The Middle Pillar

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The Middle Pillar Page 28

by Israel Regardie

  Form a sphere of light at the Daath center. Vibrate: “Sophia” (ΣOΦiα pronounced “soh-fee-ah,” meaning “Wisdom”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Bring a shaft of light down from the Daath center to the Tiphareth center around your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the word: “Gnosis” (Γνωσiς pronounced “g’naw-sis,”10 meaning “Knowledge”). Intone the name several times until it fills your consciousness.

  See the shaft of light descending from Tiphareth into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of light formed there. Intone the word “Zoe” (Zωη pronounced “zaw-ay,” meaning “Life”).11 Do this several times.

  Visualize the shaft of light descending from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Vibrate the word: “Naos” (Nαoς pronounced “na-os,” meaning “Temple”). Intone a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Middle Pillar complete. Move the energy around your aura using the four Circulations of Light described earlier. Using the cycles of breathing, bring the light down one side of the body and up the other, from Kether to Malkuth and back again. After performing this for a short period of time, imagine the ribbon of light descending down the front of your body and rising up your back.

  Still employing rhythmic breathing, visualize the shaft of light rising up the Middle Pillar in the center of your body. When it reaches Kether, imagine a shower of light surrounding the outside of your body as it descends to Malkuth again. Circulate the light in this manner for some time. Then see the light rise again in a ribbon that spirals around the outside of your body.

  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center.


  After a few minutes of relaxation, imagine a sphere of white light just above your head. Vibrate the phrase “Ego Eimi” (Eyω εiµi pronounced “eh-gaw eh-mee,” meaning “I am”).

  Keep vibrating this word until it is the only thought in your conscious mind. Maintain a strong visualization of the white sphere.

  Then imagine a shaft of light descending from your Kether center to your Chokmah center at the left temple of your forehead. Visualize a sphere of white light there. Intone the word “Theos” (Θεoς pronounced “theh-os,” meaning “God”). Keep vibrating the name until it is the complete focus of all your attention.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally across from your Chokmah center to your Binah center at the right temple of your forehead. Form a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the word “Thea” (Θεα pronounced “theh-ah,” meaning “Goddess”) a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Now bring a shaft of white light down diagonally from your Binah center to your Daath center at the nape of your neck. Visualize a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the word “Sophia” (ΣoΦiα pronounced “soh-fee-ah,” meaning “Wisdom”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Next, visualize a shaft of white light down diagonally from the Daath center to your Chesed center at your left shoulder. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Agathos” (Aγαθoς pronounced “ah-gath-os,” meaning “the Good”) a number of times until it fills your mind.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally from Chesed to your Geburah center at your right shoulder. Visualize a sphere of light there. Vibrate the word “Krisis” (Kρiσiς pronounced “kree-sis,” meaning “Judgment”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Now bring a shaft of light diagonally across from Geburah to your Tiphareth center around the area of your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate “Gnosis” (Γνωσiς pronounced “g’naw-sis,” meaning “Knowledge”) several times until it fills your consciousness.

  Next, visualize a shaft of white light down diagonally from the Tiphareth center to your Netzach center at your left hip. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the word “Daimon” (Δαiµων pronounced “dye-mawn,” meaning “Spirit”) a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally from Netzach to your Hod center at your right hip. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the word “Nous” (Noυς pronounced “noose,” meaning “Mind”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Now see the shaft of light descending diagonally from Hod into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of white light formed there. Intone the word “Zoe” (Zωη pronounced “zaw-ay,” meaning “Life”) several times as before.

  Next, visualize the shaft of light descending straight down from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Imagine a sphere of white light formed there. Vibrate the word “Naos” (Nαoς pronounced “na-os,” meaning “Temple”) a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Tree complete. Then circulate the light you have brought down throughout all the spheres of the Tree. Circulate the energy using the same breathing / visualization techniques of the standard Middle Pillar exercise.

  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center.


  Imagine a sphere of white light just above your head at your Kether point. Vibrate: “Crún” (pronounced “croon,” meaning “Crown”). Keep vibrating until it is the only thought in your conscious mind. Then imagine a shaft of light descending from your Kether center to your Daath center at the nape of the neck.

  Form a sphere of light at the Daath center. Vibrate: “Fios” (pronounced “fee-uhs,” meaning “Knowledge”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Bring a shaft of light down from the Daath center to the Tiphareth center around your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate: “Grinneas” (pronounced “green-nyuhs,” meaning “Beauty”). Intone the name several times until it fills your consciousness.

  See the shaft of light descending from Tiphareth into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of light formed there. Intone the name: “Bunait” (pronounced “boo-nuhch,” meaning “Foundation”). Do this several times.

  Visualize the shaft of light descending from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Vibrate the name: “Rìoghachd” (pronounced “ree-uhch-k,” meaning “Kingdom”). Intone a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Middle Pillar complete. Move the energy around your aura using the four Circulations of Light described earlier. Using the cycles of breathing, bring the light down one side of the body and up the other, from Kether to Malkuth and back again. After performing this for a short period of time, imagine the ribbon of light descending down the front of your body and rising up your back.

  Still employing rhythmic breathing, visualize the shaft of light rising up the Middle Pillar in the center of your body. When it reaches Kether, imagine a shower of light surrounding the outside of your body as it descends to Malkuth again. Circulate the light in this manner for some time. Then see the light rise again in a ribbon that spirals round the outside of your body.

  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center.


  After a few minutes of relaxation, imagine a sphere of white light just above your head. Vibrate the name “Crún” (pronounced “kroon,” meaning “Crown”). Keep vibrating this word until it is the only thought in your conscious mind. Maintain a strong visualization of the white sphere.

  Then imagine a shaft of white light descending from your Kether center to your Chokmah center at the left temple of your forehead. Visualize a sphere of white light there. Intone the name “Gliocas” (pronounced “glee-uh-cas,” meaning “Wisdom”). Keep vibrating the name until it is the complete focus of all your attention.

  Bring a shaft of light horizontally across from your Chokmah center to your Binah center at the right temple of your forehead. Form a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the name “Ciall” (pronounced �
�kee-uhl,” meaning “Understanding”) a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Now bring a shaft of white light down diagonally from your Binah center to your Daath center at the nape of your neck. Visualize a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the name “Fios” (pronounced “fee-uhs,” meaning “Knowledge”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Next, visualize a shaft of white light down diagonally from the Daath center to your Chesed center at your left shoulder. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Iochd” (pronounced “yoke,” meaning “Mercy”) a number of times until it fills your mind.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally from Chesed to your Geburah center at your right shoulder. Visualize a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Neart” (pronounced “ny-arst,” meaning “Power”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Now bring a shaft of light diagonally across from Geburah to your Tiphareth center around the area of your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Grinneas” (pronounced “green-nyuhs,” meaning “Beauty”) several times until it fills your consciousness.

  Next, visualize a shaft of light down diagonally from the Tiphareth center to your Netzach center at your left hip. Form a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the name “Buaidh” (pronounced “boo-eye,” meaning “Victory”) a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally from Netzach to your Hod center at your right hip. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Mòralachd” (pronounced “mor-uh-luhchk,” meaning “Majesty”). Intone the name until it is the only thing in your mind.

  Now see the shaft of light descending diagonally from Hod into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of white light formed there. Intone the name “Bunait” (pronounced “boo-nuhch,” meaning “Foundation”) several times as before.

  Next, visualize the shaft of light descending straight down from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Imagine a sphere of white light formed there. Vibrate the name “Rìoghachd” (pronounced “ree-uhch-k,” meaning “Kingdom”) a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Tree complete. Then circulate the light you have brought down throughout all the spheres of the Tree. Circulate the energy using the same breathing/visualization techniques of the standard Middle Pillar exercise.

  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center.


  (NOTE: The two rituals that follow employ the names of deities from several different Native American tribes.)

  Imagine a sphere of white light just above your head at your Kether point. Vibrate: “Wakanda” (“Great Spirit”).12 Keep vibrating until it is the only thought in your conscious mind. Then imagine a shaft of light descending from your Kether center to your Daath center at the nape of the neck.

  Form a sphere of light at the Daath center. Vibrate: “Baaxpee” (“Spiritual Transformative Power”).13 Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Bring a shaft of light down from the Daath center to the Tiphareth center around your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate: “Wakinyan” (“Light Spirit”).14 Intone the name several times until it fills your consciousness.

  See the shaft of light descending from Tiphareth into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of light formed there. Intone the name: “Amala” (“One who supports the world”).15 Do this several times.

  Visualize the shaft of light descending from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Vibrate the name: “Nokomis.”16 Intone a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Middle Pillar complete. Move the energy around your aura using the four Circulations of Light described earlier. Using the cycles of breathing, bring the light down one side of the body and up the other, from Kether to Malkuth and back again. After performing this for a short period of time, imagine the ribbon of light descending down the front of your body and rising up your back.

  Still employing rhythmic breathing, visualize the shaft of light rising up the Middle Pillar in the center of your body. When it reaches Kether, imagine a shower of light surrounding the outside of your body as it descends to Malkuth again. Circulate the light in this manner for some time. Then see the light rise again in a ribbon that spirals around the outside of your body.

  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center.


  After a few minutes of relaxation, imagine a sphere of white light just above your head. Vibrate the name “”Wakanda“ (”Great Spirit”).17 Keep vibrating this word until it is the only thought in your conscious mind. Maintain a strong visualization of the white sphere.

  Then imagine a shaft of white light descending from your Kether center to your Chokmah center at the left temple of your forehead. Visualize a sphere of white light there. Intone the name “Skan” (“Creator God”).18 Keep vibrating the name until it is the complete focus of all your attention.

  Bring a shaft of light horizontally across from your Chokmah center to your Binah center at the right temple of your forehead. Form a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the name “Ataentsic”19 a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Now bring a shaft of white light down diagonally from your Binah center to your Daath center at the nape of your neck. Visualize a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the name “Baaxpee” (“Spiritual Transformative Power”).20 Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Next, visualize a shaft of white light down diagonally from the Daath center to your Chesed center at your left shoulder. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Aulanerk”21 a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally from Chesed to your Geburah center at your right shoulder. Visualize a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Ioskeha.”22 Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Now bring a shaft of light diagonally across from Geburah to your Tiphareth center around the area of your heart. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Wakinyan” (“Light Spirit”)23 several times until it fills your consciousness.

  Next, visualize a shaft of light down diagonally from the Tiphareth center to your Netzach center at your left hip. Form a sphere of white light there. Vibrate the name “Pinga” (“the one on high”)24 a number of times until it occupies all of your mind.

  Bring a shaft of white light horizontally from the Netzach to your Hod center at your right hip. Form a sphere of light there. Vibrate the name “Tirawa.”25 Intone the name until it is the only thing in your conscious mind.

  Now see the shaft of light descending diagonally from Hod into the Yesod center in the genital region. Imagine a sphere of white light formed there. Intone the name “Amala” (“One who supports the world”)26 several times as before.

  Next, visualize the shaft of light descending straight down from Yesod into your Malkuth center at the feet and ankles. Imagine a sphere of white light formed there. Vibrate the name “Nokomis”27 a number of times as before.

  Imagine the Tree complete. Then circulate the light you have brought down throughout all the spheres of the Tree. Circulate the energy using the same breathing / visualization techniques of the standard Middle Pillar exercise.

  Finally focus some of the energy back into your Tiphareth center.

  Deities on the Tree of Life

  The Tree of Life is a magnificent map—a template of the divine universe. We encourage readers to experiment with the Tree and apply their own layers of symbolism to its framework. New rituals based on the Middle Pillar Exercise can easily be developed along these lines. The following list shows how the various gods and goddesses of several pantheons can be attributed to the Tree. Bear in mind, however, that finding correspondenc
es between one culture’s spiritual system and another is an inexact science at best. The associations given here are only one of several that are possible.


  Color and Visualization

  As Regardie stated in Chapter Five, once students are familiar with the basic exercise of the Middle Pillar (and the Three Pillars), they can expand their practices by visualizing the Sephiroth in their appropriate colors: Kether is white, Chokmah is gray, Binah is black, Daath is lavender,28 Chesed is blue, Geburah is red, Tiphareth is Yellow, Netzach is green, Hod is orange, Yesod is violet, Malkuth contains earth tones of citrine, russet, olive, and black.

  Formulating the spheres in these colors will not only help to strengthen the reader’s integration of their specific energies, it is an important element of certain Middle Pillar healing techniques.29

  Symbols and other images visualized within the spheres often result in potent variations of the Middle Pillar exercise. Flower buds, either roses or lotuses, can be imagined to open into full blossom as the divine name of a particular Sephirah is vibrated. For example, Tiphareth could be imagined as a sphere containing a yellow rosebud. As the divine name of the sphere is intoned, the bud unfolds into a magnificent yellow rose. Flames, chalices, tools, gem-stones, geometric shapes, and a host of other images could be visualized as well. The only limit on the number and variety of this exercise is the boundary of one’s imagination.


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