Magic and Mayhem: Show Me the Wicked (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Wicked Hearts Book 2)

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Magic and Mayhem: Show Me the Wicked (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Wicked Hearts Book 2) Page 8

by Cherie Marks

  “I knew you’d miss me.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Just figured I was due another strange happening.”

  “You’re so sweet, you could put Hershey’s out of business.”

  I shook my head and started walking again. He flew slowly beside me, wobbling with the slow pace.

  “Where’re we going?”

  “I’m leaving. This isn’t going to work out, and I can’t stay here anymore.”

  He landed a few branches ahead and cocked his little bird head, the yellow of his beak a strong contrast to the black and white of his feathers. “Are you finished here? Seems like you might have more to do.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I need to find another way. This isn’t working, and I’m starting to think I’m allergic to this place.”

  “What? How can you be allergic?”

  “I don’t know, but every time I’m around Evie, I break out with a bad case of conscience-itis.”

  I passed under the branch and kept walking without looking back. He flew ahead again, landing and waiting for me to draw near.

  “Sounds like you need my help. I mean, if you tell me what you’re doing here, I might be able to make things easier on you.”

  Against my better judgement, I explained, “I’m looking for something that seems impossible to find. What can you do about that?”

  “So much! That’s my specialty—the shinier the better. Is it shiny? I like shiny?”

  “Shiny? I guess it could be. I don’t really know, but that’s not the point. The point is that, even if I came across it at this point, I don’t think I could take it anyway. I don’t want to work this job anymore. It’s too hard emotionally, and I’m done with it.”

  This time, as I passed underneath, he took off before I’d even cleared the path below and landed way ahead. As I came up on him, his head was ducked below his wing, and he seemed to be talking to himself. I assumed it was a bird thing, and I wouldn’t understand, so I kept going without asking what he was doing.

  He straightened and said, “One more day.”


  “You should give it one more day. I have a good feeling that tomorrow will be your lucky day.”

  Dammit! I stopped and hung my head. “Why’d you have to go and say that?”

  “I just get these feelings sometimes, so I don’t think you should give up just yet.”

  “You’re not my familiar.”

  “Not yet.”

  I didn’t even feel like responding, not when reality was crashing in on me yet again.

  I could just keep going. That was a real possibility and probably the smartest move I could make. But, now, I had the black cloud of my curse looming over me once again. How long would I make it this time before a tree fell on my head? Until a car really did run me down?

  Regardless of my inescapable fate, I didn’t think I could stay here either and put Evie and the baby in any more danger. The tree had been too close for comfort. What if Evie had been standing next to me as she so often did lately?

  I didn’t want to be responsible for hurting her or anyone else ever again. I had to leave.

  I started walking deeper into the forest, picking up the pace.

  “So, you’re really going?” Still couldn’t shake the bird.

  “So, you’re still here?”

  “Well, I just thought you should know something.”

  I stopped again, waiting for Wentworth to settle on a nearby branch.


  “There are people all over town asking about you.”

  “What people?”

  “I don’t know…um…an old guy in a hat and some other, tougher looking characters. They keep asking around about where you might be staying.”

  It explained why the stalker showed up at Evie’s house. If there were more like him, Evie could be in even more danger. I had to get back and warn her. Finn needed to know what they were up against. But, if I returned, I’d have to tell them everything. I’d have to be completely honest. Only then could I leave with a clear conscious.

  I sighed heavily. “I have to go back.”

  “Probably for the best. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you.” The bird took off flying back toward Evie’s house, and I followed reluctantly. Wentworth turned his beak to the side and called back toward me, “This way I can help you look for the stone.”

  I stopped dead as the bird flew on. I’d never told him I was looking for a stone. How had he known?

  There was only one answer. How many people…er…creatures were working for Gambrol? And just like that, I had another reason to head back. No way was I letting this bird anywhere near Evie or the stone if I had to pluck every last feather from its little body.

  “Wait up…are you still up for being my familiar?”

  Chapter 12

  Finn was waiting at the table when I stepped back inside the house alone. I’d convinced the bird to stay outside and search the forest for the stone. I didn’t know how long he would fall for my tricks, but I needed to keep an eye on him.

  Dane turned, coffee mug in hand and stared incredulously as I closed the door behind me.

  “I didn’t expect you back…ever.”

  I nodded and walked to take the chair next to him. “I was going to leave but there are some things I need to tell you.”

  “About your curse?”


  “What? How many?”

  “Two. One since birth and the other just in the last year.”

  I grew even more nervous at the hardness in his gaze, and I wasn’t sure I could get the rest out without stumbling over my words.

  “Which one almost smashed us in the backyard?”

  “The one I was born with. Anytime someone uses the ‘L’ word around me, bad things happen.”


  “No! That one is just a little harmless fun.” I smirked slightly at my own humor. “You know, when someone hopes you do well at something, he or she says, ‘Good—‘” I didn’t finish my thought.

  When his forehead unwrinkled, he looked like he was about to say the word, so I held up a hand to keep him from squeezing that trigger.

  “Just by saying the word?”

  I pursed my lips and nodded. “Took me a while to figure out that was what caused the inevitable problems I dealt with, but once I made the connection, I did my best to avoid certain things that led to that. For instance, I never dared leave the house on St. Patrick’s Day, and I’ve never entered any competitions. It was just my way of life.”

  “And the second curse?”

  “It was a punishment for a crime my brother committed. He stole something, and I took the rap for it. As a result, Baba Yaga cursed me to kleptomania. I just can’t fight the urge to take something valuable and run. I fight it for as long as I can, but when I can’t any longer, I take something I hope won’t be missed and get away as quickly as I can. It’s a way to keep me from settling down anywhere permanently and to keep me from making connections, so I can’t hurt others with my wickedness.”

  I stared at my hands clasped on the tabletop, waiting for him to tell me it really was time to go. I mean, who would want that to deal with? How could he possibly keep a watch on Evie and on me? He couldn’t, so I’d have to leave, but not before I warned him about the rest.

  He stood, and I prepared myself for the coming disappointment. Instead though, he held his hand out to me. I took it, and he pulled me out of my chair and against him.

  “You remembered all of this the other day.” It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t correct him. There’d be plenty of time for that as I was being shoved out the door. “This is why you were in Asscreek?”

  I nodded. Did he know more than I realized? “Yes. To break the curses.”

  “Because Baba Yaga visits here regularly, and she’ll wipe them away. It makes sense now.” He seemed so relieved, I didn’t have the heart to tell him he had it all wrong. He thought I�
�d come to beg for Baba Yaga’s mercy, but I knew she wouldn’t have any. Not with what Bruno stole. It was unforgiveable, and she wouldn’t commute my sentence just because I asked nicely.

  “Wait…I have to tell—” but he stopped me with a kiss before I could finish my thought. So totally male as he wrapped me tightly against him and his lips moved deliciously over mine, nipping and sucking until I was completely mindless. I did need to tell him the rest of the story, but it could wait, especially since I was having trouble forming thoughts at this point. Instead, the tingles flowing through my body took over, and I let him lift me in his arms, never breaking the kiss.

  He carried me through the house, up the stairs, and to my bedroom. Once he laid me on the bed, he pulled away and began removing his shirt. I watched every motion, getting more excited by the minute.

  He reached up and grabbed the back of his collar then pulled it over his head and dropped it to the floor. I just ogled his muscled chest in awe. He looked like a freaking, air-brushed model.

  Now was clearly not the time to say what I needed to say. Instead, I watched as he unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zipper. Then, the bed dipped with his weight as he climbed in beside me.

  This was wrong, but even as he helped me out of my shirt and pants, and I lay there in my underwear, I couldn’t stop him because I didn’t want to. If I had to leave this all behind, I wanted a good memory to pad all the bad ones that were sure to follow. For once, I wanted to feel connected to another, and I wanted to hold onto that feeling to help me get through the rest of my existence.

  “Goddess, you’re beautiful.” His deep voice held awe as he spoke.

  I blushed as I felt the warmth of his gaze. With the sunlight streaming through the windows of the room, there was no way to hide the flaws of my body, so it felt good to hear him praise the way I looked out loud. It wasn’t the first time I’d been naked in front of someone, but it was the first time it mattered. If I looked half as good to him as he did to me, I could die a happy girl.

  “Hurry up, Finn. I don’t like waiting.” I dipped my lids slightly and gave him a naughty smile.

  His jeans and underwear came off in a hurry, and his erection sprang free, making my mouth water at the sight. He ran a hand behind my back and with a quick flick of his fingers, unclasped my bra. With a swipe of his hand, he pulled it from my shoulders, freeing my breasts to his hungry gaze. He didn’t waste time, just as I’d hinted. Instead, he bent his mouth to a nipple, tonguing it and sucking it between his lips. I arched upward, feeling hot and ready.

  With his help, my underwear came off and hit the floor, and his hands gravitated back to my body, running lightly along my torso, driving me crazy. He brushed the undersides of my breasts before returning his mouth to my other nipple, and like a blazing wildfire, the sensations began to burn me up.

  “If this is going where I think it is…well…do you have a condom?”

  He lifted his head and met my gaze, a wicked smile on his face. He nodded and reached for his jeans. He pulled a small square from a pocket, dropped the jeans back to the floor, and ripped the package open with his teeth. He knelt above me and slid the condom on to his erection while I stared, licking my lips.

  He ran his hands up my inner thighs. “Are you ready for me?” His fingers reached between my legs, and he rubbed a finger over my wetness. He slid a finger inside and made a come here motion while there. It sent electric energy through my core, and I tossed my head back and forth. I’d had no idea it could feel like that. It was a new sensation to me, and I wanted more.

  When I couldn’t take anymore, I met his gaze, cupped his cheek, and said, “No more playing around. Fuck me, Finn. I need you right now.”

  That mischievous grin returned to his beautiful mouth as he raised up on straightened arms, hovering above me and settling into the cradle of my hips. I raised my knees and wrapped my feet around the backs of his thighs.

  He positioned himself, leaned down to suck my bottom lip into his mouth before pulling back and beginning to thrust into me. “So tight. Damn!” The deep strain of his voice came out harsh and scratchy.

  It took a few attempts for him to fully penetrate, and once there, he didn’t move. His breathing seemed labored, and he seemed to be barely holding on to his control. A groan from deep inside his chest as he began to move, and I couldn’t help but squirm and twist beneath him. It felt so, so good, and I ran my hands up and down his back, reveling in the feel of his slickened skin.

  As his thrusts became more rhythmic, I met his motions with my own, and we rocked together racing toward the pleasure we both sought. I was pure sensation and consumed by the connection between us.

  He leaned down and took my mouth in a passionate kiss that had my toes curling. All the while, he continued to push in and out of me, plunging long and hard in a way that felt like something strong was building deep inside. And like someone pushed a detonator, something sparked and fired toward my center. The second I went off, I cried out his name, and he threw back his head, driving erratically as we both lost control in a massive orgasm that scrambled my mind until I was all-consumed with only Finn and me and our bodies together, joined together in a way I’d never forget for the rest of my life.

  Finn dropped to his back on the bed beside me. I felt boneless myself and didn’t really know how I was going to move ever again, or if I even wanted to.

  “Fuck. That was…” He didn’t seem able to finish his scratchy confession, and I totally got that. I felt so limp and unable to move in that moment, not to mention, form thoughts.

  “Yeah. I know what you mean.”

  He turned on his side and threw an arm over me, pulling me against him. I wasn’t used to wanting to be so close to another. Usually, I was looking for the exit as quickly as possible, but this time, I wanted to drag this out as long as I could. I didn’t want this moment to end.

  Of course, reality crashed when something occurred to me. “Where’s Evie? Should you be with her?”

  “She’s with her girlfriends. They went to visit Zelda, one of the most powerful witches I’ve ever met, so she’s well protected there.”

  I relaxed. “So, we don’t have to hurry and dress?”

  He chuckled in my ear. “We probably have time to go for round two if you’re interested.”

  I turned in his arms. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  Chapter 13

  We spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. I couldn’t get enough of him, couldn’t get enough of the connection to another human. The con was over. I was gone, and it was all Finn’s fault. Although I hadn’t given up on saving my brother, I now had an idea that Finn might actually help me. Once he’d forgiven me, of course.

  In reality though, I didn’t want to get Finn involved. I’d just have to handle this on my own.

  Yes. I needed to tell him the truth. Tonight. He wasn’t here right now because he’d gone to get Evie, and I was kicking myself for not telling him already. I’d had the opportunity, just not the guts.

  Well, that wasn’t exactly true. I wasn’t really afraid to speak the truth. But one thing truly scared me. I didn’t want to lose Finn. I didn’t want what we’d started to end just yet. And yes, I knew he’d be pissed and the consequences might involve me being all alone again. That was what I expected to happen in the end anyway.

  Honestly, because I picked my marks carefully and chose people who were hurting others, I always liked to imagine the look on their faces when they realized what’d happened. I liked to think that once they’d figured out how they’d been tricked, they thought of me and were furious at my artistic conning talent. The truth was, for the first time ever, I didn’t want to see that look on someone’s face. I didn’t want to see Finn’s face full of hate—for me.

  So, I’d put the inevitable off, and now I was anxious that something would go wrong. I should’ve been able to set aside my pride—done it multiple times—but I just couldn’t, and now Evie’s life could be in danger. Th
en again, it was best she wasn’t near me anyway. My current round of my birth-curse hadn’t run its course yet. I was full-out expecting a deathblow at this point, but I was tired of always looking over my shoulder for the strike. If it came, it came, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  “Uuugh!” The four walls of the kitchen were beginning to close in on me. I needed to get out, if only to clear my head, so I could do the right thing.

  I washed my dishes and put them in the dishwasher, then stepped out the back door, pulling it closed behind me. I crossed the yard and breathed in the cool air. Freedom felt good. I just needed it to last. But I’d come to the conclusion that freedom wasn’t worth hurting good people. I was done with the stone. I’d do what I always did. I’d trade my life for Bruno’s life. It was the only way to fix this whole mess.

  “Excuse me, Cara, can I have directions?”

  The bird was back.

  “I’d like to tell you where to go, Wentworth.”

  “No, I need directions.”

  “To where?”

  “To your heart.”

  I snorted and walked on, my ankle only a slight twinge now. “You’re assuming I have one.”

  “Oh, you do. It’s just been broken too many times.”

  Okay, I didn’t hate the bird. I just didn’t trust Wentworth. I was pretty sure Gambrol or someone just as bad had sent him. The problem was I needed to set him straight. I couldn’t let him stick around to harass Evie and her family.

  “Look, you seem…motivated…driven, and normally, those would be excellent qualities, I’m sure. But, I don’t really want you hanging around anymore.”

  “What did I do? Whatever it was, I apologize.”

  “It’s nothing you did. Other than the corny pick-up lines, you seem like a decent familiar. But I don’t know who you’re really loyal to. It’s clear you’re working for someone. Trust me, a con can spot another con.”

  He landed and let me walk on without him. Well, at least he wasn’t insulting me by denying it.

  “What gave me away?”

  I sighed. Was a little peace and quiet too much to ask for? I paused and stared up at the branch where he’d perched this time. “You mentioned the stone, and I never told you that was what I was looking for.”


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