The Journal: Crimson Skies: (The Journal Book 3)

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The Journal: Crimson Skies: (The Journal Book 3) Page 21

by Deborah D. Moore

  “We are not going to let that happen, Allex. I’m assigning you and your family a bodyguard.”

  I laughed nervously. “You don’t think Eric and Rayn are enough?”

  “Are they here right now?” Jim stated more than asked. “No, they’re not. Allex, please, until we catch this guy, you’re not to ever be by yourself, is that clear?”

  “I don’t have a death wish, Colonel, but you can’t give me orders.” I folded my arms over my chest. Why was I being so belligerent? Maybe it was the adrenaline talking.

  Jim sighed. “Let me at least give you a lift back to the office. Please.”

  “Sure, but I need to do something first.” I grabbed the claw fork that was still hanging on the fence. After sweeping away some leaves and the dying vine, I pressed the fork into the soil and dragged it, pulling up a large tuber. I repeated the procedure until I was sure I had all the potatoes from that hill. I pulled out the hem of my shirt and piled the spuds in the makeshift apron.

  “Fresh potatoes?” Jim said in awe. “Can I have one? Make that two, one for Tom.”

  “Help yourself,” I said.

  I was happy that Jim and Tom had decided to share Bob and Kathy’s former home. The house was large and the two levels were individually fully functional with two bedrooms and a full bath each, perfect for two bachelors.

  “The rest I want to take over to Marsha. I think these will make a nice addition to the stew I hear she’s fixing for dinner tonight.”


  Jim pulled into the clinic parking lot next to Mark’s gray compact car. When we didn’t find Mark at the clinic, we walked over to the hospital.

  “See, I told you she would come looking for you,” Kenny Marlow sneered, holding a gun to Mark’s temple. “Now that she’s here, I’m going to take from her what she took from me: the person that means the most to her. You.”

  When I heard that, my blood ran cold.

  “Lose the gun, Colonel,” Kenny insisted when Jim pulled his weapon.

  “Not gonna happen, Kenny,” Jim said his voice calm. “Drop!”

  Within a second, Mark was on the floor, giving Jim a clear shot. The Beretta discharged and the concussion rang out, echoing in the room. Kenny slumped to the floor, a large red blossom in the center of his chest.

  I ran to Mark, afraid he’d been shot too. He stood up, brushing non-existent dirt from his slacks with shaky hands.

  “How did you know to fall like that?” I asked in amazement.

  “Well, after that situation with Rayn at the Rehab Center, she and Eric sat me down for a bit of a chat, and drummed it into me that if or when someone with a gun tells me to ‘drop’ I am to go limp and fall to the floor immediately. That when someone tells me that, there’s good reason and I’m to get out of the way. So I did.”

  I hugged him tight in relief.

  “If you’re up to it, Doc, can you confirm death? Then I’ll get this piece of garbage out of here,” Jim said, all military now.


  “I’ve been thinking, Allex,” Mark said as we sat on the back deck having a pre-dinner cocktail. “Considering that I’ve had a gun pointed at me twice in the last week, maybe it’s time I learned how to shoot one.”

  I grinned, even though I was shocked by this. “I’m sure Eric would be willing to teach you what you need to know. He’s already taught Emi, so I know he’s patient.” I leaned over and gave him a kiss. “I think this is a wise decision you’re making.”


  JOURNAL ENTRY: November 2

  We haven’t heard back from Collins concerning what he may want or need, so I thought I would take it upon myself to collect a few things. Mark and I should go see him anyway, and tell him the Marlow threat is no more.


  “I’m spending the day giving the children school health exams, Allex. I should have told you that, I’m sorry,” Mark said over breakfast. “It really can’t wait; everyone is anxious to get the kids back in classes.”

  “I understand. Do you need me or is this something you can do on your own?”

  “Doctor James is going to help out. I think it’s important for the townspeople to get familiar with him,” Mark said. “I don’t like you going alone though.”

  “I won’t go alone. Even though Kenny Marlow is dead, I’ve still promised Jim I won’t venture anywhere by myself. That goes for you too,” I said seriously. “I’ll get Rayn or Amanda to go with me.”


  I stopped at the school first to pick out a couple of textbooks. The library was a hub of activity.

  “What’s going on, Sister Margaret?” I asked.

  “This morning a couple of nice young men brought us boxes full of books from the university library. We’re going through some now and putting them away. I’m setting aside any technical medical stuff that I think Dr. Mark would like to keep,” she answered. “Is there something I can help you with, Allexa?”

  “Yes, I need a half dozen textbooks, grades five, six, and seven. Maybe some fun reading too.”

  Sister Margaret nodded and walked off. She came back a moment later with a partially filled box and handed it to me.

  “When the children have finished reading these young adult mysteries, bring them back and we’ll exchange them for fresh material.” She gave me a knowing smile.

  What a great addition to the community the Sisters are. I may have to attend a Sunday service to see how Father Constantine is fitting in.

  The next stop for Amanda and I was the new food pantry.

  “Marsha, I need some flour and rice,” I requested.

  “How much?” she asked, without questioning me why.

  “A twenty-five pound bag of flour would be good, and a big bag of rice. Is there any yeast? And can you spare some oil?”

  Marsha had her husband put the supplies in the back of my car beside the box of books, and Amanda and I went to the Out Riggers.

  “I know all this is going to Mathers Lake, Mom, but isn’t it taking food from these people?” Amanda asked.

  “Don’t worry, Collins is going to pay for it. He just doesn’t know it yet, and the people won’t be disappointed.” I had a plan.

  “Good morning, Allexa, what can I do for you?” Sister Doris greeted us.

  “If it’s okay, I’d like a few things from the toiletry room: some soap, a bottle of shampoo, not much,” I replied.

  “Here’s a shopping basket, take whatever you need.”

  “Where did you find these?” I asked, looking at the plastic basket that many stores once used.

  “It was a Godsend, really. In the truck, there were several big shopping carts filled with these hand-carry baskets! I would like to hug whoever thought of adding them. We’re giving the baskets to each household so they can pick up things to take home. They’re even using them now at the food pantry. It’s so convenient, and it’s giving everyone a sense of ownership to be able to keep it.”

  “Do you want me to fill out a card?” I asked the Sister.

  “Oh, no, Mr. White and the colonel both said your family is to have whatever you want. It’s our way of thanking you for our… invasion,” Sister Doris replied.

  I added a bottle of shampoo and six bars of soap to the stash in the car.


  The gate at the entrance to the Mathers Lake compound was closed and locked; a pickup truck parked just inside. A young man I didn’t recognize came from the back of the truck, shotgun in hand.

  I got out of my car and approached the heavy metal gate. “Hello, I’m Allexa Smeth. I’ve come to see Mr. Collins.” He silently backed away, pulled out a walkie-talkie, and said something I couldn’t hear, then came back to the gate and opened the padlock. He swung the gate open and stepped aside for me to drive through. In my rearview mirror I could see him relocking the gate.


  “This is a pleasant surprise, Allexa,” Art said after greeting us. “And it’s Amanda, right? It’s nice to see you again. What brings yo
u here?” He brought his attention back to me.

  “I’ve brought some supplies. I know you didn’t request anything yet, but I selected what I thought you might appreciate.” I said. It took Amanda and me two trips to bring everything into Art’s kitchen.

  “Twenty-five pounds of flour will make a lot of bread. Here’s yeast, salt, a gallon of oil, twenty pounds of rice, and,” I smiled as I opened the box, “I don’t know if you need it, but we brought bar soap and shampoo. Oh, and books for the kids.”

  “This is very generous, Allexa,” he said, his jaw twitching. “What do I owe you for it?”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Art, however, you do owe the town,” I stated. “I think a couple of deer would be a good payment; they need meat. Unless you don’t want this, then I can take it back.”

  He looked at the array of items on the table, then back at me. “I think we can spare a couple of deer.” He smiled in relief.


  “What ever became of the young man you warned me about?” Art asked later over tea.

  “When he threatened to kill Mark, the colonel shot him.” I shuddered with the memory of the close call. “He was a violent, hate-filled person, and I can’t say I’m sorry he’s dead.”

  Morgan nosed his way past a closed door and immediately started wagging his tail. He sniffed Amanda and gave her a dog-kiss that got her laughing. Then he butted my hand, demanding an ear scratch, while I gladly complied.

  “Thank you for the tea, Art. If the women need any baking lessons, you know how to reach me,” I said, standing. “When you’ve harvested the deer, you can either call us on the ham and we’ll come for them, or you can have one of your men deliver them to the Inn. There are so many new faces in town your guys won’t be noticed as not belonging.” I turned to leave. “Oh, and I see this made you uncomfortable, and I apologize. We won’t bring any other supplies until you request them.”

  November 3

  After giving Collins the one-pound block of yeast, I thought it wise to check my own supply, only to realize I was getting low. I know I’d been baking a great deal, however, it still surprised me. This might be a good time to fall back on some old practices. The yeast that was available now won’t last forever.

  I got out a large glass canister and began working on a sourdough starter. Sourdough can be touchy, and I learned the hard way to not use any metal when working with it. So now it’s only glass bowls and wooden spoons.

  A cup and a half of warm water, a tablespoon of sugar in place of the honey I don’t have, a tablespoon of dry yeast, and two cups of flour. I stirred it well, draped a towel over it and set it near the cook stove to stay warm. Tomorrow I will stir down the bubbling mixture and set it in the refrigerator for two days to cure/sour. Then I will take half out. Into the starter canister, I’ll add another cup of water and a cup of flour and put it back in the refrigerator to ripen. With what I took out I think I’ll make biscuits by adding equal amounts of water and flour, enough for a total of two cups. This time, I’ll let the “sponge” sit out to ripen overnight. In the morning, the mixture gets some sugar, salt, oil, baking powder, and enough flour to work it.

  Initially, it’s a lot of work and time, but I remember back many years ago when I made sourdough regularly I had a starter sponge ready every morning, and it was much easier. Maybe next time I’ll do pancakes.

  Sourdough used to be the only way breads were made generations ago. There’s a good reason to fall back on the old ways.


  “Something feels different, Allex,” Mark commented while we took our nightly walk. “I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe something in the air.”

  “I feel it too,” I answered, cocking my head. “I know what it is! It’s quiet… I don’t hear any thunder coming from Marquette. I wonder if that means the storms have moved out.”

  “Even if it has, two weeks of relentless pounding and non-stop lightning has done enough damage to last a lifetime.”


  November 4

  “It’s been two weeks since the town has been infused with its new residents. I think it’s time for a town meeting,” I said to Tom from across his desk.

  “Only two weeks? It feels much longer than that,” he replied, leaning back in the big leather chair.

  “Would you believe in two days it marks one year since the first earthquake hit the New Madrid Fault?” I got up and walked to the windows. One year. My thoughts flooded with memories of all the good and all the bad that’s happened. John came to me and completed my life; the struggles with food shortages, and then the Wheelers’ rampage which ended in my brother’s death; Eric and Emilee making their way here, making our family whole again. We made it through that harsh winter, sometimes I wonder how.

  “Demons?” Tom asked quietly from behind me in response to my silence.

  “We all have them,” I said, remembering that Tom had lost his wife and son in one of the flu sweeps. That’s what we’ve been calling them, when a killer flu virus sweeps through the population, often infecting eighty percent and killing fifty percent.

  “When should we have this town meeting?” Tom asked.

  “I think on the anniversary would be significant. It was the day things began to fall apart, and now we’re rebuilding. Besides, we need to let everyone know, and you and I need to plan the agenda.”

  November 6

  Everyone congregated in the school gymnasium at three o’clock in the afternoon as school let out for the day. As pre-arranged, the older children would be watching the younger ones on the playground. A light snack had been provided for the kids before class was dismissed to keep them from getting cranky. The Inn kitchen was closed down so Marsha and her new staff could attend the meeting.

  I didn’t like the idea of a table and chairs being set up on the stage for us, however it did make sense and we would be heard easier that way too. Tom White, Mark, the colonel, and I took our places. Soon the crowd quieted. Tom stood and faced the group.

  “On this day, the one year anniversary of the first earthquake that changed all of our lives forever, I ask you to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.” A stunned crowd rose to face the flag.

  “I pledge Allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America,” Tom started, and we all joined in, hands over our hearts.

  “And to the Republic for which it stands,” the voices from the audience grew louder and stronger.

  “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

  The people all but shouted the final words.

  Tom understood that a group of strangers needed a rallying point, something that they all believed in to make them united. What better way than to remind each other that no matter what disasters befell us, no matter what hardships we faced, we were still Americans, and indivisible.

  “Welcome everyone. Welcome to your new home,” Tom said loudly. The applause was thunderous. “I hope to keep this meeting, and future meetings, as short as possible, while still accomplishing what needs to be done.

  “If you’re not familiar with who we are,” he paused to look back at us in recognition, “I’ll introduce you. I’m Tom White, the former Emergency Manager of the former county of Marquette. Allexa Smeth is my reluctant assistant,” which elicited a round of snickers. “Her husband, Dr. Mark Robbins, and Colonel James Andrews. Most everyone knows the colonel for organizing our flight here. He is now in charge of the security of the town. I will let him address those issues in a few minutes.

  “Our agenda today will be to see how everyone is doing. Do you have any problems or questions that we might be able to help with? Think about that and we’ll have a question and answer segment toward the end. For now, I will let the doctor give his report.”

  Mark stood and faced the group. “Several days ago I gave school physicals to forty-five students, with the help of Dr. James Geneva. Although Dr. James is only a third year med student, he’s the closest thing you’ve go
t to a doctor next to me. Remember that. He’s smart, he’s good, and he’s learning fast. Aside from Dr. James, my wife Allexa is my nurse and right arm. She will be my assistant during all prenatal exams, of which we have two expectant mothers in the town.

  “As has been discussed before, the clinic and the hospital are limited. If you’re injured somehow, we can take care of you. If you’re pregnant, we can take care of you. If you have a cold, I’ll give you a bottle of cough syrup and send you home, because we can’t take care of you. The clinic is walk-in, no appointment necessary. The hours will be Mondays, noon until four, and Thursdays, noon until four. The hours will be adjusted as needed, and should an emergency arise, contact the colonel and he will come for me. Any questions?” When there were none, Mark sat back down.

  Jim stood next. Even without his casual fatigues and brush haircut, he had a commanding presence. “Good afternoon,” his voice boomed. “I will start by introducing those under my command. Staff Sargent Frank Sanders, Sargent Rayn Jones, Specialist Tony Ramirez, Corporal Ansell Perkins, Sargent First Class Eric Rush, and Officers Ken and Karen Gifford. They are my eyes and ears, my voice and my hands. I trust each of them with my life and so should you.

  “So far we have had only one altercation and I’d like to keep it that way. Some of you met Kenny Marlow when we all first arrived here. Mr. Marlow had some unsubstantiated issues with Ms. Smeth and threatened her. Shortly after, he then threatened to kill Dr. Robbins. That is unacceptable, and I removed Mr. Marlow from our society.


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