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The Forbidden Family Game

Page 9

by Ward Fulton

  "It got me sort of excited, having a man notice me, even though that was what all the nude bathing was about-showing off skin. I don't know why this guy didn't make a play for me. There was plenty of it going on. Some of it downright embarrassing. Maybe he was just a peeper or maybe he liked girls with more experience. And bigger tits. Or it could be my father had put up some sort of warn-off signals, though I doubt if he ever thought of it-or of me that way. I was just an inexperienced kid, to him.

  "Some of the tingles from having the guy look at me lasted until I got back to my room, making me think more about this sex stuff than I ever had before. You know, like what would it be like to get laid. And figuring there was maybe something to it after all. I knew my parents got a big bang out of it -or seemed to. With each other and with different partners. Not that I had actually seen it happening, but a kid gets to know. I even knew how it was done. I mean, how a boy could throw his dong into a girl's cunt. But as to what happened after that, I wasn't sure. But I still had those tingles.

  "I was looking at my body in the big mirror, puzzling it all out and maybe teasing my cunt with my finger to see if anything would happen. It did. Some. I mean, the tingles got more interesting. That's when Stan walked in.

  "He had slipped into some jockey shorts, mostly to hide the hard on he had from watching a blonde babe that was ten years too old for him. I suspect he wanted to talk to me about the blonde and what were his chances with her-which I would have put at zero, since she had half a dozen grown men after her and not likely to be looking for a kid like Stan. She was a babe who would like experience, not cherry.

  "Stan just stood in the doorway of my room-we had connecting rooms-gawking at me, like he'd just discovered I was a girl. With equipment. In all the right places and in pretty fair shape. I know I twisted around when I saw him in the mirror. And gave him a nice side view of rounded tits and a flat stomach. With my finger just playing with my cunt I didn't pull it out fast, either, because I had just reached a real interesting point, where things were really beginning to stir inside.

  "I saw his dong jump to a real hard on in his jockey shorts, so I knew he realized I was female and maybe just as good as the blonde babe. And I was right there. In the same room. Where there was a bed. And teasing myself, so he knew I was interested.

  "He didn't say anything, just gulped, and then started walking toward me. I wasn't really scared. I guess I didn't have enough sense to be scared. Just curious. About how things would go. I just stood there, turned now to face him, waiting, not really doing anything, except maybe a little shiver every now and then that shook my tits. With some ripples in my stomach that maybe showed.

  "I don't think I even saw Stan's face, just that lump where his dong pushed out his jockey shorts, twitching some. Oh, I knew what was in there, all right. I'd seen plenty of peckers in my nude bathing, even Stan's-but not a hard on. I was just picturing how it would look without his shorts. Stan had some curly hairs around the base and a sort of skinny shaft with a bulb that was sort of blue-purple. That much I knew.

  "I didn't know how big it could get. But I found out quick enough.

  "Stan walked right up to me, until his chest was almost against my tits. He moved his chest a little from side to side, so it teased my tits, setting up some new tingles and sort of sending advance notice on what else was to happen, like down around my cunt, where the heat was really starting up. And it wasn't just heat, like hot, you know. It was sort of-anticipating.

  "Feeling his dong rubbing at me, even through his shorts, made me excited and at the same time made me weak, so I wasn't doing anything, just standing there, maybe sagging a little against him, waiting to see what was going to happen. And breathing real light and easy, just enough to move my tits a little and move my stomach against Stan's.

  "I was in a sort of suspended animation-alt there and feeling all sorts of curious waves and tingles-but not doing anything. I felt Stan put his arms around me, felt his hands slide down my back, slow, and then felt him make a sudden grab at my ass, pulling me tight against him, with him grinding his pelvis at me.

  "It was as if it was all going on in a dream. In sort of slow motion. You might even say, slow emotion, because everything was very gradual, mixed up with a sort of amazement, a kind of wonder that this was happening to me. Feeling the tension build up inside was only part of it, I think. But mostly it was the astonishment.

  "Oh, I wasn't making any fuss about it. Whatever was going to happen, I wanted to happen. I let it happen. I think I could have stopped Stan any time up to when he actually put me on the bed. After that, I don't know. He went a little berserk then.

  "He picked me up, mostly by grabbing my behind and lifting and walking with me to the bed, his dong rubbing right up against my cunt all the time, making things curiously light and tight in me. For myself, I was-well, you might say, standing just outside myself, watching it all happen, yet feeling it, too. Feeling all the tensions and tingles and excitement while I looked on and saw my tits and nipples swell and my little cunt begin to open up and make juices.

  "I saw Stan rip off his jockey shorts. I* could see his prick then, not so little and dangling anymore, but standing straight up, big and stiff, with his bulb wet and a very sparkling drop of wet on the end. I could focus on that, seeing it bright and shiny-and know it was going into me. Way in.

  "I just lay there on the bed, with my legs falling open and showing my cunt, wet and open, too. After that, things got a little confused. Stan was like an animal.

  "He clawed at my tits, jammed his mouth down on one and sucked and nibbled at it-not too gently either-until I thought I'd scream, not from excitement but just from pain. I know I tried to push him off then, but that only made things seem worse.

  "He rolled over on top of me, muttering and sort of growling. He aimed his prick right at my cunt, pushed until his bulb was right up against it, wiggled a bit, to get things going, and then just rammed his prick in me.

  "I know I yelled then, because it hurt so, and beat at his shoulders. I tried to pull my cunt away but I couldn't. He was really reaming it into me, humping up and dropping down on my mound, each time his dong going a little deeper in me.

  "Suddenly, in spite of the pain, I liked it. There was warmth all up my stomach and new excitement in my cunt and pelvis that was bigger than the hurt, so new and startling I couldn't really take it in. But I was humping right back at him. It was ragged at-first. We bumped more often than we really built a rhythm but finally we got together on it, With me wiggling my little butt some to get some things off, swelling my insides until it seemed I would burst. My nipples were so hard I know Stan could feel them-if he was feeling anything except his own excitement.

  "He kept muttering and growling the whole time, as if that helped, and just kept up that rhythmic humping, driving his pecker and bulb up inside me. I could feel his whole shaft sliding against the lips of my cunt and his bulb pumping back and forth up in me. And giving me thrills I never expected to happen, tightness that would have to give way but felt awful good just getting tighter and tighter.

  "Suddenly Stan let out a yell and drew way back, almost pulling his dong out of me, and held it there, just barely moving. I humped up my pelvis, trying to get his dong deeper in me, when suddenly he just dropped down on me, ramming his prick so far up I squealed-and then I could feel a big pulse all along his shaft and a thud I could almost hear when his come exploded out of his bulb-

  "It flooded my insides with hot goo in one great glob, and triggered things in me, so I exploded, too, gushing more goo. I don't know why I wasn't flooded out. Maybe it just felt like a lot more than it really was up there. But it was certainly a wonderful release, as if my clock had been wound too tight and was suddenly ticking smoothly again in a pumping rhythm that was far better than any ticking.

  "It was wonderful. In spite of the pain and the bumping, I felt marvelous. Released and deflated but delightfully relaxed. Even the weight of Stan collapsed on my stomach an
d tits felt good.

  "I could feel his dong going down, like a slow leak in a tire, with little jerks and twitches that kept triggering new quivers inside me. Each new easing of tension seemed better than the last, until Stan's prick slid completely out of me, unplugging all those juices in my cunt I wet the bed, I know, but who cares? The maid would make it up fresh.

  "Stan rolled off me and lay down beside me, breathing heavily and still sort of muttering to himself. I was happy to have his weight off me, even if it had felt good for a few minutes. I know there were still some little explosions going off in me, like squibs after a big bang, so I just lay there and let them happen, squeezing my legs tight against my cunt to make the feeling a little bigger. I reached up and played with my tits, squeezing a little on my nipples, though they were sort of tender. That helped to prolong the little explosions. Or I think it did.

  "I liked it, and I liked knowing what this 'swingers' stuff was all about Not that I really thought about it right then-I mean, not full out-but I remember thinking I understood why my parents were swingers. If this was swinging, then I wanted more of it. Lots more.

  "Stan raised himself on one elbow and looked down at me, scowling. 'You're not going to tell Dad how I screwed you, are you?'

  "I know I giggled. 'Why? Doesn't he know how?'

  "That set us off. We just lay there, laughing like idiots-which I guess we were along about then. Mindless and just feeling. But feeling very good, stretching a little just to feel muscles pull and know you're alive. It's great, that afterwards feeling. Almost as good as screwing itself. Only, of course, if there wasn't any screwing there wouldn't be that glorious after feeling.

  "That was the first time Stan ever screwed me- or we screwed each other, however you want to put it His technique was crude, not subtle at all, but then, at that time, I didn't know there were subtler ways of fucking, ways that built up lots more excitement and tensions and made the release that much better. AH I knew then was that I liked getting fucked. I liked having a dong ream into me and explode up inside me. I liked the feeling of a bulb rubbing along the walls of my cunt and setting off excitement. I liked it when it was all over and I could lie there relaxing, dreaming a little.

  "I wanted more of it Oh, not right then. And I think Stan was about pooped out. It was his first time, too, and he wasn't too sure of himself. Or even if he could go another round. Which is just as well. It gave us both time to think things over and work out better techniques.

  "I think Stan made it with the blonde. Screwing me must have given him confidence. I know somebody taught him quite a bit between that first time and when he next came around for a piece of tail, which was nearly a week later.

  "During that week I got in a little experience, too. With the guy who had been eyeing me down at the pool. His name was Kirk and he was an older man, maybe thirty, unmarried, which was sort of odd. Most of the swingers were married or anyway paired off. But Kirk didn't seem to have a regular partner.

  "I guess you could say I made the advances, or at least gave him the opening for making them. I managed to slip on the edge of the pool and fall in, practically on top of him. So he almost had to catch me and hold me up, so I wouldn't drown. As if I hadn't learned to swim when I was a kid, back in Istanbul, when we were on a trip there.

  "Of course, being naked, both of us, made the holding very interesting. I improved it a little by plastering myself against him and heaving, so my boobs rubbed right against his chest, where he had a pretty good mat of hair, wet and a little scratchy. At first he was just-well-fatherly, only I never knew my father to be fatherly, so I can't be sure that's what it was. Sort of disinterested-until I wriggled some against him, so my body, under water, was right up against him, feeling his dick, limp at first but starting to quiver.

  "I rubbed a little harder, looking at him soul-fully, to let him know I meant more than just a girl who fell in the water near him. He looked a little baffled, frowning. 'You're getting a little personal, youngster.'

  "I grinned at him. 'I could get a lot more personal if this wasn't so public.' And let him make something of that.

  "He did, all right, especially when I just 'accidentally' caught his dong between my legs and squeezed. He was an interesting-looking guy, with a long, thin face and good chest and nice muscles. He closed those arms around me for a moment and glanced up at one of the cabanas around the pool. 'That's mine. Number Six. If you mean what I think you mean, youngster, we could talk privately over there.'

  "I winked at him and scrambled out of the pool, letting him have a real treatment, a good look right up my cunt. I stood up and shook myself, letting him look up at me, seeing my cunt and my nice flat tummy. I stretched and turned so he got a good view of my tits. They're not big but very nicely rounded out Then I turned and trotted off, twitching my rump just enough to make things interesting, away from Number Six-as if I hadn't really meant anything. Then I switched and sauntered back to his cabana as if I had decided I just might, after all, consider that private talk. Which wasn't going to be a talk.

  "I got real excited just thinking about having a grown man play around with me and end up screwing me, because that's what I was asking for. I pushed at the door of Number Six and it was unlocked, so I just very casually stepped inside, as if it were mine, and waited, getting a little panicky all of a sudden. After all, I'd only been screwed once. By my brother. So I was suddenly worried. Maybe it wasn't always that exciting or that easy. Maybe a grown man had too much dong to get into me. Lots of worries. But they vanished when Kirk stepped into the cabana and bolted the door, turning to face me. Those worries vanished all right, but others took their place. I was just a kid, trying to make a grown man, and maybe he wouldn't really want me. Maybe it would be just a talk and a spank on my rump to shoo me out.

  "I was almost beginning to wish that was the way it would be when I saw his prick already rising, shaping up for action. Kirk was walking toward me, slowly, and I was backing off, fascinated at seeing his dong grow and expand. Kirk raked his eyes over me and sighed. 'Are you serious, youngster, or just teasing? If you think you're just teasing an older man to get a rise out of him, forget it. You're going to get exactly what you've been asking for-a roll in the hay. And one you'll remember,' He stopped suddenly, just a few feet from me. 'Are you a virgin?'

  "I couldn't back up any farther because of the wall, and I couldn't seem to get any words out. I just shook my head, still watching his pecker, swelling and straightening up. It wasn't really so much bigger than Stan's but it seemed-well-more, I guess you'd say, competent. Like it and Kirk knew what it was all about.

  "Kirk backed off then and sat on one of those padded benches, beckoning to me. I had to push myself away from the wall because my feet just wouldn't work at first Then I walked slowly toward him, my tits jiggling a little and feeling all hot and tight Like my cunt. With knots in my stomach.

  "It's one thing to plan to get laid and pick out the guy you want to lay you. It's something else when it's actually happening.

  "Then Kirk smiled at me. It was a nice, warm smile with lots of welcome in it. I wasn't afraid anymore. I almost rushed the last few feet and then stopped right in front of him. Kirk reached out and took my shoulders, holding me with very strong hands, just looking at me, my face, for a long, slow study, and then down the rest of me, to my mound and cunt, and then back up.

  "He slid his hands off my shoulders, down my arms, to my hips, wiggling them a bit, and then put one hand on a tit. I think I started shaking then because that was so new. And so intimate. That's a funny kind of thing to say about a time like that, with both of us naked, but having his hand on my boob realty did make it intimate.

  "Kirk patted the bench with his hand and I turned and sat down beside him. He put his arm around me, and I leaned against him, still shaking a little, but things were quieting down in one way. In another they were building up.

  "He let one hand drift down over my tits, cupping it and playing with the nipple with hi
s fingers while his other hand strayed along my leg, his fingers trailing along the inside of my thigh, creeping right up on my cunt but not quite touching it.

  "I guess I was a little stiff up to then, but I really started to relax, after sort of tightening up. His hand on my leg made things very exciting and the one playing with my nipple didn't do much to make me want to get up and go home, either. I rested my cheek against Kirk's shoulder and just gave myself up to feeling. And the feeling was wonderful and getting better every minute.

  "Kirk worked on my nipples like with a gentle mouth, every once in a while leaning over to actually suck one, which really got me both excited and dreamy. Excited inside, all stirred up, but still feeling almost drowsy with the gentleness of his hands playing over me.

  "Once in a while his hand would drift down from my boobies to my stomach and one finger would trace the crease between my legs. His hand on my mound played a sort of open-shut game with my cunt until it just seemed to go on opening up and shutting all by itself. Every now and then a finger would slide right into my wet slit and hit my clitoris, which would make me hump up, getting real excited and impatient for him to start the real business of screwing me.

  "He did it by easy stages. First he almost lifted me on to his lap, facing him. That made it easier for him to tongue my nipples and suck on my boobies. It also brought his dong right up against my slit, nearly driving me wild, even while his hands and mouth were-well, you couldn't say calming me down-having a very soothing effect His hands played up and down my back, fondling the cheeks of my rump and each time moving me just a tiny bit closer to him.

  "I could feel his bulb tight up against my cunt and feel my cunt almost nibbling at it Breathing was getting a little difficult, since my chest felt so tight Even the muscles of my stomach seemed tight and tense.

  "About then he pulled me real close, whispering, 'This is it, youngster. This is it.' And I felt his bulb stretch my cunt and then pop inside, while my cunt seemed to clamp down around his shaft. And everything suddenly started to happen all at once.


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