Sweet Insanity

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by Marilyn

  Marilyn Lee Unleashed Presents

  Sweet Insanity

  © 2013 Marilyn Lee

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. All service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

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  Chapter One

  “You look like a man in need of a dance partner.”

  Seated alone in a booth at the back of a pick-up bar, Carter Dean put down his untouched drink. Glancing up he found himself looking into the confident gaze of an average looking woman with lovely brown skin, intriguing eyes, and a warm, inviting smile that immediately flooded his mind with thoughts of a long night of unbridled sex.

  He suddenly knew why he’d rebuffed all other attempts to pick him up that night by other women.

  The unexpected desire caught him unaware. She definitely was not his usual type. He liked his women considerably thinner with a peaches and cream complexion and preferably blue or green eyes. And lately, a little younger than the woman in front of him. Of course his latest foray into younger women had been anything but successful.

  But there would be time to reassess his romantic choices later. As he looked at the woman standing near his booth, he decided the evening’s prospects had brightened considerably.

  Realizing he was alternately staring at her breasts and her lips, he centered his gaze on her eyes. Damn. Both blue and green eyes were overrated. A man could happily lose himself in the warm, deep, dark depths of her eyes.

  An anxious look settled into her gaze and she moistened her lips.

  Stop staring, get a grip, and answer her question, Dean before she decides to move on to greener pastures. He blinked. “Excuse me?”

  “I said you look like a man in need of a dance partner.”

  He found her slightly husky voice sexy. She appeared to be in her early thirties. That was ten years his junior and more importantly it was old enough for her to know that strange men in such bars had one thing on their minds – and it wasn’t dancing.

  At forty– three he had long since tired of one night–stands. But Jill had stood him up for the last damned time while she went fucking another man. He hadn’t actually caught her in the act, but he knew she was cheating. Of course he had only his own ego to blame. What man in his right mind imagined a woman seventeen years his junior wouldn’t find an excuse to spend time with men closer to her own age under the “guise” of friendship? Well the little bitch had stood him up once too often while entertaining a “friend” on his damned dime.

  “How very perceptive of you,” he said. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

  He noted a spark in her dark gaze before she spoke. “Actually, I’m available and longing for a dance myself. Will I do?”

  Normally, she definitely would not have done for a slow dance partner. But he was lonely, angry and horny. He and Jill hadn’t had sex for weeks since he wasn’t interested in sleeping with a woman who was hopping into bed with another man. Besides, for some reason, she definitely would do – at least for the night. Why? There was something about her he liked on sight and because a woman who seemed to find him attractive enough to pick him up was just what the ego doctor ordered. Provided, of course, she knew the rules of the game and was prepared to abide by them.

  “That depends,” he said.

  “On what?”

  Although he had never spent the night with a full figured woman, he suddenly decided it might be interesting to undress her and discover what treasures lay beneath the dark red dress that clung so enticingly to her body. He rose and motioned to the seat opposite his. “Join me and we’ll discuss it,” he invited.

  After a slight hesitation she slipped into the booth facing him. “What does it depend on?” she asked

  He resumed his seat. “On whether or not you’re in the mood to cheer me up.” And to have a little fun without any unrealistic expectations.


  He paused, uncertain how to interpret her oh. Was she annoyed, excited, uncertain, or just indifferent? “Are you?”

  She moistened her lips.

  Watching the tip of her tongue glide across her mouth aroused him. Damn. He was horny. Everything about her seemed to invoke thoughts of sex. Dragging his gaze from her lips he looked into her eyes. Noting the indecision in her gaze he resisted the urge to try to influence her decision.

  One of the benefits of his Native American ancestry was being on the receiving end of the mystique many women held about Native American males. He’d rarely met a woman he couldn’t talk into bed with very little effort.

  “That depends on what you mean by cheer you up,” she finally said.

  While he was in no mood to play games, he saw no need to be crude. His mother had always taught him to treat every woman as much like a lady as possible. He shrugged and locked his gaze on hers. “Given our surroundings, you can assume it means just what you think it does.”

  He watched her sink her teeth into her lip. The sudden urge he felt to lean over and kiss her full, lush looking lips proved difficult to resist. He shifted his gaze to her breasts. Thoughts of touching and kissing the large mounds excited his already aroused passions, but he waited for her response in silence.

  “I was looking for a dance partner,” she said.

  The hell she was. Women did not come there in search of a dance partner, or even for an innocent drink. With its dim lighting, suggestive music, erotic grinding masquerading as dancing, and available discount to the adjacent motel, this was the kind of place a woman on the prowl came to in order to secure a partner for a night of wanton sex. If that’s what she wanted and needed, he was definitely her man. And for the night at least—he wanted her to be his woman.

  But perhaps she needed the pretense of romance before she slept with a stranger. Although she certainly looked old enough to know how to play the game, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to give her what she wanted in the hope that she’d give him what he needed that night—sex with no strings attached.

  He smiled and rose. “You’ve found one.” He extended his hand.

  She looked up at him, her full lips parted slightly.

  More damned second thoughts? Why the hell had she come to Eve’s Garden if she wasn’t sure she wanted a one-night stand? He was in no mood to hold her hand while she decided if she had on her big girl thong or not. He glanced around the bar. If she weren’t interested, there were other women there who were.

  Unfortunately, she was definitely the one with whom he wanted to spend the night. Nevertheless, he would not press her or try to coerce her in anyway. Turning his attention back to her, he arched a brow. “Ladies’ choice.” Please make the right one. Spend the night with me and let me discover all the joys of caressing every dark inch of your body.

  After another moment of indecision she finally rose and extended her hand.

  Yes! Relieved, he took her soft, warm hand in his. He felt an immediate and cock hardening rush of desire. Fuck! He wanted to bed her. But for the moment the road leading to her bed would start with what he was sure would be the sweetest dance he’d enjoyed in
years. “My name is Carter.”

  “Mine is Kira.”

  Pretty name. Totally intriguing woman. “Have you eaten, Kira?”

  She shook her head.

  “Would you like to eat here or should we go somewhere else?”

  “I’m not really hungry.”

  Neither was he—at least not for food. She was having a surprising effect on him. He was getting hornier by the second. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded.

  Good. The less time they wasted on drinks and food the more time they could spend in bed fucking the night away. Not that he could admit that. He’d have to go through the motions. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Thanks, but I exceeded my limit gathering the nerve to come over here.”

  “Then let’s dance.” Slow and close together…Cock to pussy and then cock sliding into pussy—over and over.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Smiling, he led her onto the dimly lit dance floor. When she turned into his arms and he felt her soft padded curves pressed against his body, he was suddenly glad that Jill stood him up. Otherwise he wouldn’t have met this fascinating woman.

  Barely resisting the urge to place both palms on her big ass, he took her hand in his. As he slowly guided her around the dance floor, he wondered how many dances he’d have to suffer through before he could spend the night fucking her. Despite her reason for being in a pickup bar, he decided she wasn’t the kind of woman he wanted to treat as if she were easy.

  * * *

  Locked in the embrace of the hard-bodied stranger she’d spent an hour watching rebuff the advances of other women before she got up the nerve to approach him, Kira Harden struggled to keep her heart beating with its normal rhythm and to keep second thoughts at bay. The fact that he had not sent her packing as he’d done the other women had to count for something.

  But her present position left her skittish. After six lonely, miserable months spent hoping her ex-lover would realize that leaving her had been a big mistake, she knew she needed to do something to regain her confidence and to start dating again.

  She had finally allowed her best friend Mark, to convince her it was time to do something totally out of character; something she’d fantasized about but never expected to actually do—allowing herself to be picked up by a stranger for a night of meaningless sex.

  “Trust me, a one-night stand is the ideal pick me up,” he’d said.

  She arched a brow and shook her head as she stared at him. “Sure it is—for a man who thinks with his cock.”

  “Oh, come on, Kira. Don’t pretend that women don’t sometimes think with their pussies,” he countered, an amused look on his handsome face.

  She couldn’t argue with the truthfulness of that statement since she’d thought of little else for several weeks besides how much she missed feeling a hard cock sliding into her body.

  She grimaced in response.

  He smiled. “And as luck would have it, I know just the place where you can do it in relative safety.”

  “Let me think about it.” Despite her commonsense that urged her to say no, she couldn’t deny a secret excitement at the thought.

  “Okay, but don’t think I’m going to let the subject die without convincing you,” he said.

  After a few days of weighing the pros and cons, with Mark’s encouragement she had arrived prepared to fall into bed with the first man who showed a sexual interest in her that night.

  This tall, attractive well–built man who appeared to have some Native American blood certainly fit the bill. Granted she had initiated the encounter, but the big palm sliding down from her waist to cup her ass assured her that the physical attraction was mutual. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she would spend the night actually fucking instead of dreaming about it. And if she were lucky, she might even get her pussy eaten.

  After exploring her ass for several delicious moments with his palm, he returned his arm to her waist.

  She dragged her thoughts back to the present. Despite her efforts to remain calm, she trembled at the thought of a demanding mouth and a thrusting tongue, cajoling her lips apart while her dance partner slipped between her parted thighs seconds before pressing his hard cock deep into her sadly neglected pussy. And then they would share a different kind of dance—one of wild, unchecked desire.

  He responded to her trembling against him by drawing her into an even closer embrace. With her breasts crushed against his chest, the desire and need she had struggled to keep in check for six long months sent a jolt of pure lust through her.

  Greedy for an intimacy too long denied and excited by the thought of sex with a man she’d never see again, she slid her hands up his chest to link around his neck. Gazing up at him, she slowly parted her lips and extended her tongue. Kiss me like you can’t wait to take me to bed. Please.

  He bent his head to brush his mouth against hers in a light caress.

  That was not what she had in mind. So she pressed herself against his groin. Feeling the unspeakable contours of his hardening cock, she shivered with need. That was what she wanted to feel.

  In response, he released her hand and tugged at the back of her dress, drawing it up her thighs.

  Her heart thundered. Without panties or thong, her bare pussy and ass would soon be within easy reach of his fingers.

  Even as her passions rose, a hint of doubt returned. She had always considered it beneath her dignity to allow a man to treat her as an easy lay. Yet she was about to engage in meaningless sex with a complete stranger. Clearly she was behaving like one. A woman who wanted a serious relationship that would eventually lead to marriage should not behave in such a reckless manner within minutes of meeting a man.

  Nevertheless, she gloried in the feel of his palm caressing and massaging her bare ass cheeks. Lord it had been so long since she had felt such wonderful sensations. All thoughts that he would think her a ho took a backseat to the knot of heat forming in her belly as he slid a hand between their bodies to stroke her slit.

  Something about this particular man had aroused her the moment she spotted him seated alone and looking bored. Now, the ache she felt for sexual fulfillment with him welled within her. She felt an undeniable and strong bond with him. Having felt his hands on her naked flesh, she knew no other man in the bar would do. He was the one she had to have.

  Get a grip, Kira. You’re here for a one-night stand. Nothing else. Don’t go getting emotional. Men don’t come here looking for a real relationship. You can’t look for one here either. This is just about sex. Enjoy it and move on.

  He upped the ante when he coerced her lips apart and slipped his tongue inside.

  She tingled all over as he kissed her until she felt lost in a sensual haze that consumed her. Finally, when her powerful emotional response gave her pause, she tore her mouth away from his. Her heart thumped and her pussy pulsed. Her entire body ached for him. Lord she needed to feel him inside her ASAP.

  They gazed at each other in silence for several moments. She was horny. She got that. But why did she feel such an infusion of emotion with this man? What made her want to delude herself into thinking that he was something special? Had loneliness and the need for physical intimacy impaired her ability to think straight? Of course it had. Why else would she even be in such a place looking for anything other than a drink?

  Get a grip on your emotions or you’re going to be in far more trouble than you should be after a single night of lust. She blinked. Her feelings confused her. Part of her wanted him to think of her as a lady. Another part didn’t care what he thought of her as long as he took her to bed. The look in his dark eyes excited her and made nonsense of her attempts to be sensible. Desire won out. For that night, she had a one-track mind that led straight to his bed… Or wherever else he might want to take her.

  Keeping the palm of one hand on her ass, he flicked his thumb against her clit before sliding two fingers into her wet pussy.

  Kira’s knees
nearly buckled. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she rocked her hips so that his fingers slipped deeper inside her. Oh Lord, yes! Yes!

  Still fingering her pussy he turned to brush his lips against her ear. “I need you.”

  You can have me. All night long, sexy.

  “I’m almost at the point where stopping is going to be extremely difficult,”

  Approaching? She was already past the point of no return and she no longer cared if he knew it. “I’m right there with you.”

  “Damn. That’s a relief. I have a room at the motel next door,” he said. “Please tell me you’ll share it with me.”

  The realization of how close she was to sleeping with him, gave her yet another pause and a thrill. At thirty-two she should be able to come up with a better way of getting laid than picking up strange men in a bar known for catering to single women in search of a sex partner.

  God only knew who she was allowing to finger fuck her. She glanced over her shoulder and across the room to meet the gaze of a tall, well-built man with blue eyes and dark blond hair. Aware that Mark must know what she was allowing the stranger to do to her, her cheeks burned.

  He inclined his head slightly. I’ve got your back. Enjoy yourself.

  Of course he didn’t actually speak, but she knew him well enough to know what he was thinking. Reassured that he would run interference if necessary and keep her safe, she dismissed her last lingering doubt.

  Chapter Two

  “Will you share it with me?” he asked again.

  She slid her hands down the back of the man tantalizing her. “I will,” she whispered.

  She bit her lip to stifle a moan of protest as he eased his fingers out of her pussy and allowed her dress to fall down to cover her ass.

  Stepping away from her, he took her hand in his. “Are you ready to leave?”

  She couldn’t ever remember being so ready. She nodded.

  He led her across the dance floor and towards the entrance.

  She glanced over her shoulder in time to see Mark rise from the bar and follow them.


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