The Lady's Choice

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The Lady's Choice Page 6

by Bernadette Rowley

  Benae came close, close enough to smell the evidence of his labours, but her face did not change. Her emerald gaze bored into his and he knew he had been wise to avoid her over the past week. Goddess, she was exquisite and it looked as though she would like to take his head off.

  ‘You have been avoiding me. Why?’

  ‘I have merely been busy, lady. I am sure your betrothed was only too happy to attend to your needs.’ Ramón felt the heat in his cheeks at his words.

  She frowned. ‘I wished for your company, Ramón, and what happened to you calling me Benae?’

  ‘It is not wise for us to become close.’

  She stepped closer, her breasts rising and falling in her agitation. Oh yes! She was magnificent indeed and at times he was so lonely. It would be easy to give in to this attraction, fill the emptiness within him. He thought Benae might be willing, but down that road lay guilt and he had enough of that already.

  ‘I thought we had formed a friendship. I thought I had made it clear that I cared for you. I know you are not unmoved, Ramón; I can see it in your face every time you look at me. You want me!’

  ‘No, lady,’ he snapped. ‘What you speak of is not friendship. I am trying to protect us both. You have won the hand of the prince and you must be content with that.’

  Benae stamped her foot and he could not believe it. Did she always get what she wanted? Well, not this time. ‘I am sorry, but it would not be appropriate for us to spend time together. I will fetch and carry for you but anything else you must put from your mind.’

  She reached up and Ramón gasped as her fingers brushed the hair from his eyes. He swallowed hard to force the lump from his throat. If he listened to his body, he would take her in his arms and give her what she demanded. She might say ‘friendship’ but she meant so much more. He had done stupid and impulsive things in the past and lived to regret them. He would not alter his plan to assuage this animal attraction he felt for Benae. The prince was coming around to his way of thinking and Ramón would set off on this quest and bring Alecia home. He had real reason to believe they would be married.

  ‘You are betrothed, lady. Are you not content? Your husband is the only man who can give you everything you want and need. Look to him for companionship. I remain your faithful servant only.’

  Benae’s head rose until she gave the impression that she looked down her nose at him even though she only reached his shoulder. ‘Of course I am content.’

  She stepped back and Ramón expelled a quiet sigh of relief. Finally, she might leave him be!

  ‘There was one other matter,’ she said.

  Ramón ground his teeth. He should have known Benae would not let go so easily.

  ‘What news do you have of the elves? The lieutenant mentioned them and I am concerned for my estates.’

  ‘There have been raids on some of our outlying farms,’ Ramón said. ‘I do not know what is occurring further north.’

  She stared at him as if assessing the truth of his words, then nodded. ‘Be about your business, squire. I am sorry I have held you up.’ She turned on her heel and strode towards the stable, no doubt to check on her stallion.

  Ramón hurried from the practice yard, his spirits curiously deflated. It seemed he had convinced her of the unsuitability of any relationship they might have, but Ramón knew she would not be that easy to banish from his thoughts.

  Ramón entered the dining room to find Benae pacing up and down the room. She froze when she saw him.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ she said, her big green eyes devouring him.

  His body responded in its usual way. Since when could he not leash his manly desires? ‘Prince Zialni called me to dine with him.’ He looked closely at her, noting the strain around eyes and mouth. ‘What is amiss?’

  ‘I told you. I am anxious to hear more of the elves and your presence here makes me wonder about the news Jiseve has to deliver.’ She continued to pace, clearly agitated.

  ‘I do not believe we have an invasion on our hands just yet, lady,’ Ramón said, trying to lighten her dark mood. ‘Best to focus on your wedding.’

  Benae glared at him, her gaze as dark and stormy as the seas at Wildecoast. ‘How can I think of gowns and weddings when the elven pestilence threatens?’

  ‘Compose yourself, my dear,’ Jiseve snapped as he entered the room, ‘and leave the elven threat for me to deal with. We cannot have panic amongst the people. Our wedding will distract them from more serious concerns. We have a duty to see that life goes on.’

  Ramón took the moment to really observe the prince and his lady. They made a handsome couple, both dark-haired and attractive. Their children would be blessed in all ways. But would Benae be able to bow to the will of His Highness? Ramón did not think she could be as subtle a manipulator as it was said that Zialni’s previous wife was. No, with Benae it would all be up front. He could see many arguments looming. Was this to be the first?

  ‘What is the news from the north, Jiseve?’ Benae asked, her hands clutched at her bosom. ‘What news from my estates?’

  ‘As to your estates, I have heard nothing, but our distant farms have been plundered. I fear I must travel north and west as I did in my youth; see how I might finish the task I began twenty years ago. I will visit your people and check on my farmers.’

  ‘No, Jiseve!’ Benae snapped. ‘You cannot risk yourself so.’

  ‘Who else will go? Vorasava must stay here to defend Brightcastle. I am the only one who can do this chore. I will speak with your estate manager and he will send word to the King of Tylevia. The rider will vouch for the union between our kingdoms and we can open discussions about the dark elves. Perhaps I can take the opportunity to invite your king to our wedding, my dear?’

  Zialni reached for Benae and drew her against his chest. She looked the picture of an obedient wife but Ramón wasn’t fooled.

  ‘Who will accompany me to Wildecoast if you are heading north, Jiseve? You said the trip must be soon.’ She gazed up at her husband-to-be and Ramón felt he was intruding on an intimate moment. They did seem fond of each other. Perhaps this union would be a happy one. Perhaps Benae was doing the right thing? But if the lady were set on a happy life with the prince why did she feel the need to reach out to him, Ramón?

  ‘Ah, yes, the trip will go ahead and the squire shall accompany you, along with a small company of soldiers. We cannot be too careful.’

  Cold shock ran through Ramón. No! That was insanity to the highest degree, for the prince to send his betrothed off to Wildecoast with another man. Ramón flicked a glance at. Benae. She did not look half as uncomfortable as he felt. What was this? A test? Or was the prince so certain of Benae’s love for him that he did not fear she would misbehave? After all, he had not known her long and if he knew what Ramón knew . . .

  ‘How will that look, Your Highness?’ Ramón had never changed the prince’s mind before but he would try now.

  ‘You will have a company of soldiers as chaperone, squire.’

  ‘That might be so but Brightcastle can ill afford the soldiers. With the search parties out and you heading north, Vorasava will not have enough to defend the principality.’

  ‘And that is the beauty of this plan. Most of the search parties will have returned by tomorrow or the next day at the latest, including the mercenaries I have hired. Brightcastle will be well defended.’

  ‘You cannot postpone the search for Alecia.’

  ‘You forget yourself, squire!’

  Ramón’s face heated. ‘There has to be another way, Your Highness. I will go to Tylevia and check on the lady’s estates and the dark elves. You know I am capable of it. And what of my mission to find Alecia? You are not only postponing it but pulling in most of the search parties. Have you given up hope?’

  A muscle in Prince Zialni’s jaw twitched and Ramón knew he had pushed the prince as far as he could. ‘I will never give up on Alecia and the searches will resume when I return. In the meantime I have two operatives
on the hunt for my daughter and that vermin, Anton. Perhaps they will succeed where larger groups have failed. Anton may get sloppy if he thinks I have given up.’ The prince’s faraway look disappeared and his eyes snapped back to Ramón. ‘Suffice to say that I believe my presence is needed more to the north than in escorting my lady to Wildecoast. You will follow orders and your orders are to accompany my betrothed to the coast and back so that she can be fitted for her wedding gown. I will not delay my marriage or place the kingdom in jeopardy because my wilful daughter has run away from home. Is that clear?’

  Ramón swallowed the desperation that bubbled up inside him and bowed stiffly to the prince and to Benae. ‘May I take my leave? I have preparations to make.’

  The prince frowned deeply at him but nodded at last. ‘You depart tomorrow at first light. I rely on you to keep my lady safe.’

  Ramón bowed again. ‘Have no fear, Your Highness. Your lady will be safe with me.’ He threw Benae a look that said he at least could be trusted and swept from the room.

  Benae could not sleep. The news that she would travel with Ramón instead of Jiseve made her restless. It was what she had wanted, wasn’t it? To spend some time with Ramón, get to know him better? Perhaps have one last flirtation before she settled down with Jiseve. She would not let it go too far. Perhaps some passionate kisses in secret or even . . . She imagined Ramón’s hands on her bare skin and groaned. Who was she deceiving? The way she felt about the squire, she would not be able to stop if he were willing. Lucky for her he wasn’t. She only hoped he had enough strength for both of them.

  Why did she feel thus? Her marriage to Jiseve was what she had come to Brightcastle for and she had succeeded. He was besotted with her. Tonight after dinner, he had invited her to his room and she had thought he meant to take her to his bed. But no. The last night before they would be separated for weeks and he had kissed her to within an inch of her life, had her panting for more and then escorted her back to her room! What was wrong with the man? He had only to begin undressing her and she could not have refused him. Perhaps that was what ailed her. Jiseve had brought her to the edge of longing each night since their betrothal and then walked away. Her body could not take much more of this teasing without combusting. She needed release and she needed it now.

  Benae flung herself out of bed and drew her robe around the folds of her nightgown. He would not deny her if he saw her in this filmy creation. It left little to the imagination and since she never wore pantaloons to bed, there would be no barrier to deny her betrothed. As she stood in the light of her parlour’s flickering fire she hesitated. What if he turned her away again? Desire coiled its way up from her core and she groaned. She must have her release!

  She opened the door quietly and slipped into the dark hallway. Leaving her door ajar, she turned in the direction of Jiseve’s room only to be halted by a familiar, masculine chest. She knew immediately it was not her betrothed. Hard, callused hands gripped her upper arms and the scent of lemons and limes swirled around her.

  Her heart leapt and raced away. ‘Ramón! What are you doing here?’ In her aroused state, Benae was intensely aware that his hands had tightened on her arms. She swayed towards him but he kept her at bay, a stray moonbeam outlining the convulsive movement of his throat.

  ‘Prince Zialni had some late instructions. Are you on your way to bid him goodnight?’ His glance took in her clothing and Benae was suddenly grateful for the darkness of the hallway, glad she had pulled her robe on over her flimsy nightgown. He sounded so proper it was like a slap in the face. Her body drove her towards this man; the mischief in her nature wondered how he would behave once his passion was unleashed. She wanted to be the one to release that passion, for she suspected that Ramón was a virgin. But could she betray her betrothed and give Ramón a reason to be ashamed? He did so pride himself on his honour.

  Benae took a step backwards and Ramón’s hands slipped down her arms to her hands, lingering there before falling to his sides. His gaze had not left her the entire time. That much she could see in the dimness. Oh Goddess, if only she could pull him into her room and kiss him until he lost his taut reserve, stripped the clothes from her and made mad passionate love to her. And, oh, how ready she was to accommodate him. Her belly clenched at the thought and she stepped towards him once more, laying her hands on his chest. She leant against him and, yes . . . felt the bulge in his breeches that told of his susceptibility to her.

  The uncertainty of a moment ago fled her mind. Her desire ruled! It was her betrothed’s fault. Night after night he had left her unfulfilled. Each evening she had become more desperate but Jiseve would not budge. Her thin thread of control snapped and she launched herself at Ramón, wrapping her arms around his neck, assaulting his mouth with a savagery that surprised even her. His lips did not disappoint – so full and sensuous were they and, after a moment’s surprise, they moved beneath hers, passion mounting until his tongue forced its way between her lips and began an intimate exploration of her mouth. Benae groaned and pushed her hips against his. She was ready for him, oh so ready. She was beyond ready. His arms enclosed her, pulling her soft curves closer until she felt every hard muscle from chest to knees strain against her.

  Ramón shoved her door open with his shoulder and pulled her with him into her room, leaning against the door to close it, his lips never leaving hers. She breathed in his heady citrus scent, her hands dropping from his neck to explore the muscles of his chest before circling his waist and drifting to the buttocks that she had admired for so long. They were indeed magnificent. Ramón’s hands mirrored hers and he groaned deep in his throat as his fingers kneaded her bottom through her nightgown, so obvious was it that she wore nothing beneath.

  Benae stepped back and allowed her robe to drop from her shoulders, leaving only the sheer nightgown between them. Ramón’s eyes darkened as he took in her body and he groaned again. He was close to the edge. All she had to do was give him a nudge. She let him stare, knowing that her darkened nipples and curling pubic hair were visible. He swallowed repeatedly, his breath coming in quick gasps. Her own chest rose and fell in time with his and Benae’s desire peaked as she imagined the moment when he would lay her down and force his way inside her, filling her.

  Slowly, Benae gripped the fabric that barely concealed her thighs and started to gather it in her fists, so that the hem inched inexorably upwards, revealing first her shins and then sliding above her knees. Her eyes never left his face. Ramón licked his lips, his gaze riveted to the hem of her nightgown and what it revealed. Benae’s excitement rose closer to fulfilment. She would climax soon even if he didn’t touch her. It was so erotic watching his reaction to her seduction. She prepared to raise the gown to her hips, knowing that this would tip him over the edge, but Ramón’s hand grasped her wrist.

  ‘Stop,’ he said.

  ‘You want this.’

  ‘Of course I do, but it is not mine to want.’ He pulled her hands from the hem of her gown and adjusted its folds so that they fell to her ankles, then he stooped and retrieved her robe and drew it around her shoulders. He held her there, his hands gripping the front of her robe, his eyes dark, troubled. As Benae stared at his torment, his gaze fell to her mouth and he drew her close, his lips claiming hers for a tender kiss. Her heart melted. No one had ever kissed her thus, as if she were the most precious gift in the world. Perhaps he had changed his mind. But as Ramón drew back, his hands dropped to his sides and he took a deep breath. ‘One of us must remember your betrothal. Now get yourself to bed. We depart at first light.’ He turned and left the room without another word or a backwards glance.

  How could he resist her? She had been virtually naked in front of him, performing a striptease, and he had stopped her. Although he had said he wanted her. She frowned. He wanted her. What did that mean? And that last kiss! Goddess, how did he kiss her like that and walk away? That kiss promised more than rapturous abandon. It spoke of a lifetime of love and trust. At least that was how it fel
t to her. Tender was how that kiss had felt and tender had nothing to do with lust.

  Benae shook her head, annoyed that things had slipped beyond her control. If Jiseve had not teased her so she might have been able to resist Ramón’s broad shoulders and soft lips. Then again, perhaps not. If she were honest, the squire had been an irresistible force from the very first time she saw him. And now she must spend days travelling in his company, knowing she had offered herself to him and he had rejected her. Her insides curled in shame. Her heart and mind roiled in confusion. What was she? Dignified court lady or a wanton hussy, as Avalin had suggested?

  Ramón was right to refuse her. He had kept his head when he should not have been able to resist her. Perhaps he was not the virgin she thought him. He didn’t kiss like a virgin. Her heart thudded anew at the memory of his kisses, which were even more satisfying than she had imagined. She knew now what she was giving up by marrying Jiseve, knew his kisses, his love would never match Ramón’s. No matter how content she might be with Jiseve, it would be Ramón she would crave and Ramón she would never have. How stupid she had been to believe she could make this contract with Jiseve and not pay a price.

  Benae must retrieve her dignity as best she could. She would get over Ramón in time; she had to believe that. In Jiseve she had a husband who would protect her estates and her people. A little frustration was a small price to pay.

  Chapter 7

  Ramón supervised the loading of the coach that would transport Benae to Wildecoast. Two trunks had been strapped to the back along with Ramón’s small chest. The tents were stored on the roof of the carriage, one for himself and four others for the eight soldiers they were taking as a guard. Billy the stableboy led Flaire over to the coach and tied him to the rear.

  ‘Thanks Billy,’ Ramón said, surreptitiously checking the knot. It would not do for the horse to be lost on the trip. He was not even sure why Flaire had to come, but it was a battle not worth fighting. The horse was fitted with Benae’s saddle, complete with silver adorning pommel, cantle and stirrups. Billy handed Ramón a matching bridle, which he slung on a hook on the back of the carriage. The stallion was tethered by a plain head collar that was much more practical and comfortable for the horse than wearing a bridle, especially when he wasn’t being ridden.


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