The Fall Of The King (Lightness Saga Book 3)

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The Fall Of The King (Lightness Saga Book 3) Page 17

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “Yes.” I nodded, my cheek brushing the soft fabric. “Like it or not, I’m your partner in this.”

  “If you remember correctly, I said you were my employee.”

  “Right.” A smile parted my mouth.

  He sighed, letting his lids close. “Now can you please tell the room to stop moving? It’s making me feel unpleasant.”

  “Just go to sleep.”

  Lars wiggled deeper into his pillow, all the tension leaving his face. I could almost see the young, carefree man underneath. I moved my head to the end of my pillow closer to him, the impulse overriding everything else. My lashes dropped, letting the alcohol, the sound of the rain, and the warmth of his body near mine lull me into sleep.

  He would never know this, but this was the first time I really slept, feeling safe and secure enough to let go.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I opened my lids for only a second before they dropped again against the harsh morning light streaming through the curtain. My body and mind were relaxed, rejoicing in the first good night’s sleep I had in months, if not longer. Every muscle melted into the bed, not wanting to move. I had the urge to curl up against the warmth on one side of me.

  Reality loomed on the other side of the thin line, the knowledge I had to get up and prepare for the day. Be a leader. King.

  I never needed an alarm to get up. I was always up before anyone. Most times I barely slept at all. But today, for once, I didn’t want to lead or handle business. I wanted to stay here.

  I rolled over, lured to the source of heat like a beacon, my hand reaching out. My fingers skimmed bare skin, sliding up the curve of a back until it bumped into a bunched-up T-shirt. My eyes popped open to the sight of long strands of luxurious deep brown hair curling on the same pillow as mine.


  She slept on her stomach, her face turned the opposite way and her barely covered body so close her leg brushed mine. My dick was awake and wanting, my hands aching to sweep up her curves, to crawl between her legs. The overwhelming need stilled me; if I moved, I would act upon it.

  This wild hunger was another thing that had taken me by surprise. It had died away when Aisling did and now had returned with a vengeance.

  Why now? Why did it seem to be especially elevated with this girl? She was a Druid. My prisoner. Was it because she reminded me of Aisling with their strength, stubbornness, and vibrancy for life? They couldn’t have been more opposites in looks. Ash was tall, thin, had legs for days, vibrant red hair, and violet eyes. Fionna was muscular and petite with brown hair and eyes. She did have an amazing ass. Perky and round like an apple. One I wanted to bite.

  My jaw crunched down at the impulse, and I grew harder at the thought. I pulled my hand away from her skin, running it through my hair. No. This girl would not get the better of me.

  In the tunnel I had almost kissed her. I had not been in my right mind. But upstairs when we were fighting? Not once had Aisling crossed my mind. It was also the first time in a long time someone had successfully challenged me. I was used to holding back, not letting the demon fully come out. With her, I let him off his leash. It felt exhilarating. My demon really wanted to play with her, and the more she fought back…

  My lids squeezed together painfully. I had to move, get out of this bed. Even sirens and succubi born to entice and seduce had never had this much power over me. I dAnd idn’t like it.

  Slipping out of the bed, the comforter lifted; my gaze trailed up her naked legs to her scarcely clad ass, and up the curve of her spine to where the T-shirt rode up overnight.

  A groan vibrated in my throat. Ignoring the need to crawl back in, I set my determination on the bathroom. Shower. Cold.

  My mind had once been stronger. I could dictate my needs, call on Rez when either of us required a release. Or lately, go to a hotel. As the King I didn’t have to worry about seeking out sex; it came to me. But it had also been a long time since I had felt this out of control.

  The chilly water rolled down my body as I leaned my hands onto the tile, still feeling so tight it hurt. I gripped myself and let images of Aisling float through my head, her smile, the countless times we devoured each other. Lines drew across my forehead, my mind trying to sharpen the memories, but they were hazy, evaporating like trying to catch a cloud. They were replaced by stronger images of my tongue running over a firm ass, waking a brown-haired girl from her slumber before I thrust into her from behind.

  It was too late to drive the fantasy from my head; my body reacted to it, my mind going into full detail. My pounding, the way she arched for me, our moans.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, letting my orgasm roll over me in waves so powerful I fell against the wall. A minute went by before my senses came back to me. Then anger poured in. Crisp, fresh, and fixed. Clearing my head.

  She climbed under my skin like a termite, destabilizing me. Destroying my home. I would not stand for it. Nor would I allow the ghosts of my past to dictate my sanity. They were dead and needed to stay where they belonged.

  I dressed quickly and moved to the coffee machine. The day was overcast but dry, and a good day to head to the Highlands.

  The little Druid was going to lead me to the cauldron. Today. I would not spend any more time with her than I had to.

  My future, my kingdom, was my priority. All else were distractions.

  Especially stubborn, mouthy ones.


  “Do you know how vast this area is? And as gorgeous as it is, it looks the same.” Fionna motioned out the car window, her hair still damp and filling the car with the smell of almond-honey shampoo.

  My secretary, Sofia…I finally recalled her name…had the car waiting for us the moment we stepped outside the flat. The need for something fast and dangerous was streaming through my veins, but we would have to go off road and possibly sleep in it if things got down to that. The Rover was more than built to go off road. It was not one of those city, pretty ones, but geared for the rough terrain of the Highlands.

  I had been here several times, but the landscape never ceased to amaze me. The clouds parted enough to allow rays of sun to strike the hills with colors you only saw in paintings. Emerald greens, caramel yellows, vibrant reds, and golden browns brushed the land with dramatic vibrancy. The majestic glens and rugged mountains, still snowcapped, soared and rolled into each other with the power only nature could create.

  Castles and ruins dotted the immense territory like scars, giving insight to the bloody history of the Scottish Highlands. There were many tales of famous Scotsmen fighting the English, but before that this was fae land. The Scots understood the importance of this land, its magic, and fought hard to keep it. Their blood drenched the land, only strengthening the energy on this piece of earth. Even visitors could not ignore the magic saturating the ground similar to the constant rain. Cities held a lot of magic because of the density of fae in them. The land was enchanted, alive, and sacred to fae.

  “You think we’re just going to roll up to this cave I had in my vision?” Fionna lowered the window, the cool wind snapping at her hair and face. The River Coe snaked on one side, leading us to our destination. “Talk about the best area to hide a treasure. It’s as if the land itself is playing hide-and-seek with you.”

  I tapped my finger on the steering wheel of the Range Rover with irritation. She wasn’t wrong; the way the light shadowed and lightened the ridges, it would be impossible to see a cave even if you were staring right at it.

  “Then I suggest you have a more detailed vision,” I rumbled, curving the car around a corner.

  “Yeah, because it works like that,” she scoffed, shaking her head. The tension between us was palpable, following us from the flat into the car like a dark cloud.

  I looked at her, her forehead scrunched up with annoyance, her legs shifting and wiggling. My lids narrowed, eyes going back to the road. Her feelings were apparent to me this morning, as if I stepped through a smoke screen, reaching the other
side where it was clear and sharp.

  She was nervous. Apprehensive.


  Warning curled around my shoulders, then slithered up the back of my neck.

  “What is going on, Ms. Cathbad?” I gripped the steering wheel. Why hadn’t I picked up on it before? I was letting too many things slide lately, missing what was right in front of me.

  “Nothing.” She peered at me wide-eyed as though trying to convey innocence.

  “You are lying to me,” I growled, sparks of anger firing at my nerves. “Why?”

  “I’m not lying to you.” Her lips pressed together stubbornly. “I told you everything I saw.”

  I yanked the wheel, the car bounced off the road onto an unpaved path, throwing Fionna against the door.

  “Shite!” She grabbed the handle above her head, barely keeping herself from flinging around her seat. I only sped up, the axel whining as we banged and jerked down the side road.

  “What the hell she yelped.

  A grin played on my mouth, enjoying it way too much. Her little frame, even belted in, flapped and flailed about. I prided myself on not being vindictive. My punishments fit the crime. Most of the time I was quite lenient.

  Like with West. It had been in my right to kill him. I not only let him live, but allowed him to remain with Rez. As King I was justified to take back what was mine. But I respected and cared about Rez too much to force her to live a life she no longer wanted. He took the punishment as a true fae, and I respected him for it. I even sent my doctors over to heal him. I had been more than fair. And he knew it.

  Fionna Cathbad was different. Something about her made me lash out like a five-year-old and revel in making her pay. Especially when I knew she was deceiving me. She was not scared or intimidated by my demon or my title, which was refreshing, and I’d let this sweet-looking girl play me for a fool.

  The seat belt jabbed into my gut as we continued to bound down the lane when I felt the energy shift; the murder of so many Scots on this land was like a force in itself. The Massacre of Glencoe was one of the worst. Guests of a clan betrayed and slaughtered all of them in the middle of the night. Treachery similar to that does not go away; it taints the earth with their ghosts. When we were close, I slammed my foot on the brake, folding the Druid over like origami.

  Unsnapping my buckle, I hopped out before she got her bearings. My boots crunched the gravel, and I took in a depth breath, my shoulders relaxing. The air even tasted different here. Dense, it sat on your tongue with an earthy sweetness, reminding me of my years in the Otherworld.

  “What the hell?” Fionna slammed the door, stomping over to me. Her puffed-up angry kitty act only made me smile. “What is with you this morning? Usually whisky turns people to arseholes when they drink it, not the next day.”

  “Don’t you know?” I peered down at her, ire sitting on the cusp of my tongue, getting so close I watched her swallow. “I am an asshole most of the time. Whisky makes me nice.”

  “Then let me grab the bottle in the back and shove it up your arse.” She didn’t move an inch and as usual challenged me every bit of the way. “Presto, happy arsehole.”

  Most of me wanted to laugh, but my anger bubbled at the surface knowing the wretched little witch had been lying to me. I took a step, bumping her until she had to retreat.

  “Tell me the truth, Ms. Cathbad. What did you really see in your vision?”

  “I told you.” She tilted her chin up, holding strong.

  “No. You did not.” I loomed over, shoving her against a rocky hill. “You are lying to me. I can see it as clear as day. You don’t hide nearly as much as you think.”

  “I am not lying. My vision showed me the Glencoe area. The River Coe. A cave.”

  “What else?”

  “Nothing else.”

  Normally I didn’t touch people, I didn’t have to, using my magic instead. I kept it impersonal. However, now I wrapped a hand around her throat. My thumb pressed into the soft spot in her neck. I had to give it to her; she didn’t even flinch.

  “You know what else I find odd?” My body had a mind of its own, pressing more firmly into her. “I’ve been around the Queen enough to notice she seems to get visions a lot more than you do. Incredibly powerful ones.” My eyebrow hitched up. “But you do not. So far, one of the only visions you’ve had was forced by a ritual...” I purposely let my statement trail off. “Does that not seem strange? From such a powerful Druid, one who brags about her power, with lineage rooted deep in seers?”

  Fionna’s jaw clenched, a nerve twitching at her temple.

  “Nothing to say, Druid?” My voice turned cold and taunting, walking a thin line to danger.

  Muscles along her cheeks strained, her nose flaring.

  “You know what I think?” I let my power knock into her. “You are not a seer.” She jerked under my hand, indignation coloring her cheeks. “Not like your sister anyway. You’re a low-level one. My cook probably has more talent than you.”

  “Fuck you.” She pushed against my hand, fury flaming her eyes.

  “Did I hit a nerve, Ms. Cathbad?” My lips stayed together as I smiled. This was how it was supposed to be. She was not my equal or capable of getting under my skin. She was a criminal. Meaningless. Her life was mine.

  “I suggest you tell me everything. Because I think the ritual showed you more than you are letting on. It is not in your best interest to con me.”

  “Go ahead.” Fionna put her hand over mine, squeezing. “End me here. Go for it. Show me what kind of king you are.”

  I sucked through my teeth, air burning down my throat like flames.

  “Come on, Lars, don’t be a pussy now.” She grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to her, determination set on her brow. “I don’t mean anything to you. After all, I’m a disgusting Druid. Worse than an animal, huh? Why keep me around? The cauldron is somewhere around here. You’re a big powerful boy. Find it yourself!”

  I gritted my teeth with rage. “Don’t tempt me.” We both knew I would still need her to break whatever Druid magic guarded it, but I would never admit I required her.

  “Do it.” Her brown eyes drilled into mine, her rosy with fury. She looked fierce. Breathtaking. “It wasn’t as if you were going to keep me around after you found it anyway. I am too much of a liability. Don’t you think I get that? I understand how this works. So…don’t throw my daughter in my face or threaten my life unless you are going to follow through.”

  “You want to die?”

  “No.” She responded without any emotion. “But I’m not playing this game with you anymore. Either I’m a partner or kill me.”

  “Partner?” I scoffed. “When you are the one trying to mislead me?”

  “Why do you really want the cauldron?” She pushed forward until I was forced a few steps back. “Because you know what I think?” Her tiny body came at me resembling a lion. “I think you are scared.”

  “Excuse me?” I rumbled, feeling the demon itching at my skin.

  “You think you might be slowly going insane. That you will turn out like your uncle and brother, and possibly your father if he lived long enough. Everything you’ve worked for, what you’ve given up to be King, will be for nothing. You will lose your grip on your throne, on power. Yourself. You will become the enemy of your kingdom and nobody is there to challenge you.”

  I shoved away from her, my barriers flying up and clicking in place. It felt as though she had reached into the deepest part of my soul, seeing my true fears, things I had never even said to myself.

  “If there is no one strong enough to take you down... imagine the damage and devastation you could do.” She stayed in my face, not backing away. “Is that why you want all the treasures? Their magic is the only thing you think will save you?”

  My head jerked up, my chest rising and falling in sharp intakes.

  “Ahhhh.” She nodded. “That’s it. The stone will use your weakness, but the cauldron counters it. Yin and yang. Keeps you in
check. And the four of them give you the magic to stay sane.” She folded her arms. “Or it will plunge you over faster.” She peered up at the sky, her head wagging. “Are you really willing to take the chance?”

  “I have to,” I uttered quietly without permission from my head. For some reason I felt the need to tell her. Tell someone. “I can feel it coming. I was there with both my uncle and brother. Saw firsthand the destruction of their mental illness. Genocide.” I swallowed. “And I am a lot more powerful than both of them.”

  Her eyes tracked me; all her anger dropped away and left fear in its place. Maybe she was beginning to understand the true gravity of the matter. Why I needed the last treasure so desperately.

  “I think your sister has foreseen it.” I inhaled deeply. “When I warned her an even bigger battle was coming for us…”

  “Yeah?” Fionna clutched at the neck of her sweater, tugging at it.

  “The war that is coming...” I rubbed the back of my neck, then looked straight into her eyes. “It’s me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Shite. Fuckery. Shite.

  In one moment everything changed. My entire plan to undermine the King and steal the cauldron, hiding it before he found and killed me, went to shambles.

  I wanted to doubt him. Pretend he was deceiving me. But the man who stood before me was open, showing nothing but truth. Fear. He let me see all of him. His vulnerability. He’d admitted to me what he had never told anyone.

  My throat thickened, and I had the urge to wrap my arms around him, to tell him it would be okay. But we both knew it wouldn’t be. With the treasures, he could turn unstable and reckless, without them he would go insane.

  “Fuck.” I rubbed my face.

  “Exactly my thought, Ms. Cathbad.”

  “Enough.” I waggled my head, stepping up to him. “If we’re going to do this, really do this, you are going to call me Fionna.” I practically stomped my foot.


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