. I respect the fact you are obeying your father but I repeat that he would not want you to suffer. You are tired and probably hungry and thirsty. You have needs to meet. Leave with me and I will keep you safe.”

  Marissa closed her eyes. His tender voice lulled her. She couldn’t fight her exhaustion much longer and he seemed so sure of himself. He did make her feel safe, even as he frightened her, she reminded herself. How could he do both at once? One feeling was false, but which one?

  Unfortunately, her bodily functions demanded attention. Either she left now or she’d have a very embarrassing accident. She had to leave with him. She had no choice. Sighing, she shoved aside her misgivings and reluctantly nodded. “Okay.”

  “Do you leave with me willingly?” he asked in that inviting voice that reverberated through her heart.

  “Yes, I’m leaving with you willingly. Let’s go,” she replied. Her decision made, she dismissed the fleeting stir of caution that raced through her mind. She was just
too tired to listen and she had to find the facilities soon.

  Kytar rewarded her statement with a warm smile. “I’ll take care of you,” he said as he gently guided her through customs.

  Marissa stopped at the customs desk. “I won’t sign a release.”

  The agent smiled, waving his hands. “No need for a release. You’re under the protection of a male.” He smiled at Kytar, a satisfied expression on his face.

  Marissa hesitated. She didn’t understand the glance they exchanged. She wanted to pause to figure it out, but Kytar gently pulled her along and she dismissed the glance as a male thing, of no consequence to her.

  Kytar led her to a room just outside the customs station. “I’ll wait here,” he said.

  A few moments later, Marissa came back out. Now that she could pull her mind out of her bladder, she could hear screaming warnings in her head. She hesitated, looking back toward the arrival center.

  “Your father hasn’t arrived,” Kytar said, as if once more reading her mind.

  Marissa nodded, but she was uncomfortable with her decision to leave with Kytar. She could see the dawn, just beginning, through the large windows of the center. Her father had told her to stay at the arrival center, but she’d stayed all night and he hadn’t shown up. Where was he? Why had he sent a stranger? Kytar’s commanding presence now seemed more threatening than reassuring. “Maybe I should just wait here…”

  Once more, a black flash moved through his eyes before they melted back to chocolate. “You agreed to place your safety with me.”

  How did his eyes change colors like that? But Marissa dismissed the question as his words penetrated. She frowned. “I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

  She started to pull back from him but his hand circled her arm in a firm grip.

  “You agreed to leave with me—willingly. On Darinth, that’s a request for protection.”

  “Wait a minute—”

  Kytar cut off her protest by tangling his fingers in her hair and pulling her close. His mouth descended on hers. The kiss started slow, but quickly escalated into a demand for satisfaction. His tongue sought entry, refusing to stop at her closed lips, he licked the seam of her mouth until she gasped for air and his tongue entered in a swift stroke.


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