Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel Page 6

by Brian Hutchinson

  The Dainties emerged from underneath their mountain home of Pizenchaffe to join Calencia’s newly formed army in the Great War. This marked the first time they had surfaced in all recorded history.

  The Dainties looked strikingly similar to one another. Most of them were as wide as they were tall, reaching no more than three feet in height. Their bodies resembled the letter “Y’, as it tapered significantly from their chest down to their legs. The male Dainties, and some of the females, sported long beards riddled with many braids. They treasured their beards, as most would treasure a child. With hands trice the size of an average Human's hands, the tiny Dainties almost looked comical. Their large hands came in handy when wielding their oversized weapons and even more so when holding their large tankards in the city's numerous jobs.

  The entire Daintish kingdom, both male and female, adult and child, ascended to the surface to take part in the battle. It took several days after their emergence to adapt to the blinding sunlight. Once their eyes adjusted to the sun, the pale skinned Dainties stormed down from Mt. Pizenchaffe onto the battlefield near the Onock. They joined the fight, wielding oversized battle axes, war hammers, and great swords. The Daintish tools of war were exceptionally extraordinary due to the precious ore from which they were crafted. They forged them from pizenore, a rare ore only found under the mountains of Pizenchaffe. Pizenore weapons and armor were unimaginably sturdy and durable, and the edges that their highly skilled smiths could fashion were unrivaled by even the most skilled ore workers of Calencia.

  On the day of the Great War, the small burly warriors would soon wish they had stayed in their underground labyrinth. They joined the armies of Calencia to increase the odds of victory, knowing that Hasbarie would not be content with ownership of the surface when such sought after treasure lay beneath his feet. The Dainties, who were astonishingly strong for their size, tore through hordes of the Breathless like tiny buzz saws. With their pizenore weapons, they decimated countless numbers of the Breathless with reckless abandonment. The Dainties helped turn the tide for the Saviors, shouting to the heavens as they met their fate, with King Noggen Stonefist leading the charge.

  As time has proven over and over again, recklessness often brings about unforeseeable circumstances. Once they neared the Onock, an eruption came from the ground that opened the bowels of the earth. Engulfed in a great black cloud that rose from the ground, the Dainties were no more. The last thing anyone ever recalled about the vanishing of the Dainties was the loud, excruciating cries coming from within the black cloud. After a few minutes the cloud vanished, along with the Dainties. Till this day, no one knows exactly what the black cloud was or the whereabouts of the Dainties. It is remembered as the greatest disappearing act ever performed.

  For years after the final conflict, the Dainties had been thought by many to have become extinct. Scavengers plunder the battlefield where the Onock once stood, even to this day in hopes of finding valuable jewels and pizenore weapons or armor left behind by the fallen Daintish warriors. Such a rare find would bring unimaginable riches to a fortunate treasure hunter. Numerous attempts have been made to infiltrate their underground kingdom, but no one has ever had the luck of finding the entrance, yet.


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