The Middle Pillar

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The Middle Pillar Page 26

by Israel Regardie

  4 Compare to 2 Timothy 4:18, “The Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me to his celestial Kingdom; to whom be glory to the Aeon of Aeons. Amen.

  5 Halevi, Kabbalah: Tradition of Hidden Knowledge, 12.

  6 Ibid., 68.

  7 Ceremonial magicians. Literally ”god-workers.”

  8 Levi, Transcendental Magic, 234.

  9 From a 1977 paper titled A Possible Source for the Lesser Pentagram Ritual in a Hebrew Night Prayer by Bill Heidrick.

  10 Levi, Transcendental Magic, 63.

  11 Ibid., 67-68.

  12 Ibid., 70.

  13 Waterfield, The Theology of Arithmetic, attributed to Iamblichus, 68.

  14 Renamed The Occult Power of Numbers, 59.

  15 Levi, Transcendental Magic, 239.

  16 Ibid., 237.

  17 Ibid., 241.

  18 Some of the material cited in this section comes from an anonymous paper from the late 1970s or 1980s entitled simply Pentagram Ritual.

  19 Yod is spelled out as Yod Vav Daleth, Heh is spelled Heh Heh, Vav is spelled Vav Vav, and Heh is Heh Heh. The total value is fifty-two.

  20 From which is derived the word Zion.

  21 It’s interesting to note that many of the numbers associated with the pentagram, 5, 8, 13, and 26, are also associated with the Vault of the Adepti—the ritual chamber of the Golden Dawn’s Inner Order. Each wall of the Vault is 5 feet wide and 8 feet high. Every one of the seven triangles formed from the intersecting lines of the Vault’s heptagram has a base of 8 units and a height of 5 units. If the heptagon of the Vault were circumscribed by a circle, the radius of the circle would be 13 units, and its diameter would be 26 units.

  22 The banishing earth pentagram is drawn starting from the earth point and moving toward the spirit point. The invoking earth pentagram is drawn starting from the spirit point and moving toward the earth point.

  23 The invoking form would be the lesser invoking pentagram.

  24 Used in this context, Adonai or ”lord” is a term of sovereignty, not of gender.It should be thought of like the Egyptian title of Pharaoh, which applied to both male and female rulers.

  25 From the Neophyte Ritual. See Regardie, The Golden Dawn, 124.

  26 Based on the Golden Dawn’s Flying Roll No. VIII, published by Francis King in Astral Projection, Ritual Magic, and Alchemy by S. L. MacGregor Mathers and Others.

  27 This has been affirmed by an A. O. version of the same manuscript.

  28 This Invocation contains the names of Egyptian Gods rather than Hebrew Archangels. (The Greek and Gaelic rituals that follow also use deities from their respective traditions.) Angels may correctly be called Gods, just as they were in ancient times. (See “This Holy Invisible Companionship” by Adam P. Forrest, published in The Golden Dawn Journal, Book II, Qabalah: Theory and Magic, 189-190.)

  29 A hexagram.

  30 “Gh” is difficult for those who do not speak Gaelic. It should sound something like “gy.”

  31 “aa” as in “awl.”

  32 The “Great Spirit” of the Lakota tribes, who was also known as Wakan Tanka. “The power above” who was the source of all.

  33 The “Great Hare” of the Algonquin tribe, said to be the creator of the earth.

  34 Creator god of the Iroquois and Huron tribes, who was known for defeating demons, and giving magic.

  35 The “Peace Goddess” of the Dakota (Sioux) tribes.

  36 Algonquin god of the east wind.

  37 The “Great Spirit” known to many tribes.

  38 Algonquin god of the west wind. The son of the twilight.

  39 The Great Spirit of the Innuit (Eskimo) peoples of the north.

  40 Eskimo god of the air, and the energy of the universe.

  41 Innuit sea god.

  42 Chickasaw god of fire.

  43 Algonquin earth goddess.

  44 Yaqui god of “Power.” Power as given by the ancient people.



  A n abbreviated form of the Middle Pillar exercise can be found in a manuscript that was given to initiates of the Stella Matutina who had attained to the Portal grade.1 Long before this exercise became well known to many people, Regardie insisted that the Middle Pillar exercise was a valuable and potent technique for self-growth. It may well be the finest method created for such a purpose. The basic introductory formula of the Middle Pillar can be easily adapted into a variety of exercises with varying levels of complexity and spiritual development. This simple yet potent exercise is the foundation of a diverse number of magical techniques, and it can be layered with a virtually endless number of correspondences, leading to ever more complex ceremonies. A number of such rites are given in this chapter. There are also Egyptian, Greek, Gaelic, and Shamanic renditions, as well as several exercises for healing. Additional Middle Pillar-style rituals can be found in “This Holy Invisible Companionship”2 by Adam P. Forrest and in our book Experiencing the Kabbalah.


  Establishing the Pillar

  (This exercise can be performed either standing, sitting, or lying down.) After a few minutes of relaxation, imagine a sphere of white light just above your head. Vibrate the name “Eheieh” (pronounced “Eh-hey-yay,” meaning “I am”). Keep vibrating this word until it is the only thought in your conscious mind. Then imagine a shaft of light descending from your Kether center to your Daath center at the nape of the neck.

  Form a sphere of light at the Daath center. Vibrate the name “Yhvh Elohim” (pronounced “Yode-heh-vav-heh El-oh-heem,” meaning “the Lord God”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Bring a shaft of light down from the Daath center to the Tiphareth center around your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Yhvh Eloah ve-Daath” (pronounced “Yode-heh-vav-heh El-oh-ah v’-Dah-ath,” meaning “Lord God of Knowledge”) several times until it fills your consciousness.

  See the shaft of light descending from Tiphareth into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of light formed there. Intone the name “Shaddai El Chai” (pronounced “Shah-dye El-Chai,” 3 meaning “Almighty Living God”) several times as before.

  Visualize the shaft of light descending from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Vibrate the name “Adonai ha-Aretz” (pronounced “Ah-doe-nye ha-Ah-retz,” meaning “Lord of Earth”) a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Middle Pillar complete. Then circulate the light you have brought down through the Middle Pillar around the outside of your body to strengthen your aura. (Perform each circulation a number of times.)

  Circulation One: Side to Side

  Using the cycles of rhythmic breathing, bring the light down one side of the body and up the other, from Kether to Malkuth and back to Kether. Exhale and visualize the light descending the left side of the body. Inhale and imagine the light ascending the right side of the body back to Kether.4

  Circulation Two: Front to Back

  After performing this for a short space of time, imagine the ribbon of light descending from Kether down the front of your body to Malkuth and rising up your back, returning again to Kether.5

  Circulation Three: The Shower of Light

  Still employing rhythmic breathing, visualize the sphere of Malkuth, then see the shaft of light rising up the Middle Pillar in the center of your body. When it reaches Kether, imagine a shower of light cascading down the outside of your body as it descends to Malkuth again. Circulate the light in this manner for some time.

  Circulation Four: The Ascending Spiral

  Then see the light rise again in a ribbon that spirals around the outside of your body from Malkuth to Kether.


  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center, the seat of equilibrium and balance.

  You may decide to end the exercise with the Qabalistic Cross to indicate that you have called down the light of
your Kether and balanced it in your aura. Then let your imagination dwell on the aura and see it oval and clear, pulsating with the glow from Tiphareth.6

  This simple exercise of Middle Pillar is the basis for many complex formulas of magic.

  If you are called to see anyone who is ill, depressed, or who has a depressing effect on you, you should perform this exercise beforehand. You may also imagine that your aura is hardened at the edge, so that a person is unable to penetrate it and deplete you of vitality.

  When you have practiced the exercise of the Middle Pillar for some time and can visualize the spheres easily, you can establish the other Sephiroth within your aura by vibrating the deity names.

  The exercise of the Middle Pillar can be done as an alternative to the Pentagram Ritual as a preparation for meditation.


  (Revised Version for )

  by Israel Regardie

  Copyright © 1996 by Darcy Küntz

  Part I: Spirit

  1. Relax soul, mind, and body.

  2. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

  3. Formulate a flaming sphere of white brilliance above the head. Concentrate on this sphere.

  4. Vibrate the divine names: “AHIH” (Eh-hey-yay) and “AGLA” (Ah-ga-lah).

  5. Continue to concentrate on the white brilliance, and when you feel it is aroused say:I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whatsoever liveth and believeth on Me, the same shall have everlasting life. I am the First and I am the Last. I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore, and hold the keys of Hell and of Death. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and He shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

  No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. I am the purified. I have passed through the Gates of Darkness unto Light. I have fought upon the Earth for good. I have finished my work, I have entered into the Invisible. I am the Sun in His rising. I have passed through the hour of cloud and of night. I am AMOUN the Concealed One, the Opener of the Day. I am OSIRIS ONNOPHRIS, the Justified One. I am Lord of Life Triumphant over death. There is no part of me that is not of the Gods. I am the Preparer of the Pathway, the Rescuer unto the Light. Out of the darkness, let the Light arise. I am the Reconciler with the Ineffable. I am the Dweller of the Invisible. LET THE WHITE BRILLIANCE OF THE SPIRIT DESCEND!

  (Visualize the brilliance descending into the body.)

  6. Vibrate: “EXARP, BITOM, NANTA,” and “HCOMA” (Ex-ar- pay, Bay-ee-toh-em, En-ah-en-tah, and Hay-koh-mah).

  PartII: Air

  1. See a shaft of light come down, in the skull, to the neck.

  2. Formulate a flaming sphere of brilliant yellow and see the ball extend all the way through the neck, and see it extend up into the head.

  3. Superimpose on the yellow sphere the sign of Aquariusin the complementary color of purple.

  4. Vibrate: “YOD-HEH-VAV HEH,” and the angelic names: “RAPHAEL” and “CHASSAN.”

  5. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the names,

  6. Say the Prayer of the Sylphs:Holy art Thou, Lord of the Air, Who has created the Firmament. SHADDAI EL CHAI.

  Almighty and everlasting, ever-living be Thy Name Ever-magnified in the Life of all. We praise and we bless Thee in the changeless empire of created Light; And we aspire without cessation unto Thy Imperishable and Immutable Brilliance. AMEN.

  Part III: Fire

  1. See a shaft of light descend once more to the heart center or solar plexus.

  2. Formulate a flaming sphere of brilliant red. See the ball extending from front to back.

  3. Superimpose on the red sphere the sign of Leoin the complementary color of emerald green.

  4. Vibrate: “ELOHIM,” and the angelic names: “MICHAEL” and “ARAL.”

  5. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the names,

  6. Say the Prayer of the Salamanders:Holy art Thou, Lord of the Fire, Wherein Thou hast shown forth the Throne of Thy Glory. YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH TZABAOTH. Leader of Armies is Thy Holy Name. O, Thou Flashing Fire, Thou illuminatest all things. With Thy insupportable Refulgence Whence flow the ceaseless streams of Splendor Which nourisheth Thine Infinite Spirit. Help us, Thy children, whom Thou hast loved. Since the birth of the Ages of Time. AMEN.

  Part IV: Water ∇

  1. See a shaft of light descend once more to the region of the hips, the generative region.

  2. See a flaming sphere of brilliant ultramarine blue.

  3. Superimpose on the blue sphere the sign of Scorpio litin the complementary color of orange.

  4. Vibrate: “EL,” and the angelic names: “GABRIEL” and “TALIHAD.”

  5. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the names,

  6. Say the Prayer of the Undines:Holy art Thou, Lord of the Mighty Waters, Whereon Thy Spirit moved in the Beginning. ELOHIM TZABAOTH. Glory be unto Thee RUACH ELOHIM. Whose Spirit hovered over the Great Waters of Creation. O Depth, O inscrutable Depth, which exhalest unto the height: Lead Thou us into the True Life, through Liberty, through Love, So that one day we may be found worthy to know Thee, To unite with Thy Spirit, in the silence, for the attainment of Thy Understanding. AMEN.

  Part V: Earth

  1. See a shaft of light descend once more to the feet, from about the ankles.

  2. Formulate a flaming sphere of brilliant indigo.

  3. Superimpose on the indigo sphere the sign of Taurusin the complementary color of pale yellow.

  4. Vibrate: “ADONAI,” and the angelic names: “AURIEL” and “PHORLAKH.”

  5. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the names,

  6. Say the Prayer of the Gnomes:Holy art Thou, Lord of the Earth, Which Thou hast made for Thy footstool. ADONAI HA-ARETZ, ADONAI MELEKH. Unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. MALKUTH, GEBURAH, GEDULAH. AMEN. The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley.

  O Thou Who hidest beneath the Earth, in the Valley of Gems, The marvellous seed of the Stars. Live, reign, and be Thou the eternal Dispenser of Thy treasures, Whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. AMEN.

  Part Vl: Circumambulation

  1. Circumambulate7 the light. See all the power in the feet center. See it rush up like water powerfully pushed up as in a fountain.

  2. As it rushes up, it takes all the power from each of the spheres on its ascent. So imagine as it goes from ball to ball, it takes all the power out of each sphere in turn until it gets to the white light. So this power will be a combination of all the colors, but “see” the sense of power rather than the color. The power remains a white power.

  3. Make sure the power is circulating away from the centers and the result will be that you have formed around you an aura by the power issuing up the shaft.

  4. In the circulation of the fountain, the power goes up the centers. Then with the exhalation down the left side, and the inhalation up the right side, exhale down the front of the body, inhale up the back of the body. This will cause the aura to be in a subtle state of great activity, the light pouring through and making it a great and dynamic power.

  5. Close with the OSIRIS Godform. Keep that as long as you like.

  6. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

  Regardie’s Notes on the Revised Middle Pillar Ritual

  Part I: Spirit

  The top center is above the head. Its color is white, and its divine name will be AHIH [or EHEIEH]and AGLA. You will vibrate these names in the usual way and concentrate on the white light. After a few minutes when you feel the white light has been aroused and you feel it vibrating, then recite the Invocation, and in the last sentence which says, “Let the white b
rilliance of the spirit descend!” you will vibrate the four Enochian names: EXARP, BITOM, NANTA, and HCOMA. These names should equilibrate the white light.


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