Revelation: Kastor Blackwood Series: Demon Kin

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Revelation: Kastor Blackwood Series: Demon Kin Page 8

by T. R. Lester

  “I’m not sure what I want to know first, so I’m just going to ask random questions.”

  Alfazon nods.

  “Why did you leave me with those idiots that claimed to be my parents?”

  Alfazon sighs.

  “I believed it was best for you. We never knew they would turn out as they did. Had I known, I would never have left you with them.”

  “Have you watched my progress over the years?”

  “I have constantly maintained an eye on you since you were born.”

  “How did you meet my mother?”

  Alfazon smiles, clearly allowing me to see the love in his eyes for her.

  “She worked at a coffee house I frequented a lot. I loved her the first time I saw her. She was a very special young woman. She possessed a spirit of gold, always tried to help others, loved animals, and was enraptured when she found she was pregnant.”

  I nod.

  “She suffered complications during the final month of her gestation. She was hospitalized and labor was induced. After you were born, she lived long enough to kiss your forehead and say she loved you.”

  “Why did you allow Luke to have me?”

  “Well, Luke would not allow me in his realm because I stepped away from him after the war. Our Father would not allow none of us back because we rebelled against him. I knew, one day, you would be the one to stand in the second war. You would need to be trained by Lucifer to hunt demons and keep a balance between the two realms. I have limited talents here. We entered into the agreement saying he would educate you to hunt, raise you to be a man, and protect you, and when the time arrived, I would be the one to teach you about other talents you have.”

  “What other talents do I have?”

  “Well, you can, as you’ve seen, use your essence to reach out. It’s also your protection. You can heal with a contact, ease pain and sorrow, communicate via telepathy, have a strong volition, you are patient and intelligent, and you’re immortal.”

  “Wow. Luke said he gave me some of his essence to boost some of the talents I already have. Did he?”

  “He did, but it was only a boost to bring out what you already have.”

  “Why was I created?”

  Alfazon raises an eyebrow.

  “Well, I know you loved mom, but why let yourself become a father?”

  “We knew someday there would be another war. Maybe not in heaven, but a war non-the less. There is always someone who wants to rise above. Lucifer has ruled over hell for millennia and has worked with God to keep a balance between good and evil. You were born to be that balance Kastor.”

  “Somebody is attempting to set Belphegor up. Trying to make it look like he’s the one wanting to overthrow Luke.”

  “I could see that. After the war, there was much... confusion. Lucifer took control and assigned dominions.”

  “I need to find out who. If you guys say I’m the balancer and there will be a war, I have to find who is trying to cause chaos.”

  “Begin with the fallen ones. You will find many who believe they should have been allowed to rule over a level. Talk with Belphegor and see if there is anyone who has been giving him troubles in his land. Lucifer and the others can give you a hierarchical rank of each demon.”

  “I have Bazil and a loogaroo imprisoned in hell. If Luke hasn’t obliterated him yet, that is.”

  “I believe Bazil reported to Berith before he was trapped in that tree.”

  I nod.

  “Do you still have access to your powers?”

  “More or less. I can heal and calm people. I can still teleport and I’m still able to have a mind link with someone. I never sleep, never get tired, and never get sick. So, I have that going for me.”

  “So, if I needed to reach you, how would I do that?” I ask him.

  “You would only need to think about me and the link would open. It’s already there as I am your sire. You just need to open it.”

  “I’m not certain how I feel about all of this right now. I mean, my formative years were spent with two idiots, then demons. I’m not certain how to feel.”

  “I understand. I truly wish things could have been different. I thought we were doing what was best for you. I was afraid you’d be found out and harmed while you were a child. I thought I was protecting you.”

  “I know, and I understand that. It’s just a lot to take in.”

  “I’ll go now. If you need me, I’ll be here.”

  “I’m glad I got to meet you finally.” I say with a smile.

  “Me too. Me too Kas.”

  I watch Alfazon rise from his seat and head around the house. Sitting there in silence, I attempt to discover my feelings on this. I’m happy I have a father, but I can’t forget that he left me to Lucifer. I missed feeling loved for my whole life. Yes, I was taken care of, but humans need human contact, love, companionship. I didn’t experience that. It’s surprising I turned out half way decent.

  “How did it go?” Grey asks.

  “Not bad. Just trying to sort feelings out man.”

  “Let me know if I can help. I’m here.” Grey says.

  I nod.

  “He did tell me to start my search with the seven. I need to speak to each of them to find out if anyone has wreaked havoc in their realms.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll stay here until you come back.”

  “Aww. What's wrong? Don’t want to visit hell again?” I ask Grey with a smile.

  “Not really dude. It’s creepy as hell.”

  “Well, it is hell, so….”

  Grey flips me the middle finger and walks back inside.

  Back to limbo I go.

  Chapter 12

  After gathering my things, I head to the portal Luke so generously opened in Grey’s bathtub, and step in. Since I know I have teleportation abilities now, maybe this is a good time to figure out how to use them.

  I step through and find myself in the meeting room.

  Luke is at the head of the table, then on the right side there is Asmodeus, Belphegor, and Amon. On the left side, Beelzebub, Mammon, and Leviathan. With all the princes together, the atmosphere has a crushing sense of doom and despair.

  “I came to talk to each of you about anyone who has been under your command, anyone who has been troublesome or has tried to rebel. Did Luke tell you about the prisoners we have now?”

  They all nod in agreement.

  “I’m told that my sigil was found at the scenes. Is this correct?” Belphegor asks.

  “Yes. I took pictures for each of you to see.”

  I take my phone out and hand it to Luke to pass around.

  “All the victims had their hearts removed, and by removed, I mean someone shoved their hand in the victim’s chests and ripped them out. The pentagrams were left open at each of the scenes which tells me they are being used as a front to throw me off or there is a summoner involved.”

  “The same was done to Lucius.”

  I can hear Asmodeus rumble a growl and his aura flares to engulf us all in a heavy, pressing weight.

  I grab my chest and stumble back a few steps to land right on my ass.

  “Ease up Asmodeus.” Luke tells him.

  Another, louder growl followed.

  Pulling myself back up to my feet, I hang on to the edge of the table for support.

  “Luke, did you talk to the loogaroo and Bazil?” I ask.

  “I did, to no avail. A block has been placed on Bazil. He has no memories of conversations with anyone in regards to the sacrifices and murders. The loogaroo was no help. She only had the deal with Bazil and by the time the hearts were taken, she was gone from the scene. She only stayed long enough to collect the blood and turn it over to Bazil and he gave her magic.”

  “Since your sigil was found Belphegor, I’ll start with you.”

  He bends his head slightly in understanding.

  “Who under your command has had any issues lately?”

  “Jeqon. He’s the reason Caras
mael keeps returning to Earth. He isn’t monitoring the succubi like he should. But I don’t think he’s intelligent enough to set me up.”

  “Yeah. I sent her ass back three days ago.”

  “Asmodeus? How about you, since Lucius was killed too?”

  “Agares. For no other reason than his legion does not like him. But no one else I can think of.”

  “Anyone else have someone they have had problems with lately?”

  “Moloch has been going above to find souls. Abigor came to me and said Moloch had tried to persuade him to come along so they could partake in the bounties the human world offers. Abigor told him no. Murder and manipulation is a favorite of Abigor, but he seemed to think Moloch was up to more than he said he was.” Beelzebub says.

  “Is it possible that Agares, Moloch and Jeqon would work together?”

  “Of course they would. If only to cause havoc.” Belphegor says.

  “Alfazon told me there an upcoming war. One I have been slated to stop. Anyone know what kind of war that may be?” I ask sarcastically.

  The seven all look at each other like they wonder how much to say.

  “Say it. All of it. If I’m to be the leader in the upcoming war, I have a right to know damn it.”

  “You are right. You do have the right to know. I believe we’ve kept back enough from you over the years.” Luke says.

  “Since the origin of time, there has been turmoil. Humans were created to uphold the plan our Father had laid. He wanted people to stay on the correct course of building a universe free of all the sins we see today, to praise, worship and love him and to accomplish his will. Greed, racism, hate, lust… they have taken over.”

  “The pact I have with the Father is meant to balance the universe. If the balance leans too close to my side, it becomes unstable. The world cannot coexist in an environment that is more evil than good. There will be a last judgement, like the one that brought on the flood. There will be harbingers of this last judgement that will be released upon the world with the opening of the seals. When that is set into place, there will be no stopping it. That’s what your purpose is, to stop this war.”

  I stand there in total silence, mulling over what Luke just said. First, I never really believed there were seals that would cause an apocalypse when opened. Second, why would somebody want to initiate an apocalypse that would wipe out the planet? And third, why in the hell does it have to be me to stop it?

  “Then, how am I supposed to prevent the opening of the seals?” I demand.

  “You will have to find and protect the one who can open the seals.”

  “Are you saying these bearers are humans chosen to guard the seals over the years?”

  Luke nods.

  “Then, are these the seals that will bring the harbingers you referred to when they are opened?”

  “Yes.” Luke says.

  “And would those harbingers happen to be the four horsemen of the apocalypse?” I ask.

  They all nod together.

  Of course, they are. I think to myself.

  “What’s in this for you guys?”

  “Must we discuss free will again Kas? I’ve been portrayed through the years as evil, cunning and a deceiver. I accept that I am all of these. However, humans have the power to choose their paths. I can’t set a person on a path of destruction unless that is what they have chosen. I can use temptation, but ultimately, it’s still the choice of the person being tempted. People make the wrong choices every day. The Father and I are not allowed to interfere in those choices, right or wrong. So, what’s in this for us is the balance that needs to exist.

  You have to find the seal bearer. You have to protect them from the one who seeks to cause hell on earth. He is one of ours. He is one of our fallen brothers. We must find him and stop him.”

  “Just how am I supposed to find this seal bearer?”

  Asmodeus snorts. Luke glared at me.

  “Practice your new talents boy. Ask your sire for help. You will begin to see more demons set free on earth. You will need to send them back. You will likewise hold the power to open portals now.”

  Looking at Luke quizzically, I ask, “How?”

  “You simply picture a portal in your mind boy. Where you want it and how big it needs to be will depend on your imagination.”

  “So, to summarize. I need to find the demon responsible for the murders, send stray demons back to hell, search for the seal bearer or bearers, prevent them from being opened, talk to my sire, and stop the apocalypse?”

  “A very good summary boy.”

  “I need to take a few more books with me. I need more information on the demons you guys have mentioned.”

  “Go ahead.” Luke says.

  “So, is there just one seal bearer, or one for each of the seals?”

  “That was never told to me. I would have to assume there are more than one because if the bearer was killed, the seals would open and the war would start. I don’t think all the seals would be placed with one person. It’s not a good idea.”

  “I agree with that.” Belphegor says.

  While trying to take in all the information I’ve been given, I walk to the library and wonder how am I supposed to do all this. I wonder if the people who don’t believe in heaven and hell, or God and Lucifer, will when they see the white horse galloping down the middle of the street? Our world is a mess and for anyone not to see that, they would have to be dead or totally stupid. I eventually arrive at the table in the library and take the books I will be needing. As I step out of the library, I am bombarded by a massive, prickly haired beast and thrown to the floor.

  “Really? You have to get my attention by ramming me Tazor?”

  The hound whips out a long snake like tongue and licks up the side of my face.

  “Come on dude.”

  Finally, Taz relents and lets me get up. I continue my walk back to the seven. They all sit there with a hint of a smile at my mauling over by a hell hound.

  “I’m glad to see that entertained you guys.” I say.

  They all give a nod of, you’re welcome.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “He wishes to go back with you.” Luke says, pointing to Taz.

  Taz sits with his tongue lolling.


  “To help you with the demons.” Luke says.

  I guess I could use all the help I can get. Grey and I won’t be able to get them all by ourselves.

  “Fine. You can go.” I tell Taz.

  I get a slobbery lick of appreciation.

  “I’m leaving now. I’m going to get with Grey and see if we can track down this idiot demon trying to start a war. When we find him, will Grey and I be able to send him back here by ourselves?”

  “When you find him, you will let me know. We will get him back here.” Luke says, pointing at all the seven.

  “If he’s a major demon like we think, you will not be able to banish him easily.”

  I nod again.

  Knowing now that I can teleport, I give it a try.

  “Come on boy. Let’s go.”

  Taz walks over and sits by me.

  “Change to hound size.” I tell him.

  A sudden shimmer leaves him looking like a 150-pound dog.

  “I’ll keep you updated.” I tell Luke.

  I put my hand on Taz’s head, imagine Grey’s home, then his living room, then imagine Taz and I there. I close my eyes and can feel a sense of pressure on my chest, then a feeling of weightlessness. A few seconds later, I feel a solid form under my feet and hear a scream rip the silence from the room.

  Chapter 13

  The scream sends chills up my spine. I open my eyes quickly to see Grey standing in front of me with his dagger.

  “Are you going to kill me now?” I ask him.

  “Dude. You almost scared the hell out of me! I was sitting here, then I had a feeling I was being watched, then I saw a shimmer where you are standing, then, there you are. I didn’t know it was you.”
Grey says.

  “So, when I teleport, you can feel me coming?”

  “Obviously because I felt something coming and here you are.”

  “Hmm. Interesting.”

  “Why is the hound with you?”

  “He wants to help us.”

  “Do what?”

  So, I went into all the details I just learned from the seven, what our task is, when we will start, and what will happen if we fail.

  Grey sits there in stony silence, staring at me.

  “How are we supposed to find the seals?” He asks.

  “No idea.” I say.

  “Perhaps we need to begin with a search of the original bearers?” Grey asks.

  “That may help.” I suppose.

  “I brought back books. Surely there is some information in these. I’m also going to talk to Alfazon to see if he knows where we should start.”

  Grey nods.

  “If we don’t stop this, the horsemen are coming?” Grey asks

  “Looks that way.” I say.

  “Well, damn.”

  “Luke says we will see an invasion of demons here. We need to send them back as they come. We have us, Taz and Ava. We’ll have to make it work.”

  I open a link and try to connect with Alfazon. After trying twice, I start to get discouraged. Taking a few deep breaths and focusing, I try again.

  “Kas, I’m here.” Alfazon says.

  “I need to talk to you. I have information I need to clarify and I hope you will be the one to do that.”

  “I will answer what I can. Are you at Greyson’s?”


  “I will be there in a moment.”

  “Thank you.”

  I close the link and turn to Grey. “He’s coming.”

  A few seconds later, we hear a knock on the door. Grey and I look at each other and he shrugs. He gets up to go to the door and I follow behind him with my dagger. Taz is following as well. Grey looks out of the window.

  “It’s him.”

  “Him who?”


  Grey opens the door and motions him inside.

  “Why did you not just show up inside the house?” I ask.

  “That would have been pretentious and rude.” Alfazon says.


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